A Strategy for Selecting Relevant Attributes for Entity Resolution in
Data Integration Systems
Gabrielle Karine Canalle, Bernadette Farias Loscio and Ana Carolina Salgado
Center of Informatics (CIn), Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
Attribute Selection, Entity Resolution, Data Integration.
Data integration is an essential task for achieving a unified view of data stored in heterogeneous and distributed
data sources. A key step in this process is the Entity Resolution, which consists of identifying instances that
refer to the same real-world entity. In general, similarity functions are used to discover equivalent instances.
The quality of the Entity Resolution result is directly affected by the set of attributes selected to be compared.
However, such attribute selection can be challenging. In this context, this work proposes a strategy for selection
of relevant attributes to be considered in the process of Entity Resolution, more precisely in the instance
matching phase. This strategy considers characteristics from attributes, such as quantity of duplicated and
null values, in order to identify the most relevant ones for the instance matching process. In our experiments,
the proposed strategy achieved good results for the Entity Resolution process. Thus, the attributes classified
as relevant were the ones that contributed to find the greatest number of true matches with a few incorrect
The growing ease of data generation and sharing has
contributed to the rapid rise of data volume available
in digital environments. However, this growth has oc-
curred in an uncontrolled manner, in such a way that a
lot of data were published containing erroneous, miss-
ing or duplicate values, which may hinder its use.
Nevertheless, there is a rising demand for data inte-
gration solutions over distributed and heterogeneous
data sources. Examples are price comparison web-
sites, as Booking.com
and Trivago.com
Data integration solutions aim to combine data
from different sources to provide a unified view of
these data for users. An important step in this process
is Entity Resolution (Christen, 2012), which aims to
identify equivalent instances, i.e., which ones rep-
resent the same real-world concept (Dong and Sri-
vastava, 2015). Entity Resolution consists of sev-
eral stages, including a comparison step between in-
stances pairs. During this step, the similarity between
the attribute values that describe the compared in-
stances is evaluated. In this context, one of the main
challenges concerns the choice of attributes to use in
the comparison step.
Generally, the choice of attributes is performed
manually (Gruenheid et al., 2014). However, given
the existence of a lot of attributes and the lack of
prior knowledge of the sources domain, this choice
may take into consideration attributes that could not
contribute efficiently for the Entity Resolution pro-
cess. Once the quality of Entity Resolution results
is directly affected by the selected attributes, the use
of strategies to help the selection of the best ones be-
comes essential.
In this paper, we propose a strategy that auto-
mates the Attribute Selection task in order to facili-
tate the identification of good attributes to be used in
the comparison of instances. Our proposal considers
specific criteria related to attribute values, like density
and repetition to evaluate the attribute relevance. An
attribute is considered relevant if it contributes posi-
tively for the identification of true correspondences,
and irrelevant if it contributes in identifying incorrect
matches (false positives and false negatives). By us-
ing the proposed strategy, it is expected that, at the
end of the Entity Resolution process, we obtain the
largest possible number of true matches with the low-
est number of incorrect matches.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents a motivational example to illustrate the
relevance of the proposed strategy. Section 3 presents
Canalle, G., Lóscio, B. and Salgado, A.
A Strategy for Selecting Relevant Attributes for Entity Resolution in Data Integration Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006316100800088
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 80-88
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Result of a query about Data Integration in the sources CiteSeerX and DBLP.
ID Paper ID Source Author Title Year Venue Pages
1 1 CiteSeerX M. Lanzerini
Data Integration: A Theorical
Perspective (2002)
Symposium on Principles
of Database Systems
2 DBLP Maurizio Lanzerini
Data Integration: A Theorical
2002 PODS 2002 233-246
2 3 DBLP Guy Pierra
The PLIB ontology-based
approach to data integration
IFIP Congress
Topical Sessions
3 4 CiteSeerX
Patrick Ziegler and
Klaus R. Dittrich
Three decades of data integration -
all problems solved
In 18th IFIP Computer
Congress (WCC)
Patrick Ziegler and
Klaus R. Dittrich
Three decades of data integration -
All problems solved?
IFIP Congress
Topical Sessions
a summary of the main concepts related to Entity Res-
olution and Attribute Selection. In Section 4, it is
specified the proposed Attribute Selection Strategy.
Section 5 discusses the results obtained through ex-
periments. In Section 6, some related works are pre-
sented, and finally, Section 7 presents the final con-
siderations and future works.
To illustrate the need to select the best attributes to
be used in the comparison step of the Entity Resolu-
tion process, and how these attributes impact on the
quality of the process results, consider the following
An on-line digital library service, in the domain
of Computer Science, integrates data from multiple
sources, such as CiteSeerX
and DBLP
, and makes
feasible searches by title, author, or keyword. Assume
that a user is interested in searching for papers about
”Data Integration”. The integration service submits
the query to the data sources CiteSeerX and DBLP,
and get a set of papers as the result for the query. A
small fraction of this result can be seen in Table 1.
In this example, we present ve instances, each
one containing a proper identifier (ID). These in-
stances are related to three different papers, identified
by column ID Paper. In order to provide the integrated
result to the user, the Entity Resolution process should
be performed. For this, in the comparison step, the
attributes that describe instances are compared. As
mentioned before, the attribute selection is done man-
ually or considering all attributes in the comparison
step, we will suppose both situations.
Suppose an Entity Resolution process that is per-
formed considering all attributes. Possibly, the in-
stances 1 and 2 would be considered as not duplicated,
given that for each of the five considered attributes,
two (Venue and Pages) have a low value of similar-
ity. The same would happen with the instances 4 and
5, whereby the attributes Year and Pages also have a
low value of similarity. We can observe that attributes
containing null values may affect negatively the En-
tity Resolution result. This happens because we con-
sider that a null values led to similarity equals to 0
(zero). For this reason it does not make sense to use
attributes that contain a large number of missing val-
ues, because this can make two equivalent instances
as distinct ones. Therefore, the comparison consid-
ering all attributes would result in incorrect matches,
known as false negative, given that instances of papers
1 and 3 are duplicate, and possibly the Entity Resolu-
tion algorithm would consider them as not correspon-
Now, consider that a subset of attributes was se-
lected randomly, without considering the attribute
values. Suppose a subset composed by the attributes
Year and Venue. Probably, the instances 3 and 5
would be considered as duplicate ones, given that the
values of these attributes have a high similarity value.
This happens because repeated values can contribute
to increase the similarity value, which can make two
instances are given as corresponding even being dis-
tinct. This would result in an incorrect correspon-
dence, known as false positive, which refers to an in-
stance pair not correspondent as correspondent. On
the other hand, the instances 1 and 2, and 4 and 5
would be given as not correspondent, resulting in two
false negatives.
We can notice that using all attributes, or a sub-
set of attributes selected randomly, may led to Entity
Resolution results with a low F-measure
. Because of
this, a Strategy of Attribute Selection, in which only
the relevant attributes for the Entity Resolution pro-
cess are selected, becomes necessary.
Measure that indicates the quality of the Entity Resolu-
tion process, calculating the harmonic average between the
precision and recall values. More details will be presented
in Section 5.
A Strategy for Selecting Relevant Attributes for Entity Resolution in Data Integration Systems
Data Integration is a complex process, which can be
divided into three main steps: Schema Alignment,
Entity Resolution, and Data Fusion (Dong and Sri-
vastava, 2015). In this work, we are interested in the
Entity Resolution step, whose objective is to identify
different instances referring to the same real world en-
tity. The Entity Resolution, in its turn, is subdivided
into the following activities: Blocking, Pair Compari-
son and Clustering (Christen, 2012; Dong and Srivas-
tava, 2015), as shown in the Figure 1.
Figure 1: Activities of the Entity Resolution process (Dong
and Srivastava, 2015).
In the Blocking activity, the goal is to decrease the
number of comparisons between instances. For this,
blocking techniques are used. The standard blocking
uses a blocking key to partition the instances where
preferably all instances of the same entity are within
the same block. From this, in the Pair Comparison
step a detailed comparison between the instance pairs
is performed. Finally, in the Clustering the instances
are clustered so that each cluster is composed of in-
stances that refer to the same entity (Christen, 2012).
In this work, we focus on the Pair Comparison activ-
During the Pair Comparison activity, similarity
values of attributes describing two compared in-
stances are evaluated. The higher the similarity val-
ues of these attributes, higher the chances these two
instances will be equivalent. One of the main chal-
lenges is to determine which attributes to consider
for the comparison. Intuitively, one can think that
the higher the number of attributes, the better is the
result of the comparison, given that we consider the
maximum amount of information. However, some
attributes may not be relevant for the pair compari-
son. Therefore, it is necessary to select a subset of
attributes to be used during the comparison step, in
order to maximize the quality of Entity Resolution re-
In general, the attribute selection aims to find a
subset of attributes from the original set, removing
those that are irrelevant or redundant, which may
significantly improve the efficiency of the task per-
formed (Dash et al., 2002). For this purpose, the fol-
lowing issues should be treated: identification of at-
tributes common to all instances participating in the
Entity Resolution and selection of an optimal subset
of common attributes. In other words, we look for a
set of attributes able to support the generation of en-
tity correspondences that are true (Gu et al., 2003). In
addition to data integration, the attribute selection has
been subject of research in other Computer Science
areas, such as: Data Mining and Machine Learning
(Jouve and Nicoloyannis, 2005; Li et al., 2006). In
these studies, it is intended, beyond improving pro-
cess efficiency, reducing the dimensionality of the
samples, minimizing the computational costs and also
the data storage space.
In this section, we present an overview of our strategy
for attribute selection in the Entity Resolution process
and its main tasks.
4.1 Overview
As mentioned before, the Entity Resolution process
can be seen as part of a Data Integration process,
whose main goal is to provide an integrated view of
data distributed in multiple data sources.
An overview of the proposed attribute selection
strategy is presented in the Figure 2 and described be-
low. In the following, consider a set of data sources
F =
, f
, ..., f
that provides data about one or
more entities E of the real world. An entity E in
a given data source f
has a set of instances f
.E =
, e
, ..., e
such that each e
represents an in-
stance of the real world, and is described by a set of
attributes E.A
, a
, ..., a
. An instance e
an entity E in the data source f
, denoted by f
is defined by a set of pairs
, v
), ..., (a
, v
where a
, and v
is the value of a
for the
entity E in the data source f
The Entity Resolution process receives as input a
set of instances E
, e
, ..., e
referring to the
same entity of the real world. Each instance e
can be from a different data source f
and is de-
scribed by a set of attributes, which depends from the
data source f
where the instance comes from. As
shown in Figure 2, the attributes selection task is per-
formed as an auxiliary task of the Entity Resolution
process and receives as input the set E
and the set
, which denotes the set of attributes common to
all instances from E
(Gu et al., 2003).
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Overview of the Attributes Selection Strategy.
The attributes selection is divided in two main
steps: (i) Analysis of Individual Relevance, which is
based on characteristics related to the data, such as
repetition and density values; (ii) Analysis of Global
Relevance, which considers characteristics of the data
sources, such as reliability. In order to support our
strategy, we consider the existence of a metadata
catalog (Oliveira et al., 2015) that stores informa-
tion about the data sources being integrated, such as:
name, url, schema (containing entities and attributes),
and quality metadata, including the reliability of the
data source.
During the Analysis of Individual Relevance, val-
ues for the repetition and density criteria are calcu-
lated, and so the Individual Relevance value is ob-
tained for each a
i j
. The Analysis of Global
Relevance of a given attribute a
i j
consists of calculat-
ing a new value based on the value of the Individual
Relevance of a
i j
and the reliability value of the data
source where the instances from E
come from.
As output of the attributes selection process, a
set of global relevance values R =
, ..., RG
given. Each RG
is a pair (a
i j
, r
i j
), where r
i j
is the
Global Relevance value of the attribute a
i j
4.2 Evaluation Criteria
In order to identify whether an attribute is relevant or
not, first we should define the meaning of relevant at-
tribute for the task in hand. Then, we can define the
criteria to evaluate the relevance of a given attribute.
In our case, the task in hand is the Entity Resolu-
tion process and the relevance of an attribute is pro-
portional to its capability for discriminating instances
that belong to different entities and in not discriminat-
ing instances that belong to the same entity. We also
consider that the quality of the data sources can have a
direct impact on the relevance of an attribute. For ex-
ample, a data source that is likely to provide data that
is not true. In this sense, weighting the relevance of an
attribute according to the quality of the data sources
can help to verify if the result of the selection of at-
tributes is really reliable.
We identified six criteria to measure the rele-
vance of attributes for the Entity Resolution process
(Canalle, 2016). However, in this work only four cri-
teria are used, two of them are related to data and are
used to measure the individual relevance of attributes.
In general, these characteristics include the level of
errors and the number (and distribution) of attribute
values, i.e., its informative content. For example, a
field such as sex has only two possible values and,
consequently, could not give enough information to
identify similarity between instances. On the other
hand, an attribute like surname contains more, how-
ever it is more prone to errors (Gu et al., 2003). The
other two, related to the data sources, are used to mea-
sure the global relevance of a given attribute.
4.3 Analysis of Individual Relevance
In this section, we will detail each of the criteria cho-
sen for the evaluation of the Individual Relevance of
each attribute, specifying how it is calculated.
4.3.1 Repetition and Density
The repetition of an attribute a
i j
is given by the num-
ber of times the same attribute value appears in the set
of instances E
. The choice of this criterion for the at-
tribute selection was motivated by the fact that using
attributes with high repetition values can contribute
to the generation of false positives, i.e., distinct in-
stances classified as similar.
Given the set of instances E
, for each attribute
i j
the value for the repetition criterion is cal-
culated. In this paper, the value for the repetition cri-
terion is calculated according to the Equation 1, where
τ is the total number of distinct values of a
i j
, and η is
the total number of values of a
i j
i j
) = 1
We use a similarity function to identify whether
attributes have the same value. For this, there is a
A Strategy for Selecting Relevant Attributes for Entity Resolution in Data Integration Systems
number of functions proposed in the literature (Chris-
ten, 2012). In this work, the Levenshtein or Edit Dis-
tance similarity function was adopted. This function
is frequently used to compare relatively small strings,
which do not have necessarily the same size.
Given the set of instances E
, for each attribute
i j
, the density criterion is calculated. The den-
sity is given by the percentage of non null values in
the set of values that describes it Naumann and Frey-
tag (2000). During the instances comparison, missing
values can make two corresponding instances be con-
sidered as distinct, once the comparison with miss-
ing values results in a similarity equal to 0 (zero). In
this sense, empty values may contribute to the identi-
fication of false negative, in other words, similar in-
stances classified as distinct. In this paper, the density
value can be calculated according to the Equation 2,
where α is the total number of nonnull values of a
i j
and β is the total number of values of a
i j
i j
) =
4.3.2 Individual Relevance Calculation
The Individual Relevance R
of a given attribute a
i j
is calculated based on repetition and density criteria,
according to the Equation 3.
i j
) = Den(a
i j
) p
+ (1 Rep(a
i j
)) p
Where Den is the value of the density criterion for
the attribute a
i j
, Rep is the value of the repetition cri-
terion for the attribute a
i j
is the weight for the den-
sity criteria, and p
is the weight for the repetition cri-
teria. Values of p
and p
are defined according to the
importance degree of each criteria for the relevance of
a given attribute, so that the sum of the weights must
be equal to 1 (one).
4.4 Analysis of Global Relevance
The Global Relevance of an attribute a
i j
is de-
noted by R
i j
). We evaluate the global relevance
of an attribute a
i j
in order to include data source qual-
ity information as part of the attributes selection pro-
cess. This becomes necessary because data sources
from F, which provide instances to E
, may have low
quality. Therefore, to calculate the R
i j
), in ad-
dition to the value of R
i j
), we also consider data
sources quality information.
Specifically, in this work, the quality of a source
is given based on two criteria: Reliability and Cover-
age. The Reliability of a source f
concerns the de-
gree to which the data provided by f
is true and re-
liable (Wang and Strong, 1996). We assume that the
sources have quality metadata associated to them (Mi-
haila et al., 2000), where the reliability value, denoted
by Rel( f
) such that 0 Rel( f
) 1, can be obtained
by means of these metadata.
Coverage of a data source f
is defined by the per-
centage of instances that f
provides to the set of in-
stances E
. In this work, we use the evaluation met-
ric proposal by Naumann and Freytag (2000) (Equa-
tion 4). The coverage of a data source f
, denoted by
Cov( f
), is calculated dividing the total number of in-
stances that f
provides to E
, denoted by π, by the
total of instances contained in E
, denoted by |E
Cov( f
) =
After calculating the values of reliability and cov-
erage for each data source f
F, the quality of F,
denoted by Q(F), can be given by Equation 5.
Q(F) =
Rel( f
) Cov( f
) (5)
Finally, the R
i j
) can be calculated according
to the Equation 6, where R
i j
) is the Individual
Relevance value of the attribute a
i j
i j
) = R
i j
) Q(F) (6)
To evaluate the proposed strategy we used the Cora
. This database contains 1.879 instances of
different data sources related to literary productions.
The instances are described by 15 attributes: id, au-
thor, title, journal, volume, pages, year, publisher, ad-
dress, note, venue, editor, type, institution and month.
Before performing our experiment, we performed a
pre-processing step on the database to clean the data.
For example, the attribute year has inconsistent char-
acters with the format assigned to it (e.g.: ”(1989)”
instead of ”1989”).
Table 2: Scenarios with the duplicate data percentages.
Scenario Scenarios of Duplicate Data
Scenario 1 5% - 10%
Scenario 2 15% - 30%
Scenario 3 35% - 50%
Scenario 4 55% - 70%
Scenario 5 >75%
Furthermore, the Cora database has a high per-
centage of duplicate data (±90%). Intuitively, we
https://people.cs.umass.edu/ mccallum/code-data.html
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
believed that for a dataset with a high percentage of
duplicate instances, any attribute selected for the in-
stances comparison could provide a good result for
the Entity Resolution process. For this reason, we
expected that the huge number of duplication would
lower the degree of effectiveness of our strategy.
Then, we conducted our experiments in five different
scenarios. Each scenario has a percentage of extracted
duplicate data from Cora database, whose configura-
tion is shown in Table 2. The goal of this experiment
was to investigate how the proposed strategy would
behave in each scenario and to confirm the following
H1 - The usage of all attributes in the comparison step
of the Entity Resolution process results in a low F-
measure, containing a high number of incorrect cor-
respondences (false positives and false negatives), and
a low number of correct correspondences (true posi-
tives and true negatives).
H2 - Considering just the most relevant attributes,
identified by the proposed strategy, in the compari-
son step of the Entity Resolution process results in a
high F-measure, i.e., a greater number of correct cor-
respondences, with a smaller number of incorrect cor-
H3 - As less relevant attributes are added to the group
of attributes considered in the comparison step of the
Entity Resolution process, the number of incorrect
correspondences increases, and the F-measure of the
result decreases.
To evaluate our strategy, we considered the results
obtained from an existing Entity Resolution tool, per-
formed in different scenarios, using the attributes cho-
sen by the proposed Attribute Selection. We used the
DuDe Toolkit as Entity Resolution tool (Draisbach
and Naumann, 2010), and the resolution algorithm
was the Naive Duplicate Detection. For the similar-
ity calculation, we adopt the Levenshtein function.
The Cora database has a Gold Standard containing
the duplicate instance pairs, allowing to evaluate how
good is the result of the Entity Resolution process.
Specifically, we consider the number of true positives
(TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP), and
false negatives (FN) obtained as the result of the En-
tity Resolution process. Based on these values, dif-
ferent quality measures can be considered (Christen,
2012). For the evaluation of the Entity Resolution, we
adopted the F-measure, considering that this measure
is recommended as the best to evaluate the quality of
the Entity Resolution process (Christen, 2012). This
measure uses the values obtained by calculating pre-
cision by Equation 7, and recall, by Equation 8, and it
is calculated as shown in Equation 9.
precision =
T P + FP
recall =
T P + FN
F measure = 2
precision recall
precision + recall
In these equations, TP is the number of cor-
responding instances correctly identified, FP is the
number of not corresponding instances identified as
corresponding, and FN is the number of correspond-
ing instances identified as not corresponding.
5.1 Analysis of Results
Figure 3 presents the classification of each attribute
according to the Attribute Individual Relevance anal-
ysis, as described in Section 4.3.2. In Figure 3, col-
umn A represents the attributes, D the density values,
R are the repetition values, and RI the Individual Rel-
evance values. It is important to emphasize that in the
Entity Resolution process, instead of using a single
attribute (or first attribute of the ranking), a set of at-
tributes for comparing instance pairs should be used,
because a single attribute may not be sufficient for the
comparison phase.
In this sense, to validate our hypothesis, we have
created four groups of attributes. These groups con-
tain respectively the number of two, three and four
most relevant attributes. In order to evaluate our ap-
proach, the Entity Resolution process was performed
for each group. The obtained results are presented in
Figure 4.
To evaluate the impact of Attribute Global Rele-
vance, we consider the Group 1, which has a dataset
with 40 instances about scientific publications. Tak-
ing into account the provenance of these instances and
by assuming that 25 instances are from the data source
1 (DS1), that have a reliability of 90%. First, for each
data source F
, we calculate the coverage with regard
to the dataset, according to Equation 2, obtaining as
result Cov(F1) = 0.625, Cov(F2) = 0.375. Then, we
calculate the quality of the data source set DS, com-
posed by DS1 and DS2, following the Equation 3, ob-
taining Q(F) = 0.76. Thereby, for each a
i j
the value of the Attribute Global Relevance is calcu-
lated considering quality information of the set of data
sources Q(F), based on the Attribute Individual Rele-
vance value. In our experiment, for every attribute,
the value of R
has been lower than R
, given
that the source contributes with a lower quantity of
instances and has a lower value of reliability.
A Strategy for Selecting Relevant Attributes for Entity Resolution in Data Integration Systems
Figure 3: Individual Relevance values of the attributes.
Analyzing the results, we can conclude that our
strategy is efficient in all scenarios. In scenarios with
a significant percentage of duplication (Scenario 4
and Scenario 5), we can observe that the relevance
value of attributes is not so high when compared to
other scenarios. This is due to the fact that, in sce-
narios with a significant percentage of duplication the
value of the repetition criterion is always very high.
Our strategy was able to correctly list the best at-
tributes for such scenarios, proving its efficiency. Fur-
thermore, we confirmed that using a large quantity of
attributes in the Entity Resolution process is not ac-
ceptable, given the results obtained using the set of
attributes of Group 4. It was also observed that the
greatest F-measure of the Entity Resolution process
was obtained using the group 1, with only the two
most relevant attributes. We also realize that as 1.
Thus, the results obtained through experiments vali-
dated our hypothesis.
With respect to the Global Relevance, we can ver-
ify that whether a source contributes to the majority
of instances for a data set, but if this source has a low
reliability, probably the attribute relevance should be
contested. Thus, we concluded that the analysis of the
Global Relevance can be useful, mainly to evaluate if
the results of the Attribute Selection is really reliable.
Entity Resolution is a research area that has attracted
attention of researchers from different areas of Com-
puter Science, such as Data Mining, Artificial Intelli-
gence and Database. Because of this, several studies
have been carried out proposing to solve the Entity
Resolution problem in different ways, as using active
learning (Sarawagi and Bhamidipaty, 2002), genetic
programming (de Carvalho et al., 2010), and func-
tional dependencies (Fan et al., 2009) (Caruccio et al.,
2016). Several tools for the Entity Resolution process
have also been proposed in the literature. In (Kopcke
and Rahm, 2010), for example, a comparative evalu-
ation of some tools that help in the Entity Resolution
process is presented.
Considering the context of Entity Resolution, specif-
ically in the data integration process, just few works
discuss the attribute selection problem. Among them,
we highlight Chen et al. (2012) and Su et al. (2010).
Chen et al. (2012) proposes a method for Entity Res-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Results of the Entity Resolution process considering the attribute groups.
olution based on Machine Learning. This method
searches, by means of a training set, the best group
of attributes to be used in the comparison step of the
Entity Resolution process. First, for each attribute the
proper similarity measure is found, analyzing the F-
measure value that each measure provided. Then, the
groups of attributes are evaluated, where the groups
with the highest values of F-measure are chosen as
the best ones for the comparison step.
Su et al. (2010) proposes duplicate detection for
results of queries in Web data sources. In this sce-
nario, the work focuses on a Machine Learning algo-
rithm that aims to adjust the weights of the attributes
for the similarity evaluation. The algorithm is able to
learn how to adjust the weights of the attributes using
a data sample that contains instances without corre-
spondence from different data sources. The authors
argue that using this sample facilitates the Entity Res-
olution process, since in scenarios of queries for Web
databases, the percentage of duplicate instances is far
lower than the percentage of non-duplicate instances.
To balance the attribute weights according to their im-
portance, the authors use a non-duplicate data vector
and a vector of duplicate data. For duplicate data vec-
tor higher weights are assigned to the attributes with
high similarity between their values and low weights
for attributes with low similarity in their values, and
the opposite is done for the not duplicated vector.
Differently of (Chen et al., 2012) and (Su et al.,
2010), this work proposes an Attribute Selection strat-
A Strategy for Selecting Relevant Attributes for Entity Resolution in Data Integration Systems
egy for the evaluation of relevant attributes using cri-
teria related to the data and by means of metadata
related to the data sources. Another differential of
our work to the Chen et al. is that we do not need
a training set. The definition of a training set can be
a difficult task, specially in scenarios containing large
volumes of data. Recently, some studies have been
proposed in order to facilitate this task (Bianco et al.,
In this work, we propose a strategy for selection of
relevant attributes for the Entity Resolution process.
This strategy consists of the following two steps: (i)
Individual Relevance Analysis and (ii) Global Rele-
vance Analysis. In the former, we analyze data fea-
tures, such as repetition and density, to measure the
individual relevance of an attribute. In the later, we
refine results from earlier stages to weight the rele-
vance of each attribute based on quality criteria of the
data sources considered in the Entity Resolution.
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egy, we performed several experiments using the
CORA dataset. These experiments have demon-
strated that the groups of attributes selected by our
strategy provide the best result for the Entity Resolu-
tion process, resulting in the validation of our hypoth-
esis. In addition, we have made experiments with the
Febrl dataset obtaining similar results.
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in the attribute selection process, such as the suscepti-
bility of an attribute to contain errors (e.g. surname),
the attribute dynamism, i.e., if the attribute contains
values that may change over time (e.g. age). We be-
lieve that such characteristics can also be helpful for
the selection of relevant attributes in the Entity Reso-
lution process.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems