ICT Governance, Risks and Compliance
A Systematic Quasi-review
Claudio Junior Nascimento da Silva, Denise Xavier Fortes
and Rogério Patrício Chagas do Nascimento
Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil
Keywords: ICT Governance, ICT Risks, ICT Compliance, Model.
Abstract: The present study aims to conduct a quasi-systematic review in a structured way to identify, evaluate and
summarize the main evidence on Governance, Risk Management and Compliance in the area of Information
Technology and Communication (ICT) of companies. The objective is to analyze the existing methods and /
or techniques, characterizing their application in an ICT environment so as to enable the reader to be
assisted through a secondary study. Thus, a research question was adopted to guide the quasi-systematic
review that conducted an initial study of 47 articles, among which 18 were selected for the construction of
this work through a selection that included ICT Governance, Risk Management and Compliance.
In recent years the pressure on companies about
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
managers has increased considerably. It is observed
among the audit professionals a tendency in the
examination of the computerized systems as a way
to guarantee that the processes are producing the
expected results.
In parallel with and under the pressure of high
impact regulations in the business itself, such as the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 (SOx), Basel II, European
Directive 2006/43 / EC and from markets prone to
crisis and frauds governance scandals, New
requirements for corporate governance, risk
management and compliance emerged (Racz,
Weippl and Bonazzi, 2011)
The acronym GRC means Governance, Risk and
Compliance as an integrated concept and describes
different organizational activities, from the
organization of an annual audit to the establishment
of internal procedures for continuous monitoring,
definition of roles and responsibilities in the
business processes and users of the system. When
restricting GRC activities for ICT operations, the
term ITGRC is used, including Governance, Risk
Management and ICT Compliance (Racz; Weippl;
Bonazzi, 2011). According to ISO / IEC 38500:
2009, ICT Governance (ITG) is the system by which
current and future use of ICT is directed and
controlled. It involves evaluating and directing plans
for the use of ICT to support the organization and
monitoring of this use to achieve business objectives
(Racz; Weippl; Bonazzi, 2011).
ICT Risk Management (ITRM) is seen as a part
of enterprise risk management (ERM). It aims to
identify potential events that may affect the entity,
manage the risk to be within its limit or tolerance
(risk appetite) and provide reasonable assurance
about the achievement of the entity's objectives
(Racz; Weippl; Bonazzi, 2011). ICT Compliance
(ITC) describes processes to ensure an organization's
ICT adherence to laws, regulations, contracts and
other obligations (Racz; Weippl; Bonazzi, 2011).
In this context, this article presents a method
proposed by (Kitchenham, 2004) and uses the
protocol available by (Mafra, 2005), making use of
primary studies to support the construction of this
secondary study. Throughout this article we describe
how this secondary study was conducted and
presented the results of its analysis according to its
In the present study, 18 ITGRC methods or
techniques are presented, with possible applications
in ICT management of organizations. This article is
divided into 5 sections. Section 2 describes the
quasi-systematic review and protocol. Section 3
describes the conduct of this quasi-review and the
results obtained. Section 4 presents the results of the
quasi-systematic review using the categorization
Silva, C., Fortes, D. and Nascimento, R.
ICT Governance, Risks and Compliance - A Systematic Quasi-review.
DOI: 10.5220/0006317804170424
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 417-424
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
proposed for the methods and techniques
encountered. Section 5 discusses the results of the
analysis and points out future work. .
A summary of the three guidelines that are most
frequently cited in the medical community is
presented in (Kitchenham, 2004). A systematic
review of the literature is characterized as a means to
identify, evaluate and interpret all available and
relevant research in a topic, area or element of
interest for a specific study. Individual studies, such
as research, case studies; experiments (ITG Institute,
2003) that contribute to a systematic review are
characterized as primary studies. Systematic review
is characterized as a secondary study (Mafra, 2005).
To conceive a well-formulated research question,
it is necessary to describe its population, the factor
under study (intervention), and the expected
outcome for the review.
The protocol for a systematic review should
include (Becker et al., 2011): Formulation of one or
more research questions; Identification of the need
for a systematic review; Comprehensive research,
including primary studies; Quality assessment of
included studies; Data extraction; Summary of study
results; Interpretation of results to determine
applicability and reporting. Systematic reviews have
a well-defined research method that aims to obtain
as much relevant bibliographic material as possible.
Before conducting research on primary studies, it is
necessary to define the systematic review protocol
that will be used to perform the review. The protocol
defines the inclusion and exclusion criteria for each
primary study and documents the search strategy,
allowing readers (researchers) to identify their
degree of accuracy, the veracity of the topic, as well
as its objective, as it uses a rigorous review reliable
methodology and susceptible to auditing
The study in question has the objective of
characterization, that is, there is no need for previous
knowledge to make comparisons about the object
searched. Thus, we call a quasi-systematic review,
according to (Kitchenham, 2004). The purpose of
this review is to examine existing methods and / or
techniques in ITGRC to characterize their
application in an ICT environment, through a
secondary study. In the following subsections, we
have the detailed protocol developed. Thus, it
becomes possible to evaluate and repeat the review
by other researchers
2.1 Objectives
The objective of this quasi-systematic review was
formalized using the GQM model proposed by
(Basili and Weiss, 1983) and presented by (Solingen
et al., 2002): To analyze methods and / or
techniques of ICT Governance, Risk Management
and Compliance In ICT for the purpose of
characterization with respect to the criteria for the
use of methods and techniques from the point of
view of the ICT managers of the organizations and
in the context of the method (s) and / or the
technique (s) that have a better application in a
2.2 Research Question
To reach the objective the following question was
defined for the systematic review:
Question: What are the existing methods and /
or techniques for ITGRC?
Population: Project Managers, ICT and CIO’s
Intervention: Methods and / or Techniques.
Results: Methods and / or Techniques.
Evaluation and Experimentation: Any type.
2.3 Strategy for Researching the
The search strategy makes explicit the scope of the
search, as well as the terms to be used in it, which
are used to compose the search sequences. The
definitions of these terms are through population,
intervention, and expected results, which were
defined in the research question.
Scope of research: research in electronic
databases, including journals and
Sources: Scopus, Brazilian Digital Library
(BDBComp), IEEExplore and Portal
Periodicals CAPES.
Due to the fact that there are a large number of
articles that contain the term ITGRC, it was
necessary to consider it together with other terms in
order to select the papers most related to the topic.
The terms used in the search: Method, Technical,
Model, Practices, Framework, IT Governance,
Information Technology Governance, ITG, Risk,
ITRM, Compliance, ITC and ITGRC. In Portuguese:
“Método”, “Técnica”, “Modelo”, “Práticas”,
Framework, “Governança de TI”, “Governança de
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Tecnologia da Informação”, “Riscos”, ITRM,
“Conformidade”, “Conformidade”, “ITC” and
“ITGRC”. The search sequence was generated by the
combination of the key terms: ((OR method OR
standards) AND (IT governance OR ITG) AND (risk
OR ITRM) AND (compliance OR ITC) OR ITGRC).
2.4 Criteria for Selection, Inclusion
and Exclusion of Studies
Criteria for Selection, Inclusion and Exclusion of
Studies published after 2006;
Keyword search tools;
Consultation of articles available through the
The inclusion criteria for the studies were:
Articles available on the;
Must present studies on ICT Governance,
Risks and Compliance;
They must present full texts of the studies in
electronic format;
Must be written in English or Portuguese.
The exclusion criteria were:
Studies on Governance, Risks and
Compliance other than ICT;
Do not answer research questions;
Repeated: if the job is played in different
search sources;
Duplicates: works with similar studies. It will
then be considered the most recent study or
with more complete information;
Irrelevant to the purpose of the research;
Do not present conclusive results.
2.5 Data Extraction Strategy
For each selected item to the complete selection
process, one researcher extracted the following data:
Information for standard reference;
For the question: a) The importance of the
study to quasi-review; b) Description of the
studies presented.
For the preliminary selection process, it was
decided that a researcher applies the search strategy
to identify primary studies. The results will be
analyzed by another researcher involved and any
disagreements will be discussed and resolved. If a
consensus on a particular study is not achieved, it
will be included
The final selection process: copies of all articles
included as the initial search results will be reviewed
entirely by at least one of the researchers. With this
review of articles to be included, the process is
terminated. If there is any disagreement about the
reviewed articles, there will be a discussion to find a
solution. If agreement is not reached, the item will be
included. For the evaluation of the quality of the
material, no procedure was prepared. The review
aimed to find methods and / or techniques for
ITGRC. The only question to be considered is that
the article include a description of the method and /
or technique, as this description will be part of the
data to be extracted
Advanced filtering tools were used to perform the
search in the Scopus database and in the IEEExplore
database, considering the summary (summary) of the
articles, languages (Portuguese and English) and
research area (Computer Science), with the purpose
of minimizing articles that did not include ITGRC
methods and / or techniques. However, for
BDBComp, a basic search was performed, since the
database does not have advanced search
mechanisms. The following is a summary of the
execution of the search in each database:
Scopus: ( ( ABS ( "method" ) OR ABS (
"technical" ) OR ABS ( "framework" ) OR ABS (
"model" ) OR ABS ( "PRACTIES" ) ) AND ( ABS
) OR ABS ( "ITC" ) ) ) OR ABS ( "ITGRC" )
"re" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA ,
) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "English" )
LIMIT-TO ( SRCTYPE , "j" ) );
IEEExplore: (((method OR technical OR
framework OR model OR practies) AND (it
governance OR information technology governance
OR ITG) AND (risk OR ITRM) AND (compliance
BDBComp: This database does not have an
advanced search, so the key words in English and
Portuguese were searched for by keywords: (("IT
ICT Governance, Risks and Compliance - A Systematic Quasi-review
governance") AND ("risk") AND ("compliance")
AND ("methodology") AND ("model").
The planning of the quasi-systematic review
occurred from October to November 2016. The
search with the search sequences was carried out in
November 2016.
In the search in the IEEExplore database, only
keywords were used in English and 22 articles were
obtained. Using the search parameters in the Scopus
database, 25 articles were found. In the database
BDBComp, no article with Portuguese or English
keywords was found. In total, searches in the
databases returned 47 articles. The largest number
of articles is in the Scopus database, since it includes
items from multiple databases (ACM, ScienceDirect,
and others) is noted. These databases that make up
Scopus are often used by Computer Science
researchers (Tang, Meng, Wu, 2012)
Once the research was completed, the selection
of articles was started based on selection criteria and
procedures. With the adoption of inclusion and
exclusion criteria for the articles, evaluations were
carried out to answer the question asked. Of the 47
articles found, 18 were selected to compose the
response to this quasi-Revision. Figure 1 illustrates
the steps of the search process and article selection
in this quasi-review and the study totals found.
During the execution of the process of searching and
selection of articles were carried out detailed
analyzes with the purpose of identifying the items
that best fit the proposed objective.
Figure 1: Process of Research and Adoption of Selection,
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.
When applying search string and keywords in
databases, 47 articles were found. After the adoption
of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 27 articles
were found. These articles were summarized and
had their methods or techniques described. It was
observed that there was a great reduction in the
number of articles. This reduction was obtained
through exclusion criteria focused in the context of
the article in which only 8 articles were selected in
the Scopus database and 10 articles in the
IEEExplore database.
The complete identification of the primary
studies can be found in the References section of this
article. After the completion of the selection, the
primary studies were directed to the reading of the
methods and / or techniques and analysis. The
results of this step can be found below.
3.1 Results obtained
Table 1 summarizes the articles selected after
searching the databases and executing the inclusion
and exclusion criteria. The methods, methodologies,
techniques or models that use ITGRC processes are
briefly described.
The innvestigations of methods and / or
techniques on ITGRC have varied over the years.
However, in 2011 there was a greater dedication in
relation to the other years, having been found eight
studies. In 2009 no study was found on the subject.
Figure 2 details the statistical evolution of the
studies over the last decade (2006-2016).
Figure 2: Statistics of Studies throughout the Last Decade.
The analysis of the data reveals that there is no
predominance in the country of origin of the authors
of the publications. Figure 3 shows that the United
Kingdom and Switzerland, each with 3 publications,
individually lead the ranking. However, it is
generally perceived that Asian countries have a
relatively large volume of publications. India,
Malaysia and Indonesia contributed 5 publications.
Figure 3: Ranking of the studies by country (author).
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Selected results.
Methods, Techniques and ICT Governance Models, Risks and Compliance (TTGRC)
Arshad, 2010)
The aim of this research is to develop the model of ICT governance practices for the public sector in
Malaysia. Interview sessions were held with ICT professionals at the management level in Putrajaya.
Based on the interviews, a theoretical model of ICT governance was built, which involves the
involvement of top management in ICT, corporate performance measurement systems, corporate
communication systems, risk management, strategic alignment, value delivery, ethics / culture
Compliance and resource management.
(Becker Et Al.,
In this article, the main Digital Preservation capabilities were defined as ICT Governance processes
and linked to the central processes of COBIT. Based on an established method for defining and
controlling operations, a process model is suggested to abstract key activities, formalizing objectives,
and enabling clear assignment of responsibilities.
(Gregory, 2011)
It highlights the need for care with customer data management. Defines and details data governance.
Explains the strong link between corporate governance, risk and compliance and how the data sustain
all three, and how it also needs to be governed.
(Krey Et Al.,
In the first part of this article, different areas of focus for the GRC approach were derived. Successful
application of ICT governance principles can provide a mechanism to increase the effectiveness of
ICT and, on the other hand, meet the growing demands of ICT business. A survey was conducted to
give an overview of the ICT governance models used in the health sector and tries to answer the
question of whether they actually meet industry requirements.
(Kul, 2011)
This paper proposes a new conformity assessment and a new monitoring method to ensure the safe
use of ICT resources made available by financial institutions.
(Tan; Eze; Teo,
Research indicates that governance of information and communication technology (ITG) is attracting
tremendous attention from professionals and academics. This is fueled by the growing importance of
ICT governance in delivering ICT Compliance and in its ability to create value for enterprises.
Organizations realize the benefits of IT governance but are unfamiliar with ICT structures.
(Tang; Meng.;
Wu, 2012)
Based on the quantitative content analysis of the existing literature from the year 1996 to the year
2010, this paper refines twelve essential components of the concept of ICT governance, including
corporate governance, corporate goals, governance structure, governance process.
Vitolla, 2014)
The objective of this work is to analyze how the COBIT framework, integrated in the internal control
framework, allows the improvement in the quality of the financial reports, helping to reduce or
eliminate material weaknesses (MWS) of internal control over financial reporting (ICFR).
Fertalj, 2008)
This article discusses reference model governance and frameworks, and proposes a holistic approach
in which the prerequisites for quality assurance are built on information system architecture.
(Krey, 2015a)
Due to the complexity in both the hospital environment and the ITGRC field, the objectives of this
paper are to systematize the importance of the integrated ICT GRC for health care to analyze the
extent to which the principles of ITGRC are recognized, established and accepted by CIOs and ICT
executives from Swiss hospitals.
(Krey, 2016b)
This research is associated with a survey that was conducted in 2009 and thus allows to draw
conclusions about the progress of ITGRC management in Swiss hospitals in the last 5 years. The
findings revealed that ITGRC in health care is still too often seen as the domain and sole
responsibility of the CIO and the ICT department. The results demonstrated that IT GRC has not been
sufficiently utilized by the executive management of many hospitals, especially the public ones.
Krcmar, 2013)
This article investigates the complications of effective governance conception for ICT risk
management (ITRM). In the analysis of two organizations, however, it implies that both coercive and
enabling governance for RTIs can lead to bureaucratic derision. The study contributes to the
knowledge of the IT governance body, linking types of bureaucracy to IT governance tasks and
providing associated anti-standards.
(Krey Et Al.,
This article presents a practically validation method for this approach. After discussing the challenges
for the development of a validation method, the concept of triangulation as a basis for the
development of the method will be applied to the given context of health care.
(Saha Et Al.,
With the growing trend of globalization and e-governance initiatives passing by different industrial
sectors, multinational corporations are forced to conform to the multiple government regulations
required by various stakeholders including regulatory authorities, legal entities, consumer forums and
partners. In this article, we propose a framework for the construction of a multiagent information
model that captures the notion of compliance semantics and presents it using ontology.
ICT Governance, Risks and Compliance - A Systematic Quasi-review
Table 1: Selected results (cont.).
(Puspasari Et
Al., 2011)
The study reports the application of a tool that combines Governance, Risk and Compliance in ICT in
a bank in Indonesia. Until then these policies were adopted separately, producing bad and damaging
experiences for the organization. Based on the experience of the application of ICT Risk
Management, the organization realized the importance of automation. He also realized that ICT risk
management will be more effective when combined with the application of IT governance and
(Spies, 2011)
An approach to securing cloud security using model-driven architecture is presented. This approach
integrates a number of current software assurance modeling frameworks as well as standardization
efforts for cloud security based on ICT governance, risk and compliance management modeling, and
reporting languages.
(Vicente; Silva,
In this paper we propose a business architecture that describes the integration of the main ITGRC
processes. Based on a process model for IT GRC and a conceptual model for GRC, ArchiMate was
used to model the behavioral, structural and informational structure from a business perspective -
business processes, roles and business objects, respectively.
(Racz; Weippl;
Bonazzi, 2011)
It presents an analysis of GRC's integration efforts in information technology departments of three large
companies. Action project research is used to organize the research to evaluate ITGRC activities based on a five-
dimensional model.
After the execution of the Quasi-Systematic Review
process, the results obtained were characterized as
criteria of use to facilitate the analysis. The proposed
criteria were:
IT Governance (ITG) - (yes / no) indicates
if the presented works have activities in this
ICT Risk Management (ITRM) - (yes / no)
- identifies whether selected papers are
dedicated to activities in this area;
ICT Compliance (ITC) - (yes / no) marks
the works that have a focus of action in this
Application - classifies the application of the
models identified according to the environment
(Theoretical / Practical).
Table 2 identifies the studies selected according
to categorization and established criteria.
Table 2: Classified results.
ICT Risks
(Maidin; Arshad, 2010)
(Becker Et Al., 2011)
(Gregory, 2011)
(Krey Et Al., 2010a)
(Kul, 2011)
(Tan; Eze; Teo, 2008)
(Tang; Meng; Wu, 2012)
(Rubino; Vitolla, 2014)
(Vukovic; Fertalj, 2008)
(Krey, 2015a)
(Krey, 2016b)
(Wiesche; Schermann; Krcmar, 2013)
(Krey Et Al., 2012b)
(Saha Et Al., 2011)
(Puspasari Et Al., 2011)
(Spies, 2011)
(Vicente; Silva, 2011)
(Racz; Weippl; Bonazzi, 2011)
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Based on the selected studies, it was identified that
in many cases, even referring to ICT Governance,
ICT Risk Management and ICT Compliance, the
methods / models and techniques did not
concomitantly address the three areas. This can be
observed in Fig. 4, which accurately illustrates the
statistical data of the use of the areas in each
selected study.
Figure 4: Use of Areas by Selected Study.
Regarding its application, it can be seen in Fig. 5
that the great majority is still in the Theoretical plan
(67%), that is, proposed models that were not found
in practice (33%).
Figure 5: Application of the Proposed Models.
Considering the practical application, it is
perceived that the concept of ITGRC is still far from
being a reality within the organizations and even in
the projects developed by the ICT área. Figure 6
illustrates the IT GRC execution process model used
by several researched authors: Krey Et Al (2012b),
Puspasari Et Al. (2011) and Racz, Weippl, Seufert
Figure 6: Process model for ITGRC.
In this work a quasi-systematic review was carried
out to identify, analyze and characterize the ICT
Governance methods, ICT Risk Management and
ICT Compliance methods that can be applied in the
industry. A research question was raised to guide
this research and after evaluating a total of 47
studies initially returned, 18 were selected as studies
relevant to the quasi-review.
The results show that until the date of the quasi-
systematic review, it was not possible to identify a
standard method or technique to promote and use
knowledge of ITGRC. All studies found promote the
practice of ICT Governance. However, the same
does not occur when the criterion evaluated is ICT
Risk Management and ICT Compliance. The
combination of practices that define ITGRC requires
that the three identified criteria or areas (ITG, ITMM
and ITC) be considered concomitantly. This
situation occurs in 41% of the cases studied
It is observed that many authors deal with
Compliance, for example, but they never define
action plans or procedures to aggregate this area to
ICT Risk Management, ICT Governance or both. It
must be considered that there is no perfect
understanding of ICT managers or organizations'
managers about the meaning, importance and
necessity of a fully integrated Governance, Risk and
Compliance (GRC).
It is believed that this research presents relevant
results for the academy, presenting and supporting
the characterization of ITGRC methods and
techniques applied in ICT, becoming a source of
relevant consultation for ICT management. As a
future goal, one can investigate the degree of
knowledge of project managers, ICT managers and
CIOs about the meaning and importance of ITGRC
in the ICT environment of organizations, whether
private or public. In addition, it is possible to
investigate the details of the operation of the ITGRC
models used in organizations.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems