An Automatic Method for Structuring and Recommending Exercises
In Light of Case-based Reasoning, Knowledge Representation and Error Mediation
Carlos Andr
e Zavadinack
, Fabiano Silva
, Alexandre I. Direne
and Alexander Kutzke
Department of Informatics, Universidade Federal do Paran
a, Caixa Postal 19.081 – 81.531-980, Curitiba-PR, Brazil
Sector of Technological and Professional Education, Universidade Federal do Paran
a, Curitiba-PR, Brazil
Case-based Reasoning, Error Mediation, Knowledge Representation, Educational Informatics.
Case-based Reasoning (CBR) is a method for solving problems with similar retained solutions. CBR demands
a knowledge representation that allows the reasoner to find similar cases by a query and the similarity rate
is given by a distance in hierarchical tree structure, an ontology. The main goal of this research is to use
CBR as a pedagogical tool supported by three pillars: Case-based reasoning, Knowledge representation and
Error Mediation in Education. It is considered that the error has a role of importance in the pedagogical
development, so it has to be mediated. The error mediation is used as a rule for a quantitative classification
of exercises, it takes into account how many times an exercise have been uncorrected answered, the distance
between exercises gives the similarity between them. This kind of automatically classification for exercises in
a educational support systems is one of the main contributions of this research. This work suggests that the
CBR cycle is useful in the designing of a tool for automatic creation of exams.
In the last decades, researches and tools have been
developed aiming to improve educational support sys-
tems. Distance Learning is a type of educational sup-
port system that could be helped by those researches.
Automatic creation of exercises, introduced by Fis-
cher (Fischer and Steinmetz, 2000), could make dis-
tance learning systems reliable and credible. Using a
reasoner that could, automatically, generate assorted
exercise lists for various students is a solution that
looks very helpful because, e.g., it can avoid stu-
dents sharing exercise lists with their colleagues, what
could improve the evaluation reliability.
Generating assorted exercise lists is a trivial ac-
tivity, a simple algorithm could set groups by some
parameters. But to find out a way that certifies the
similarity between exercises lists and generates lists
with dynamics variables could be helpful. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) with its techniques and methodolo-
gies has been providing substantial contributions for
educational systems. An AI methodology that seems
helpful for the task of suggesting exercise lists is the
Case-based Reasoning (CBR). Case-based Reasoning
is a methodology which solves new problems reusing
past experience, taking into account similarity be-
tween singular elements in a complex range to find
out solutions. This work relies on a quantitative way
in an hierarchically organisation of the elements.
According to Kutzke and Direne (Kutzke and Di-
rene, 2015), error is “an integral part of the teaching
and learning process”. Among the future directions
pointed by their research, we highlight: analysis of
error recommendation in the learning and knowledge
process; research and design of a tool for an automatic
creation of exams and collected data analysis; a data
structuring that takes into consideration the error is a
useful contribution. We suggest that a CBR system
could be a tool for a an automatic creation of exams.
This paper shows a research that aims to experi-
ment CBR as a method for recommendation of learn-
ing objects, specifically, exercise lists. Two appli-
cations were used for the experiment, one is a CBR
framework named myCBR 3
(Hundt et al., 2014);
and the other is FARMA-ALG (Kutzke and Direne,
2015), an application for computer programming edu-
cation, where the data for the present tests were taken
from. Briefly, there are data with sets of questions and
answers from FARMA-ALG, that data were struc-
tured in an ontology that is the knowledge representa-
tion used in myCBR 3.
The results point that a structured data as in an on-
Zavadinack, C., Silva, F., Direne, A. and Kutzke, A.
An Automatic Method for Structuring and Recommending Exercises - In Light of Case-based Reasoning, Knowledge Representation and Error Mediation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006318903550362
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 355-362
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tology is a requirement for a good use of knowledge
base in a CBR system. An automatic and quantita-
tive way for exercise classification was made taking
into consideration the students’ mistakes, and we be-
lieve that it may be helpful for learning tools. Also,
we provide a validation to prove the utility of a CBR
automatic tool for exams creation.
For presenting how the research is developed, this
paper is organised as follows. The first section in-
troduces the Case-Based Reasoning and myCBR - a
CBR system chosen for the present research. Sec-
tion 3 is about the role of error mediation and show
FARMA-ALG, a framework for teaching computer
programming. The section 4 brings how the raised
data from FARMA-ALG are structured. The experi-
ment and its results are shown in section 5. Finally,
section 6 relates the conclusions, contributions from
the research and future directions.
Case-based reasoning is a methodology introduced by
Kolodner (Kolodner, 1992) and Schank (R.Schank,
1989). CBR is a problem solver based on past experi-
ences, named cases. According to Kolodner (Kolod-
ner, 1992), the meaning of the therm case in CBR is
a contextualised piece of knowledge representing an
experience that teaches a fundamental lesson for the
reasoner achieving a settled goal. Aamodt and Plaza
(Aamodt and Plaza, 1994) introduced the CBR cycle,
a reasoning model (Figure 1). CBR cycle consists of
four tasks: Retrieve, Reuse, Revise and Retain.
Figure 1: CBR cycle by Aamodt and Plaza (Aamodt and
Plaza, 1994).
The retrieve process is the matching of features in
a settled case, a query with the case features brings
similar cases in the case base. The case retrieved and
the query are compared, an adaptation of the case for
each feature happens in the reuse task. The revision
task is the time that an expert (machine or human) will
check if the reuse works. If it works, then a new case
is retained.
Richter (Richter, 2003) introduced that it is possi-
ble to identify knowledge in CBR with four containers
(Hundt et al., 2014):
Vocabulary defines attributes and their allowed
Cases are the descriptions of past episodes of ex-
perience, represented in an ordered pair (problem,
solution). The cases are stored in a Case Base
Similarity Measures are functions to calculate the
similarity between individual attribute values.
Adaptation Knowledge are represented by rules
that can be applied as solution of retrieved cases.
The attribute-value representation consists in a
name A; a finite set DOM(A) with a set of values from
A; and a variable x
. The values allowed are deter-
mined in reason of each context, assuming numerical
or symbolical values.
The retrieving is a simple operation for CBs and
data bases. But, while in the data base a query
matches an exact data, at CBR systems the query
presents a problem and would retrieve a solution in an
inexact match with the problems in the CB. For both
of them, the tree structure plays a major role to struc-
ture data and cases for an efficient retrieve (Richter,
Formally, Cimiano (Cimiano, 2006) defines Sim-
ilarity Measure as a function sim: sim : R
× R
{0, 1} with the following properties:
, v
, sim(v
, v
) = 0 v
· v
= 0
, v
, sim(v
, v
) > 0 v
· v
> 0
v R
, sim(v,v) = 1.
The first condition means that the similarity be-
tween two elements is zero if there are no common
features. Thus, the sim is greater than zero in case
they have at least one common feature. The last prop-
erty affirms that a vector is maximally similar to itself.
In a data structured tree, the similarity between
two attributes is given by their distance. A Distance
measure is a function dist : R
× R
the following property: v dist(v,v) = 0, means that
the distance of a vector to himself is 0. The trans-
formation of distance to similarity and the opposite
way needs to fulfil the following conditions (Cimiano,
dist(x, y) = + sim(x, y) = 0
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
dist(x, y) = 0 sim(x, y) = 1.
Three CBR systems was studied during the re-
search: TUUURBINE, jColibri and myCBR. TUU-
is a generic CBR engine for the seman-
tic net able to reason on knowledge stored in RDF
(Resource Description Framework)
format (Gaillard
et al., 2014). We used TUUURBINE in our first at-
tempt, but a technical unsolved problem didn’t en-
able its usage
. One of the most significant CBR
systems developed is jColibri
, presented in (D
Agudo et al., 2007) and (Recio-Garc
ıa et al., 2013),
a free software with more than 10000 downloads.
jColibri and myCBR are compared in (Atanassov and
Antonov, 2012), where they bring the conclusion that
jColibri is a framework for complex operations, with
multiple data bases, requesting a strongly program-
ming knowledge and time for developing an appli-
cation with it. In light of (Atanassov and Antonov,
2012), myCBR is recommended for non-complex ap-
plications and not recommended for applications with
a great amount of attributes. The experiment in the
present research counts with only five attributes, and,
in face of that, we decided for myCBR. There is a
brief report about its properties and its knowledge
modelling in the subsection 2.1.
2.1 MyCBR 3
is a CBR framework developed through a
partnership between DFKI
and UWL
. MyCBR 3 is
the latest version known, and it comprehends three
knowledge containers: vocabulary, similarity mea-
sures and case base. The adaptation task and its
rules are not available in the last version, although in
(Hundt et al., 2014) is mentioned that a version would
be soon available with those properties.
Developed in Java, myCBR 3 Workbench has a
friendly interface that allows users modelling the
knowledge by a set of attributes and its own set of val-
ues. The cases are sets of allowed attributes, the case
base can be fed by the interface or by the exportation
of .csv files. Vocabulary in myCBR 3 is given by at-
tributes with allowed values by the types: symbols,
boolean, float, integer and string.
Similarity measure functions (SMF) are given
within concepts and attribute values. SMFs can
TUUURBINEs web service didn’t work properly and
we had to interrupt its using.
be edited by advanced similarity mode, table editor
mode and taxonomy editor mode. The advanced sim-
ilarity mode is recommended for values of the types
integer and float. The table editor mode is the de-
fault edition mode, the relations could be settled by
the interval [0,1] where the main diagonal are the sim-
ilarities between the same values sim(x, x) = 1. In the
taxonomy edition mode, settled by the hierarchy, only
the symbol type is allowed.
The retrieve window is composed of a query with
predetermined fields that can be filled in only with the
allowed attribute values. User can also fill in with un-
known (
unknown ) and undefined ( undefined )
values. The result search correspondent elements
with a similarity function and, therefore, among the
cases. The retrieved cases are shown in an ordered
list by similarity rate.
In this study we consider error an answer that is not in
accord with the expectation for who made the ques-
tion. Kutzke and Direne (Kutzke and Direne, 2015)
bring that, according to the Cultural-Historical Psy-
chology, the relevance of error in the learning and
teaching process merges in given differences between
the development of scientific and spontaneous con-
cepts. According to Kutzke’s and Direne, error has to
be mediated within the scientific concepts, making it
an object of learning task, a part of concept assimi-
lation process. The role of error mediation is an es-
sential problem for the Kutzke research, it presents
a demand for tools that help teachers in the students
errors analysis.
Kutzke and Direne (Kutzke and Direne, 2015)
bring the specificities of computer programming
teaching and learning. Learning computer program-
ming raises that “the student needs to appropriate
himself of signs and specific operations of this area
in a superior way. It is demanded, thus, to form scien-
tific concepts” (Vygotski
ı et al., 2012) apud (Kutzke
and Direne, 2015). It has to be an empirical appre-
hension of reality in computer programming learn-
ing, even the concept assimilation in its finished form,
“the error is certainly part of the process of scien-
tific concept formation (...) and must be mediated
(Kutzke and Direne, 2015). Thus, the access to error
records is needed and useful, so it is the relation be-
tween the errors. Kutzke and Direne, in terms of that,
An Automatic Method for Structuring and Recommending Exercises - In Light of Case-based Reasoning, Knowledge Representation and
Error Mediation
consider that an instrument for the manipulation of
this relationship would help teachers’ reflection about
students’ errors.
FARMA-ALG was developed for helping teachers
and students in teaching and learning computer pro-
gramming. Specifically, FARMA-ALG uses error
mediation as a main role in the process of knowledge
acquiring. Each question is a computer program-
ming problem, FARMA-ALG compiles andchecks if
the answer is correct or not by the comparison of in-
puts and outputs. FARMA-ALG is well presented in
(Kutzke and Direne, 2015), there are some of main
application’s functions:
Answers’ Similarities Computation is the simi-
larity function determined by the expected output
and the output obtained, according to test case and
answer’s source code.
Search of Answers is facilitated using keywords
and meta-data such as name of the student, class,
time interval etc.
Timeline View where it is possible for teachers
and students to access the answers on a timeline
Similarity Graph is a functionality of viewing
and manipulating answer records, where is pos-
sible to observe and interact with stored answer
FARMA-ALG is able to recommend to the teacher
answer records and exercises that would be of high
pedagogical relevance for a specific group of students
through, a semi-automatic recovery of potentially rel-
evant answers. An exercise in FARMA-ALG is a set,
basically, with: title, content, identifiers, creation time
and programming language(s). For instance:
{"Title": "is_Palindrome?"}
{"Content": "A palindrome is a word, phrase,
number, or other sequence of characters
which reads the same backward or forward,
such as madam or kayak. Write and compile
a program that finds out if a sequence of
characters is a palindrome or not."}
{"Language": "Pascal, C" }
{"lo_id": c950ded46e4d9e530d61 }
The student gives the answer by coding a program
that the FARMA-ALG evaluates. Each question has
test models of input and output to check automatically
if an answer is correct or not.
Kutzke’s research was made with 80 students and
23 exercises, 3723 answers were collected. The data
was collected and its structure was given by an ontol-
ogy, the next section brings how part of that ontology
was made for the present experiment.
This section aims to explain how the amount of data
that came from FARMA-ALG are exported for a con-
ceptual and hierarchical ontology. First of all, an ap-
proach about ontologies in the subsection 4.1. The
exportation is explained at the Subsection 4.2, it is a
quantitative way for error mediation, this is the con-
ception of the Knowledge Base (KB) to be used in a
CBR system.
4.1 Ontologies
According to Cimiano (Cimiano, 2006), “the term
Ontology comes from the Greek ontologia and means
the study of being”. Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) shaped
the logical background of ontologies, brought notions
of category and subsumption. In Computer Science,
accord to Gruber (Gruber, 1995), ontology assumes
the meaning as a formal specifications from a concep-
tualisation, or a representation of conceptual models
in a certain domain.
Ontologies allow a general indexation schema that
comprehends the knowledge through the similarity
between the concepts. Usually, specialists are the
humans responsible the creation of an ontology. An
ontology representation is given by the individuals,
classes and concepts showed in the nodes and the
edges could assume values giving relation between
the objects.
4.2 Quantitative Error Mediation by
The FARMA-ALG data model contains relevant
classes for a teaching framework, such as: answers,
users, teams, comments, questions, etc. The similar-
ity between answers is given in the error mediation
by the teacher, a qualitative way for relation between
questions, answers and students. The FARMA-ALG
data was generated in JSON
(Java Script Object No-
tation), a dictionary structure
. This data was ex-
ported for a OWL semantic, as seen on the Figure 2.
A dictionary is a data structure that contains, basically,
key and its value.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Ontology of Learning Objects.
The root class is Learning Objects and its sub-
classes are: users and exercises. The exercises class is
subdivided in contents and taxonomy. The class Con-
tent contains pairs with titles of the exercises and its
contents. The class Taxonomy is detailed bellow, at
the Figure 3.
Figure 3: Ontology representing the Taxonomy class.
Taxonomy is a class determined to discern the ex-
ercises (or questions) according to subject and diffi-
culty. Subject is about the conceptual content that
exercises are in the learning of computer program-
ming, e.g., conditional, iteration, data structures, etc.
The subject tags were determined by the teachers as
they had created the exercises. Exercises, as instances
for the subject class could be assigned for more than
one concept, for example, an exercise tagged as con-
ditional could also be tagged as iteration. Difficulty
is a class that subdivided exercises between corrects
and errors up to the answers. The same exercise could
appear in a subclass of corrects and in a subclass of
errors, but must not appear in different subclasses of
Differently from the subject class, the taxon-
omy class is a dynamic class. The questions in
classes errors and corrects are divided in levels by
the times each one had been correctly or wrongly an-
swered. The assignment is binary, “correct”(True) or
“wrong”(False), in this first experiment approach, i.e,
currently, there is no fuzzy classification. This exer-
cises approximation by errors is given automatically
and quantitatively, complementing the qualitative way
in the Kutzke’s work.
A Python
program was designed for the exer-
cises classification. There are two subsections for the
error classification, after an average number of errors,
a first cut is given: High and Low. In the High class,
there are the exercises with more than the average of
errors, thus the Low class has the exercises with the
lesser average or errors. The second cut subdivided
High and Low classes in the same way. The sec-
ond cut, in the same way, subdivided High and Low
classes. After that, there are four disjunctive classes
(see Figure 4): High high, High low, Low high and
Low low. With n exercises, it is reasonable to use four
levels, but the ontology could be more complex and
bigger as bigger is the input data. Section 5 brings
details about the data.
Figure 4: Ontology representing the Error class and its sub-
Formally, in the ontology O of error there is a set
C of concepts C := {High, Low, High high, High low,
Low high, Low low}. The set R of relations R := { is-
SubClassOf, isInstanceOf } and the set A of attributes
A := { title, content }. Relations and attributes are as-
signed, formally, as follows:
(isSubClassO f ) = {(High, Erred), (Low, Erred), ...,
(Low low, Low)}
(isInstanceO f ) = {(Id, High high), (Id, High high)}
(title) = (Id, string)
(content) = (Id, string)
The Knowledge Base is formed by the ontology
of error (Figure 4). The experimental KB conception
is an automatic and quantitative method that uses the
An Automatic Method for Structuring and Recommending Exercises - In Light of Case-based Reasoning, Knowledge Representation and
Error Mediation
error mediation topic for the classification. This clas-
sification method, performed as an assistant tool, can
be easily joined to an educational tool as FARMA-
ALG. This tool was developed aiming to improve the
error mediation in the FARMA-ALG. The question is
classified every time it is answered. For example, if a
question is not correctly answered, its total number of
errors is incremented and the place of the questions in
the tree may change.
The data structured, as seen in the previous section,
are added to the myCBR’s knowledge containers.
The vocabulary is composed by the exercise titles.
The distances in the Error ontology (Figure 4) con-
sequently give the similarity functions. The Kutzke’s
experiment (Kutzke and Direne, 2015) brings an
amount of 23 questions that were used to make the
vocabulary container. The Case Base is a set of exer-
cise lists with those questions.
5.1 Knowledge Containers
Each question in the exercise list is an attribute:
questions = {question
, ..., question
}. All the at-
tributes have the 23 exercises for the vocabulary set:
= {Birthday, 1 rad Cosine, ..., Tempera-
ture converting}. All the values are of type Symbol in
myCBR. The similarity or distance in the vocabulary
set brings an important contribution in this research.
The distance between the questions would be helpful
to generate similar exercise lists that are given for a
same class. A list of questions is structured in a bal-
anced way, i.e. with questions from a varied levels of
difficulty and subject.
Each attribute has the same similarity function
given by a default table, as seen at section 2.1. The
structured graph gives the distance between an ele-
ment and another. Those distances are used to fill in
the table of the similarity function. The distance d be-
tween two elements x and y in the ontology is given
by the sum of the weights w in the path, given by the
d(x, y) =
where i is the given value by each time an edge is
crossed, starting with 1 untill the last node, i.e. the y
node. For instance, from x to y there are four nodes
(we don’t count the x as one of them), then n = 4.
The weight w
is given in each edge. For the present
knowledge, each edge has the weight of 0.125. Triv-
ially, it takes into account how many nodes had been
Table 1: A sample Table with an example of the similarity
function determined by the ontology in the Figure 5.
Temp. Conv. Rep. Nums. Prime F.
Temp. Conv. 1 0.75 0.5
Rep. Nums. 0.75 1 0.5
Prime F. 0.5 0.5 1
visited and multiplies by the weight. As w has a
unique value, the distance can be represented by:
d(x, y) = #visited nodes × w.
To find the similarity sim between two elements x
and y, it could be possible to use a simple transforma-
tion functions, recommended by (Cimiano, 2006):
sim(x, y) = k d(x, y)
where k is an appropriate constant. For the present
KB in this research, k = 1. To find the similar-
ity between the questions ‘Prime Factors’ and ‘Birth-
day’ as in Figure 5: if the distance d is given by
d(’Prime Factors’, ’Birthday’) = 0.25, then the simi-
larity is given by sim(’Prime Factors’, ’Birthday’) =
1 - 0.25 = 0.75.
Figure 5: Part of ontology structured with weights between
elements and classes.
Table 1 shows a few examples of how the de-
fault similarity function is settled for myCBR. The
distance d between the exercises “Prime Factors” and
“Repeated Numbers” as seen in Figure 5 is given by,
d(’Prime Factors’, ’Repeated Numbers’) = 0.5, then
the sim(’Prime Factors’, ’Repeated Numbers’) = 0.5.
This similarity rate is given twice in the table, at the
3rd row with the 2nd column and at the 2nd row with
the 3rd column.
The experimental queries were composed accord-
ing to three parameters as critical success factors:
Balance is a boolean variable, it is considered bal-
anced an exercise list in which at least three exer-
cises are elements from different subclasses in L.
Amount of F values in a query.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: An query example from Group 1 in myCBR.
Figure 7: A retrieve example from the Group 4 in myCBR.
Unknown values in the query.
The Case Base for the experiment is composed of
2000 exercise lists, each list is a case. It is deter-
mined a set F = {
E k-alternante’, ‘Co-seno de 1 ra-
diano’, ‘Matriz de Vandermonde’,
E palindromo?’}.
There are four values in the set F, each one is picked
from the levels subclasses L = {High high, High low,
Low high, Low low} at the ontology to provide bal-
anced lists. F is included randomly in each list of
case base, i.e. all the cases in the case base have the
F elements. That was made because the order of the
elements is relevant for myCBR.
An amount of 30 queries were made in six dif-
ferent groups. Each group has a quantity of queries,
quantity of elements of the set F, the presence of
an unknown value ( unknown ) and unbalanced
queries. An unbalanced query is a list with exercises
of a same level, what is very important to observe
because in a trustworthy CBR system for this con-
text would not find cases with a high similarity. The
groups were divided:
Group 1: 12 queries with no elements of F;
Group 2: 3 queries with one element of F;
Group 3: 3 queries with 4 elements of F;
Group 4: 8 with an unknown value ( unknow );
Group 5: 4 queries where all the exercises are in-
stances of a same subclass in the difficulty level.
A query in myCBR is predetermined as the features
structure in the vocabulary container, as seen in the
Figure 6.
A list of cases in order of similarity is given at
myCBR retrieve, the Figure 7 presents a sample of
the cases retrieved, the darker the cell, the bigger is
the rate of similarity. A table ordered by the highest
similarity for each group of retrieving is given in the
Table 2. Obviously, the more elements of F are in the
Table 2: Table ordering the groups of queries by the simi-
larity rate in the retrieving.
Group 3 0.89
Group 2 0.77
Group 1 0.77
Group 4 0.73
Group 5 0.63
query, the bigger is the similarity rate. In the Group
1, myCBR retrieved results with a similarity rate of
0.77, it is good considering the fact that there is no
element of F in the query. And this proves the my-
CBR capacity in retrieving distincts exercise lists by
the similarity.
Relevant points were verified in this research: case
retrieving, knowledge representation and similarity
relation between elements. There is no adaptation on
myCBR 3, what is a another point that could be veri-
fied for the stated research.
This work considers that finding creative solutions for
structuring and retrieving learning objects in learning
tools are relevant for educational informatics. Case-
based reasoning method seems useful as an exercise
lists retriever. CBR systems can be used in educa-
tional solutions as learning object recommender and
automatic creation of exercises. In this research, the
context is the computer programming teaching, but it
can be applied to others disciplines.
Another important point explored in the present
work is the quantitative error mediation by an auto-
matic classification of exercises. That is a creative
and role of error way to classify how hard may an
exercise be, that shows the importance of error in ed-
ucation. This dynamic way would help to understand
how an exercise can be harder than another in a dever-
sified class of students. Example, a distance learning
system is used for teaching Math. The teacher’s class
brings 300 exercises. They are divided in: basic oper-
ations, geometry, algebra, etc. Different exercise lists
are given for the students. After they have answered
this lists, the exercises are classified up to the diffi-
culty. This classification are used in the test elabora-
tion for that class. And a certain quantity of different
exams can be automatically generated and applied.
This research were developed in the context of the
project ”Pesquisa de redes sociais em nuvem voltadas
par objetos educacionais” of the Brazilian Ministry
An Automatic Method for Structuring and Recommending Exercises - In Light of Case-based Reasoning, Knowledge Representation and
Error Mediation
of Education at the C3SL
laboratory of the Federal
University of Paran
a. The learning objects generated
can be integrated with the digital repository of this
6.1 Contributions
It is possible making myCBR a tool that automati-
cally creates, distinct exams for distinct students. This
work suggests that the CBR cycle is useful in the de-
signing of a tool for automatic creation of exams. An-
other relevant contribution is, in light of error media-
tion, an automatic creation of a knowledge base that
considers how many times a question has been mis-
takenly answered by a group of students.
6.2 Future Directions
Studies that experiment reasoning methods for auto-
matic creation of exams seem to be very useful. To
trust the CBR as an interesting method for that, an
adaptation task should be tested.
In the current representation knowledge area,
greater repertories of programming exercises will be
welcomed, because a big amount of data can be struc-
tured in a more complex ontology, what helps the va-
riety of lists and also makes retrieves better with more
accuracy at the similarity.
Adding other variables such as the chronological
way that the questions had been solved, the user level
and a fuzzy classification of errors will be very help-
ful for a better exercise list build and its recommen-
We would like to acknowledge the Brazilian Fund-
ing Agency (CAPES) for the financial support of this
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