Public ICT Governance: A Quasi-systematic Review
Marianne Batista Diniz Da Silva¹, Eduardo Coelho Silva¹, Fernando Alves De Carvalho Filho¹,
Thauane Moura Garcia¹, Isabel Nunes² and Rogério Patrício Chagas Do Nascimento¹
¹Computing Department, Federal University of Sergipe,
Av. Marechal Rondon, S/N Rosa Elze, 49100000, São Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brazil
IMD, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte,
Avenida Capitão.Mor Gouveia, S/N - Lagoa Nova, 59063400, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Keywords: ICT Governance, Public, Good Practice.
Abstract: This work performs a quasi-systematic review in a structured way to identify, characterize and summarize the
main evidence on Public ICT Governance in order to analyse the methods, techniques, models, framework,
guides and / or Public ICT Governance good practice to describe its application in an IT environment, helping
ICT managers through a secondary study. A research question was raised and an initial study of 4870 works
was adopted. Among these, 21 were selected for the construction of this study through a characterization of
three components (Leadership, Strategy and Control) which encompasses the dimensions that define the level
of maturity of a public organization (iGovTI). In this analysis and characterization, it was identified that the
methods techniques, models, framework, guides and/or good practice found were the most mentioned at the
Academy, as COBIT, ITIL and CMMI, as also others who are not known.
Corporate Governance is a process that involves a set
of relationships between managers and best practices
for the planning, acquisition, implementation,
monitoring and supporting of organizational
information, to ensure alignment among
organizational goals. Based on the concept of
Corporate Governance, Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) Governance is a
part of Corporate Governance which provides the
alignment of ICT processes, ICT resources, ICT
information with the organization's strategies.
(Janahi; Griffiths; Al-Ammal, 2015b).
The Governance of ICT and the alignment of ICT
management go along with strategic planning as a
way to add value to the use of the products and
services of ICT through the ideal investment to obtain
competitive advantage and financial returns, more
related concepts in most cases, in private companies
and not in public sector agencies (Briciu et al., 2011).
Increasing the efficiency of public ICT
Governance is one of the objectives of Brazil,
according to a survey carried out by the Court of
Audit (TCU), the ICT Governance in public
organizations is in bad governance (Brasil, 2015).
Thus, improving the maturity of Public ICT
Governance in organizations involves the adoption of
good information technology practice, which requires
the use of modern ICT management tools and
associated acquisition of goods and services (França
et al., 2016).
Even though there is a great recognition of the
importance of ICT governance and its role in
organizations, how to put it in practice is still a
challenge and depends on each case. The application
to public organization makes the case even more
specific and complex. Therefore, it is necessary to
investigate the implementation of ICT Governance in
the real environment, following the close process to
identify real problems, plan solutions, make changes
and reflect on the results (Mauro; Augusto, 2010).
In this context, a survey of the methods
techniques, models, framework, guides and/or good
practice in Public ITC Governance mentioned in the
technical literature was conducted. This has the goal
of achieving a level of scientific rigor, by means of a
systematic review (Kitchenham, 2004). The
systematic review is different from conventional
literature reviews, in which the researcher does not
follow a defined process for its conduction. A
systematic review is performed in a formal manner
Silva, M., Silva, E., Filho, F., Garcia, T., Nunes, I. and Nascimento, R.
Public ICT Governance: A Quasi-systematic Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0006314603510359
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterpr ise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 351-359
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
complying with a predetermined protocol. Compared
to informal literature reviews, systematic reviews
require more severity in its realization. On the other
hand, the result tends to be more reliable, since they
make use of a strict methodology and detailed
description, facilitating an audit or repetition (Wohlin
et al., 2000).
This way, a study was carried out to analyse or
good practice in Public ITC Governance so as to
characterize the type of good practice under the point
of view of organization managers in IT in the context
of checking which have better adaptation in public
organization. From this analysis, it is expected to
present a comprehensive overview of good practice
Public ITC Governance, as well as the
characterization and application of inspections for
quality assurance. This enables the identification of
the most appropriate good practice Public ICT
Governance for the implementation.
In the present study, 21 good practice Public ICT
Governances are described, with possible
applications to improve the index of ICT Governance
maturity in Organizations (iGovTI), through the
Leadership components, Strategy and Control. Each
of the good practices with their way of
comprehensiveness, be it academic and industrial, are
also described.
This paper is divided into 4 sections. Section 2
describes the planning of the quasi-systematic review
and the protocol prepared for it. Section 3 describes
the conduct of this review and the results obtained.
Section 4 presents the results of the quasi-systematic
review making use of proposed categorization for the
methods and techniques found. Section 5 discusses
the results of the analysis and points out directions for
future work.
A systematic review of the literature is characterized
as a means to identify, evaluate and interpret all
available research and relevant topic, research, area
or element of interest to a particular search. Individual
studies such as surveys, case studies, experiments
(Pai et al., 2004) contributing to a systematic review
are characterized as primary studies. The systematic
review is characterized as a secondary study
(Biolchini et al., 2005).
To conceive a question of well-formulated
research, it is necessary to describe its population, the
factor under study (intervention) and the expected
result for the review. The protocol for a systematic
review should include (Biolchini et al., 2005):
formulation of one or more research questions;
identification of the need to conduct a systematic
review; comprehensive search, with inclusion of
primary studies; assessment of the quality of included
studies; data extraction; summary of the study results;
interpretation of results to determine its applicability
and written report.
Systematic reviews have a well-defined research
method that aims to get as much relevant
bibliographic material as possible. Before performing
the search of primary studies, it is necessary to define
the systematic review protocol that will be used to
perform the review. The protocol defines the
inclusion and exclusion criteria for each primary
study and documents the search strategy performed,
allowing readers (researchers) to identify without
degree of accuracy the veracity of the information
(Mafra; Travassos, 2005). To (Kitchenham; Mendes;
Travassos, 2007), "A systematic review has a
research topic of evaluation as its goal, as it utilizes a
rigorous review methodology, reliable and
susceptible to audit".
The study in question has the purpose of
characterization, i.e., if it has no prior knowledge as
achieving comparisons. Thus, we called a quasi-
systematic review, according to (Kitchenham;
Mendes; Travassos, 2007).
The conduction of this quasi-systematic review
aims to examine methods, techniques, models,
framework guides and/or good practice existing in
ICT Governance, through a secondary study. Thus,
we followed the method proposed by (Kitchenham,
2004) and used the available protocol by (Wohlin et
al., 2000).
In the following subsections, we have the detailed
protocol developed. Thus, it becomes possible to
evaluate and repeat the review by other investigators.
2.1 Goal Definition
The goal of this quasi-systematic review was AND
formalized using the GQM model proposed by
(Basili; Weiss, 1983) and presented by (Van Solingen
et al., 2002): Analysing methods, techniques,
models, framework, guides and/or good practice of
ICT Governance with the purpose of
characterization regarded to the criteria for the used
methods, techniques, models, framework, guides and
good practice from the point of view of managers of
ICT and public organization in the context of the
method(s), technique(s), model(s), framework,
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
guide(s) and/or good practice(s) that process better
application in public organization.
2.2 Research Question
To achieve the goal defined the following question to
the quasi-systematic review:
Question: What are the existing methods,
techniques, models, framework, guides and/or
good practice to the Public ICT Governance?
Intervention: methods, techniques, models,
framework, guides and/or good practice.
Results: methods, techniques, models,
framework, guides and/or good practice.
2.3 Strategy used to Search the
Primary Studies
The search strategy makes explicit the scope of the
survey, as well as the terms to be used in it, which are
used to compose the search strings. The definitions of
these terms are through the population, intervention
and expected results, which were defined in the
research question.
Scope of search: search in electronic databases,
including journals and conference proceedings.
Sources: Scopus. The periodic portal from
CAPES ( was used to
download the articles without restrictions on both
databases. The Scopus database was chosen because
it is one of the largest sources of technical and
scientific literature of reference, since it includes
items from various databases (ACM, IEEE,
ScienceDirect and others). In order to help
researchers find published information in all
countries with a constant update, Scopus conveys
credibility on a scientific research. These databases
that support the Scopus are frequently used by
Computer Science resarchers. (“Scopus”, 2016).
The terms used in the search (in English):
Governance, method, techniques, models,
framework, guides, good practice, IT, ICT,
Information, communication and technology.
The search string was generated by combining the
key terms. The string used for the database was
defined as: (("Governance”) AND (“public”) AND
(("information communication technology”) OR
(“ICT”) OR (“IT”) OR (“Information technology")))
AND (“method*” OR “technique*” OR "model*" OR
"framework" OR "guide*" OR “good practice*”)
2.4 Selection Criteria and Study
Inclusion criteria for the study were:
Studies on Public ICT Governance;
Studies that were published after 2006.
Study exclusion criteria:
Studies on Public ICT Governance in other
Duplicate studies;
Studies which were not available for full-text
2.5 Data Extraction Strategy
For each item selected for the full selection process, a
researcher extracted the following data:
Standard reference information.
To the question:
Specification e Description of the method,
techniques, models, framework, guides and/or good
practice Public ICT Governance.
For the process of preliminary selection, it was
decided that a researcher applies the search strategy
to identify primary studies. The results will be
reviewed by two other researchers involved and any
disagreements will be discussed and resolved. If a
consensus on a particular study is not reached, it will
be included.
The final selection process: copies of all articles
included as the initial search results will be revised
entirely by at least one of the researchers. With this
revision of article being included, the process is
concluded. If there is some disagreement about the
revised articles, there will be a discussion to find a
solution. If the agreement is not reached, the item will
be included.
For the assessment of the quality of the material,
no procedure was prepared. The review aimed to look
for good practice Public ICT Governance. The only
issue to be considered is that the article includes a
description of the methods, techniques, models,
framework, guides and/or good practice, once this
description will be part of the data to be extracted.
Advanced filtering tools were used for the execution
of the search at the database of Scopus, considering
the summary (abstract) of articles, languages
Public ICT Governance: A Quasi-systematic Review
(Portuguese and English) and research area
(Computer Science and Business, Management and
Accounting), in order to minimize items which did
not contemplate the scope of the good practice of
Public ICT Governance. The following is a summary
on the implementation of search in database:
Scopus: (1)
ABS((("Governance”) AND (“public”)
AND (("information communication technology”) OR
(“ICT”) OR (“IT”) OR (“Information technology"))) AND
(“method*” OR “technique*” OR "model*" OR
"framework" OR "guide*" OR “good practice*”) AND
A string had been chosen, but the results were few.
It was decided to choose two more. In the first string
the search was made for the abstracts, in the second
the search was done by keywords and the last one was
made to search by title, which are these:
KEY((("Governance”) AND (“public”) AND
(("information communication technology”) OR (“ICT”)
OR (“IT”) OR (“Information technology"))) AND
(“method*” OR “technique*” OR "model*" OR
"framework" OR "guide*" OR “good practice*”) AND
TITLE((("Governance”) AND (“public”) AND
(("information communication technology”) OR (“ICT”)
OR (“IT”) OR (“Information technology")) AND
(“method*” OR “technique*” OR "model*" OR
"framework" OR "guide*" OR “good practice*”)) AND
The planning of the quasi-systematic review took
place in September, 2016. The search with the search
strings was held in September, 2016.
For the search on the database of Scopus only
keywords in English were used and the result was
4870 returned articles.
Once the searches were finished, the selection of
the articles began, based on criteria and procedures of
With the adoption of inclusion and exclusion
criteria of the articles, the evaluations were conducted
to answer the question. From the 4870 articles found,
5 were duplicated and 21 were selected for the answer
to this review.
During the execution of the search process and
selection of articles, detailed analysis were performed
with the purpose of identifying the items that best
suited with the proposed objective.
By applying the string search and keywords in the
databases, 4870 articles were found. After the
adoption of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 21
articles were found. With the 21 articles, the
summaries reading, description of the good practice
and conclusion were held. It was noticed that there
was a large reduction in the number of articles. This
reduction was achieved through the exclusion criteria
focusing on the article context in which only 21
articles were selected in Scopus database. Full
identification of the primary studies can be found in
the References section of this article.
After the completion of the selection, the primary
studies were directed to the reading of the good
practice and analysis. The results of this stage can be
found below.
A. Results Obtained with the Review
In Table 1, we listed the selected items and briefly
described the good practice Public ICT Governance.
The methods, techniques, models, frame, guides and
/ or good research practices addressing Public ICT
Governance showed variation in the number of
publications. It demonstrates that the good practice
began to be created or studied with greater emphasis
in recent years (2015 and 2016), with eleven
publications, five in 2016 and six in 2015. However,
in 2010, there is great interest in the area with three
publications. In the years 2014 and 2013, both
obtained two publications. In 2011, 2009 and 2008
only one publication in this area was found for each
year. In 2012, no publication in the area was found,
featuring as the worst year of contribution (Figure 1)
Figure 1: Statistical graphic of evolution by Public ICT
Governance practices over the past decade.
According to the data, it is observed that few
countries are contributing in publications in Public
ICT Governance area. Malaysia is the country that is
researching this area with 8 (eight) articles found.
Portugal 4 (four) and Sweden with 3 (three) also
demonstrate great interest in the area. Countries like
Bahrain and United Kingdom both have 2 (two)
articles. Countries like Brazil, Ecuador, Indonesia,
Romania and the Tanzania are initiating their research
in the area, both with 1 (one) article, as shown in
Figure 2.
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Selected Results.
Good Practice Public ICT Governance
(Hamid; Sulaiman,
Describe a model of maturity for the Department of Public Service Malaysia, this model was built based on
questionnaire formalized per Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) 4.1 and
answered by two groups of people – Personnel Management and business. The model helps to improve the level of
maturity of ICT processes with bases on its strategic objectives and organizational needs.
(Ajayi; Hussin,
The authors describe a model experiment carried out in a higher education institution of Malaysia, which describes
that to achieve a degree of maturity IT governance is taken three categorized capabilities in structures, processes
and relationships.
(França et al., 2016)
It used the methodology of learning stories and proposes a method to raise and systematize the knowledge based on
past actions, in an informal way, in organizations. It allows an improvement in institutional governance with the
formalization of the entire project for the development of departmental systems; and greater responsiveness of ICT,
enabling prioritization to fullfill the demands that are more strategically relevant.
flores, 2015)
It is proposed an integrated model for Governance and ICT Management, based on Model Strategic Alignment
Model (SAM) proposed by Henderson and Venkatraman. The COBIT is adopted with general practice for
Governance and Management.
(Umaroh; Surendro,
This study proposes a framework formulation of IT usage policies by modifying existing policy framework in some
theories related to politics. The proposed framework takes a holistic approach to IT use policy in the organization,
and also combines the concept of Wies political hierarchy and Peter Weill IT Governance Jeanne W. Ross.
(Janahi; Griffiths;
al-Ammal, 2015a,
This study contributes to knowledge in the field of IT Governance presenting a dynamic, interdependent, and
holistic model to implement an ICT governance framework in any organization. The maturity of the organization
will remain the first step to progress. The model defines human resources, IT resources and strategic objectives as
three elements and explores the interconnection among them.
(Razak; Zakaria,
The authors' proposal consists in a method that checks factors and sub-factors for success in ICT governance
practices. The proposed definition can be a benchmark in strengthening of IT Governance practices. It can be a
standard reference for strengthening Governance ICT practices.
(Bianchi; de Sousa,
2015a, 2015b)
It is developed a model that incorporates practices for structures, processes and mechanisms proper to public
universities using the 6 steps of DSR (Design Science Research): Identification and motivation of the problem;
Defining the solution objectives; Design and development; Demonstration; Evaluation; Communication. The model
is created based on COBIT and Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
(Al Qassimi; Rusu,
IT governance practices are identified in the governmental organization using framework IT Governance addressing
the structure, process and relationship. Such items will promote the provision of ICT project accounts and
contribute to effective implementation of ICT Governance in the organization.
(Ahlan; Arshad;
Ajayi, 2014;
Arshad; Ahlan;
Ajayi, 2014)
The study explores ICT Governance issues and suggestions for smart decisions for support system
Governance. Held in a public university in Malaysia, its results were generated through interviews.
The results are aligned related the COBIT. This decision support system enables educational public
institutions optimal use of IT resources.
(Nunes; Rosa; Silva,
It proposes a model for strategic planning of ICT in public agencies through the COBIT and IT Capability Maturity
Framework (IT-CMF). For the model design, the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle (PDCA) was used. This model aims
a sustainable and formal improvement of the Portuguese Public Administration.
(Nfuka; Rusu, 2013)
It proposes a framework for IT governance implementation for the public organizations in Tanzania. The
framework was developed based on research and studies with executives of these organizations and industry.
(Briciu et al., 2011)
The author suggests a new internal control model for public institutions that deals with the receipt of taxes and has
the responsibility to turn them into services for the population. Comparing models such as Committee of
Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), Order of the Ministry of Public Finance (OFMP) and International Standard on
Auditing (ISA) 315 the author was able to include new objectives such as risk management and effective control,
taking into account potential future risks.
(Nfuka; Rusu, 2010)
It adopts 15 COBIT processes in public organizations in Tanzania to establish maturity in ICT
(Maidin; Arshad,
Based on interviews, it proposes a theoretical model of ICT Governance practices with the public sector in
Malaysia. The model consists in the involvement of the Senior Management in IT, corporate performance
measurement systems, enterprise communications systems, risk management, strategic alignment, value delivery,
ethics / compliance culture and management capabilities.
(Abdul latif; Md
Din; Ismail, 2010)
It performs an evaluation with the practices of ICT service levels; they are ITIL and Capability
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) for public organizations in in Malaysia.
(Gomes; Ribeiro,
The authors use COBIT as a framework to implement the ICT Governance in a public education
institution, demonstrating earnings by 25% in the TI governance in organization.
Sahibuddin, 2008)
Identifies the ITIL V3 as part of IT Governance and Service Strategy, based on three elements: structure (provides
necessary guidance to the organization's IT governance structure), process (Define the processes that fulfill the IT
goals) and communication (Define key roles and responsibilities, to perform communication in IT).
Public ICT Governance: A Quasi-systematic Review
Figure 2: Ranking of the main countries researching in the
Public ICT Governance field.
Following the execution of the selection of the results
of systematic quasi-review, method, techniques,
models, framework, guides or good practice found
were classified based on three components
(Leadership, Strategy and Control), to facilitate the
organization in choosing the method, techniques,
models, framework, guides and correct or good
practice to improve their maturity index iGovTI. The
proposed components are:
Leadership – (yes/no) indicates if the good
practice or proposed cover the related set of practices
defined dimensions TCU as Leadership Senior
Management and People. The practices belonging to
the component "Leadership" are those that comprise
the following macro activities: ICT Risk
Management, ICT Portfolio, ICT Committee and
People Management.
Strategy – (yes/no) indicates if the good practice
or proposed cover the related set of practices defined
dimensions as TCU Strategies and Plans and
Processes. The practices belonging to the component
"Strategic" are those that comprise the following
macro activities: Organization's Strategic Planning
and IT, Software Processes, Information Security,
Project Management, Service Level Management and
Contract Management.
Control - (yes/no) indicates if the good practice
or proposed cover the related set of practices defined
dimensions TCU as information and results. The
practices belonging to the component "Control" are
those that comprise the following macro activities:
Organizational Information, Information
Transparency, accessibility of current information
and past results.
Scope of Use – (Industrial environment/academic
environment) reports if the good practice in question
were used only in academic projects or has been used
in real projects, industry or other organizations –
according to information obtained by the end of the
research and the sources previously established.
Table 2 shows the classification of good practice
according to the proposed criteria. After the
categorization of method, techniques, models,
framework, guides or good practice, it was possible
to perform the following analysis on the criteria,
according to the graph on Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Classification of good practice.
Classification of good practice.
Table 2: Classificated method, techniques, models, framework, Guides and\or good practice.
Leadership Strategy Control Scope of Use
(HAMID; SULAIMAN, 2016) Yes Yes Yes Industrial
(AJAYI; HUSSIN, 2016) Yes Yes Yes Industrial
(FRANÇA et al., 2016) Yes Yes Yes Industrial
(MONTENEGRO; FLORES, 2015) Yes Yes Yes Academic
(UMAROH; SURENDRO, 2015) No Yes No Academic
(JANAHI; GRIFFITHS; AL-AMMAL, 2015a, 2015b) Yes Yes Yes Academic
(RAZAK; ZAKARIA, 2015) Yes Yes Yes Industrial
(BIANCHI; DE SOUSA, 2015a, 2015b) Yes Yes Yes Academic
(AL QASSIMI; RUSU, 2015) Yes Yes Yes Industrial
AJAYI, 2014)
Yes Yes Yes Academic
(NUNES; ROSA; SILVA, 2013) No Yes No Academic
(NFUKA; RUSU, 2013) Yes Yes Yes Academic
(BRICIU et al., 2011) Yes Yes Yes Academic
(NFUKA; RUSU, 2010) Yes Yes Yes Academic
(MAIDIN; ARSHAD, 2010) Yes Yes Yes Academic
(ABDUL LATIF; MD DIN; ISMAIL, 2010) No Yes No Academic
(GOMES; RIBEIRO, 2009) Yes Yes Yes Academic
(NABIOLLAHI; SAHIBUDDIN, 2008) No Yes No Academic
Leadership Strategy Control
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Leadership Component: this component
identifies as the method, techniques, models,
framework, guides and good practice that support the
ICT Governance in Public Administration, based on
the dimensions defined by TCU this component is
responsible for activities related to senior
management and people. From the 21 articles found,
17 describe some relevant practice for the component.
Strategy: the 21 articles related describe practices
found in this component, which cooperate with the
dimensions Strategy Plan as Processes .It’s a
significant fact because of the Process dimensions
that possess the larger number of practices.
Control: Just like Leadership, the Control
component also was practiced in 17 articles. This
component refers to dimensions Results and
Regarding the Scope of use: the processes used in
industrial environments were applied mostly in pilot
project by the group that has developed them,
resulting in 24% of studies. As for the academic
environment there was an aggregation of 76 % of the
studies, as shown in Figure 4.
The results of the industrial area report that the
methods or techniques still haven’t shown a range of
usage that allows the ICT Manager to understand or
identify the risks associated with their use in real
Figure 4: Results by type of coverage.
We performed a quasi-systematic review in this
report aimed to analyze good practice in ICT
Governance in order to characterize the type of
adaptation from the organizations managers' point of
view in context of the check which will help improve
the index of maturity of organizations (iGovTI).
The research question was created to guide the
quasi- systematic review and after the evaluation of a
total of 4870 studies initially returned, 21 were
selected as relevant studies for review.
From the analysis of the selected studies were
presented mechanisms that help as a guide on the
good practice Public ICT Governance. The results
show the existence of method, techniques, models,
framework, guides or good practice for the
components (Leadership, Strategy and Control)
defined, with restriction four studies which are
The results show that until the date of the
systematic quasi-review, it was not possible to
identify a method, techniques, models, framework,
guides or good practice specific to Leadership and
Control components. The studies found that 92%
promote the practice of Public ICT Governance,
covering all components.
An aspect to be noted is that most of the collected
and selected articles were no reports of use of the
method, techniques, models, framework, guides or
good practice ICT Governance known in academy
and widely used in the Brazilian industry, such as:
Control Objectives for Information and related
Technology (COBIT), Information Technology
Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and Capability Maturity
Model - Integration (CMMI).
Thus, it is believed that this research presents
relevant results to the academy, providing support
characterization of method, techniques, models,
framework, guides or good practice Governance of
Public ICT, becoming an important consulting source
for ICT governance in Public Administration Federal
of Brazil.
As a future goal, it can be initially highlighted the
detailing of the operation of the method, techniques,
models, framework, guides or good practice found
with the result of this work. The creation of a
repository of knowledge on good practices of public
ICT Governance, based on these results, helping ICT
Managers, for the adoption of correct practice.
Another opportunity is to detail, compare and
relate the data that formed the basis for the case
studies of these good practice of Public ICT
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