Figure 4: Served tasks rate.
The main purpose of this study was to present a novel
policy of a specific treatment technique of tasks in
enterprises environment. We proposed the EE-(m,k)-
firm policy to indicate the necessary tasks and
calculate their ranking, using a compromise between
the available resources and the QoS granularity in the
same task type. Based on an in-depth review of the
relevant literature, three categories of tasks are
possible in enterprise environment, namely critical
tasks, hard tasks and optional tasks.
Afterwards, a guaranteed technique was applied
to losses tasks intelligently according to importance
of each task. A dynamicity of EE-(m,k)-firm
constraints is then used to attain an increase of
availability, performance, reliability and system
The results obtained from the proposed policy
reveal that a ‘‘lack of awareness regarding the
benefits of dynamic treatment of tasks in an
intelligent and dynamic manner in enterprise
environment is the most important reason behind the
implementation of EE-(m,k)-firm policy. This type of
policy can be extremely valuable for companies that
wish to focus their efforts and resources to guarantee
a satisfactory QoS for end-users and challenges
toward the successful implementation of tasks
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