ucation domains. These may imply including other
flexibility needs that are not covered by the BP flexi-
bility taxonomy that we adopted in this proposal.
Many issues are still open and can be subject
of future work. First, we are planning to general-
ize the use of the BPFlexGuide tool also to BPMS
providers, in order to allow them to fully character-
ize their BPMSs through the use of the tool. Inte-
grating other dimensions into the provided process
guidance is technically possible. Besides, it would
be more adequate to accept intermediate values be-
tween 0 and 1. This could be ameliorated using fuzzy
logic. The challenges here include not to overload
BPMS providers and users with flexibility criteria,
and also to score BPMSs according to different BP
flexibility taxonomies. Moreover, we plan to pro-
pose a post-validation approach for the BPMS rec-
ommended by our BPFlexGuide tool. This will im-
ply measuring the flexibility of BPs modeled and ex-
ecuted in that recommended BPMS, by counting the
number of changes that a user needs to perform in
those processes (using that BPMS) to achieve the de-
sired flexibility.
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A Guidance System for Business Process Flexibility