services priority. The provider processes services
with high e-contract violation possibility first; (ii)
Self-Optimization Property: The optimizer module
uses all analysis made from historical data to take
pro-active actions in order to decrease the average
response time of services and to increase the average
services availability; and, (iii) Self-Healing
Property: As soon as the monitor detects an e-
contract violation, the recovery module is
responsible for fixing the violation.
Comparing the fuzzy scheduling mechanism
with other scheduling mechanisms, an improvement
of 31.52% is observed in the e-contracts
accomplishment and a decrease of 35.59% in
average response time. Furthermore, using the fuzzy
scheduling mechanism, the overload of the provider
was better balanced varying at most 8.43%, while
for the other scheduling mechanisms the variation
reached 41.15%. In all comparisons, when the fuzzy
system determines the order of the services, the
results are better than other scheduling mechanisms.
In further work, experiments will be run with
more services in each providers, to test the impact of
the fuzzy system. Tests will also be performed to
compare the proposed approach with other methods
(statistical regression, machine learning, neural
networks, etc.). In addition, the use of genetic
algorithms to optimize the mechanism will be
We would like to thank FAPESP and CNPq for the
financial support.
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