A Synthesis of Enterprise Architecture Effectiveness Constructs
Siyanda Nkundla-Mgudlwa and Jan C. Mentz
School of Computing, University of South Africa, Private Bag X6, Florida Park, Johannesburg, 1710, South Africa
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Effectiveness Measurement, Enterprise Architecture Implementation, Design
Science Research, Critical Success Factors, Measurement Constructs.
Abstract: Companies throughout the world use Enterprise Architecture (EA) because of benefits such as the alignment
of business to Information Technology (IT), centralisation of decision making and cost reductions due to
standardisation of business processes and business systems. Even though EA offers organisational benefits,
EA projects are reported as being costly, time consuming and require tremendous effort. Companies
therefore seek to ascertain ways to measure the effectiveness of EA implementation because of the money
and time being spent on EA projects. EA Effectiveness refers to the degree in which EA helps to achieve the
collective goals of the organisation and its measurement depends on a list of constructs that can be used to
measure the effectiveness of EA implementation. Currently, there exist no comprehensive list of constructs
that are suitable to measure the effectiveness of EA implementation. The paper reports on the results of a
study that explored the development of a comprehensive list of constructs suitable for measuring the
effectiveness of EA implementation. The artefact developed in this research study is called Enterprise
Architecture Effectiveness Constructs (EAEC). The EAEC consists of 6 constructs namely: - alignment;
communication; governance; scope; top leadership commitment and skilled teams, training and education.
To achieve the purpose of this research study, a design science research (DSR) strategy was followed. The
EAEC was evaluated in two rounds by EA experts from industry and academia.
Enterprise Architecture is implemented by
companies worldwide because of the benefits and
the value it promises. The EA benefits stated in the
literature are, improved business-Information
Technology (IT) alignment, better decision making,
increased business performance, reduced IT costs
and improved interoperability (Ross et al., 2006,
Wan et al., 2013). Even though the use and
implementation of EA may lead to a company
experiencing these benefits, an EA implementation
requires time, money and effort. An organization’s
ability to quantify the value of an EA
implementation is therefore very important. The
challenge, though, that organisations face is to
understand how the effectiveness of an EA
implementation can be measured (Lankhorst, 2005,
Schelp and Stutz, 2007). Furthermore, EA teams are
under pressure to demonstrate the value and benefits
of EA to the organisation in terms of the cost and
time spent on EA (Weiss, 2006, Rodrigues and
Amaral, 2013).
Regardless of this need there seems to be no
unified list of constructs suitable for measuring
effectiveness of EA implementation reported in the
literature. This paper aims to fill this gap by creating
an integrated list of measurement constructs. The list
is derived from the various existing published
critical success factors as well as EA effectiveness
models and frameworks.
Since the research approach followed in this
paper is Design Science Research the paper is
structured accordingly. The problem awareness and
solution proposal is presented in Section 2 followed
by a description of the research design in Section 3.
The design of the artefact is discussed in Section 4
followed by the evaluation of the artefact in Section
5. The paper concludes with suggestions for further
research in Section 6. Please note that due to the
nature of the EA topic, the terms business,
organization and enterprise are used interchangeably
in this paper.
Nkundla-Mgudlwa, S. and Mentz, J.
A Synthesis of Enterprise Architecture Effectiveness Constructs.
DOI: 10.5220/0006321002820293
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 282-293
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Enterprise Architecture is known by many
definitions (Saint-Louis and Lapalme, 2016).
Zachman, widely regarded as the originator of the
discipline of EA (Mentz et al., 2012), describes EA
as the ontology of the enterprise (Zachman, 2008).
This ontology consists of a set of descriptive
representations, known as primitive and composite
models, that describes an enterprise in such a way
that it can be used to produce systems to
management’s requirements. In a more standardised
tone EA is defined as the fundamental organisation
of a system, embodied in its components, their
relationships to each other and the environment, and
the principles governing its design and evolution
(IEEE, 2011).
The creation of an enterprise's architecture is
achieved by an Enterprise Architecture Framework
(EAF). According to (Cameron and McMillan,
2013) an EAF is used to implement an EA in terms
of a set of models, method and principles. The Open
Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF Ver 9.1)
(The Open Group, 2011) is a popular EAF currently
in use (Zhang, 2012, Sobczak, 2013, Schmidt et al.,
2014). More specifically, TOGAF Ver 9.1 (The
Open Group, 2011) describes itself as creating
business capability via the use of an architecture
development capability. Despite TOGAF's
popularity as an EAF there are other EAF's such as
for example the Zachman Framework (Zachman,
2008) and the Department of Defense Architecture
Framework (DoDAF V2.0) (Department of Defense,
The successful implementation of an EA holds
potential benefits to the business. These benefits are
varied and has been researched and proposed by EA
practitioner and researcher alike (Foorthuis et al.,
2015). Niemi (2008) summarizes EA benefits as
improved business to IT alignment, enhanced
communication and collaboration among
stakeholders, improved decision making and
reduced IT costs. Despite these promised benefits,
the implementation of EA in an organization
remains a challenge (Löhe and Legner, 2014)
especially considering that the expected benefits
takes some time to manifest (Schmidt and Buxmann,
2011) after the implementation of an EA practice.
EA implementation refers to the process of
establishing an EA practice in an organization based
on a specified scope (Syynimaa, 2013). An EA
practice produces various EA artefacts such as
models, standards, principles and other descriptive
documentation used to describe the enterprise as
comprehensively as possible (Niemi and Pekkola,
2015). The complex nature of the task of
representing the enterprise in artefactual terms lead
to several implementation issues. Seppanen et al.
(2009), for example, highlights 3 sets of interrelated
challenges facing EA implementation in public
administration. These challenges are the lack of
properly established EA governance, insufficient
support for the development of EA, and inadequate
resources to do EA governance and development.
Furthermore, the implementation of an EA practice
requires project management expertise along with an
IT portfolio management process (Seppanen et al.,
2009). Bonnet (2009) states that EA implementation
is of interest to staff that are responsible for
managing change projects and implementing
operational changes. These members of staff are also
referred to as stakeholders (The Open Group, 2011,
Lankhorst, 2005). Stakeholders are either directly
involved in implementing an EA or has a need that
is satisfied by the implemented EA.
The degree to which a stakeholder is satisfied
with an EA implementation depends on the
effectiveness of an EA practice. In an EA
implementation, the term effectiveness refers to the
outputs of an EA implementation that completely
meet the defined goals of an EA project (Rouhani et
al., 2014). As such EA effectiveness is a measure of
the degree to which organizational objectives are
attained through the outputs of the EA practice (Van
der Raadt et al., 2010) as well as the ability of the
EA practice to aid the achievement of the collective
goals of the organization (Rouhani et al., 2015).
According to Rouhani et al. (2015) enterprise
architects find it challenging to determine the
effectiveness of an EA implementation.
Given the challenging nature of measuring EA
effectiveness (Ylimäki, 2008, Espinosa et al., 2011,
Morganwalp and Sage, 2004, Rodrigues and
Amaral, 2013) efforts have been made to determine
the quality of EA implementations. Since an EA
implementation of EA can be costly as well as time
consuming, it is important to investigate and identify
critical success factors (CSF) that contribute to EA
success. Nikpay et al. (2013) define critical success
factors as the things that must go well to ensure the
overall success of the project.
Bricknall et al. (2006) identified 3 groupings of
CSFs that impacts the modelling and management of
EA, namely, IT and business management buy-in,
manageable EA project scope and relevant EA
artefacts as the contents of the EA. According to
A Synthesis of Enterprise Architecture Effectiveness Constructs
Ylimäki (2008) the EA CSFs that is important to
organisations are:
Scoping and purpose
Communication and common language
Top management commitment
Development methodology and tool support
Business driven approach
EA models and artefacts
EA governance
IT investment and acquisition strategies
Skilled team, training and education
Project and Program management
Assessment and evaluation
Organizational culture
Aier and Schelp (2010) identified a more
comprehensive list of CSFs to describe EA
implementation success (see Table 1) in terms of 4
factors groups and nineteen individual factors.
Table 1: EA implementation Critical Success Factors (Aier and Schelp, 2010).
Factor Group Individual Factor Description
Size of Company/architecture Size of company impacts the number and size of resulting
architecture models used
Market orientation cost center or profit center
economic pressure Are there cost cutting exercises?
budget Is there a dedicated (E)A budget?
strategic alignment What kind of business/lT alignment exists?
culture How does the corporate culture influence change?
Structure governance Is there an EA governance and how is it anchored?
architectural power How strong are formal and informal architectural power and the
resulting impact?
skills of architects What skills do architects have?
skills of non-architects What are the architectural knowledge and architectural skills Of
EA visibility outside the EA
Are any architectural efforts visible Outside the architecture
tools Is there any EA tool support?
coverage What is covered by EA?
Process project support How are architects involved in projects in general?
impact in projects How do they contribute to projects?
rules and EA processes What are the instruments to enact architecture within projects?
EA over Time training of architects frequency and amount of architectural training and further
training of non—architects frequency and amount of architectural training and further
EA marketing "marketing" measures to raise architecture attention and
architecture sensibilization
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Finally, Wan et al. (2014) categorizes EA CSFs
according to the following 4 categories:
EA readiness and preparation addresses the
organizational understanding of EA in terms
of introducing the concept of EA to the
organization as well as the management of
change that results from EA implementation.
Top Commitment and leadership is critical in
order to have a successful EA implementation
due to the need for top leadership commitment
and support.
EA domain techniques refers to the
professional EA related techniques or the
skills that enterprise architects should acquire
to do EA work.
EA governance and program management
concern mainly management-control issues in
relation to incremental EA implementation
and EA lifecycle maintenance.
As can be seen from the preceding summary the
selection and determination of CSFs for successful
or effective EA implementation can lead to complex
results. A preliminary analysis can lead to a potential
set of essential CSFs namely, top leadership
commitment, EA governance, EA scope and skilled
EA teams and training.
The precise measurement of an effective EA
implementation according to CSFs is a challenging
task (Kaisler et al., 2005). There are, however,
approaches reported in the academic literature that
Table 2: EA Effectiveness Measurement Papers.
Title Author (s)
A framework for Enterprise
Architecture effectiveness
Kamogawa and
Okada (2005)
Experience report: Assessing a
global financial services
company on its Enterprise
Architecture effectiveness
using NAOMI
Van Der Raadt et al.
Measuring the Effectiveness of
Enterprise Architecture
Bonnet (2009)
Measuring Enterprise Architecture
- A focus on Key Performance
Van der Raadt et al.
An Effectiveness Model for
Enterprise Architecture
Günther (2014)
address the measurement of the effectiveness of EA
implementation problem. What follows is a brief
overview of 5 notable examples in support of the
research problem addressed by this paper. Table 2
lists the frameworks and models in question.
The selection in Table 2 was based on a
systematic keyword search of the EA literature on
EA implementation, these keywords were:
EA effectiveness
EA success
Measuring EA effectiveness
Measuring EA success.
The keyword search targeted the paper's abstract,
research findings and conclusion. The databases
used to search literature were:
Google Scholar
ACM Digital Library
IEEE Xplore
Science Direct
Springer Link
Taylor and Francis
Kamogawa and Okada (2005) developed a
framework that assesses EA effectiveness in the
context of e-business. The critical elements
mentioned in their EA effectiveness framework are
namely; EA development power, governance and
EA cognition. Van Der Raadt et al. (2007)
developed the Normalized Architecture
Organization Maturity Index (NAOMI). NAOMI
has three variables to assess EA effectiveness, these
are: architecture awareness, architecture maturity
and architecture alignment. Measuring the
Effectiveness of Enterprise Architecture
Implementation by Bonnet (2009) and Van der
Raadt et al. (2010) provides two organisational
objectives to measure the effectiveness of EA
implementation. The two organizational objectives
are namely; agility and alignment. Focus Framework
for Enterprise Architecture Measurements (FFEAM)
is developed by Günther (2014) and it considers four
areas namely, the decision-making process, the
decision-making results, programme
implementation, and programme results. Rouhani et
al. (2015) explore the factors that affect
effectiveness of EA Implementation Methodology
(EAIM) and propose the effectiveness model for
EAIMs. There are five factors that affect
effectiveness of EAIM, these are:
A Synthesis of Enterprise Architecture Effectiveness Constructs
These 5 effectiveness approaches reveal three
common effectiveness elements namely:
Communication skills
EA scope
The above discussion shows the varied
approaches and indicators of effective EA
implementation. The increased use of EA introduces
a problem with regards to selecting an appropriate
set of EA CSFs to measure EA effectiveness. This
problem can be addressed by a synthesis of existing
approaches to construct an integrated CSF list.
This paper report on the results of a research
study that applied Design Science Research (DSR)
to the development of an artefact that represents a
comprehensive list of constructs suitable for
measuring effectiveness of EA implementation.
The research approach followed in this research is
Design Science Research (DSR) as described by
Vaishnavi and Kuechler (2011). Figure 1 shows the
Figure 1: Design Science Research steps, adapted from
(Vaishnavi and Kuechler, 2011).
5 main steps of the DSR method.
These steps entail the following:
Awareness of a Problem – an awareness of
the problem may be supported by multiple
sources including new developments in
industry or in a reference discipline. The
problem addressed in this paper is the absence
of an integrated list of constructs suitable to
measure the effectiveness of EA
implementation. EA is costly, time consuming
and requires effort to implement and it is
therefore important to quantify its value.
Suggestion – the solution suggestion phase
follows an awareness of the problem has been
established. During the suggestion phase an
artefact is proposed as a solution to the
problem. The solution proposed in this paper
is an artefact that represents an integrated list
of EA effectiveness constructs. The name of
the artefact is Enterprise Architecture
Effectiveness Constructs (EAEC).
Development – the proposed solution is
designed and implemented in this phase. The
inputs to this phase can be existing artefacts or
theories that is relevant to the problem space.
The EAEC is based on a synthesis of existing
EA measurement frameworks, models as well
as EA CSFs. The first step in the design phase
is to select these EA measurement artefacts by
using a literature review approach. After the
artefacts were identified they were compared
to find commonality in terms of measurement
Evaluation – in this phase the newly
developed artefact is used to demonstrate that
the problem has been addressed. Vaishnavi
and Kuechler (2011) state that an artefact is
evaluated according to criteria that that are
always implicit and frequently made explicit
in the awareness of the problem phase. An
appropriate evaluation method needs to be
selected according to the type of the artefact
being developed.
Conclusion – conclusion is the final phase of
the DSR process and in this step the results of
the process are communicated to all relevant
stakeholders namely; Information Technology
(IT) stakeholders, business stakeholders and
external stakeholders (suppliers).
The sections that follow provide more detail with
regards to the design and evaluation of the EAEC.
The awareness of the problem as well as the solution
proposal phases were addressed in Section 2 of this
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this section the development of the EAEC is
discussed. The EAEC consists of a comprehensive
list of constructs suitable for measuring
effectiveness of EA implementation. Existing
artefacts and measurement frameworks used in this
phase (see Table 2) produced various lists of
effectiveness constructs. The EAEC was developed
by synthesizing these lists as well as the EA CSFs
derived from existing effectiveness approaches.
The list of existing EA CSFs is called the EA
CSF list and contains three elements namely, top
management support or commitment, scope,
governance and skilled teams, training and
education. The list derived from the EA
effectiveness approaches is called the EA
effectiveness elements list and consist of:
communication skills, scope and alignment.
4.1 The Synthesis of EA CSFs and EA
Effectiveness Elements
The EA CSF list and EA effectiveness elements are
synthesized to produce a list of integrated constructs.
This synthesis yields 6 constructs namely, top
leadership commitment; governance; scope and
skilled teams, training and education;
communication skills and alignment. To ease the
task of reference these 6 elements will be referred to
as measurement constructs in this paper. The
detailed meaning of each constructs are as follows:
Top management commitment is described
by Wan et al. (2014) as a facet that deals with
commitment from top executives and provides
sufficient power to perform organisational
changes. Bricknall et al. (2006) are of the
view that top IT and business stakeholders
buy-in are critical because without their
support EA programmes can easily fail.
Ylimäki (2008) confirms the involvement of
top management in an EA effort.
Governance deals with the roles and
responsibilities among different stakeholders
in business, IT and suppliers. Issues that are
covered under EA governance are governance
structure, effective governance processes and
activities, effective change management
environment, effective risk management and
business management process integration
(Ylimäki, 2008). Governance is mentioned by
Aier and Schelp (2010) as an important factor
for EA implementation success. EA
governance and program management
involves management-control issues in
relation to incremental EA implementation
and continuous improvement (Wan et al.,
Scope refers to the parts of the organisation
such as IS and IT that should be included in
the initial EA project in order to create an EA
(Bricknall et al., 2006). The scope of EA must
be clear and the benefits of EA should also be
included in the scope documentation.
Furthermore, there must be “as-is”
documentation that shows the current status of
the architecture, an IT strategy, target
architecture (‘to be’ architecture) and a plan of
how to reach the targeted architecture (which
is a “to-be” architecture) (Bricknall et al.,
2006). Ylimäki (2008) states that scoping and
purpose refers to how an organisation
addresses issues such as holistic EA, a clear
mission, goals and direction; value and
benefits of EA and a clearly defined EA.
Holistic EA addresses issues such as the
definition of EA in the organisation and the
documentation of key EA stakeholder groups
(Lankhorst, 2005, Ylimäki, 2008). Scoping in
Wan et al. (2014) study falls under the EA
readiness and purpose facet. One of the
success factors in the EA readiness and
purpose facet is an understanding of the high-
level business formal structure such as
strategy, vision, mission, objective.
Skilled teams, training and education, this
CSF addresses the establishment of skills
required for architecture team and key
stakeholder in terms of architecture work. The
architecture teams need to have both business
and architecture skills (Boster et al., 2000,
Ylimäki, 2008). The skills of architects and
non-architects are also mentioned as critical
by (Aier and Schelp, 2010). Aier and Schelp
(2010) state that communication and regular
training or education are CSFs for the long-
term success of EA. The training and
education of non-architects fosters the
acceptance of architectural issues and reduces
barriers (Aier and Schelp, 2010). According to
Wan et al. (2014) training is covered under the
EA domain techniques facet. This facet refers
to EA skills and business skills that enterprise
architecture should acquire (Wan et al., 2014).
Business and IT alignment (B-IT) is defined
as the degree to which the IT missions,
objectives, and plans support and are
supported by the business mission, objectives,
A Synthesis of Enterprise Architecture Effectiveness Constructs
and plans (Reich and Benbasat, 1996). An
organisation needs to be aligned internally to
be agile externally (Bonnet, 2009). Alignment
refers to IT supply meeting organisation
demands (Lindström et al., 2006). Günther
(2014) refers to B-IT alignment during the
decision-making process as a subjective
alignment of business and IT stakeholders.
The B-IT alignment in this context refers to
understanding of business by IT and
understanding of IT by business Günther
(2014). Alignment is one of the 5 critical
factors that affect the effectiveness of EA
implementation because of the positive
relationship between alignment and
effectiveness of EA implementation (Rouhani
et al., 2014).
Communication skills refers to the process of
communicating with stakeholders in terms of
EA projects. Kamogawa and Okada (2005)
state that EA should reflect communication in
which all stakeholders are involved.
According to Van Der Raadt et al. (2007),
communication involves architecture
descriptions and models. Further, the level in
which an architecture function can
communicate with its stakeholders is essential
in determining its ability to be effective (Van
Der Raadt et al., 2007, Lange et al., 2012).
Bonnet (2009) mention communication and
understanding as one of the dimension under
alignment. Communication and understanding
refers to common understanding of business
and IT through knowledge sharing, and insight
in consequences of decision-making. The
latter requires that enterprise architects
communicate to business effectively.
Effective engagement ensures that all key
stakeholders share the risks and
responsibilities (Ross et al., 2006).
4.2 The Relationship between
Figure 2 shows an illustration of the 6 measurement
constructs as well as the relationships between them.
The Alignment and Communication constructs are
shaded in a different colour than the other four
constructs because they either have a direct or
indirect relationship with the other four
measurement constructs. Therefore, Alignment and
Communication are 2 measurement constructs that
are common among the measurement constructs.
This means that the other 4 measurement constructs
either have a direct or indirect relationship with
Alignment or Communication or both. The
relationships are labelled as bidirectional arrows in
the diagram. These relationships are discussed next:
Figure 2: Measurement Constructs and Relationships.
Alignment and Scope (A & S)
Alignment refers to the strategic fit between
strategy and operations, functional integration
of business and IT, external suppliers or other
lines of business within the organisation
(Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993, Bonnet,
2009). Bonnet (2009) is of the view that
alignment is achieved when all components of
an organisation are interrelated coherently.
The organisational scope of architecture
indicates which part of an organisation is
involved in the EA program (Van Der Raadt
et al., 2007). As such Scope is an intrinsic
variable that links with Alignment that means
business strategy and IT strategy must be
aligned for an EA implementation to be
regarded as effective.
Alignment and Communication (A & C)
Communication refers to the ability of the
architecture function to communicate EA
relevant information to the organisation (Van
der Raadt et al., 2010). For communication to
be effective, architecture alignment needs to
be in place as well. Communication within the
alignment dimension refers to a common
understanding of business and IT through
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
knowledge sharing, and insight of the
consequences of decision making (Bonnet,
2009, Van der Raadt et al., 2010). The relation
between alignment and communication means
business to IT alignment needs to be
communicated to all the stakeholders for an
EA implementation to be regarded as
Alignment and Governance (A & G)
Governance within the alignment dimension
refers to formal decision making, monitoring,
and control of priorities and budget for both
business and IT (Van der Raadt et al., 2010,
Bonnet, 2009). The governance relation
indicates that an effective EA implementation
requires governance of the alignment
produced by EA.
Communication and governance (C & G)
Ylimäki (2008) states that effective
communication is critical to share knowledge,
achieving a common understanding,
agreement and a shared view of EA scope,
vision and objectives. The linkage of
communication and scope is also shared by
Wan et al. (2014) and Bricknall et al. (2006)
in that organisational understanding of EA is
important therefore effective communication
plays a critical role in ensuring that an
organisation understands the EA scope. The
link between communication and governance
is stated by Ylimäki (2008). There is indirect
communication between communication and
governance according to Van Der Raadt et al.
(2007) in terms of architecture awareness.
This relation means that the roles and
responsibilities of the EA implementation
need to be clearly communicated to all
stakeholders for the EA implementation to be
regarded as effective.
Communication and skilled teams (C & ST)
Teams need to have good communication
skills to effectively communicate with
different stakeholders and to provide training
effectively. It is critical for EA architects to
have good communication skills to translate
business requirements into EA. The people
that matter in terms of determining the
relevance and effectiveness of EA is the
business not necessarily the technical staff.
Enterprise architects must communicate with
the business in relevant terms (i.e. non-
technical) so that engagement can be fostered.
This relationship is critical to an effective EA
implementation due to the importance of the
business as a key stakeholder and recipient of
the benefit of EA.
Communication and Top leadership
commitment (C & TC)
Effectiveness and top leadership commitment
is important for effective EA implementation.
This relationship was identified by Ylimäki
(2008). Communication between stakeholders
and Support & commitment from top
executives are factors that are mentioned
under top commitment and leadership facet,
therefore there is a correlation between these
two factors (Wan et al., 2014).
During the evaluation phase the EAEC was
demonstrated to eleven EA experts from industry
and academia (in the South African context). The
objective of evaluating EAEC was to assess whether
problem of a lack of an integrated EA effectiveness
measurement list was adequately addressed (see
Section 2 for problem awareness discussion). The
eleven EA experts were identified based on their
LinkedIn profiles as well as referrals from the power
The evaluation was conducted in two rounds that
followed a presentation of the EAEC. During the
first round each expert was required to provide
general information about their experience in EA
and to answer 3 open ended questions about the
EAEC. During the second round the EA experts
were asked to review the responses from the other
experts (presented to each expert without revealing
any identities) to indicate their view in terms of
whether they agree, in neutral or disagree with
claims made during the first round. The evaluation
was done under the protection of an ethical
clearance certificate that guaranteed the anonymity
as well as the right to choose to participate in the
5.1 Analysis of Evaluation
The objective of evaluation was determining the
degree of common understanding of EAEC and in so
doing to establish that the EAEC addressed the
problem (Section 2) it was designed to solve.
5.1.1 Round 1 Results
During the first round all eleven EA acknowledged
that there is a need to have a tool that will enable
A Synthesis of Enterprise Architecture Effectiveness Constructs
organisations to measure the effectiveness of EA
implementation. The 6 constructs were confirmed by
all eleven EA experts as being critical and
comprehensive to measure the effectiveness of EA
implementation. 6 out of eleven (55%) EA experts
stated that the EAEC has the potential of being a
useful tool once measuring units are determined for
the six constructs. All eleven EA experts expressed
their concerns regarding the EA definition and their
role as enterprise architects. The EA experts stated
that the EA definition is not fully understood and the
role of the enterprise architects is often confused
with the role of an IT architect.
5.1.2 Round 2 Results
In round 2, the EA experts were asked to review
their collective opinions and to indicate their view in
terms of whether they agree, in neutral or disagree
with claims derived in round 1. Table 3 to 5 shows
an overview of the opinions from round 1. A total
number of 9 EA experts participated in round 2.
The EA experts were asked to confirm or change
their original opinions. In terms of question 1 (Table
3) 5 EA experts agreed with the claims, 3 disagreed
and 1 was in neutral. The confirmation of the claims
for question 1 indicate that 56% of the EA experts
support the claims.
Table 3: Question 1 responses.
Question Responses
Reason for
The artefact pinpoints the pain points we
have in business in terms of EA project
It covers all critical elements that one
can use to measure the effectiveness of
EA implementation
That artefact has potential
In its current form, it can be used as
guiding artefact
The artefact can be used as a practice
framework to establish EA
With regards to question 2 (Table 4) 8 EA
experts agreed with the four claims and 1 EA expert
disagreed with the claims.
Table 4: Question 2 responses.
Reason for
not using
Artefact is too generic, it is not detailed
enough, expand the artefact
I would not know how to use the
artefact. Where do I start and how?
The artefact does not have measuring
units, it does not have tools or methods
to measure EA effectiveness
Does not take organisational or
stakeholder view into account
For question 3, 6 EA experts agreed with the
claims, 2 disagreed and 1 was neutral. Of the total,
67% EA experts stated that the artefact needs to
have measuring units to be effectively evaluated. 1
out of the 9 EA experts stated that the 6
measurement constructs can be measured at different
levels in the organisation depending on the maturity
level of the EA. 2 of the 9 EA architects are of the
view that the correlations between the measurement
constructs must be represented based on strength and
the order of importance.
Table 5: Question 3 responses.
Add tools or methods to measuring all 6
measurement constructs
Add architecture standards and recipes
Include direction setting - this is a
strategic guidance and should not be
confused with governance
Add reference models
Make a relation between skilled teams
and alignment because architects are
assigned to projects based on their skills
Order the constructs according to their
importance in measuring EA
Indicate the impact of relations on EA
Indicate a timeline for each construct in
terms of a measurement at different
maturity level
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
5.1.3 Discussion
As per the problem discussed in the first stage of the
DSR process (see Section 2) there is a lack of an
integrated set of constructs to effectively establish
the quality of an EA implementation. The proposed
approach was to synthesise the existing CSFs as well
as measurement frameworks and models to establish
a comprehensive list of measurements contained in
an Enterprise Architecture Effectiveness Constructs
(EAEC) (see discussion in Section 4).
The evaluation of the EAEC set out to learn
whether the task of creating a comprehensive
measurement list was achieved. The feedback and
opinions of the interviewed EA experts was most
instructive. On the one hand the acceptance of the
set of constructs and their relations where well
received and in that respect the problem was solved.
On the other hand, though, the experts pointed out
the inherent limitations of addressing the
measurement of effective EA implementation by
way of constructs alone. What is needed is a detailed
process as well. In conclusion, the problem as
formulated in Section 2 seems to have been solved
but as an artefact by itself only solves a part of the
problem of measuring EA implementation. This
necessitate further exploration on the topic in terms
of addressing the issue of specific metrics as well as
a measurement method. That task is left for further
iterations of the DSR method.
This paper reported on a research study that aimed at
designing and evaluating an artefact that entailed a
comprehensive list of constructs suitable for
measuring the effectiveness of EA implementation.
The intention of the evaluation was to establish
whether the artefact is doing what it is supposed to
be doing and then to identify areas of improvements
(see Section 5.1.3). The proposed artefact was
evaluated by 11 EA experts that were selected from
industry and academia.
The research objectives achieved at the end of
the research project was as follows:
1. To identify existing EA critical success
factors and EA effectiveness approaches.
2. To find commonalities in the identified EA
critical success factors and EA effectiveness
3. To synthesize the EA critical success factors
and EA effectiveness approaches to produce
an artefact that consists of a comprehensive
list of constructs suitable for measuring
effectiveness of EA implementation.
4. To evaluate a synthesized EA effectiveness
Constructs (EAEC).
The design science research (DSR) (see Section
3) method was applied to this research. The
proposed solution can be deemed effective when it
achieves what it was intended for which means that
it solves (to some degree at least) the identified
This research results contributes to the
knowledge in the field of Information systems (IS)
as it relates to EA implementation measurement.
The EAEC consists of six measurement constructs
namely: communication, alignment, governance, top
leadership commitment, scope, skilled teams,
training and education. Good communication skills
and business to IT alignment are considered the
common measurement constructs among other
measurement constructs because they either have a
direct relationship or indirect relationship with other
measurement construct. Measuring the effectiveness
of EA implementation requires that the 6
measurement constructs be present.
In terms of further research the following
problems emerged and should be considered for
further study:
The performance of the EAEC in an
operational context
Enhancing the EAEC with detailed
performance metrics in support of the
measurement constructs
The establishment of a measurement method
to expand the EAEC
Finally, the research results have confirmed the
essential difficulty and inherent complexity involved
in determining how effective an EA implementation
really is. The need and resultant problem will
continue to impact on the total value of EA to the
enterprise and must therefore be addressed an
ultimately solved.
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