Automatic Generation of English Reference Question by Utilising
Nonrestrictive Relative Clause
Arief Yudha Satria and Takenobu Tokunaga
Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Automatic Question Generation, English Reference Test, TOEFL Reference Question.
This study presents a novel method of automatic English reference question generation. The English reference
question is a multiple choice question which is comprised of a reading passage, a target pronoun, a correct
answer (an antecedent of the target pronoun), and three distractors. The reading passage is generated by
transforming human made passages using the proposed sentence splitting technique on nonrestrictive relative
clauses (NRC). The correct answer is generated by the analysis of parse trees of the passage. The distractors
are extracted from the reading passage by using a part-of-speech (POS) tagger and a coreference resolver.
Human evaluation showed that 53% of the generated questions were acceptable.
Answering questions is one of effective methods to
learn a subject. By answering questions, learners
could get feedback to what extent they understand
about the subject (Davis, 2009). Questions are usually
generated by human experts. Creating those ques-
tions needs high skill, and is time consuming. The
past research showed that human experts in question
generation could be replaced with machines. For
example, Susanti et al. (2015) attempted to create
multiple choice questions for vocabulary assessment
while Karamanis et al. (2006) generated questions
in the medical domain. Similarly, Skalban et al.
(2012) made questions for multimedia-based learn-
ing whereas Heilman (2011) constructed WH factual
questions. Automatic question generation has been
an active research area, particularly in the language
learning domain.
From a viewpoint of question consumers, the main re-
source of question exercises for language learners is
usually language learning preparation books, past ex-
amination papers and student workbooks and so on.
The amount of resources available to accommodate
learner needs for practising is still limited. This fact
motivates us to leverage abundant number of human
made texts for making questions automatically. The
present research would contribute to reducing teacher
burden on creating those questions and accommodat-
ing learners with abundant question exercises as well.
Similar to those aforementioned studies, this study
These laws are universal in their application,
regardless of cultural beliefs, geography, or
climate. If pots have no bottoms or have large
openings in their sides, they could hardly be
considered containers in any traditional sense.
Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary
decision, have determined the general form of
applied-art objects, they
follow basic patterns,
so much so that functional forms can vary
only within certain limits.
The word “they” in the
passage refers to
applied-art objects
the laws of physics
the sides of pots
Reading passage
1: reading passage
2: target pronoun
3: correct answer
4: three distractors
Figure 1: TOEFL reference question example.
works on automatically generating questions, in par-
ticular questions for language learning. We focus
on reference questions which has been introduced in
A reference question has four components: (1) a read-
ing passage, (2) a target pronoun, (3) a correct answer,
and (4) three distractors as illustrated in Figure 1. The
reference question asks test takers to choose the cor-
rect antecedent of the target pronoun in the reading
passage from the four choices. Although the refer-
ence question appears at most twice out of 12 to 14
for each reading passage in TOEFL iBT, we argue
that the reference question is crucial to measure test
takers’ ability in reading comprehension. When peo-
ple read a passage and find a pronoun in it, they will
naturally resolve the pronoun, i.e. they find its an-
tecedent (Gordon and Scearce, 1995). Therefore, ask-
ing the antecedent of a pronoun could evaluate the test
takers’ ability in understanding the reading passage.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no research in
the past which focuses on generating the reference
Satria, A. and Tokunaga, T.
Automatic Generation of English Reference Question by Utilising Nonrestrictive Relative Clause.
DOI: 10.5220/0006320203790386
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Suppor ted Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 379-386
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
coreference chain
Text DB
w/ NRC
… ante…, which …
sentence w/ NRC
… ante…, which …
lexical parser
(3) correct answer
dependency parser
relative clause
boundary detector
(1) reading passage
(2) target pronoun
coreference chains (4) distractors
… ante…, which …
… ante…, which …
distractor generation
relative clause boundaries
syntactic tree
dependency relations
relative clause (NRC)
Figure 2: Overview of reference question generation.
question. One possible approach to automatically
generate reference questions is by applying a coref-
erence resolver to the reading passage. The corefer-
ence resolver could find every pair of a pronoun and
its antecedent in the reading passage. The system then
will choose a pair of a pronoun and its antecedent
as the target pronoun and the correct answer respec-
tively. In this approach, however, the quality of the
correct answer will heavily rely on the performance
of the coreference resolver. Unfortunately the perfor-
mance of the currently available coreference resolver
remains still unsatisfactory for using our purpose (Lee
et al., 2013).
We take a different approach to utilise nonrestrictive
relative clauses (NRC) as the resource for pronoun
and antecedent pairs. The key idea is splitting a sen-
tence at the relative pronoun and replacing it with
an appropriate pronoun to have the pronoun and an-
tecedent pair, assuming that it is easier to identify
the antecedent of a relative pronoun within a sentence
than that of a pronoun across the sentences. The de-
tails of sentence splitting will be explained in sec-
tion 4.
Figure 2 illustrates the overview of our system. The
system first retrieves human made paragraphs that
contain at least one NRC from text databases. The
NRCs are retrieved by using simple pattern match-
ing, i.e. by checking if the paragraph includes the
string “, which”. The sentence with a NRC is ex-
tracted from the paragraph to be processed by the lex-
ical parser and the dependency parser to perform an-
tecedent identification, and then by the relative clause
boundary detector and the lexical parser to perform
sentence splitting. The antecedent identification must
be performed first because the antecedent will be used
in sentence splitting to generate the reading passage
and the target pronoun, and will be used in distractor
generation. The antecedent then will be the correct
answer. After the reading passage, the target pronoun,
and the correct answer are generated, then the coref-
erence chains are identified in the human made para-
graph for generating the distractors. Finally, the ques-
tion could be made by filling the question template
with four question components. During the course of
the above process, the retrieved paragraph in the first
step will be discarded immediately when it is found to
generate inappropriate question. Since we have plenty
of paragraphs, we take high accuracy at the expense
of high recall.
In the overall process, using NRCs for generating ref-
erence questions is the key idea of our proposal. A
NRC is a relative clause which provides additional in-
formation to its modifying noun phrase
. It does not
define its modifying noun as opposed to the restric-
tive relative clause. Hence, removing the NRC from
the matrix sentence will retain the sentence essential
meaning. Consider the following two sentences.
(1) The drill, which is whirled between the palms
of the hands, consists of a stalk perhaps a
quarter of an inch in diameter.
(2) The drill which is whirled between the palms
of the hands consists of a stalk perhaps a
quarter of an inch in diameter.
(1) contains a NRC while (2) contains a restrictive rel-
ative clause. The difference is located in the existence
of a comma before the “which”. In (1), the NRC is
used to indicate that there is only one drill in the dis-
course; the relative clause provides additional infor-
mation about the drill. On the other hand, (2) uses the
restrictive relative clause to specify that the speaker
is talking about the whirled drill. Removing the rela-
tive clause in (1) retains the core meaning of the sen-
tence but this is not the case for (2). Therefore, we
can safely transform a sentence with a NRC in a para-
graph into two sentences with keeping the meaning of
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the overall paragraph. At the same time, we obtain the
target pronoun by replacing the relative pronoun with
an appropriate pronoun in the sentence derived from
the relative clause.
In order to generate the correct answer, our system
finds the antecedent of the relative pronoun. The
antecedent identification must be performed first be-
cause the antecedent plays an important role in the
other two subprocesses: sentence splitting and dis-
tractor generation. We accomplish the antecedent
identification by searching the parse tree of the sen-
tence including a NRC, and by employing depen-
dency parser. The following subsections describe the
antecedent identification by parse tree search, that by
dependency parser, and the aggregation of the both
3.1 Parse Tree Search
A parse tree could be utilised to find the boundary of
the NRC and to locate the antecedent (noun phrase)
which the NRC is attached to. The original sentence is
parsed using Stanford Lexical Parser (Klein and Man-
ning, 2003), and the resultant parse tree is traversed to
find the antecedent of the NRC by using the following
1. Find the nearest noun phrase which is left sister of
the NRC in the resultant parse tree.
2. If no such noun phrase is found, find the nearest
noun phrase parent of the NRC.
Tregex (Levy and Andrew, 2006), a tool for querying
tree data structures, is used in order to locate the an-
tecedent in the resultant parse tree based on the fore-
going heuristics.
3.2 Dependency Parser
A dependency parser could also be employed to find
the antecedent of NRCs. By using Stanford Depen-
dency Parser (Chen and Manning, 2014), our sys-
tem will find the attachment of the NRC. Figure 3
shows an example of the dependency parser output.
Among many dependencies, the antecedent could
be identified by finding a dependency labelled with
. This dependency connects the modi-
fied noun and the modifying relative clause by a di-
rected arc starting from the antecedent to the relative
clause. Note that we omitted the labels of other de-
pendencies for simplicity in the figure.
3.3 Result Aggregation
Both parse tree search and dependency parser provide
the antecedent of the NRC. Our system conjoins their
results to vote on the correct answer. Only if both re-
sults agree on the same antecedent, we adopt the sug-
gested antecedent as the correct answer of the ques-
tion, then move to the succeeding processes. When
the both results do not agree, the analysed sentence
is simply discarded and other retrieved paragraph will
be tried.
The reading passage in the reference questions of
TOEFL is created by changing college-level text-
books as little as possible to assess how well test tak-
ers could understand academic text (Service, 2012).
The reading passage in our system is generated from
text databases, which are free e-books by Project
spanning across several genres: science,
history, and technology. The process of reading pas-
sage generation comprises three steps: NRC detec-
tion, sentence splitting and target pronoun creation.
4.1 NRC Detection
To extract the NRC from the sentence, our system
employs the Stanford Lexical Parser (Klein and Man-
ning, 2003) and the relative clause boundary detec-
tion algorithm (Siddharthan, 2002). Since detecting
NRC boundaries is not always easy, both methods are
employed to obtain the reliable relative clause bound-
aries. As in the correct answer generation in the pre-
vious section, only if both agree on the boundary of
the NRC, the extracted NRC is processed further, oth-
erwise the paragraph itself is discarded.
4.2 Sentence Splitting
Sentence splitting divides the original sentence into
the matrix clause and the relative clause. There are
two possibilities in ordering these two clauses when
generating the reading passage. Consider the follow-
ing example.
Automatic Generation of English Reference Question by Utilising Nonrestrictive Relative Clause
The drill, which is whirled between the palms of the hands, consists of a stalk perhaps a quater of an inch in diameter.
Figure 3: Example of dependency parser output.
(3) The drill consists of a stalk perhaps a quarter
of an inch in diameter. The drill is whirled
between the palms of the hands.
(3) is derived from (1) by moving the NRC after the
matrix clause and substituting “which” with its an-
tecedent, “the drill”. There is another way to arrange
sentences as in (4).
(4) The drill is whirled between the palms of the
hands. The drill consists of a stalk perhaps a
quarter of an inch in diameter.
The decision in sentence ordering could be made by
considering the number of distractor candidates that
appear before the pronoun.
4.3 Target Pronoun Creation
The target pronoun of the reference question is de-
rived from the relative pronoun in the original sen-
(5) The drill consists of a stalk perhaps a quarter
of an inch in diameter. It is whirled between
the palms of the hands.
(5) is derived from (3) by substituting “the drill” with
“it”. This substitution introduces a new pronoun to be
the target pronoun of the question. When creating the
target pronoun, morpho-syntactic features, e.g. the
number, gender, and animacy are considered so that
they agree with that of the antecedent. In (5), “the
drill” is a singular inanimate noun, thus the pronoun
would be “it”.
(6) We know that the temple was built as
early as the time of TJsertsen, for in
it have been found one or two of his
blocks; and no doubt the original shrine,
which was rebuilt in the time of Philip
Arrhidseus, was of the same period, but
hitherto no remains of the centuries between
his time and that of Hatshepsu had been
(7) We know that the temple was built as early
as the time of TJsertsen, for in it have been
found one or two of his blocks; and no doubt
the original shrine was of the same period,
but hitherto no remains of the centuries be-
tween his time and that of Hatshepsu had been
found. It was rebuilt in the time of Philip Ar-
There are cases in which the introduced pronoun is
prone to be misinterpreted in term of its antecedent.
In (7) derived from (6), humans tend to interpret “tem-
ple” as the antecedent of the introduced “it” since
this interpretation retains the topic across the two sen-
tences by sharing the subject, although it is actually
“shrine” in the original sentence (6). Such transfor-
mation that distorts the meaning of the original sen-
tence should be avoided. To this end we employ the
Centering theory (Brennan et al., 1987; Grosz et al.,
1995) to confirm that the introduced pronoun natu-
rally refers to the original antecedent. The Center-
ing theory models natural topic transition in the dis-
course, thus that could be the fundamentals for pre-
dicting the antecedent of pronouns. The Centering
theory assigns preference to four types of topic transi-
tions in the order of CONTINUE, RETAIN, SMOOTH-
is the most natural and the ROUGH-SHIFT is the least.
These topic transitions are determined in terms of the
relation between a pronoun and its antecedent. We
adopt the pronoun and antecedent pairs that consti-
tute transitions except for ROUGH-SHIFT. The reason
why we adopt less natural transitions is to diversify
the generated questions.
Distractors are plausible but incorrect options which
distract test takers from selecting the correct answer.
We propose the following conditions that must be ful-
filled by distractor candidates.
1. The POS of the distractor candidate is either sin-
gular noun (NN), proper noun (NNP) or plural
noun (NNS) because we deal with only the case
where the antecedent of the pronoun is a noun.
2. The distractor candidate has the same number,
gender, and animacy features as the correct an-
swer. For instance, a singular distractor would be
too obvious for a plural correct answer.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3. The distractor candidate should precede the tar-
get pronoun. There are two kinds of reference
phenomena: anaphora and cataphora. Anaphora
refers back to the preceding word, while cat-
aphora refers forward to the following word. Our
system deals with only anaphora because cat-
aphora is rare in normal texts.
4. The distractor candidate should not belong to
the same coreference chain as the correct an-
swer. Any word belonging to the same corefer-
ence chain as the correct answer would also be
the correct answer, thus it must be avoided to be a
distractor candidate.
To fulfil the first condition, our system uses Stanford
POS Tagger (Toutanova et al., 2003) to extract all
nouns for distractor candidates. After all the nouns
are extracted, they are checked for their number, gen-
der, and animacy. To avoid creating easy distractors,
incompatible noun phrases are discarded to fulfil the
second condition. The third condition is achieved
by selecting only nouns that appears before the tar-
get pronoun. The order of derived sentences in the
sentence splitting process is determined so that more
distractor candidates are obtained.
The drill consists of a stalk perhaps a quarter of an inch in diameter.
It is whirled between the palms of the hands. This is made to
revolve on the edge of a small notch cut into a larger stalk, perhaps
an inch in diameter.
Figure 4: Example of coreference chains.
Error sources in distractor generation.
The coreference chain is a set of words which refer
to the same entity in the discourse. As the reference
question asks the antecedent of the target pronoun,
the distractors must not refer to the same entity as the
correct answer refers to. In order to fulfil the fourth
condition, Stanford Coreference Resolver (Lee et al.,
2013) is used to extract all coreference chains in the
reading passage. It receives the reading passage as its
input and provides all coreference chains as its out-
put. After the coreference chain of the correct answer
is determined, the distractor candidates in the same
chain are discarded. Figure 4 illustrates an example
of coreference chains where the expressions referring
to the same entity are linked by dashed lines.
The drill consists of a stalk
perhaps a quarter of an
in diameter
. It is whirled between the palms
of the hands. This is made to revolve on the edge of a
small notch cut into a larger stalk, perhaps an inch in
Figure 5: Recency-based distractor candidate ranking.
We need at least three distractors to generate a ref-
erence question. When more than three distractor
candidates remain after filtering with the four con-
ditions, we need to choose three out of them. It is
well known that recently mentioned entity is likely
to be referred to by a pronoun (Walker et al., 1998).
Keeping this in mind, our system ranks the distrac-
tor candidates based on their distance from the target
pronoun. The closest distractor candidate is ranked
at the highest position as illustrated in Figure 5. Our
system then chooses three highest ranked distractor
candidates. In the figure, the distractor candidates are
underlined with their rank in the parentheses. “Diam-
eter”, “inch” and “stalk” are adopted as distractors in
this example.
We evaluate the proposed method in component by
component. As a source of texts, we used the texts
from the Project Gutenberg. The evaluation are con-
ducted based on the subjective judgement of the au-
thor. The following subsections describe the evalu-
ation of the components: correct answer generation,
reading passage generation and distractor generation.
6.1 Correct Answer Generation
The correct answer generation was evaluated by mea-
suring the accuracy of antecedent identification. In
order to evaluate to what extent the parse tree search
and the dependency parser could find the antecedent
of the relative pronoun, we retrieved 100 paragraphs
from the Gutenberg texts, and applied the parse tree
search and the dependency parser to these paragraphs.
Table 1: Number of correctly identified antecedents.
method correct antecedents
parse tree search 50
dependency parser 51
Table 1 represents the number of correctly identified
antecedents in the 100 paragraphs in each method.
The numbers are almost the same between the two
methods, which agreed on the antecedent in 58 cases,
and 41 of them were correct. Therefore aggregating
the results from the two methods increases the accu-
racy from 50% to 70%.
The wrong 17 cases happened when the relative
clause came after a noun phrase with a prepositional
phrase, as in (8). The both methods happened to at-
tach the relative clause to the object of the preposition,
Abydos” in (8), instead of the correct antecedent,
“the oldest temple”.
Automatic Generation of English Reference Question by Utilising Nonrestrictive Relative Clause
(8) Petrie has traced out the plan of the
oldest temple of Osiris at Abydos,
which may be of the time of Khufu, from
scanty evidences which give us but little
Another error is subject verb disagreement error; a
singular antecedent was chosen for a plural relative
pronoun and vice versa. For instance, our system de-
tected “place” as the antecedent of the relative pro-
noun “which” in (9). Since the predicate of the rel-
ative clause is “are”, the correct antecedent must be
“junipers and cedars”. There are two cases found in
the output of parse tree search.
(9) Going downward they merge into
nons, useful for firewood but val-
ueless as timber, and these in turn
give place to junipers and cedars,
which are found everywhere throughout the
foothills and on the high mesa lands.
To confirm the effectiveness of the result aggregation,
we conducted an additional experiment in which the
paragraphs were repeatedly retrieved from the Guten-
berg texts and tested if the results of the parse tree
search and the dependency parser were agreed on the
same antecedent, until the number of the accumu-
lated paragraphs reached 100. Since the paragraph
was adopted into the pool only if the both results
agreed, it is guaranteed that the both methods agreed
on the antecedent of the NRC in the accumulated 100
paragraphs. Among these 100 agreed antecedents, 70
were correct ones and 30 were not. As a result of these
experiments, we could say that we can obtain 70% in
accuracy for identifying the antecedents of NRCs by
applying the result aggregation. As we adopt the an-
tecedent as a correct answer, the performance of the
correct answer generation is 70% in accuracy.
6.2 Reading Passage Generation
The reading passage generation was evaluated by
measuring the performance of sentence splitting. The
main source of errors in the sentence splitting pro-
cess is the wrongly identified relative clause bound-
aries. In order to evaluate to what extent the lexical
parser and the relative clause boundary detector could
find the boundary of relative clause for the purpose
of reading passage generation, we retrieved 100 para-
graphs randomly from the Gutenberg texts and anal-
ysed them by the lexical parser and the relative clause
boundary detector.
Table 2 shows the number of correctly identified rel-
ative clause boundaries in the 100 paragraphs in each
method. The relative clause boundary detector shows
Table 2: Number of correctly identified relative clause
method correct boundaries
lexical parser 79
relative clause boundary detector 88
around 10% higher accuracy than the lexical parser.
In the 100 paragraphs, the both methods agreed on
the same 70 boundaries, 67 out of which were cor-
rect boundaries. As in the antecedent identification
described in the previous subsection, we could gain
8% and 17% in accuracy respectively by aggregating
the results from the different methods.
Similarly to the antecedent identification evaluation,
to confirm the aggregation effectiveness, we con-
ducted an additional experiment which accumulated
the agreed 100 results by both methods. The result
showed that in the 97 out 100 agreed cases the identi-
fied boundaries were correct ones. We could say that
we can obtain 97% in accuracy for identifying the cor-
rect boundary of relative clauses.
Additionally, we evaluated the sentence splitting per-
formance with regard to the extent to which the target
pronoun can be interpreted as referring to the correct
antecedent. We generated 50 passages with the CON-
TINUE transition and 50 passages with the SMOOTH-
SHIFT transition to ensure the diversity of the gener-
ated questions
Table 3: Number of correctly interpretable pronouns.
transition type pronouns
Table 3 shows the number of correctly interpretable
pronouns. The table indicates that the CONTINUE
transition gives more appropriate pronouns than
SMOOTH-SHIFT because CONTINUE is more natural
than SMOOTH-SHIFT. This result suggests that by
adopting CONTINUE, our system could generate 48
appropriate pronouns out of 50 questions. However,
if we generate all questions by using the CONTINUE
transition only, the generated questions will be homo-
geneous thus the correct answer could be guessed eas-
6.3 Distractor Generation
As we can see from Figure 2, errors in the sentence
splitting and the antecedent identification affect the
We did not adopt passages with the RETAIN transition be-
cause they tend to be similar passages as those with the
CONTINUE transition because of its definition.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
performance of the distractor generation. To evalu-
ate the distractor generation independently from these
preceding steps, we first collected 100 questions that
are free from errors in these preceding steps. The dis-
tractor generation was applied to the correctly gener-
ated reading passages and pronouns, and the correctly
identified antecedents. The generated distractors were
judged valid if all three distractors fulfilled the condi-
tions described in section 5.
Table 4: Error sources in distractor generation.
error source errors
coreference chain detection 6
feature agreement 5
We had 11 cases in which at least one generated dis-
tractor was invalid. The main sources of these errors
are categorised into two: errors in coreference chain
detection, and agreement errors in features of pro-
nouns and their antecedent. The distribution of error
sources are summarised in Table 4.
A knowledge of the various Semitic alphabets is nec-
essary for copying inscriptions. Unless the traveler be
also acquainted with the languages he had better be cau-
tious about copying Semitic inscriptions; without such
knowledge he runs the risk of confusing different Semitic
letters. They often closely resemble one another. He
should, however, be able to make squeezes and pho-
The word “they” in the passage refers to
(A) letters
(B) inscriptions
(C) languages
(D) alphabets
Figure 6: Example of invalid distractors due to the corefer-
ence chain detection error.
Figure 6 shows an example of invalid distractors
caused by the coreference chain detection error. The
coreference chain detector failed to capture “alpha-
bets” and “letters” in the same coreference chain. Due
to this error, (D) alphabets was generated as one of the
distractors even though it belongs to the same coref-
erence chain as the correct answer (A) letters.
Some errors occurred in feature agreement. When a
person entity was not recognised as a person, it would
be chosen as the distractor for the target pronoun “it”
as shown in Figure 7. The “Hammurabi” was not
recognised as a person, thus it was chosen as one of
the distractor. It is obvious that a person could not be
a distractor for inanimate correct answer.
We have in total 11 generated questions with at least
one inappropriate distractor, suggesting that our sys-
tem successfully generated distractors with 89% in
6.4 Overall Evaluation
Since a question consists of a reading passage, a target
pronoun, a correct answer and distractors, the ques-
tion could be considered acceptable only if all of those
components are error-free. We generated 100 ques-
tions fully automatically and counted errors in each
component. Table 5 shows the number of errors in
each question component in the 100 questions.
Table 5: Errors in the components of 100 questions.
question component #error
reading passage 3
target pronoun 9
correct answer 30
distractors 6
Since a single question might contains errors in mul-
tiple components, this categorisation is not disjoint.
The most common errors happened in correct answer
generation because finding the antecedent of relative
clauses is a difficult task. The target pronoun tended
to be wrong when it appeared as the object argument
in the sentence. In all nine cases of the wrong target
pronoun, the pronoun were the object of verbs. From
100 questions, 53 of them are error-free, suggesting
that we have 53% in accuracy for automatically gen-
erating reference questions.
It is true that Gudea, the Sumerian patesi of Shirpurla,
records that Hammurabi rebuilt the temple of the god-
dess Ninni (Ishtar) at a place called Nina. Now Nina
may very probably be identified with Nineveh, but
many writers have taken it to be a place in Southern
Babylonia and possibly a district of Shirpurla itself.
No such uncertainty attaches to Hammurabi’s refer-
ence to Nineveh. It is undoubtedly the Assyrian city
of that name.
The word “it” in the passage refers to
(A) Nineveh
(B) reference
(C) Hammurabi
(D) uncertainty
Figure 7: Example of invalid distractors due to agreement
In this paper, we presented a novel method to auto-
matically generate reference questions for evaluating
test taker’s reading comprehension ability. A refer-
ence question consists of four components: a reading
passage, a target pronoun, a correct answer and three
distractors. It asks test takers the antecedent of the tar
Automatic Generation of English Reference Question by Utilising Nonrestrictive Relative Clause
-get pronoun in the reading passage. Questions were
automatically generated from existing human made
paragraphs so we believe that the present study con-
tributes to reducing teacher burden on creating those
questions and accommodating learners with abundant
question exercises as well.
In our proposed method, nonrestrictive relative
clauses (NRC) were utilised to generate the reading
passage using the sentence splitting technique. For
generating correct answers, the parse tree search and
the dependency parser worked together to enhance the
reliability of the generated answer. In creating distrac-
tors, the coreference resolver and the part-of-speech
tagger were employed.
According to the subjective evaluation of the gener-
ated questions, 53% of the questions were acceptable.
That means the half of the generated questions could
be used for the real test, but the performance still re-
mains far from fully automatic question generation.
Our system generated reading passage with 97% in
accuracy, correct answer with 70% in accuracy, and
distractors with 89% in accuracy; those results show
promising potential to generate the reference ques-
tions automatically. With the current performance
as is, it will be practical to incorporate the proposed
components into a kind of authoring system for creat-
ing reference questions, so as to reduce the burden of
human experts in creating questions.
At the same time, we need to further refine each com-
ponent generation module to obtain a better perfor-
mance of the total system. For instance, in order
to improve the performance of correct answer gen-
eration, checking the agreement between the relative
clause and the antecedent could help antecedent iden-
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iments on real English learners to see to what extent
the automatically generated questions by our method
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CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education