Project Scope Management: A Strategy Oriented to the
Requirements Engineering
Igor Luiz Lampa, Allan de Godoi Contessoto, Anderson Rici Amorim, Geraldo Francisco Donegá
Zafalon, Carlos Roberto Valêncio and Rogéria Cristiane Gratão de Souza
Department of Computer Science and Statistics, São Paulo State University, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil
Keywords: Project Management, Scope Management, Requirements Engineering.
Abstract: Scope management is an area of project management defined by PMBoK, which has processes to register
and control everything that belongs to the project boundaries. Although the relevance of this area to the
success of projects, its application is still a challenge, which is potentialized by the lack of computational
tools to support project management that integrate the scope management totality. In addition, the lack of
understanding of project requirements is another factor that hinders the execution of this area, because often
the stakeholders do not have full knowledge of their needs at the beginning of the project, resulting in
changes throughout the project lifecycle, which increases the costs and deadlines. In this sense, the objective
of this work is to propose the integration of the scope management with the requirements engineering, in
order to better identify the requirements of a project and to understand what needs to be done, contributing
to the success of projects. For the evaluation of the results obtained, a requirements engineering module was
developed and integrated with a previously developed computational tool for project management and it
aims to assist the application of the project management following the guidelines and good practices
proposed on PMBoK.
Project management is gaining increasing
importance in organizations, as it has become
critical to the control and elaboration of business
decisions. The Project Management Body of
Knowledge – PMBoK, developed by the Project
Management Institute – PMI, addresses the best
practices that support project management activities
and can be used in most projects (PMBoK, 2013).
The PMBoK guide presents project management
as a set of ten knowledge areas, being the scope
management responsible for delimiting what will be
done in the project, defining a group of processes
responsible for ensuring that all the work needed,
and only what is necessary, to complete the project
successfully, is carried out (PMBoK, 2013).
In this context, the objective of the scope
management is to control product and project
boundaries, which can be a complex activity because
the boundaries are not always clear and well defined
and may involve political, social, technological,
organizational and economic forces (Alexander et al,
2009). It is worth mentioning that small variations in
scope can cause costly impacts in different areas, as
time, cost and quality (PMBoK, 2013; Badariah et
al, 2009).
According to Smith (2002) one of the main
problems in information technology projects is
related to the system requirements. Errors in the
requirements are costly and can lead to loss of time,
revenue and reputation of the responsible
organization. Furthermore, when considering the
correction of these requirements when they have
already been implemented, the cost associated with
correcting errors could generate even greater
impacts under the project budget (Badariah et al,
The elaboration of requirements involves several
stakeholders that are directly or indirectly affected
by the project. These stakeholders have different
experiences and expectations with the project. Thus,
the requirements analysis process must be performed
completely, because these stakeholders may not be
able to define exactly what they actually need. So,
they can express their needs incompletely, which
Lampa, I., Contessoto, A., Amorim, A., Zafalon, G., Valêncio, C. and Souza, R.
Project Scope Management: A Strategy Oriented to the Requirements Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0006318603700378
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 370-378
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
increases the probability of failures on project scope
(Sommerville, 2011).
In this context, the present work aims to promote
the integration of requirements engineering
techniques to help organizations better control the
scope of their projects. Thus, a new module was
developed as an expansion of the System to Aid
Project Management – SAPM (Souza et al, 2011),
previously developed with the objective of
supporting the execution of managerial activities
according to the good practices presented on
PMBoK guide. Therefore, requirements engineering
techniques were incorporated into the “Collect
Requirements” process of the scope management, in
order to allow the evaluation of the adequacy of the
obtained results, as well as the identification of
possible deficiencies.
The scope can be divided into product scope and
project scope. According to Alexander et al (2009),
the product scope is related to everything that is
within the boundaries of the product, as features,
restrictions and details that allow to define the
results or product desired in a project. On the other
hand, the project scope is related to description of all
necessary work to achieve what was defined on the
product scope, attending all features and functions
previously specified (PMBoK, 2013).
The area of scope management has a group of six
processes that, together, aim to register, monitor and
control which belongs or do not belongs to the
project boundaries, besides managing the product
requirements and ensure that the project include all
necessary work and just the necessary to the project
conclusion (PMBOK, 2013). These processes are:
Plan Scope Management, Collect Requirements,
Define Scope, Create WBS, Validate Scope and
Control Scope.
The scope management is related to other areas
of project management, as cost, time and risk
management. Thus, when the scope is not well
defined, it causes inconsistencies and many failures
may happen throughout the project (Bjamason et al,
2012; Kumari et al 2014). Specifically in software
development, Hall et al (2003) show that 48% of
failures noticed on the project are related to poorly
defined requirements.
The requirements represents services, functions,
restrictions, features and behaviors that the final
project must attend (Kotonya and Sommerville,
1998). The requirements must reflect the necessities
and the demand imposed by the stakeholders
(Sommerville, 2011). Thus, properly specified
requirements describe clearly and accurately the real
need of the stakeholders (Pandey et al, 2010). This
way, it is important that the requirements of the
product scope to be consistent with the necessities
exposed by the stakeholders.
As mentioned by Ballejos et al (2008), for the
correct identification of the requirements is
necessary that all participators of this process may
be committed with the project. Thus, it must be
defined a group of stakeholders that can identify the
requirement broadly, through their different visions,
experiences and expectative over the project
(Damian, 2007).
On the scope management, the “Collect
Requirements” process assists the stages of
requirements identification, management and
analysis, and preparation of the final documentation,
which will describe the real necessities of the
stakeholders over the project. The PMBoK guide
shows what activities and documents must be
prepared to the conclusion of this process, however
it can be noticed the lack of a procedure to assist and
show how this stage should be conducted and
This way, the Requirement Engineering (RE) is
used in this work as a technique to support the
activities of the project scope management. The RE
is an area of Software Engineering (SE) that
contains sub processes whose final goal is to obtain,
uncover and manage the software requirements,
besides creating and maintaining a complete
documentation of these requirements (Bjamason et
al, 2012; Ballejos et al 2008; Di Thommazo et al,
2015; Sommerville, 2011). Thus, the RE is
composed by six activities: Feasibility Study,
Requirement Elicitation, Requirement Analysis and
Negotiation, Requirements Documentation,
Requirements Validation and Requirements
Management (Sommerville, 2011).
Although the fact of the scope management is
essential to conduct the project activities, the lack of
mechanisms to support the requirements gathering
can result in failures, because when a requirement is
documented, it becomes part of the project planning
(Di Thommazo et al, 2015). Thus, we can notice the
importance of the RE to support the scope
management, since it helps on reduction of
Project Scope Management: A Strategy Oriented to the Requirements Engineering
requirement uncertainties and, consequently, failures
on the final product.
In this context, as showed by Svahnberg et al
(2013), the use of RE has presented good impacts in
prevention of possible problems on the initial stages
of the project, instead of wait they appear when the
project is in progress or finished. Thus, the cost of
corrections of the requirements is considerably less
than when they are corrected on the stage of
requirements gathering.
The methodology for the development of this work
was divided into three stages, for which the
corresponding results have been identified, as
described in the following subsections.
3.1 Empirical Study
In this stage, the objective was understand the
current shortcomings presented by the computational
tools available in the market to support the scope
management. So, the main tools for the application
of this knowledge area were analyzed and evaluated.
For the selection of the tools were considered those
previously mentioned and evaluated in related works
(Souza et al, 2011; Contessoto et al, 2016), besides
tools widely used today: Microsoft Project 2016 -
MS (MSProject, 2016), NetProject 2016 - Net
(NetProject, 2016), ProjectLibre 2016 – Lib
(ProjectLibre, 2016) and Project Planner - Pla
(ProjectPlanner, 2016).
The criteria used in the evaluation correspond to
the scope management processes presented in
PMBoK guide. The results of the analyzes and
respective evaluations are presented in Table 1,
where the service coverage of the tools with respect
to the criteria is represented by percentage.
Through the analysis of the results obtained from
the evaluation of the tools it is possible to verify that
several processes of the scope management are not
contemplated, or are only partially contemplated in
the analyzed tools, standing out "Collect
Requirements" and "Plan Scope Management"
processes. As described by Souza et al (2011) there
are several tools to support project management, but
most of them have limited focus and scope in
relation to the processes of specific areas of
PMBoK. Therefore, project managers need different
tools for the complete management of a project.
In relation to the scope management, based on
the result of the evaluation of the tools presented in
Table 1, it is also necessary the integrated use of
different support resources to cover the largest
number of scope management processes.
Consequently, inconsistencies may occur between
information from the same project that is managed
by different tools.
Table 1: Analyzed tools.
Plan Scope 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Define Scope 50 12,5 25 50 75
Create WBS 50 37,5 75 100 100
Validate Scope 0 0 25 50 50
Control Scope 50 50 62,5 75 75
Considering specifically the analysis involving
the “Collect Requirements” process, focus of this
work, it can be notice that it is not contemplated by
the analyzed tools, although it is a key process for
the scope management. Inadequate management of
project requirements, aggravated by inefficient
collection of requirements, can compromise the real
needs of stakeholders. The consequences of
developing a project that does not meet the
requirements are several, for example, expansion of
the planned schedule, increase of costs stipulated in
the initial budget due to possible corrections and
especially customer dissatisfaction with the
requested product (Kotonya and Sommerville,
From the analysis of computational tools,
essential requirements engineering techniques that
can be integrated into the scope management were
identified, in terms of the addition of functions (F) in
a computational tool, like SAPM, aiming its
F1. Project Feasibility Study: This function
allows, from basic project information, as the
description of the project objectives, of the
preliminary scope, of the project contributions, and
of the time and cost constraints, verify if it is really
valid to proceed with the development of the project;
F2. Requirements specification and
documentation: This function enables the
identification of product scope requirements,
ensuring that they are properly specified and
documented. During specification of requirement,
information such as the dependency between
requirements, as well as the identification of the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
stakeholder who requested it and the person in
charge of the development team, should be stored, as
they are crucial information for the automated
generation of traceability matrices;
F3. Automation of analysis and negotiation:
This function aims to enable the analysis and
negotiation of the requirements, after their
identification. Thus, the requirements should be
analyzed in detail, in order to find conflicts,
inconsistencies, lack of information and
compatibility with the budget constraints and
schedule. As soon as the problems are identified, the
negotiation with the stakeholders must take place,
with the objective of finding the solution that
satisfies the constraints and needs (Simão and
Varela, 2009). To support this activity, the used
strategy an analysis checklist, which allows a
standard check of all the requirements, according to
the same criteria;
F4. Automation of requirements validation:
This function allows the final validation of a
requirement, considering aspects such as compliance
with required quality standards, poorly formulated or
ambiguous requirements, conflicting requirements,
among other aspects that have not been corrected or
have not been observed at the moment (Ito et al
2011). Therefore, this activity adopts a validation
checklist, which allows all requirements to be
validated from the same criteria;
F5. Requirements history management: This
feature allows manage all the changes that
requirements undergo throughout the project
lifecycle, once they become available for
stakeholder analysis. Managing the requirements is a
key function, since the requirements evolve
according to changes in the application domain
environment and according to understand of the
project objectives by the stakeholders. Kotonya and
Sommerville (1998) estimated that about 50% of the
requirements will be changed until they are
effectively used in project development;
F6. Management of exclusions: This function
allows the management of the historical basis of the
excluded requirements, being possible to consult its
specifications, as well as the reason for the
requirement to have been excluded from the project.
This function is important for the development of
similar projects, since the excluded requirements can
be consulted as lessons learned;
F7. Automated generation of traceability
matrices: This function allows the creation of
traceability matrices that present the dependencies
between the requirements. According to Kotonya
and Sommerville (1998), a critical part of the
requirements changes management process and,
consequently, the management of the requirements
history, is the evaluation of the impact of the change
under the rest of the requirements and parts that
make up the project. Consequently, it is essential to
ensure the traceability of requirements and to
provide practical ways of understanding the
relationship between them, and therefore, facilitate
the verification of impacts that changes may cause
on other requirements. Thus, three types of matrices
are considered: “requirement X requirement”,
“requirement X stakeholder” e “requirement X
responsible team member”.
The traceability matrix "requirement X
requirement" allows check which requirements are
related to other requirements. In this way, it is
possible to evaluate the impact that the change or
exclusion of some requirement will cause in the
requirements with dependence. The traceability
matrix "requirement X stakeholder" allows verify
what are the requirements requested by a particular
stakeholder, providing a global view of the
stakeholders who requested the most requirements
and, therefore, need to follow the development of
the project in a more active way. Finally, the
traceability matrix "requirement X responsible team
member" allows verify those responsible for
managing each of the project requirements, allowing
the overall view of allocation of responsibility to the
members of the development team;
F8. Automated generation of control charts:
This function allows the creation of control charts
with project informations, necessary to control
requirements, through a simpler and easier way to
understand. In this sense, three possible charts can
be generated: “requirement X amount of
dependencies”, “quantity of requirements excluded
X stakeholder requestor” and “quantity of
requirements excluded X team member
The "requirement X amount of dependencies"
chart allows viewing the project requirements
according to the number of dependencies associated
with them. The purpose of this chart is to enable the
identification of requirements that are isolated and
also of those that have many dependencies, which
may imply greater risk and impact on the project if
they are excluded or altered. The “quantity of
requirements excluded X stakeholder requestor”
chart allows investigate into why the requirements
for a given stakeholder are being excluded. This
chart leads to the creation of hypothesis that need to
be verified because poorly identified requirements
can lead to project failure. Finally, the “quantity of
Project Scope Management: A Strategy Oriented to the Requirements Engineering
requirements excluded X team member responsible”
chart allows investigate why the requirements under
the responsibility of a particular team member are
From the functions identified, the requirements
engineering module was implemented, which was
later integrated with SAPM, contributing to the
refinement of the scope management.
3.2 Implementation
In this stage, the requirements engineering module
was developed, in order to find the functional
requirements previously identified in order to
promote the effective application of the "Collect
Requirements" process of scope management. In
terms of development, we have used open
computational resources, as PHP, HTML and
JavaScript languages, MySQL server to the database
system management and Apache web server. This
module was integrated with SAPM, allowing the
evaluation by professionals about its suitability.
Every application of requirements engineering in
scope management starts from the principle of
correctly recording and analyzing the requirements
based on their features, and validating the
requirements in order to confirm their relevance.
This way, the proposed implementation follows an
execution flow that is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Main flow of requirements engineering.
The first action of the main flow is to "Register
requirement", in which all specifications of the
requirement are documented, as well as the
dependent requirements, stakeholder requestor and
member of the team responsible for managing the
requirement. Subsequently, we have the "Analyze
requirement", in order to verify if there are
inconsistencies or failures in its specification,
according to specific criteria. When the "Analyze
requirement" action encounters some inconsistency,
the requirement is directed to the "Correct
requirement" action and, after correction, the
requirement becomes available for the analysis, so
the process is repeated until no inconsistency is
If there is not any inconsistency, the requirement
is available for the "Validate requirement" action,
which is performed in order to confirm the quality of
the requirement specification, according to
complementary criteria to those that were followed
in the analysis action and also directing the
requirement for correction when some inconsistency
is detected. If the requirement is correct, as expected
by the stakeholders, the flow is completed by
making available the requirement for consultation of
the entire development team.
The "Analyze requirement" and "Validate
requirement" actions are derived, respectively, from
the "F3. Automation of analysis and negotiation"
and "F4. Automation of requirements validation",
presented in section 4.1. In both functions, checklists
are applied to help in the analysis and validation of
the requirements in a coherent way, through
previously established criteria. The checklist
questions of the "F3. Automation of analysis and
negotiation” and their respective descriptions are:
“Are there requirements combined?”: must be
checked whether there are internal
requirements, ie whether the requirement can be
subdivided into other;
“Is the requirement necessary?”: must be
checked whether is really essential for the
project scope;
“Is the requirement in line with business
objectives?”: must be checked whether the
requirement is consistent with the objectives of
the organization requesting the project;
“Does the requirement have ambiguity?”: must
be checked whether there is a double
interpretation associated with the requirement;
“Is the requirement realistic?”: must be checked
whether the requirement is possible to be
implemented, given the relevant project
In turn, the checklist questions of the "F4.
Automation of requirements validation" and their
respective descriptions are:
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
“Is the requirement complete?”: must be
checked if there is lack of information in the
description of the requirement;
“Is the requirement understandable?”: must be
checked whether the information describing the
requirement allows it to be understood;
“Is the requirement redundant?”: must be
checked if there is repeated information, ie
unnecessary for the definition of the
“Is the requirement consistent?”: must be
checked whether there are contradictions in the
description of the requirement and also if it does
not oppose another requirement;
“Is the requirement measurable?”: must be
checked whether the requirement can be tested
or measured in any way.
As mentioned previously, the use of the two
checklists provides a standard way to analyze and
validate the requirements, based on common criteria.
Thus, every completed requirement presents a
standard of understanding common to stakeholders
and, therefore, it can be developed.
Figure 2 shows the registration screen of a
requirement, in order to stand out the information
requested from users so that the requirement is
documented correctly. It is worth mentioning that
the information registered is used in the automated
generation of traceability matrices and control
Figure 2: Requirements registry screen.
The traceability matrices, demonstrating the
dependencies between the requirements, are a way
of understanding the possible impacts caused by
changes in requirements. This way, it can be seen in
Figure 3 the traceability matrix "requirement X
requirement" implemented as SAPM expansion.
As can be noticed in Figure 3 the requirements
are arranged in the horizontal and vertical axes of
the traceability matrix and, when there is a
relationship between the requirements, a "X" is
marked at the intersection of the axes. Thus, the
more markings a requirement has, the more
relationships it has with other requirements and,
consequently, the greater the impact of any change.
Figure 3: Traceability matrix “requirement X
In addition to traceability matrices, control charts are
also generated automatically from the requirements
registry. Thus, the "requirement X amount of
dependencies” information is shown in Figure 4.
Observing Figure 4, the horizontal axis has all
the project requirements, while the vertical axis
contains the number of requirements dependencies.
From this chart, it is possible to verify in a clear and
intuitive way the number of dependencies of the
Figure 4: Control chart “requirement X amount of
Thus, the functions were implemented in order to
allow the application of requirements engineering as
an aid to the "Collect Requirements" process of the
scope management, given its relevance to the
execution of this knowledge area and, consequently,
Project Scope Management: A Strategy Oriented to the Requirements Engineering
to the management of a project. It is worth to point
that the automated creation of traceability matrices
and control charts represents a simple and quick way
for the development team to visualize project
information, supporting the decision-making.
3.3 Evaluation Process
In this stage, the evaluation of the benefits that the
integration of requirements engineering provided to
the project scope management was carried out, as
well as the identification of improvement points.
This process relied on the collaboration of 16
professionals who apply project management in their
daily activities and, consequently, the scope
All participants in the evaluation process were
trained on the functions of SAPM, mainly on the
functions related to the scope management and the
new functions of the requirements engineering
module, with the purpose of contributing to the ease
of use and, consequently, to the evaluators maintain
the focus in the evaluation of the desired
functionalities. After the training, participants had
free access to SAPM for a period of 14 days, in
which they could evaluate the integration of the
requirements engineering with the scope
After the evaluation period, the participants were
invited to answer an evaluation form, where they
express their opinion about the real benefits
provided by the application of requirements
engineering to “Collect Requirements” process,
provided in scope management. In the form
responses the participants assigned scores from 0 to
10 points to each of the analyzed criteria, besides to
comment on the strengths and weaknesses observed.
The evaluation process allowed the confirmation
of the relevance of integration of requirements
engineering to scope management, in order to assist
the “Collect Requirements” process.
In the histogram of Figure 5, it can be seen the
results obtained by the functions analyzed in the
evaluation. It is important to notice that the function
"Project feasibility study" was not considered in the
evaluation process, since this function presents to
the user pertinent information for the feasibility
study, however, no activity is properly automated.
From the histogram, it is possible to verify that
the grades vary from 7 to 10 points. In this way, it is
possible to conclude that the proposed integration
brings a real benefit to the effectiveness of the scope
management in projects, supplying the current needs
of the area.
The strengths of requirements history (F5) and
of exclusions (F6), as well as the generation of
control chart (F8), were stood out. In addition, on
the open questions for feedback from participants in
the evaluation process, it was stood out the
importance of the generation of traceability matrices
(F7). The criticisms collected focused on aspects of
the tool interface that were adopted because the
requirements engineering module was linked to the
previously defined layout for SAPM.
Scope management is a knowledge area of great
relevance to project management as it defines all the
work required for the project to be successfully
completed. Despite this, it was verified by the
empirical study that the main computational tools of
available project management do not approach the
scope management totality, failing the application of
some processes, as the “Collect Requirements”
process. Thus process is fundamental to the
application of the scope management, since poorly
collected requirements can lead to changes in
deadlines, costs, and even cancellation of the
project. Thus, it is important to adopt techniques of
the Requirements Engineering that can help in the
accomplishment of this process, contributing to the
scope management.
To prove this, a requirements engineering
module, contemplating specific techniques of RE
focused on "Collect Requirements" process, was
developed and integrated into the scope management
of SAPM, contributing to the refinement of this
computational tool and enabling the evaluation of
the module by professionals. The implemented
functions allow the project scope requirements to be
correctly specified and documented, using a flow of
actions that reduce problems as inconsistency,
ambiguity, redundancy and, thus reduce the
probability that these errors will be propagated to
other parts of the projects and cause losses. Another
relevant contribution is the automated generation of
traceability matrices and control charts.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Assessment of requirements engineering functions.
As a perspective to future work, it is possible to
point improvements in the developed module, with
the intention of making it even more comprehensive.
Among the possible functions is the automated
generation of a formal document, which allows
collecting all the information of the requirements of
the project scope and organizing them in a
standardized way, establishing templates to be
adopted, generating new charts. In the case of
specific software projects, the system could offer the
option of specifying and documenting requirements
through area-specific graphical notations such as
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