corresponds to a feature taken into account by the
tool, we will guide him/her so that he/she can
continue the knowledge elicitation process.
Otherwise, when what he/she wants to do is not taken
into account by the tool, we will consider that the
concerned task cannot be finished, and he/she will
continue the elicitation with others types of
The experiment will end when the author finishes
testing all problems with the solver. He/she will
complete a questionnaire composed of many sections
about the functioning of AMBRE-KB, the proposed
interfaces, the assistance proposed during knowledge
elicitation, the feedback of the solver, and their
profile (how he/she frequently uses a computer for
We provided in this article an overview of AMBRE-
KB, an authoring tool that assists authors in building
ITSs teaching problem solving methods. This tool
enables the user to elicit all knowledge needed by the
system. AMBRE-KB follows an automated process
based on knowledge meta-models. The paper presents
the knowledge acquisition process and how can
AMBRE-KB can be used to build an ITS in a given
application domain.
We conducted a first experiment to verify if
AMBRE-KB can correctly generate knowledge
models in a Prolog version, so that the solver can use
them to solve problems. The results of this
experiment were satisfactory, but thorough
evaluation is planned with non-IT experts in order to
test the usability and utility of AMBRE-KB.
This work focused on the acquisition of knowledge
about the method to be taught. The next stage will
concern the acquisition of knowledge intended to
guide the learner during his/her learning. This
knowledge will enable to propose to the learner help
and explanations of various natures according to the
step of its resolution or committed errors.
In addition, a relevant track in the continuation of
our work is the integration of features of
generalization of knowledge from cases. This feature
will enable users to define an example, rather than an
abstract knowledge, the system proposing them a
generalization of the knowledge that they can
validate. The SimStudent (Matsuda et al. 2010)
approach which is based on learning abstract
knowledge from examples would be appropriate in
the context of this work.
We thank the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region for
granting the scholarship that supports this thesis
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