tences can be evaluated. With the purpose of giving
the students interesting projects to work on, the ob-
jective and scope of the projects should be carefully
defined and the evaluation schemes adjusted and vali-
The paper is structured as follows. Section II des-
cribes what an IT architecture project is. Section III
explains what a project based approach is. Section
IV details the proposed definition of an IT laboratory
used to train students and professionals. Section V
shows a case study of the IT laboratory use and eva-
luation in an academic program. Finally, Section VI
presents the conclusions regarding the benefits of the
IT laboratory.
An IT Architecture Project is typically distributed in
non-linear phases or cycles. Each cycle has an inter-
nal set of activities and its purpose is to obtain a pro-
duct or deliverable once it is finished. Also, at the end
of each cycle there a stakeholder’s validation in order
to get feedback and do the necessary adjustments.
We created a model with the common cycles in an
IT architecture project process and its activities. This
model, as shown in Figure 1, is based on different
frameworks and methodologies such as (Team Soft-
ware Process) TSP (Humphrey et al., 2010), (Rational
Unified Process) RUP (Shuja and Krebs, 2007) and
TOGAF’s ADM (Harrison, 2011). The proposed pro-
cess includes activities that go from planning to exe-
cuting and deploying the solution, distributed through
six major phases: (PP1) Planning, (PP2) Information
Gathering, (PP3) Analysis, (PP4) Design, (PP5) Ro-
admap, and (PP6) Implementation. Each phase and
its deliverables (such a document with the models or
a code part) composes a portion of the final product
to be delivered to the final users. This incremental ap-
proach assures quality and relialibility of the product
through continuous refining and adjustment. Because
of this, in a typical IT Architecture project it is not
strange to find redesign steps in subsequent phases.
It is important to note that some frameworks and
methodologies do not consider the final phase (PP6)
Implementation as a part of an IT Architecture Pro-
cess but more as a part of the Development Process.
Nonetheless, we firmly believe that an IT Architec-
ture is not complete until the final product is relea-
sed. Moreover, the IT architect must be involved in
all the phases even if the final step is performed by
a development team. The reason for that is twofold:
the architect’s insight is truly important on the deve-
lopment tasks and a qualified architect must have pro-
found knowledge of the development stages in order
to get the expertise to execute ITA projects correctly.
In order to train architects that can adequately per-
form an ITA project, they should have many skills
concerning technology knowledge and personal abili-
ties. To define these set of skills we performed a lite-
rature review and enhanced them through surveys and
interviews with instructors and IT experts, as recom-
mended by Kalampokis (Kalampokis et al., 2012). In
the review we took into account the different roles of
an IT architect and the competences each role needs to
have in order to sucesfully contribute to an ITA pro-
ject according to TOGAF (The Open Group, 2011),
IASA (International Association for Software Archi-
tects, 2016), TSP (Humphrey et al., 2010), and RUP
(Shuja and Krebs, 2007). We also included the Accre-
ditation Board for Engineering and Technology (Fel-
der and Brent, 2003) which defines a series of abili-
ties, called student outcomes, that represent what stu-
dents from any discipline are expected to know and
be able to do. Making a match between the consul-
ted sources and the expert’s validation, the list was
completed and edited. The list is presented on table
1. Using this list as a baseline, we calculated skills
required in every phase of an architectural project, as
shown in Figure 2.
Project Based Learning (PBL) is a pedagogical ap-
proach which aims to confront the students with pro-
blems and challenges similar to those found in the real
world. It is mainly based on giving the students the
opportunity to not only memorize concepts but also
put them in practice on different projects and activi-
ties. PBL integrates knowing and doing. Students
acquire knowledge and learn elements of the core
curriculum, but also apply what they know to solve
authentic problems and produce results that matter
(Markham, 2011). More information about PBL work
scheme and advantages can be found on (McCormick,
2008) and (Wankel, 2005), respectively.
Additionally, there has been research on the use
of IT in the PBL approach. The use of IT technolo-
gies can be extremely helpful when defining projects
because they can simulate real environments where
students can practice. This is the case of Hypercase,
an interactive system’s analysis and design simulation
tool which is used on different courses and books.
More about Hypercase can be consulted on (Kendall
and Kendall, 2014).
In order to correctly apply the project based appro-
ach, students must be confronted with reality simula-
Using an IT Laboratory for Training IT Architects