to document and suggest possible works using other
forms of combination, according to the
organizational context. Images, videos and audios
elements are examples of these variabilities.
This article proposes a Software Process Line for
requirements elicitation based on combinational
creativity. The SPrL tasks were defined and
documented to help REng to adapt this type of
elicitation technique to the organizational context in
which the software is being developed. In addition to
the activities in the process, we also documented, by
using a feature diagram, the common and variable
features used when performing each activity.
To evaluate this SPrL, we compared the
proposed model to the characteristics of creativity
techniques used in experiments found in the
literature. This comparison validates the tasks and
features modeled in the SPrL since they are also
found in the chosen works. Furthermore, this SPrL
also specifies features (or the possibility to combine
them) that have not yet been used. New variabilities
can come up when preparing requirements
elicitation techniques that use combinational
creativity, however this adaptation could be easier
since a set of features was already identified.
Accordingly, we can mention the following
contributions of this work: (i) mapping relevant
features to be selected by REng, thus making it easy
to use this type of technique; (ii) classification and
comparison of three combinational creativity
approaches that even though seemed different, only
vary when it comes to a few specific characteristics.
Furthermore, by observing the experimental studies
performed, we noticed that the technique's success
depends on a set of combined factors that include,
for instance, the arrangement of the participants.
Future works include experimental studies to
compare the effectiveness of different variations in
combinational creativity techniques and
comparisons between these and other elicitation
techniques. Thus, it is interesting to analyze average
(or bordering) values as a suggestion for the number
of elements used, the number of stakeholders, the
number of evaluators and the number of
requirements to be created and analyzed by each
evaluator, as well as better score scales. We also
suggest an evaluation of the scalability of the use of
such techniques with a large number of participants,
as well as an analysis if we can define the profile of
those participants that were responsible for
generating the best ideas. It is also necessary to
create or adapt a tool to allow the combination of
elements such as images, music and videos, as well
as categorization forms according to the type of
element used. In addition, we plan to automate the
selection of process models via transformation
techniques to generate a custom process SPrL
through models transformation technique.
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