Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline
Faheem Ullah
, Adam Johannes Raft
, Mojtaba Shahin
, Mansooreh Zahedi
and Muhammad Ali Babar
CREST – Centre for Research on Engineering Software Technologies, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
CREST – Centre for Research on Engineering Software Technologies, IT University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Keywords: Continuous Deployment Pipeline, Continuous Deployment, Security, Continuous Integration.
Abstract: Continuous Deployment (CD) has emerged as a new practice in the software industry to continuously and
automatically deploy software changes into production. Continuous Deployment Pipeline (CDP) supports CD
practice by transferring the changes from the repository to production. Since most of the CDP components
run in an environment that has several interfaces to the Internet, these components are vulnerable to various
kinds of malicious attacks. This paper reports our work aimed at designing secure CDP by utilizing security
tactics. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of five security tactics in designing a secure pipeline by
conducting an experiment on two CDPs– one incorporates security tactics while the other does not. Both
CDPs have been analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. We used assurance cases with goal-structured
notations for qualitative analysis. For quantitative analysis, we used penetration tools. Our findings indicate
that the applied tactics improve the security of the major components (i.e., repository, continuous integration
server, main server) of a CDP by controlling access to the components and establishing secure connections.
Continuous Deployment (CD) is a software
development practice which enables an organization
to deploy software to customers continuously,
automatically and reliably (Claps et al., 2015,
ElectricCloud, 2016). A number of innovative
organizations such as Facebook, Microsoft, and IBM
adopted CD to deliver values to their customers
frequently. CD brings several benefits to an
organization (Anderson, 2014). These benefits
include reducing developer’s effort, improving the
quality of software, and reduced cost (Anderson et al.,
2014, Chen, 2015). Continuous Deployment Pipeline
(CDP) is the core concept to successfully implement
CD practice (contributors, 2016, Humble and Farley,
2010, Phillips A, 2015). CDP automatically transfers
code changes from a repository to a production
environment. Furthermore, CDP enables the team
members to always keep an eye on every aspect (e.g.,
build, deploy, test etc.) of the system, and get a quick
feedback on deployed software. A CDP also
promotes collaboration between various groups of
developers working together to fix bugs and issues
and deliver the software by improving the visibility
of changes (Fowler, 2013). A CDP is a collection of
stages (e.g., build, package, and test) supported by
tools (GitHub, Jenkins, AWS etc.) and technologies
for enabling continuous and automated deployment
of changes into production. The number and nature of
stages involved in CDP vary from organization to
organization (Adams and McIntosh, 2016). Similarly,
the tools and technologies incorporated for
implementation of CDP also vary from project to
project and organization to organization.
Security of software supply chain is becoming
important because of the involvement of several
direct and indirect participants in the process (Ellison
et al., 2010). In order to ensure a secure supply of
software, each phase (initiation, development,
deployment, maintenance and disposal) of software
supply chain needs to be protected from malicious
attacks. Being the last portion of the supply chain,
deployment pipeline needs to be fully secure (Bass et
al., 2015). However, the reality is contrary to this.
Different users from various teams (e.g.,
development, operation, and testing) have the same
level of access to various resources on the pipeline
which gives unnecessary access and paws way for
malicious activities (Rimba et al., 2015). Continuous
Ullah, F., Raft, A., Shahin, M., Zahedi, M. and Babar, M.
Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline.
DOI: 10.5220/0006318200570068
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2017), pages 57-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-250-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Integration (CI) server, an important part of a CDP,
generally has a monolithic design which enables an
attacker (who breached a single part of the code) to
have access to all parts of the code and so gain an
overall control of the entire process (Bass et al.,
2015). Securing a CDP is a challenging task due to
the variety of tools involved with each having its own
security requirements (Bass et al., 2015).
It is asserted that if the components of a CDP and
the communication among them are secure, then the
whole CDP will be secure (Bass et al., 2015, Rimba
et al., 2015). Hence, we propose the use of five
security tactics for protecting CDP from malicious
attacks by addressing the security requirements of the
three major components (i.e., repository, main server,
and CI server) of the CDP. The primary focus of our
security tactics is to ensure controlled access to these
components. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our
security tactics by comparing two CDPs – one that
incorporates our proposed tactics and other that does
not. Our results show that security tactics ultimately
lead to enhancing the security of the entire CDP. It is
worth mentioning that both academia and industry
refer to CDP and CI server also as continuous
delivery pipeline and automated build server
respectively. Therefore, these terms are used
interchangeably in the rest of the paper.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 discusses CDP, its security in the light of
existing literature, and motivation for this work.
Section 3 includes an overview of our implemented
CDPs, security risks identified for each of the three
components, and presents our approach for
eliminating identified risks through the incorporation
of our proposed security tactics. Section 4 presents
analysis and results from the qualitative and
quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of
security tactics. Section 5 provides a discussion on the
results and limitations of our approach. Section 6
concludes the work and identifies some future
research directions.
Sufficient research exists on the identification and
categorization of software security risks. Reviewing
such literature gives us an idea of possible
permutations inside a software system. (Landwehr et
al., 1993) classify security flaws based on how, when
and where they are introduced into the system. Based
on this logic, security flaws are categorized into three
categories: Genesis (intentionally, unintentionally
etc.), Time of Introduction (during development,
maintenance, or operation etc.) and Location
(hardware or software). ((Langweg, 2004) categorize
attacks that software applications can come across.
According to this classification, attacks are divided
into three categories: Location (input), Cause
(processing), and Effect (output). (Aslam et al.,
1996) present the classification of security faults in
Unix Operating System to highlight various types of
security faults. Similarly, several organizations also
highlight security risks in software. Open Web
Application Security Project (OWASP)
created a list
of top 10 vulnerabilities (e.g. injection, broken
authentication & session management, and missing
function-level access control etc.) for web
applications. In 2011, Common Weaknesses
Enumeration (CWE)
also published a list of 25
software errors (missing authentication, missing
authorization, incorrect authorization etc.) that can
lead to serious losses.
(Bass et al., 2015) explore various scenarios of
subverting a pipeline that includes deployment of an
invalid image, deployment of an image without being
passed through a complete pipeline, and unauthorized
environment (e.g. development) having direct access
to the production environment. Authors propose steps
for securing the pipeline that includes: (1)
identification of security requirements of the pipeline;
(2) differentiating between trustworthy and
untrustworthy components of the pipeline; (3)
decomposition of untrustworthy components of the
pipeline; (4) modification of untrustworthy
components to let the trustworthy components
perform critical operations. The proposed process for
securing the deployment pipeline is aimed at making
trustworthy components of the pipeline mediate
access to the actual building and deploying activities.
Accessing sensitive data or functions only through
trustworthy components improves the security of the
pipeline by preventing untrustworthy components
from accessing sensitive functions. The devised
process does not fully secure the pipeline but hardens
it to a certain level.
(Rimba et al., 2015) highlight several security
requirements of CDP that include: (1) different roles
(e.g. development team, operation team etc.) should
have different levels of access (2) in order to prevent
malicious code end up being deployed in production,
CDP should not be miss-configured or compromised
in any way and (3) testing and production
environments should be fully isolated. Authors
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
demonstrate the suitability of their proposed approach
(Design Fragments) by securing a CDP to satisfy its
security requirements. In order to address first
security requirement, authors utilize existing security
mechanisms of Amazon Web Service (AWS) and CI
server (Jenkins) to assign different access levels to
different users. For second security requirement,
AWS buckets (codeBucket, credsBucket,
imageBucket, and configBucket) have been protected
by allowing only Jenkins to have access to them.
Authentication enforcer design fragment has been
inserted between Jenkins and buckets, and devised
tactics are leveraged to make required connections or
disconnections for separating Jenkins from trusted
components. Using execution domain pattern,
authors define three logical execution domains
(testing, production, and shared) for isolation of
testing and production environments. Assurance Case
Analysis has been performed to verify that devised
tactics fully address second and third security
requirement of the CDP.
(Gruhn et al., 2013) analyse CI from the security
perspective to identify possible security threats. This
study relates to our work as it also identifies a class of
threats related to build server. Build Server executes
a build job in four steps: (1) Version Control System
(VCS) checkout (2) Build preparations (3) Builder
runs (4) Notification. Each step is vulnerable to
various kinds of malicious attacks such as exploiting
symbolic links (Ko et al., 1994), Denial of Service
attack, Thompson’s trusting trust attack (Thompson,
1984). These threats are eliminated by encapsulating
build job through virtualization. The CI system
restores build server to its original clean form after
every build process and thereby, protects build server
from malicious attacks.
This related work section gives us an insight into
CDP security risks through investigation of security
taxonomies, findings of various security
organizations and related research works. From these
findings, it can be extracted that CDP is subjected to
a vast majority of security threats. In existing
literature, some studies (Bass et al., 2015, Rimba et
al., 2015) focus on access control while some (Gruhn
et al., 2013) focus on virtualization for securing build
server. Our approach leverages both access control
measures and virtualization for securing the pipeline.
Similarly, existing approaches are primarily focused
on securing build server (which is one component of
the CDP) while our proposed tactics secure three
main components (repository, main server, and build
server) of the CDP. Most importantly, existing
approaches are evaluated using only qualitative
analysis. We evaluate the effectiveness of our
proposed security tactics using both qualitative and
quantitative analysis.
First, this section briefly describes our CDP and
shows how basic components of our implemented
CDPs collaborate with each other. Then, the CDP is
analysed from the security perspective to identify the
basic security risks in the CDP. The identification of
these security risks helps us in designing our security
tactics. Finally, we describe proposed security tactics
for improving the security of our CDP.
3.1 Overview of CDP
The three main components of our CDP and the
relation between them is shown in Fig – 1. The
repository is the place where developers commit their
developed code. CI server is responsible for testing
and building the code committed to the repository. In
case commit of a developer breaks the commit of
another developer, then corresponding developer is
informed. If the build is successful then the code is
deployed in the main server.
Figure 1: Continuous Deployment Pipeline (CDP).
The components of the CDP, tools used for
implementation of the corresponding components,
and their versions are shown in Table – 1. For the
purpose of comparison, two CDPs are implemented
one incorporates the security tactics (Secure CDP)
and other does not (Non-secure CDP). In both CDPs,
except GitHub, all other components run on an AWS
instance with Ubuntu as OS.
Table 1: Components of CDP.
Component Tool Version
Repository GitHub 1.9.1
CI Server Jenkins 1.656
Test JUnit 4.11
Build Server Maven 2.2.1
Web Server Tomcat
Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline
3.2 Security Risks in CDP
One of the major challenges in implementing CDP is
dealing with security risks (Bass et al., 2015, Rimba
et al., 2015). Before devising any approach for
securing CDPs, it is imperative to first identify and
understand these security risks faced by various
components of the CDP as summarized in Table – 2
and described in the followings:
3.2.1 Security Risks in Repository
Repository (GitHub) of our CDP is a standalone
component that does not borrow or lend security to
any other component. Since a password is the
protection criterion that repository uses to
authenticate developers, therefore, password
implementation needs to be of high strength (Gaw
and Felten, 2006). Secondly, a user with an access to
the GitHub account has total control over all other
repositories associated with that account. This total
control includes deleting individual repositories and
accepting a push or pull request for others. If such a
request for a malicious user is accepted, then this user
may initiate malicious activities and may accept
requests for other malicious users.
3.2.2 Security Risks in Main Server
Access to the Main server (AWS) should be
authenticated and authorized. Although a high
strength password solution is a fairly secure option,
but sometimes average password solutions are
implemented which gives an opportunity to social
engineers to breach password and get unauthenticated
access to resources (Tari et al., 2006). In addition to
password protection, an additional security measure
needs to be taken to enhance the authentication
process for the Main server. Similarly, once
authenticated, a user gets full access to the instance
including the OS. A mechanism is required to restrict
the access to resources on the Main server.
3.2.3 Security Risks in CI server
CI server (Jenkins) also faces serious security threats.
A security failure can cause malicious injection in a
VM instance (with Jenkins inside it) while it is
running. It is important to ensure that before starting
a new build process, CI server should be in a clean
state (Gruhn et al., 2013). Secondly, the default
installation of Jenkins gives free access to everyone.
A mechanism is needed to assign a role to each user
which specifies the access rights of the user (Sandhu
et al., 1996). Such a mechanism would enable the
administrator to control who can create, modify and
delete pipelines.
Table 2: Security Risks in Key Components of CDP.
Component Security Risks
Uncontrolled access
Main Server
Poor authentication mechanism
Uncontrolled access
CI server
Starting build process with
previously infected state
Uncontrolled access
3.3 Proposed Security Tactics
After a thorough analysis of the security threats posed
to various components of the CDP, five Security
Tactics (ST) are devised to eliminate identified
threats and secure the pipeline against malicious
activities. These security tactics are:
1. Securing repository through controlled access to
get hold over who can commit to certain branches of
the repository
2. Securing connection to the main server through
use of private key over Secure SHell (SSH)
3. Using roles on the main server to control access
via leveraging AWS Identity and Access Management
(IAM) ecosystem
4. Setting up the CI server to start up a Virtual
Machine (VM) with a clean state by leveraging
Jenkins VM plug-in (Jenkins, 2013)
5. Using Jenkins roles plug-in (Jenkins, 2016) for
assigning roles on the CI server to control who can
create, modify and delete pipelines
First two tactics are incorporated in both the CDPs
(Secure CDP and non-secure CDP) while rest of the
three tactics are only incorporated in the secure CDP
as shown in Fig – 2. Each of the tactics is further
explained in the following sub-sections.
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Secure & non-secure CDP with incorporated security tactics.
3.3.1 Controlled Access to Repository
The Repository is the starting point of the CDP and if
its security is breached, then the security of the entire
CDP becomes vulnerable. GitHub allows developers
to commit code to the project by adding them to
“Collaborators”. In order to have control over who
can commit code or create and delete individual
repositories, default security gate of GitHub is
utilized. This enables the administrator or particular
user with assigned rights to accept or reject a commit
request. Each time a user makes a push request to
commit code, the administrator of the repository has
the authority to accept or reject the request. Applying
this approach before accepting any commit request
enables the administrator to ensure that user or his
activity is not malicious. Sometimes, it may not be
possible to have the administrator to make an actual
pull for every commit due to a high number of commit
requests. However, there exist several solutions to
address this issue. For example, if the server is
propriety Git server then Gitolite
is a possible
3.3.2 Enhanced Authentication Mechanism
for Main Server
In addition to username and password, private key
over SSH (Ellingwood, 2014) is leveraged by the
Main server to keep AWS instance safe from an
insecure connection. Username and password give
access to AWS interface where instances can be
manipulated but username and password cannot
enable a user to connect to an instance. In order to
connect to an AWS instance, a private key over SSH
is required. This additional protection through private
key over SSH enhances authentication process and
ensures that no malicious user is connected to an
AWS instance.
3.3.3 Controlled Access to Main Server
Having only authentication mechanism means all
users will have the same kind of access rights, which
is problematic. In order to allocate particular access
rights to particular users, the concept of roles is
introduced. AWS Identity and Access Management
(IAM) ecosystem can be utilized to enable an
administrator to control access of users to AWS
instances and ecosystem and allocate access rights
based on the particular role of the user. For example,
the administrator can control which user can change
the settings of a firewall.
3.3.4 Clean CI Server VM Image
Utilizing VM plug-in in Jenkins protects VM from
outside malicious access (Gruhn et al., 2013). Every
time a Jenkins is asked to build, it fires up a VM with
a Jenkins inside it. Since the Jenkins is inside the VM
that performs the build, therefore, Jenkins instance is
not vulnerable to malicious activity. When the build
process gets finished, VM is shut down and the
Jenkins instance inside this VM is destroyed. Next
time, when a Jenkins is asked to build, a new VM with
a new Jenkins instance is created to start the new
Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline
clean build. Fig – 3 highlights the significance of VM
plug-in by showing the difference between states of a
CI server in the presence and absence of VM plug-in.
Figure 3: States of CI server with and without VM plug-in.
3.3.5 Controlled Access to CI Server
With Jenkins’ roles plug-in, it is possible to create
global roles, project roles, slaves’ roles and user roles
('Role Strategy Plugin. Available at
Strategy+Plugin [Last Accessed: 24th Oct, 2016],').
Here, we are particularly interested to leverage this
plug-in for enabling the administrator to have a
control over the activity of a user. Using roles plug-
in, administrator assigns roles to each user based on
his particular role. Such an assignment of role would
decide access rights of the user. For example, an
administrator may restrict one user from creating,
modifying or deleting a pipeline but may allow
another user to perform these tasks.
This section analyses the implemented CDPs both
qualitatively and quantitatively to investigate whether
the proposed tactics enhance the security of secure
4.1 Qualitative Analysis of CDPs
We use Assurance Case with Goal Structuring
Notation (GSN) for qualitative assessment of the
effectiveness of proposed security tactics. Assurance
Case is a qualitative testing technique where evidence
is organized into an argument to show to a certain
interested party that a certain claim regarding the
system holds true (John Goodenough, 2007). In
Assurance Case technique, a claim about a system is
established and supported by objective evidence.
Sometimes safety arguments within safety cases
communicated via free text are unclear and create
misunderstanding among various stack holders. It is
always efficient and easily understandable to present
assurance case in graphical form rather than textual
form. For this purpose, GSN (Kelly and Weaver,
2004) is used to properly communicate arguments in
an assurance case through graphical notations. In
GSN, elements are linked together to form a goal
structure and while supporting arguments, goal
structure is successively broken down into sub-goals
until these small goals can be directly supported via
evidence (Kelly and Weaver, 2004).
We aim to secure three basic components
(Repository, Main Server, and CI Server) of a CDP.
We will analyse whether our proposed security tactics
meet the security requirements of these three
components of a CDP. If we demonstrate that the
proposed tactics properly meet the security
requirements, then it can be shown our security tactics
improve a CDP’s security.
From the security perspective, the repository
requires controlled access, which means not all users,
should have full rights to access every resource or
perform any operation at the repository. Security
requirements of the Main server can be broken down
into two parts: firstly, every user should be properly
authenticated before allowing him access to the Main
server; and secondly access to resources or authority
to perform operations should be authorized. The
security requirements of the CI Server can also be
broken down into two parts: firstly CI server should
be in the clean state before starting a new build
process; and secondly access to CI server should be
controlled so that the principle of least privilege
(Sandhu and Samarati, 1994) can be realized. We
make an assurance case as shown in Fig – 4 to argue
that our proposed tactics satisfy the security
requirements of the CDP. We claim that our CDP is
secure because three of the major components
(repository, main server, CI server) of the CDP are
secure. The repository is secure because access to the
repository is totally controlled. First, a user is
authenticated through his credentials (username and
password). After being authenticated, default security
gate of GitHub is leveraged which enables the
administrator to decide about user’s privileges. The
mechanism allows the administrator to keep a check
on who is committing code and prevents a common
user from allowing an attacker to commit his
malicious code. This security measure also provides
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
an additional protection to Java files, JUnit files, and
Maven files because they do not have their own
security mechanism rather rely on repository's
security mechanism. Next, we claim that Main Server
is secure. Main Server will be secure if users
accessing the Main Server are authenticated and each
user has specific rights according to his role to access
or perform particular operations. In order to access an
AWS instance on Main Server, in addition to
username and password, a user needs private-key
over SSH. This additional security measure ensures
that even if a malicious user breaches the normal
password security system, he can't connect to the
AWS instance as he would require a private key for
connecting and manipulating an AWS instance.
Similarly, the second requirement of the Main server
is addressed by utilizing the AWS IAM service that
enables an administrator to assign specific access
rights to users according to their roles. Finally, we
claim that CI server is also secure. This claim is
supported by two arguments. In order to ensure that
CI server is in a clean state before starting a build
process, we are leveraging the VM plug-in, which
protects Jenkins instance from malicious attacks and
ensures that CI server remains in the clean and non-
infected state. Since the security of CI server requires
controlled access to CI server, role plug-in is
leveraged to enable an administrator to assign roles to
various users according to their particular roles.
Since our qualitative analysis demonstrates that
the proposed security tactics satisfy the security
requirements of the CDP, therefore, we can establish
that our proposed security tactics contribute to
improving the security of the CDP.
4.2 Quantitative Analysis of CDPs
For quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of
security tactics, two scanning tests are performed.
These scanning tests launch various kinds of attacks
on the application to find vulnerabilities and assess
the security level of the application.
The first of these tests is the Qualys OWASP
that is normally practiced to see whether a web
application works according to the security standards
set by OWASP against online attackers. Qualys
OWASP scan helps understand and identify
vulnerabilities and support in fixing these
vulnerabilities. Scanning engine is intelligently
designed to perform specific scanning tasks and avoid
unnecessary vulnerability checks. Qualys scanning
Figure 4: CDP Assurance Case.
methodology follows the same steps as an attacker
would follow (Qualys, 2015). The basic steps of the
scanning process include: (1) checking if the host to
be scanned is alive and running; (2) checking if host
is using some firewalling; (3) identifying all open
TCP and UPD ports; (4) checking which operating
system is used by host; (5) identification of services
running on open TCP or UDP ports; (6) starting actual
non-intrusive vulnerability assessment (Qualys,
The second scanning tool is OWASP Zed Attack
Proxy (ZAP)
scanner that is a free security scanner
for finding vulnerabilities in web applications. ZAP
has two kinds of scanners: Active and Passive (ZAP,
2015). Active scanner performs a wide range of
known attacks on the host to find vulnerabilities. The
active scanner cannot detect logical vulnerabilities
such as broken access control. In addition to active
scanning, it is always beneficial to perform manual
penetration testing too. Passive scanner constantly
examines requests and responses to detect a certain
type of vulnerabilities. ZAP also has fuzzing
capability to identify vulnerabilities that are more
settled, which active and passive scanners cannot
identify. In this work, we only focus on automatic
attacks to assess the security aspects of CDPs.
Primarily, these tools focus on web aspect of
penetration testing. The two important components of
CDPs (GitHub and Jenkins) have a public interface in
the form of a website. Tomcat, which hosts Jenkins,
has a public interface and so does the dashboard that
controls AWS instances. Keeping in view that CDP
has public web interfaces, these tools are best
Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline
available tools for quantitative assessment of the
security level of CDPs.
4.2.1 Repository (GitHub)
We mentioned that a single repository is used with
both the CDPs, hence, the security level of the
repository cannot be compared. Instead, these tests
enable us to find the vulnerabilities and their severity.
OWASP scan found 105 vulnerabilities in the
repository as shown in Fig – 5a. The majority of the
vulnerabilities are related to Denial-Of-Service (DoS)
attacks, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
timestamp, path, and password-completion. DoS
attacks do not pose any direct threat to the security of
GitHub as these issues can affect communication to
and from pipeline but cannot directly infect the
pipeline. As a matter of the best practice, ICMP
timestamp issues can be addressed via several
available techniques (Singh et al., 2003, Security,
2016), but these issues do not have any significance
in relevance to a CDP’s security. There are several
path-based vulnerabilities as well which again does
not pose any serious threat to a CDP’s security. These
path-based vulnerabilities give the attacker some
information about folder structure on the server,
which can be used for guessing the structure of other
folders on a server. Most browsers have auto-
password completion feature, which is a serious issue.
It means that retrieving such a password from the
browser would enable an attacker to access CDP and
inject malicious software, which will be a total breach
of security.
Figure 5a: OWASP Scan Result for Repository (GitHub).
ZAP scan found several vulnerabilities
categorized into eight groups as shown in Fig – 5b.
Identified vulnerabilities are related to settings of
cookie, usage of JavaScript, content caching, IP
disclosure and password auto-completion. Setting
cookie without the secure flag and HTTPOnly flag
makes it possible to access cookie via non-encrypted
connection and using JavaScript respectively. It does
not have much to do with a CDP’s security and can
be easily fixed too. The results show that about 6618
vulnerabilities of using JavaScript for another
domain. Not all the cases have been checked but the
ones that are checked come from GitHub subdomain which makes it a non-issue in
relevance to a CDP’s security. There are around 3683
cases (vulnerabilities) where HTTP allows browser or
proxy to cache contents, which again is not relevant
to the security of CDP. There are also cases of
displaying private IP in HTML response code that can
be mitigated via Load Master Content Rule (KEMP,
2016) or similar strategies depending upon the type
of server. This vulnerability is also not directly related
to the security of CDP. Like OWASP scan, password
auto-completion vulnerability is detected by ZAP
scan too, which poses a serious threat to the security
of CDP.
Figure 5b: ZAP Scan Result for Repository (GitHub).
4.2.2 Main Server (AWS)
Scanning tests are separately applied on Main servers
for secure and non-secure CDPs.
Main Server of Secure CDP
As shown in Fig – 6a OWASP scan found three
vulnerabilities in the Main server of secure CDP.
Vulnerabilities found by this scan are related to
cookies, which identifies that secure flag and
HTTPOnly flag are not set. If these flags are not set,
it may allow the browser to communicate via a non-
encrypted channel and a client side script would be
able to read a cookie. Hence, such vulnerabilities do
not affect the security of CDP. Additionally, these
issues can be easily fixed.
Figure 6a: OWASP Scan Result for Main Server (AWS) of
Secure CDP.
ZAP scan found around 26 vulnerabilities of six
different types. Results obtained from ZAP scan are
shown in Fig – 6b. Similar to OWASP scan, the
majority of vulnerabilities are relevant to cookies.
Apart from that, issues relevant to content caching
and cross-site scripting are also identified. The list of
vulnerabilities shows that X-Frame-Options Header
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
is not added. This allows an attacker to inject multiple
transparent layers in HTTP page for deceiving a user.
Most modern browsers have this feature and this issue
can be easily fixed. As mentioned previously, the
issue of content caching is hardly relevant to the
security of CDP. Similarly, the Anti-MIME-Sniffing
header X-Content-Type-Options can be easily set to
‘nonsniff’. Further results indicate that XSS
protection is not enabled which can be enabled by
setting the X-XSS-protection HTTP response header
to ‘1’.
Figure 6b: ZAP Scan Result for Main Server (AWS) of
Secure CDP.
Main Server of Non-Secure CDP
OWASP scan identified three vulnerabilities in the
Main Server of non-secure CDP as shown in Fig – 7a.
Identified vulnerabilities are related to password
auto-completion, which poses a serious threat to the
security of CDP.
Figure 7a: OWASP Scan Result for Main Server (AWS) of
Non-secure CDP.
ZAP scan found around 42 vulnerabilities of eight
types in the Main Server of non-secure CDP as shown
in Fig – 7b. Most of the vulnerabilities identified are
of the same kind as found for Main Server of secure
CDP, however, the number of vulnerabilities
increased for non-secure CDP. Additionally, as
shown by OWASP scan as well, Main Server of non-
secure CDP has password auto-completion
vulnerability that is a serious issue in relevance to the
security of CDP.
4.2.3 CI Server (Jenkins)
Similar to Main Server, scanning tests are applied on
CI servers of both CDPs.
Figure 7b: ZAP Scan Result for Main Server (AWS) of
Non-secure CDP.
CI Server of Secure CDP
OWASP scan did not find any vulnerability in CI
server of secure CDP as shown in Fig – 8a.
Figure 8a: OWASP Scan Result for CI Server (Jenkins) of
Secure CDP.
As shown in Fig – 8b, ZAP scan found around 113
vulnerabilities of five types. The majority of the
vulnerabilities are the same as found for the main
server and it has already been discussed how these
issues can be addressed. A single serious
vulnerability is found which relates to password auto-
Figure 8b: ZAP Scan Result for CI Server (Jenkins) of
Secure CDP.
CI Server of Non-Secure CDP
In CI server of non-secure CDP, OWASP scan could
not find any vulnerability as shown in Fig – 9a.
Figure 9a: OWASP Scan Result for CI Server (Jenkins) of
Non-secure CDP.
Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline
Table 3: Comparison of vulnerabilities found in components of secure and non-secure CDP.
Scan Test
ZAP Total
Secure CDP Non-secure
Secure Non-
3 3 26 42 29 45
CI Server
0 0 113 1428 113 1428
105 10781 10886
Figure 9b: ZAP Scan Result for CI Server (Jenkins) of Non-
secure CDP.
Unlike OWASP scan, ZAP scan found around
1428 vulnerabilities of seven types in CI server of
non-secure CDP that is quite a huge number as
compared to 113 found for secure CDP (see Fig – 9b).
In addition to the vulnerabilities found in CI server of
secure CDP, zap found several other serious
vulnerabilities in CI server of non-secure CDP.
These newly identified vulnerabilities are related
to path traversal and application error disclosure. The
path traversal vulnerability is serious because it
allows an attacker to trick the web server and get
unauthorized access to sensitive files. Application
error disclosure may disclose sensitive information,
which can be used to initiate further malicious
attacks. Apart from these serious issues, contrary to a
single vulnerability of password auto-completion in
CI server of secure CDP, ZAP scan found around 129
such vulnerabilities in CI server of non-secure CDP.
As demonstrated, the proposed security tactics are
implemented in secure CDP and evaluated, both
qualitatively and quantitatively, to find about its
effects. The qualitative analysis genuinely specifies
that secure CDP is more secure than non-secure CDP
because the access to the repository, main server, and
CI server is protected through enhanced
authentication and authorization techniques. The
quantitative findings show that there are
vulnerabilities in both the secure CDP and non-secure
CDP. Since password auto-completion option exists
in web browsers, therefore, the password can be
retrieved for both GitHub and Jenkins, which is a
serious security issue. However, non-secure CDP
contains serious security risks related to accessing
cookies through JavaScript, updating Open SSH and
showing local IP publicly at GitHub. The findings of
the two security scans are summarized in Table – 3.
OWASP scan does not show any difference in the
number of vulnerabilities but the nature of
vulnerabilities found for secure and non-secure CDP
is different. Vulnerabilities found by OWASP scan
both for Main Server and CI Server are of serious
nature and pose a direct threat to the security of CDP
while those found for secure CDP are not so serious
and are easily fixable. The results shown by ZAP test
approves the effectiveness of our devised tactics both
qualitatively and quantitatively. First, the number of
vulnerabilities found in non-secure CDP is greater
than the secure CDP has. Secondly, after
investigation, we found that vulnerabilities identified
in non-secure CDP are more severe and pose a serious
threat to the security of CDP. From the overall results
of the two security scans, it can be established that
secure CDP is far less vulnerable to malicious attacks
as compared to non-secure CDP and so our proposed
security tactics sufficiently improve the security of
our CDP.
The question can be raised whether these five
security tactics affect each other (particularly in a
negative way). An analysis of these tactics in relation
to each other would give us a clear picture. The
repository (GitHub) is isolated from the rest of the
setup, so the control over commit and access rights do
not have any consequences in relation to other four
security tactics. The connection to the main server
(AWS) through private-key over SSH does not have
any negative effects on other security tactics rather it
empowers the security of other components.
Similarly, roles on the main server do not affect any
other security tactic, though, it interferes with private-
key over SSH but these two operate in different
realms. The last two tactics are solely related to
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Jenkins and they do not have any negative
consequences in relation to the effectiveness of other
security tactics. From this analysis, it can be
concluded that devised security tactics can work
together and do not affect each other in any negative
way. Here, it is important to mention that our
evaluation techniques have certain limitations.
Assurance case is merely a framework for structuring
argumentation, which is supported by claims and
quantitative evidence. A deficiency in this technique
is that it requires an iterative and opponent-based
process to develop an adequate analysis. The results
get fully credible only when they can convince our
audiences that software is equipped with a reasonable
level of security. From the security findings and
general information about the scanning tools, it can
be deducted that these tools do not cover security
issues relevant to OS and low-level Java and it is
highly recommendable to identify and address such
issues in order to properly assess the security of CDP.
It is also worth mentioning that for leveraging full
benefits of the devised security tactics, all other
essential security measures should be taken into
account. For example, firewall setting needs to be
correctly setup to help CDP properly utilize
incorporated security tactics.
Keeping in view the vast amount of security threats
faced by CDP, it is critical to analyse the CDP’s
security for identifying gaps and devising security
strategies to help secure CDP. In this paper, five
security tactics are devised to enhance the security of
three major components (repository, main server and
CI server) of the CDP, which are: (1) controlled
access and commit rights for repository; (2)
controlled access to AWS instance using private-key
over SSH; (3) use of roles on the main server via
leveraging AWS IAM; (4) use of VM plug-in for
ensuring initial clear state of Jenkins; (5) use of roles
on CI server to control access to Jenkins. After
devising these security tactics, two CDPs are
implemented, secure CDP that incorporates proposed
security tactics and non-secure CDP that does not
incorporate three of the proposed security tactics.
The security of both CDPs is evaluated through
qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative
analysis shows that secure CDP implemented with
security tactics is more secure than non-secure CDP.
The quantitative analysis also shows a significant
improvement in the security level of secure CDP as
evident from the number and nature of vulnerabilities
found in both CDPs through two different scanning
The results obtained through quantitative analysis
showed some deviation from expected results, which
is due to the fact that these penetration tools are
specialized for assessing the security of web
application. In next step, we plan to develop a
framework for assessing the security of the CDPs. We
also plan to incorporate our proposed security tactics
in a real CDP project and assess their effects on the
security aspect of the CDP. In future research, these
five security tactics will be transformed into five
security patterns by formally describing them
according to the standards set by Gang of Four (GoF)
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ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering