derived from Sentinel-1 image collections (2016) and
resolution will be about 20 meters. Since these data
has not been available yet, it could not be considered
for a visual comparison nor an accuracy assessment
in this study.
By launching the Sentinel mission in 2014, the
European Space agency ESA aimed to satisfy the
need of the Copernicus program. Sentinel-1 is the first
of five missions that ESA developed for the
Copernicus initiative. Sentinel-1 comprises a
constellation of two polar-orbiting satellites
(Sentinel-1A, Sentinel-1B), operating day and night
performing C-band synthetic aperture radar imaging,
enabling them to acquire imagery regardless of
weather conditions or light conditions (D’Aria et al.,
This work presents the comparison of Sentinel-1
data used for the development of two automatically
derived settlement layers differentiating between
built-up and non-built up area and the Copernicus
high-resolution layer ‘Imperviousness Degree’ and
the European Settlement Map (ESM) 2016. In
contrast to CLC data that are confined for Europe,
satellites of the Sentinel mission collect data globally.
The Sentinel-1 data coverage makes it possible to
establish a global settlement layer.
This study uses Sentinel-1 image data, collected from
the first 7 months of the year 2016, the Compernicus
HRL imperviousness for the year 2012 and European
Settlement Map 2016. Additionally a Sentinel-2A
scene (date of acquisition: 02.07.2016) is used for
visual interpretation of the results.
2.1 Sentinel-1 Data
The Sentinel program is the most comprehensive and
ambitious European Earth Observation program. The
Sentinel satellites provide unique operational sensing
capabilities across the whole measurement spectrum,
covering a broad range of applications. Thanks to
their advanced sensing concepts and outstanding
spatio-temporal sampling characteristics, the Sentinel
satellites will collect more data than any earth
observation program before (Attema et al., 2007).
The first of the Sentinel satellite series, Sentinel-1A
was launched on 3 April 2014. Seninel-1 (S-1) is a
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) mission for ocean
and land monitoring. S-1 is the continuity mission to
the SAR instruments flown on board of ERS and
ENVISAT. The S-1 mission is implemented through
a constellation of two satellites. The S-1B was
launched on 25 April 2016. The S-1 data over the land
masses are mainly acquired in Interferometric Wide
swath (IW) mode. The S-1 Level-1 Ground Range
Detected (GRD) products, which are suitable for the
most of the land applications, consist of focused SAR
data that has been detected, multi-looked and
projected to ground range using an Earth ellipsoid
model such as WGS84. The IW GRD products are
provided in two High (20 m x 22 m) and Medium (88
m x 87 m) spatial resolutions resampled to 10 m and
40 m pixel spacing grids respectively (European
Space Agency, 2013, p. 1).
Despite all corrections from Level-0 up to Level-1
data, the GRD data still need to be processed further
before generating level-2 products. The S-1 Level-1
GRD data used in this study were pre-processed using
the TU Wien SAR Geophysical Retrieval Toolbox
(SGRT) (Naeimi et al., 2016). The pre-processing
workflow include calibration, noise removal,
georeferencing and terrain correction using a Digital
Elevation Model (DEM), shadow mask generation,
data conversions, and data resampling and tiling to a
regular grid using an appropriate cartographic map
projection. For the calibration, georeferencing and the
terrain correction, the ESA’s Sentinel-1 toolbox
(S1TBX) is employed. The S1TBX operators are
called via SGRT to perform the georeferencing using
the S-1 precise orbit files provided externally by ESA.
In this study the S1TBX Range Doppler algorithm
and SRTM digital elevation data are used for terrain
correction of the SAR scenes. After some further
preprocessing steps like thermal noise removal, data
format conversion and shadow mask generation the
geocoded SAR scenes are resampled to the TU Wien
Equi7 Grid. The TU Wien Equi7 Grid is designed to
minimize the oversampling rate of the high resolution
satellite data globally, while keeping its structure
simple (Bauer-Marschallinger et al., 2014). After the
pre-processing step, the S-1 backscatter time series
were used to generate composites of monthly mean of
backscatter for each polarization separately over the
test site. In this study high resolution S-1 image stacks
collected from 7 months (January – July) of the year
2016 are used.
2.2 Copernicus High Resolution Layer
Imperviousness Degree
The HRL imperviousness is produced using an
automatic algorithm based on calibrated NDVI.
Similar to other HRLs of the Copernicus program, the
imperviousness HRL is derived from 20 m resolution
optical satellite imagery. The layer has 20 m