The Use of Time Dimension in Recommender Systems for Learning
Eduardo José de Borba
, Isabela Gasparini
and Daniel Lichtnow
Graduate Program in Applied Computing (PPGCA), Department of Computer Science (DCC),
Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Paulo Malschitzki 200, Joinville, Brazil
Polytechnic School, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Av. Roraima 1000, Santa Maria, Brazil
Keywords: Recommender System, Context-aware, Time, Learning.
Abstract: When the amount of learning objects is huge, especially in the e-learning context, users could suffer
cognitive overload. That way, users cannot find useful items and might feel lost in the environment.
Recommender systems are tools that suggest items to users that best match their interests and needs.
However, traditional recommender systems are not enough for learning, because this domain needs more
personalization for each user profile and context. For this purpose, this work investigates Time-Aware
Recommender Systems (Context-aware Recommender Systems that uses time dimension) for learning.
Based on a set of categories (defined in previous works) of how time is used in Recommender Systems
regardless of their domain, scenarios were defined that help illustrate and explain how each category could
be applied in learning domain. As a result, a Recommender System for learning is proposed. It combines
Content-Based and Collaborative Filtering approaches in a Hybrid algorithm that considers time in Pre-
Filtering and Post-Filtering phases.
Nowadays, there are distinct educational approaches,
e.g. online learning, blended learning, face-to-face
learning, etc. All these approaches can benefit from
the learning management systems, (also called e-
learning systems) for the administration,
documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of
electronic educational technology. In e-learning
systems when the number of available materials and
learning objects is huge, students may feel lost and
may not find relevant objects to study. Moreover,
there is great probability that some learning
materials never get studied.
For this purpose, researchers have applied
personalization techniques to select the best items
for each student, considering student’s knowledge,
goals, preferences and needs (Brusilovsky, 1998).
Recommender Systems (RS) can help with these
problems, suggesting items to users using
information they have about users and items and
about how item characteristics meet users’ needs.
Context-aware RS (CARS) are an evolution of
traditional RS that apply context information to
improve the quality of recommendations. Among all
dimensions that represent context, time has the
advantage of being easy to capture and has the
potential to improve the quality of recommendation
(Campos et al., 2014).
This work aims to identify how Time-aware RS
(Context-aware RS that uses time context) can be
used in the learning domain. For this purpose, seven
categories of how time can be used in RS are
presented, based on previous works in the area
(Borba et al., 2017). Based on these seven
categories, the application of time in the e-learning
domain is presented through different scenarios.
This work is organized as follows. Section 2
presents Background of this research. Section 3
details the seven categories on the use of time in RS.
Section 4 discusses the Related Works. Section 5
defines scenarios for each of the categories
introduced in section 3. Section 6 presents a
Proposal that applies time context in Recommender
Systems and Section 7 presents Conclusions and
Future Work.
This section presents the main concepts related to
Recommender Systems for Learning. Firstly, the
definition of Recommender Systems and their
traditional approaches is presented. Followed by
Borba, E., Gasparini, I. and Lichtnow, D.
The Use of Time Dimension in Recommender Systems for Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0006312606000609
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 600-609
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Context-aware Recommender Systems and Time-
Aware Recommender Systems.
2.1 Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems are computational tools that
provide personalized suggestions to users (Ricci et
al., 2011). This means that as recommendation each
user receives a different set of items based on his/her
preferences. In recent years, interest in
Recommender Systems applications is growing
strongly (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005; Beel et
al., 2016). Examples of these applications are
recommendation of Books, CDs, DVDs, etc., in e-
commerce like Amazon or EBAY, recommendation
of movies like MovieLens or Netflix;
recommendation of songs in music websites like or Spotify; friend’s recommendations in
social networks like Facebook.
Recommender Systems emerged as an
independent area in the mid-1990s (Adomavicius
and Tuzhilin, 2005). Others areas are usually
involved, e.g., Information Retrieval, Approximation
Theory, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
Recommender Systems are formally represented
as follows:
: 
Where F is the function that predicts the rating
for an unknown item, U represents the users, I
represents the items and R denotes an ordered set of
predicted ratings.
Traditional approaches of Recommender
Systems are (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005):
Content-based, Collaborative Filtering, Knowledge-
based, Demographic and Hybrid.
Content-based is the approach where the user
receives a recommendation of items similar to the
ones he had interest in, in the past (Lops et al.,
2011). It usually consists of comparing the
description of the items (a set of keywords) to the
users’ profile (another set of keywords) and
recommending the most suitable item(s). That is
why this approach is related with Information
Filtering techniques, like TF-IDF or Cosine
(Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005). The main
advantages of Content-based approach are (Lops et
al., 2011): (1) no dependence on an active
community of users and (2) no item cold-start. The
main drawbacks of this approach are (Lops et al.,
2011): (1) user cold-start and (2) overspecialization.
Collaborative Filtering approach recommends
items to a user based on what other users - with
similar tastes - have interest in (Jannach et al.,
2011). It is the automatization of “word of mouth”,
where the RS tries to predict item utility to the user
based on the utility of this item to users with similar
tastes to him/her. The main advantage of this
approach is Serendipity (Jannach et al., 2011). The
main drawbacks are (Jannach et al., 2011): (1)
dependence on an active community of users, (2)
User cold-start, (3) Item cold-start and (4) Black
Knowledge-based approach recommends items
to users based on the knowledge about how item
features matches user needs and how useful this item
should be (Felfernig et al., 2011). This approach is
usually applied to improve the recommendation
precision or in cases where the other approaches
have problems. This approach should be chosen
where domain allows the representation of
knowledge through structures easy read by
computers, like ontologies (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005). The main drawback of this
approach is that it needs the knowledge acquire
(Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005).
Demographic approach recommends based on
the user’s demographic profile, like age, gender,
nationality, etc. This approach uses a
recommendation by demographic classes, in which
users are classified through stereotypes (Burke,
2002). It considers that different recommendations
should be made to different stereotypes. The main
advantage of this approach is to recommend items
according users age, gender, culture, etc. (Burke,
2002). The main drawbacks are (Burke, 2002): (1)
assuming that users with similar demographics have
similar tastes, (2) there are few works in literature
about this.
Hybrid approach combines the mentioned
approaches to recommend items to users. The
objective is to group the advantages of these
approaches to improve the recommendation quality
and with fewer drawbacks of any individual one
(Burke, 2002). Burke (2002) suggests some
combinations of the approaches, for example:
Weighted, Switching, Cascade and Mixed. In
Weighted, the predicted ratings of several
recommendation techniques are combined and each
one has a different weight. In Switching, the system
changes through different recommendation
techniques depending on the current situation. In
Cascade, one recommender refines the
recommendations given by another. In Mixed, all
combined approaches are used and the results are
presented in the same ranking.
The Use of Time Dimension in Recommender Systems for Learning
2.2 Context-Aware Recommender
Traditional RS considers only users and items to
recommend, but it does not consider the context in
which the users are. According to Dey (2001),
context is any information that can be used to
characterize the situation of an entity. In RS, entities
can be the users and the items.
Context-Aware RS are formally represented as:
: 
Where F is the function that predicts the rating
for an unknown item, U represents the users, I
represents the items, C represents the context and R
denotes an ordered set of predicted ratings.
Several authors defined different set of
dimensions that could represent context (Schilit et
al., 1994; Chen and Kotz, 2000; Zimmermann et al.,
2007). In this work, we follow Schimidt et al. (1999)
that defines the following dimensions:
Information on the user, e.g., users’ habits,
users’ emotional state, etc.;
User’s social environment, e.g., co-location
with others users, social interaction in
social networks, etc.;
User’s tasks, e.g., general goals, whether it
is a defined task or random activity, etc.;
Location, e.g., absolute position, whether
the user is at home or office, etc.;
Physical conditions, e.g., noise, light, etc.;
Infrastructure, e.g., network bandwidth,
type of device, etc.;
Time, that could be categorical, e.g., Time
of the day (Morning, Afternoon, Evening),
or continuous, e.g., a timestamp like “June
, 2016 at 17:14:36”.
Adomacivius and Tuzhilin (2011) define three
paradigms of context in the recommendation
Contextual Pre-Filtering, where the context
filters the data that represents the user and
then a traditional RS approach is applied;
Contextual Post-Filtering, where a
traditional RS approach is applied and then
the result is filtered according to the
Contextual Modelling, in which the context
is applied directly in the recommendation
Verbert et al. (2012) say that, in e-learning, RS
traditional approaches are not enough to recommend
properly items to students, because this domain
offers some specific characteristics that are not
covered by these approaches. For example, it is
much more dangerous recommend a bad material to
a student, which could demotivate him/her to study,
than recommend a bad product in an e-commerce
system. According Verbert et al. (2012) this
application domain requires a major level of
personalization. Using some context dimensions is
an alternative to improve the personalization of e-
learning environments, recommending properly to
actual student situation, e.g., Learning History,
Environment, Timing and Accessible Resources
(Verbert et al., 2012).
The next section presents a specific kind of
Context-Aware Recommender Systems that uses
time context to recommend. This kind of RS could
also be used with others context dimensions.
2.3 Time-Aware Recommender
Among all context dimensions, time has an
advantage to be easy to capture, considering that
almost every device has a clock that could capture
the timestamp when an interaction occurs. Besides
that, works in this area showed that the context of
time has potential to improve recommendation
quality (Campos et al., 2014). This kind of RS is
called Time-Aware Recommender Systems (TARS).
TARS are formally represented as:
: 
Where F is the function that predicts the rating
for an unknown item, U represents the users, I
represents the items, T represents time context and R
denotes an ordered set of predicted ratings.
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary,
time is “a non-spatial continuum that is measured in
terms of events that succeed one after another from
past through present to future” (Merriam-Webster,
2016). This enables to establish an order to time
As seen in section 2.2, time may be a continuous
or a categorical variable. Continuous variables are
those that represents the exact time at which items
are rated/consumed (Campos et al., 2014).
Categorical variables are calculated regarding time
periods of interest in the recommendation (Campos
et al., 2014). Also, it can be represented in several
time units, e.g., seconds, minutes, hours, days,
months, years, etc. Time units are hierarchical, e.g.,
1 day has 24 hours, 1 hour has 60 minutes, 1 minute
has 60 seconds.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A Systematic Mapping was conducted in previous
work (Borba et al., 2017), using Peterson et al.
(2008) methodology, aiming to explore Time-Aware
Recommender Systems. The main research question
defined was: How the time is used in Context-aware
Recommender Systems? To answer the main
research question, three secondary research
questions were defined: (1) How recommender
algorithms use time? (2) What are the differences
about the use of time in different application
domains? (3) What others dimensions of context are
used to be applied together with the time dimension?
It is important to emphasize that this previous
work did not consider only e-learning recommender
systems. After all the process of selection of papers,
88 papers were considered to answer the research
question. Between another analysis, like
recommendation approach (Content-based,
Collaborative Filtering, Hybrid, etc.) or
representation of time (categorical or continuous), in
this previous work, it were observed seven
categories of how the time is used in Recommender
Systems. Here, an overview of these seven
categories, following (Borba et al., 2017), is
presented. Section 5 details each one in depth, and
explains how it could be applied in RS for e-
Restriction: the time is used to restrain
which items are recommended. Thus, the
RS matches the user’s available time with
time required to use the item. Examples:
recommend only restaurants that are open
when user’s going to have lunch;
recommend a movie with length less or
equal to user’s available time.
Micro-profile: the user has distinct profiles
for each time. Here, time is usually
categorical, so the user has a profile for
weekdays and another profile for weekends,
or the user has a profile for morning, a
profile for afternoon and another for
evening. Example: recommend a mobile
app to the user at Sunday morning based
only in apps used by this user in past
Sunday mornings.
Bias: time is the third dimension of a User
x Item matrix. So, collaborative filtering
has more information to compare users,
find k-neighbours and predict user’s rating
to a non-viewed item. Example: Koren
(2009) proposes a Tensor Factorization
strategy using a User x Item x Time tensor.
Decay: the time is used as a decay factor, in
which old interactions are less important
than new ones. Example: take into account
the use of RS techniques in E-commerce,
consider items the user searched recently
more important for producing
Time Rating: time is considered by the RS
to infer user’s preferences, i.e., the more the
user stays at the item, more he likes it. It
means that time gives feedback of a user to
an item implicitly, i.e., without need of user
rate the item. Example: at a shopping mall,
the more a user stays at some store, more
he likes it, and the RS could recommend
products of this store when it has sales.
Novelty: only new items could be
recommended. Thus, the RS has a threshold
and items older than that are not
recommended. Example: in news website,
it’s more precise to recommend news of, at
least, one day ago.
Sequence: the RS observe items that are
usually consumed one after the other. So, if
the first one of the sequence is consumed,
the second one should probably be
consumed too. Example: in music
recommendation, songs of the same album
are most likely to be heard together, so if
the user selects one of them, the next one
should be recommended.
Figure 1 presents recommendation process in
CARS. Extraction and Recommendation
are common to every RS, while Pre-Filtering and
Post-Filtering are more related to CARS.
In this model, Time Rating category appears in
the first phase, as information extraction in an
implicit approach. Decay and Micro-profiles appears
in Pre-Filtering phase, and in this phase, we could
include many other Pre-Filtering strategies using
other context dimensions. Bias category appears in
Recommendation phase, always applied with
Collaborative Filtering, or Hybrid RS that uses
Collaborative Filtering. Finally, Novelty, Restriction
and Sequence categories are classified in Post-
Filtering phase, and in this phase, we could also
include other Post-Filtering strategies using other
context dimensions.
It is worth saying that is not necessary to use all
these categories of the use of time. It is possible to
implement a TARS that uses just one category, or a
combination of two or more strategies.
The Use of Time Dimension in Recommender Systems for Learning
Figure 1: Recommendation model with use of time
In this section are presented works that apply time
context in the recommendation process. These works
were chosen to represent some of the seven
categories described in section 3, but not all
categories have works in e-learning domain.
The first work is described in Gallego et al.
(2012) that define a proactive Context-Aware RS
that recommends learning objects to teachers and
scientists that will produce learning resources the
students will consume. The recommendation process
is divided into three phases: (1) Generation of social
context information related to the users in the
environment; (2) Current situation is analysed,
considering User’s social environment, Location,
Time and User’s task; (3) Suitability of learning
materials to be recommended is analysed. Time in
this work is used like Restriction; the RS tries to find
learning materials that matches actual user’s time.
Chen et al. (2012) propose a hybrid RS to
recommend learning items in users’ learning
processes. The proposed method consists of two
steps: (1) discovering content-related items using
Collaborative Filtering approach; and (2) applying
the item sets to sequential pattern mining algorithm
to filter items according to common learning
sequences. Time in this work is used as Sequence,
RS compares items in common learning sequences
in order to find items that are usually consumed
together and decide which one recommend.
Luo et al. (2009) propose a Context-Aware
resource recommendation model and relevant
recommendation algorithm to pervasive learning
environments. The calculation of relevant items to
be recommended can be divided in two: (1) Content-
based and Collaborative Filtering are combined
together, meanwhile learners’ historical sequential
patterns of resource accessing are also considered to
further improve the accuracy of recommendation;
(2) Connection type and Time satisfaction degree are
calculated, considering other relevant contexts. The
two parts are combined and results in Top-N items
recommended. Time in this work is used as
Sequence, considering learning materials order to
improve recommendation, and Decay, giving less
weight to older accesses.
Benlamri and Zhang (2014) propose a
knowledge-driven recommender for mobile learning
on the Semantic Web. This work uses an approach
for context integration and aggregation using an
upper ontology space and a unified reasoning
mechanism. Time is used as Restriction, where
learning resources have expected learning time and
the approach considers this to recommend more
properly to each user.
In Related Works, it is possible to observe that,
in learning, most common uses of time is related to
Restriction, Sequence and Decay categories. We do
not find other categories of use of time in the
learning domain.
In this section, we describe in depth each category
described in section 3 and see how each of them
could be used in RS for e-learning. For this purpose,
we use scenarios to represent possible interactions of
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
learners with an e-learning system. Each category is
demonstrated in a distinct scenario.
We consider that recommender system can help
in different educational approaches and situations.
For example, in online learning, there are courses
that are open and do not have schedule to start or to
finish (i.e. classes that student can study whenever
he/she wants). But also there are courses where there
is a schedule to start and to finish. Both cases can
benefit of recommender systems. In blended
learning of face-to-face learning, the e-learning
system can be used as a support of the classes, e.g.
in the classroom – with technological resources, or
out of the class – students homework, additional
study, etc.
We consider this distinction of the different
learning situations important, to present some
scenarios in the next sections.
5.1 Restriction
The Restriction category uses the time to restrain
which items are recommended. To understand how
this category could be applied in learning domain,
we consider a student who is going to study. The
environment asks the student about how much time
he intend to study. The student indicates that he is
going to study for 3 hours (it is possible to thing in a
system that uses information about user to infer this
without ask the user about available time for
The RS knows about the items that the student
already accessed, so it should suppose that these are
no longer need by the user. The RS also knows that
the learning style of this user is visual, so it tries to
recommend only videos to him/her. If no video is
available, then the RS recommends other types of
items. After applying a traditional RS approach to
select the videos that best matches the user profile,
the RS filters the list of recommendation, removing
all videos that goes over 3 hours.
Thus in scenario 1, the student watches a video
that is 1h45min longer. Then, the student has
1h15min left. The next time the student asks for
recommendations, the RS filters videos that go up to
1h15min. This process goes on and on until
student’s available time is over.
5.2 Micro-profile
Micro-profile category uses time to create different
profiles of a user. Then, the user must have two or
more profiles, depending on time, and the RS selects
which profile are going to be used, based on some
Thus, in scenario 2 there is a RS in an learning
management system that uses Content-based
approach. This RS represents students’ profile as a
set of keywords and each of the items another set of
keywords. Student’ keywords come from the items
he/she liked (rated positively). However, item’s
keywords are the words that most appeared in the
material and it is discovered through an algorithm
called TF-IDF (Term Frequency – Inverse
Document Frequency).
In this scenario, a teacher uses the learning
management system described above to support
his/her in-person classes (face-to-face learning).
He/she provides papers, presentations, links, games,
etc., that may help student while studying.
The RS using Micro-profile strategy could split
student’s profile in three. One for the time (period)
of the classes, other for weekdays (regarding the
time out of the class), and other for the weekends.
The RS knows what items the student access in each
of these time periods. Then, it will recommend items
during the face-to-face classes based on items the
student accessed during classes, will recommend to
him in weekdays out of class based on items
accessed in this period and recommend in weekends
based on weekend’s access, using Content-based
The RS might found out that, for example, one of
the students likes to see complementary materials,
like presentations while in the classroom to go along
with teacher presentation. However, he likes more
complete and complex materials to study in depth
the subject while on weekdays. Moreover, the
student wants short videos in the weekends where
he/she will not spend much time studying. These
preferences are reflect in each of students’ profiles,
so the recommender system is going to understand
them and improve its recommendations.
5.3 Bias
In Bias category, time is the third dimension of the
User x Item matrix, and it is only applied in
Collaborative Filtering approach. Time improves the
process of finding the k-users more similar to the
one that will receive recommendation and the
prediction of ratings to non-viewed items.
Thus, in scenario 3 there is an online course,
available for six months, and totally non-presential.
Despite of there is a schedule to end the course, the
system allows students entry at any time. Two users
started the course in different times: John started two
The Use of Time Dimension in Recommender Systems for Learning
months ago and Stuart started five months ago. Also,
both use to study 2 hour by day. Items that Stuart
accesses now are probably different of the items
John accesses now, because Stuart is forward in the
In this case, the RS using time as Bias category
compares John’s profile today with Stuart’s profile
of three months ago (when he was also on the
second month of the course). When comparing these
two profiles, the RS finds out that John and Stuart
are similar users, the RS can use Stuart ratings of
three months ago to recommend items that John
might like. Using this strategy, the RS does not
recommend items to John based on what he is
studying now, that could be too advanced to him.
Instead, recommends items that are probably on the
same topic of what John is studying, based in the
assumption that these two users are considered
5.4 Decay
Decay category uses time as decay factor to user’s
interaction, i.e., the older the interaction, less
important it is.
Thus, in scenario 4, student Frank is enrolled in
a discipline of Data Structure, that lasts one semester
and that has four main topics (stack, queue, list and
tree). In this discipline, there are four tests, one for
each topic. Also, suppose that the RS in this
discipline uses Content-based approach, i.e.,
recommends items similar to the ones the student
Before the first test, Frank only studied items
about stacks, so he might receive only
recommendations about stack. After the first test,
Frank starts studying the second topic: queues. If the
RS keeps recommending only stacks, the user will
probably not like the recommendations he receives.
The RS, using Decay category, gives less weight
to the old items that Frank accessed about stacks and
gives more weight to the new items about queues.
There still possibilities that Frank receives
recommendations about stacks, but the RS are going
to prioritize the new items about queues to
recommend materials.
5.5 Time Rating
Time rating category is related to the fact that RS
uses time to understand user’s preferences. For
example, if the user stays a long time in an item, this
means to the RS that the user likes it or has
interesting in it. But if the user stays small time in
the item, it means that the user doesn’t like it or does
not have interesting in it.
Thus, in scenario 5, there is a RS in an e-
learning environment that uses Collaborative
Filtering approach. This approach requires an active
community of students and requires feedback of the
Students to the items. The feedback is usually made
through explicit rating, e.g., from 1 to 5 stars.
Suppose that this environment have an active
community, but the students rarely rate the items
that they access. In this scenario, time is useful to
receive implicit feedback about how the student
liked this item.
To exemplify, considering two students Anna
and Bruce and that all items were created with the
same length and therefore the students will spend the
same time to use an item. A problem that must be
considered by the RS is that some students usually
stay more in some items, while others stays less in
the same items. Anna has an average time of 30
minutes per item. Bruce has an average time of 5
minutes per item. If Anna stays 15 minutes in the
item I, this probably means she did not likes much
this item. If Bruce stays 15 minutes in the item I, this
probably means he liked this item.
To treat this problem the RS could be use the
following equation to calculate how much the
student u like item i, similar to the bias strategy used
by Koren (2009):
is the rating calculated of user u to
item i,
is the time (in minutes) that the user u
stayed in the item i, and
is the average time of
user u in the items of the system. This equation
express that if the user u stays in the item i more
than its average, the rating calculated is more than 1,
so this means the user like it. But, the user u stays in
item i less than its average, the rating is between 0
and 1, meaning the user didn’t like it.
5.6 Novelty
Novelty category uses time to filter only new items
to be recommended. The RS knows when the items
were created and compares them with actual time to
decide if the item should or not be recommended.
Thus, in scenario 6 the student Fernando signs-
up to a course about new technologies, like HTML
5, CSS 3, Ruby on Rails, Angular, etc. This subject
is in constant changing, because these actual
technologies are been updated and upgraded very
frequently. This course is updated every time one of
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
these technologies changes and the course
administrator tells the system in metadata when this
item was created.
The RS, using Novelty category, would
recommend only items that are new to the system
and up-to-date with the technologies. This kind of
RS in e-learning does not define a threshold like
news recommendation, because does not make sense
to ignore items just from it timestamps. But if two
items are similar to each other, the newer will be
recommended. Also, if some item is too old
comparing with the others, it would never be
5.7 Sequence
Sequence category observes items that are used in a
sequential pattern to improve recommendation
process. If the RS observes a set of items that is
accessed in a specific order, the system should
recommend them in this order to the user.
This, in scenario 7 there is a short course of
Algorithms that occurs one time for semester and
lasts a month. This short course has 30 materials
numbered from 1 to 30, within papers, links, images,
videos, etc.
In the first semester of 2016, 80 students enrolled
the short course and RS observed that the learning
path most frequent was:
In the second semester of 2016, the RS, using
Sequence category, starts the short course
recommending the item 1, followed by item 9, and
so on. This means RS uses the learning path learnt
from the last semester to recommend material to
new students.
Taking into account the scenarios presented in
section 5, it is possible to define a recommender
system architecture that consider time in its
recommendation process. In this sense, the system
can use time in distinct ways aiming to improve the
quality of recommended items.
6.1 Architecture Overview
The components of system architecture consists of a
module to maintain learning objects (include,
remove, update and assign metadata) and a
recommender module.
6.1.1 Maintain Learning Objects Module
This module allows inserting and maintaining
learning objects. The learning objects are described
using LOM – Learning Object Metadata (IEEE,
2002). Taking into account LOM metadata allows
improving the recommendation in some scenarios
presented in section 5.
Thus, metadata 2.3.3 of LOM (Date, that stores
when a learning object were created and indicate
how old a learning object is), is very important to
Novelty that considers more important to
recommend newer items. Besides metadata 4.7
(Duration Time, continuous time a learning object
takes when played at intended speed) and 5.9
(Typical Learning Time, approximate or typical time
it takes to work with or through this learning object
for the typical intended target audience) are very
important in Restriction.
6.1.2 The Recommender Module
The Recommender Module consists of a module that
uses a Hybrid Approach to generate the
recommendation. This hybrid approach combines
Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based approach.
This is necessary because we consider distinct
use: (1) in short courses with few users/students and
(2) long duration courses with many students where
it is possible to build a user community. In (1)
content-based approach seems more suitable,
because it is more difficult to have enough users to
generate the recommendation. While in (2)
Collaborative Filtering can be applied and may
improve recommendation quality as time goes by.
Taking into account Burke (2002), the
hybridization method chosen is mixed, where
recommendation from several different
recommenders are presented at the same time. Burke
(2002) emphasizes that “mixed hybrid avoids the
“new item” start-up problem: the content-based
component can be relied on to recommend new
shows on the basis of their descriptions even if they
have not been rated by anyone.” It does not get
around the “new user” start-up problem, since both
the content and collaborative methods need some
data about user preferences to get off the ground, but
if such a system is integrated into other source of
information (e.g. social network, digital television,
etc.) it could track user’s behaviour and build his
profile accordingly.
The Proposal System applies Collaborative
Filtering and Content-Based approaches separately,
each of them applying Pre-Filtering and Post-
The Use of Time Dimension in Recommender Systems for Learning
Filtering with time dimension. For Pre-Filtering, the
RS uses Decay category and, for Post-Filtering, uses
Restriction and Novelty. The last one (Novelty) is
only used if specified by the course manager,
because it is specific to some subject.
In Decay Pre-Filtering, each user interaction
(consumption or rating) are evaluated in terms of
how old it is. The older the interaction, less weight
the system gives to it. In this way, it considers more
interactions that happened recently and items the
user is studying in the last few days. In Restriction,
the items will be evaluated in terms of Duration
Time and Typical Learning Time metadata of LOM,
matching it with user’s available time. Moreover, in
Novelty the items recommended will be evaluated in
terms of age, if this is indicated in the system
configuration, taking in account Date metadata of
LOM and current data.
6.2 A Scenario of Use
In this scenario, we take into account the Proposal
System, applied to a short online course about
Introduction to Algorithms. It’s a course that, in
average, is two months long, but students can join in
every time of the year and each one goes in his/her
own speed. There is no tests to evaluate students, but
there is plenty exercises to each user evaluate
himself/herself. In this course, there are more than
300 active users every day. Also, there are 150
learning objects available and characterized with
LOM metadata. It’s possible to tell that both
Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based
approaches can be applied in this scenario.
Suppose a user of this system is already in the
middle of the course. This user access twice a week
the course and spends, in average, one hour and a
half each time.
The Proposal System will show
recommendations to this user that do not exceed one
hour and a half, using time as Restriction to the list
of recommendations. In Content-based list, we have
items similar to the ones the user last accessed,
because of using the time as Decay. While in
Collaborative Filtering, even giving more weight to
last items, it’s possible to have surprising
recommendations, because it is calculated based on
items that other users with similar tastes liked. In
this scenario, there is no need to apply Novelty
Figure 2 shows a prototype of an interface of the
Proposal System, where recommendations are
divided into Based on contents you accessed
(Content-Based approach) and Based on users
similar to you (Collaborative Filtering approach).
Note that, although Hybrid approach is used,
Content based and Collaborative Filtering are
calculated apart and shown apart in interface. Also,
it’s important to explain to the user where these
recommendations came from, so he/she might have
more trust on the items recommended.
Figure 2: Prototype of Recommendations.
In this paper is described the use of time context in
Recommendation Systems (RS) for learning. Time
context has demonstrated its impact in RS,
improving recommendation quality, but in learning
situations, few works were found that uses this
In the present work, we take into account seven
categories of how time can be used in Recommender
System algorithms, based in our previous works.
The proposed scenarios illustrate the use of time in
learning situations and help to better explain each
category of time.
Based in this work, a Recommender System
architecture is proposed, that combines Content-
Based and Collaborative Filtering approaches in a
Hybrid algorithm. The system proposed uses time in
three different ways (Decay, Restriction and
Novelty) and takes advantage of some information
of LOM, a set of metadata used to represent
Learning Objects, for example, Date, Duration and
Typical Learning Time.
As future work, the proposed system should be
detailed, implemented and tested using a real
environment with active users, as well as others
combinations between Recommendations approach
and uses of time.
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The Use of Time Dimension in Recommender Systems for Learning