Knowledge Engineering for Business Process Modeling
Sonya Ouali, Mohamed Mhiri and Faiez Gargouri
University of Sfax, Tunisia
MIR@CL Laboratory, Technopark of Sfax: Tunis Road Km 10 BP. 242, 3021 Sfax, Tunisia
Business Process, BPM, Ontology, Multidimensional Business Knowledge, Semantic Relationships, Breast
The process is the pivot of the business modeling. Thus, the goal of modeling is to present the main flows
exchanged with the internal and external environment. Indeed, there are several pieces of information that take
place throughout the process life cycle, from design to execution. Behind these pieces of information, there
is a lot of business knowledge that should be acquired to improve the quality of such a modeling. The aim of
this paper is to manipulate the business knowledge when developing modeling perspectives. For this reason,
our solution consists in proposing an ontological approach to create a Multidimensional Business Knowledge
base (MBK BASE) to help the designers of the business process with their tasks. In this way, on the one hand,
we outline an overview of our proposed solution by relating it to other research. In fact, we define the main
business concepts and we describe some semantic relationships which are expressed with the descriptive logic.
On the other hand, we give an illustrative case study related to the treatment choice process of a patient with
breast cancer in order to demonstrate the applicability of our solution.
Research Context. As it is already known, the busi-
ness domain is one of the most complex domains to
model. For this reason, organizations attach more
importance to their Business Process Management
(BPM), which plays a crucial role in the improve-
ment of their performance (G
abor and Szab
o, 2013).
Therefore, a clear business process modeling is at the
heart of the major challenges of the BPM, given that
this modeling enables to describe the sequence of dif-
ferent activities and the way they are connected in
giving a complete description of a model called: Pro-
cess Model (PM). In fact, this description is not an
easy task because it requires a better understanding
and an effective management of the business process.
However, the description of the same sequence of ac-
tivities, more than one PM is required since this de-
scription is strongly related to the different views of
the designers and the used modeling language. In-
deed, in the literature, there are several methods and
techniques which support the modeling of business
process such as UML (Unified Modeling Language),
BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) and
many others (Recker et al., 2009). Thanks to these
standards, business processes are more understood by
a large public, but, what about knowledge?
Knowledge is gravitated in the memory of the design-
ers and figures in their habits and their daily tasks. For
this reason, the use of knowledge can be considered as
the most important thing when modeling a business
process because it deals with many different pieces
of information that differ from one sector to another
and from one participant to another. Furthermore, it
is necessary to express knowledge and make it in the
disposal of the designers.
The problem being arisen in this paper is ”how we
can present this knowledge and enable the designers
to benefit from their use at an early stage?”
Our solution is to propose an ontological approach
to construct a Multidimensional Business Knowledge
BASE (MBK BASE) which is an original way to de-
compose business knowledge by the perspectives of
the business process. Besides, such a base provides
a clear presentation and an easy use of exactly the
needed dimension of knowledge.
Organization of the Paper. The remainder of this
manuscript is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides some preliminaries which revolve around the
business process modeling and knowledge engineer-
ing. Section 3 highlights the studies and projects re-
lated to our positioning. Section 4 exposes the basics
of our proposed approach. Section 5 presents an il-
lustrative case study so as to explain the utility of our
Ouali, S., Mhiri, M. and Gargouri, F.
Knowledge Engineering for Business Process Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0006323200810090
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2017), pages 81-90
ISBN: 978-989-758-250-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
proposed solution. Finally, section 6 concludes the
paper and suggests some future research studies.
Research in the business process modeling does not
stop due to the high speed of technological develop-
ment and the already increasing customers’ demands
for efficient improvements of products and services.
Indeed, one of the most important research objectives
is to support a business process with semantic level.
Such a level has a crucial impact on the improvement
of the business process BP through a better under-
standing. In what follows, we present two prelimi-
naries in order to put our work in its research context.
2.1 Business Process Modeling
In recent years, organizations have been increas-
ingly competitive using great dynamics and com-
plex processes. Furthermore, to respond to their
customers’ requirements, organizations think more
seriously about their business process management
(BPM). In this context, BPM is defined in (Dumas
et al., 2013) as: ”the art and science of overseeing how
work is performed in an organization to ensure consis-
tent outcomes and take advantage of the improvement
opportunities”. Moreover, the crucial role of the BPM
is to manage the chains of events, activities and deci-
sions so as to add value to the organization. Chains of
events, activities and decision are simply represented
in a business process.
The business process is not a new term. In fact, it
has several definitions in literature, such the one of
(Harrington, 1991), (Hammer and Champy, 1993),
(Weske, 2007) and (Gernert and K
oppen, 2006).
However, the most popular definition is that of (Coali-
tion, 1996) which states that a business process is
”a set of one or more linked procedures or activities
which collectively realize a business objective or pol-
icy goal, normally within the context of an organi-
zational structure defining functional roles and rela-
tionships”. Indeed, business process modeling lies in
the heart of the BPM given that its objective of the
business process modeling is to give a clear graphical
presentation taking into account the smallest details
so as to facilitate its understanding. However, mod-
eling is not a simple task in a business domain char-
acterized by a diversity of concepts and used terms.
Therefore, several process modeling languages and
notations emerged with the aim of assisting enter-
prises with the documentation and presentation of
their processes. These notations describe the busi-
ness process and take into account the functional, or-
ganizational and informational ways (Rosemann and
vom Brocke, 2015),(van der Aalst, 2013) (Indulska
et al., 2009). In this context, we can mention the
most prominent notations, such as the BPMN (Busi-
ness Process Modeling and Notation), the UML (Uni-
fied Modeling Language) especially through the ac-
tivity diagram, the Petri net, the EPC (Event driven
Process Chain) (La Rosa et al., 2013) and (van der
Aalst, 2013). However, the BPMN is considered as
the de facto standard approved by ISO/OSI (Model,
2011). BPMN is defined by OMG in order to make
the understanding of the business processes easier for
business analysts and technical developers. At the
semantic level of modeling the business processes,
PMs are as understood as their graphical presentations
using these standards and notations. This semantic
level aims at limiting the ambiguities using different
terms. In fact, several studies had been carried out
in this context, more precisely in expressing knowl-
edge, which results in the appearance of knowledge
2.2 Knowledge Engineering
To make anything more understood, the only way is
to give it a meaning, which is called the semantics.
However, this is not an easy task to do given that
the semantics is expressed throughout the knowledge
term. Furthermore, Knowledge is tightly related to
the thoughts which are hard to extract. Literature pro-
vided several definitions of knowledge. We have cho-
sen to give definitions we think they are the most sig-
nificant in our field of research. For instance, knowl-
edge is defined as ”true and justified beliefs” (Nonaka
and Takeuchi, 1995), ”a mix of experiences, values,
contextual information and expert insight that pro-
vides a framework to evaluate and interpret new ex-
periences” (Jablonski and Bussler, 1996), ”ability to
act in a given context” (Sveiby, 1997). In addition,
managing knowledge highly depends on its forms.
Knowledge has many forms; tacit, explicit, declar-
ative, procedural, conditional, individual and collec-
tive. The most popular ones are the tacit and explicit.
On the one hand, the explicit form is generally de-
scribed across a set of symbols -like words, forms . . . -
which formally express it (Evans et al., 2015). Its ac-
cess is not such a difficult task because it can be artic-
ulated, codified and stored in some supports. On the
other hand, tacit knowledge, is defined as the meta-
resources emanating from the thought, the reflection,
or the experience of the human mind (Van den Berg,
2013). Therefore, its access is as difficult as the ex-
plicit form.
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The process of capitalizing and constructing a
knowledge base is called Knowledge Engineering
(KE). KE deals with knowledge acquisition, repre-
sentation, validation, inferencing, explanation, and
maintenance. The business field, like several research
fields, had benefited from the KE. Indeed, to construct
a business knowledge base, the KE process should
pass by some major phases:
Figure 1: Principe of the construction a Business Knowl-
edge Base.
Knowledge acquisition: based on heterogeneous
resources, this step enables us, on the one hand,
to identify the tacit knowledge and, on the other
hand, extract the business concepts which appear
to be useful to find business knowledge. Today,
lots of theoretical and applied research studies are
still being conducted in this field (Wagner et al.,
Knowledge representation: this step aims at
preparing a knowledge map and encoding it in the
business knowledge base.
Knowledge validation: there are two successive
ways to validate or verify knowledge. The first
one consists in applying test cases. After that, the
obtained results are shown to the experts of the
domain to verify their conformity with the reality.
Inferencing: this step consists in using the stored
knowledge to enable the system to give advice and
propositions to different types of users.
Explanation and justification: this step consists in
making knowledge available to be used in answer-
ing the queries.
Thereby, to support and exploit the semantics of in-
formation through structuring and encoding its mean-
ing in order to describe and characterize informa-
tion for the purpose of enhancing its processing, this
can be accomplished by the application of techniques
called semantic technologies (Sheth and Ramakrish-
nan, 2003). Ontology can be considered as the most
understood semantic model because it serves for cap-
turing and formalizing the meaning like a conceptual
schema (Antoniou et al., 2005). Basically, ontology is
defined as a conceptualization of a domain of interest
(Gruber et al., 1993), (Daconta et al., 2003). Due to
the richness of its expressiveness and also its seman-
tic formalization high degree, the use of ontology is a
core element for knowledge engineering.
As previously mentioned, the business process mod-
eling is the most important field in the BPM which
helps graphically visualize the activities and tasks of
the business process for a better understanding. To
give a complete model of the business process, it is
necessary to follow a cyclic methodology called a
business process lifecycle which consists of a set of
phases, starting with a diagnosis/requirements phase,
passing by a configuration/ implementation phase, an
enactment/monitoring phase until arriving at an ad-
justment phase (Lodhi et al., 2011). This business
process lifecycle is recursive given that each phase
can have similar phases during its lifecycle. In what
follows, we briefly describe the lifecycle based on the
modeling phase. In the diagnosis/requirement phase,
it is necessary to define which business processes are
the best to achieve the fixed objectives. In this way,
these objectives and requirements must be described
in more detail. The output of these phases is a de-
tailed plan about the goals of a business process in
taking into account the important changes to be car-
ried out.
In the design phase, the main thing be considered is
the analysis of the business process key-perspectives
which are the process perspective, the organizational
perspective and the informational perspective. The
first one aims at describing the activities involved in
the process, which operations are encapsulated in and
wherewith are they linked between them. The second
aims at structuring the business process actors and
authorizing them, in taking into account their skills,
to perform tasks making up the process. However,
the third aims at defining the structure of the doc-
uments and data required and produced by the pro-
cess. Therefore, a good analysis of the business pro-
cess perspectives conducts the designers to define the
inputs, describe the procedure, extract the business
Knowledge Engineering for Business Process Modeling
Figure 2: Work related to the business process Lifecycle and our positioning.
rules, ensure the resource allocation, define the role
mapping and take into account the required changes.
In this phase, the designers must explicitly specify the
involved elements of the business process to give a de-
tailed design model to the implementation phase. In
this way, we distinguish a strong need for their knowl-
edge. Thereby, this makes knowledge an essential el-
ement to be used especially when the processes are
conceptualized and designed from scratch.
The configuration/implementation phase is widely
dependent on the description of the language of the
models in such a way that business processes are sup-
ported with the Information Technology (IT). This
phase is considered as a mapping between the pro-
cess needs and requirements. On the one hand, and
the IT service, on the other hand, with the objective
to provide Business- IT support since an output of the
business processes is executed with the help of infor-
mation systems. Moreover, the information systems
are equally used on an evaluation and monitoring lev-
els. After implementing and configuring the designed
business processes, it is necessary to enact and adjust
them when needed. The idea here is not to redesign
the processes or to create a new software, but to adapt
or reconfigure these processes to make them conform
to the reality and fulfill the requirements and the ob-
jectives of the organization.
On modeling business processes, several pieces of
information are needed during the business life cy-
cle from design to execution and monitoring. Indeed,
behind these pieces of information, there is a great
deal of knowledge which makes business processes
more understood and clearer. Knowledge is not usu-
ally explicit because it is closely related to the mind
and thoughts of the people in general, and to the de-
signers, in our context. In this way, we can say that
business process modeling is highly dependent on the
designers’ knowledge. In fact, due to different experi-
ences, intellectual levels and skills, the designers have
not the same knowledge given that they have differ-
ent abilities to understand, to describe the reality and
make decisions about the choice of the concepts and
details to be modeled. However, for one business pro-
cess, several models can be retrieved resulting in any
ambiguity. This has an impact on the quality of the
models and later, on their shareability and their reuse.
In addition, the designers’ knowledge is closely re-
lated to the business process perspectives. Therefore,
we can say that business knowledge is a set of differ-
ent pieces of knowledge related to the different parts
of the business process, like the activities, how their
are linked, who performs them and which skills are
required. In this way, we define business knowledge
as a set of dimensions and proposes of a multidimen-
sional model to link each dimension with the main
business process concepts. Consequently, our contri-
bution is to create a system based on a multidimen-
sional business knowledge to help the designers of the
business process to guaranty the reuse and the sher-
ability of knowledge. This contribution is considered
as a phase of pre-modeling. Figure 2 clarifies the main
directives of our contribution and its positioning in re-
lation to the business process lifecycle. Many efforts
have been made on the semantic level in the business
process context, with its different lifecycle phases
proposed in literature. In this context we elaborate
them by phases. For instance, concerning the phase
of design (modeling), there are (Lin and Krogstie,
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
2010), (Becker et al., 2010), (Koschmider et al., 2011)
and (Delfmann et al., 2011). While (Cherfi et al.,
2013) and (Fellmann, 2013) who treated not only the
design phase but also the analysis one. Concern-
ing the analysis phase, we mention (Di Francesco-
marino, 2011), (Missikoff et al., 2011), (Wang et al.,
2010) and (Hoang et al., 2014) and with the execu-
tion phase (Weissgerber, 2011), (Born et al., 2007)
and (Markovic, 2010). In short, we believe our solu-
tion is currently unique, not only in trying to be sub-
stituted at a pre-modeling phase but also to take into
account all the dimensions of business knowledge in
a coherent framework. In fact, this is made possible
thanks to the use of Ontology.
Our contribution is to help business process designers
with their tasks by putting at their disposal a Multidi-
mensional Business Knowledge BASE (MBKBASE)
for the purpose of guaranteeing their shareability and
their reuse. For this reason, we have decomposed our
proposal solution into many bricks as it is demon-
strated in figure 3.
4.1 Business Concept Definition
The business process modeling requires an exhaustive
description of its components. It should be based on
a finite number of concepts. In this context, starting
with a set of heterogeneous inputs, such as graphi-
cal representations of the business process, like the
BPMN models, the activity diagrams (UML), the
EPC models and many others, we notice that there are
a lot of different used terms. This diversity leads to
many ambiguities and does not contribute to improve
the BP modeling. Actually, it requires a pre-treatment
to define the relevant information by eliminating the
redundancies and ambiguities. Furthermore, a defini-
tion phase of the business concepts is necessary so as
to limit and regroup the similar expressed pieces of
information under only one significant business con-
cept. Table 1 presents a glossary of concepts related
to the business domain.
Table 1: Business concepts.
Concept Description
Process A sequence needed to make
an output (product or ser-
vice) while using a set of
resources: physical and hu-
Activity part of the business process
with a well-defined order.
There are two kinds of ac-
tivities: atomic activity and
composite activity
Operation Results of actions to perform
an activity
Coordination Pat-
link between two or more
activities. It can be a condi-
tional pattern or an uncondi-
tional one.
Condition The fact triggers one or more
Actor Someone who performs an
activity by applying some
techniques and has many
skills. It can be a person, a
machine or a software
Materials and tools used by
an actor to make his business
4.2 Business Knowledge Modeling
After the definition of the business concepts, the sec-
ond phase aims, as its name indicates, at model-
ing business knowledge. In fact, we define Business
Knowledge (BK) as a set of knowledge dimensions
that serve to better understand processes and espe-
cially to facilitate the modeling of tasks for design-
ers. Based on this definition, we identify seven di-
mensions of BK, namely, organizational knowledge
dimension, informational resource knowledge dimen-
sion, functional knowledge dimension, operational
knowledge dimension, conditional knowledge dimen-
sion and finally behavioural knowledge dimension.
Indeed, the aim of this phase is, on the one hand, to
segment the business knowledge since such knowl-
edge has a large meaning and, on the other hand, to
allocate the defined business concepts to each BK di-
mension. Hence, this phase is decomposed into two
steps, the business knowledge classification and the
business knowledge formalization. In the first step,
we elaborate more than one dimension, like orga-
nizational knowledge, functional knowledge, opera-
tional knowledge, behavioral knowledge, skills, infor-
mational resource knowledge and contextual knowl-
edge. These dimensions had been well expressed by
Knowledge Engineering for Business Process Modeling
Figure 3: The proposed approach for representing the multidimensional Business Knowledge.
(Ouali et al., 2016). They have been presented around
the main-key perspectives of the BP. Moreover, we
have linked each dimension with the main related
business concepts. Concerning the second step, we
had elaborated an algorithm that permits to construct
a multidimensional business knowledge model with
the idea to automatically, generate the skeleton of the
business ontology, defining the business knowledge
dimensions and, their related business concepts. In
this way, the used languages are, first, the model to
model (M2M) transformation throughout the ATL in
order to build the multidimensional business knowl-
edge model. This model is later used to be trans-
formed into an owl code throughout a model to text
(code) (M2T) transformation using the Acceleo as a
code generator.
4.3 Business Ontology
As it is already known, ontology is increasingly used
for modeling knowledge. In addition, it provides a
theoretical and practical basis for robust modeling of
a domain (Andersson et al., 2006). It improves the ex-
change of operational concepts from one study to an-
other in the same domain of interest. In the literature,
there are several research studies that used ontology
to model a specific domain, such as (T
etreault, 2012)
and (Yessad and Labat, 2011). The skeleton of our
business ontology is the result of the business knowl-
edge modeling phase. In fact, the construction of our
business ontology is summarized in three principle di-
rectives which are:
First, the definition of the business concepts re-
lated to the corresponding business dimensions.
Second, the determination of the semantic rela-
tionships and their modeling.
Third, the elaboration of the business rules.
The first directive is automatically done as it has been
mentioned previously, that is the output of the busi-
ness knowledge modeling phase. The second one
consists in clearly and consistently describing the se-
mantic links between the business concepts. The ob-
jective of this modeling is to describe the behaviour
of a process in terms of activities, operations, infor-
mational resources, conditions, transitions and actors.
The process execution depends on the execution man-
ner of these business concepts. The semantic relation-
ships between these business concepts are described
by many rules. In this way, we have two kinds of re-
lationships: inter-perspective relationships (relations
that match concepts and are not from the same busi-
ness knowledge perspective) and intra-perspective re-
lationships (relations that match concepts and appear
in the same business knowledge perspective). In fact,
we present some of them which are expressed in the
Descriptive Logic (Baader et al., 2009).
As an example of the intra-perspective relationships,
we can mention:
is composed”: this relationship models the com-
position of concepts. The concept process is com-
posed of more than one activity and each activity
is composed of more than an operation.
Process M >=1 is composed A c t i v i tie s
Activity >=1 is c o m p o sed O p e r a t ion s
And as an example of the inter-perspective rela-
tionships, we can mention:
consume”: the activity consumes one or more in-
formational resources.
Activity M >=1 c o n s u m e I n fo r m a t i on a l
realized by”: this relationship models the seman-
tic link between the activity and the actor: the ac-
tivities are realized by at least one actor.
Activity M > = 1 r e a l i z e d by A c t or
trigger”: the operation triggers one or more con-
Oper a t i o n M > = 1 t r i g g e r Conditio n
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 4: Fragment of semantic relationships in the Business Ontology.
provoke”: the condition concept provokes ex-
actly one activity
Cond i t i o n M > = 1 p r o v o k e Activity M
<= 1 p r o v o k e A c t i v i t y
These semantic relationships are expressed in a gen-
eral way to implicitly describe the semantic reference
of the manner by which business concepts are linked
to one another (Wache et al., 2001). Hence, figure 4
shows a fragment of the business knowledge dimen-
sions which are clearly represented with their related
business concepts and some semantic relationships.
In fact, these semantic relationships have a crucial
role by elaborating the business rules with the aim
of separating the application code from the business
knowledge (Omrane et al., 2011).
After constructing of our business ontology by en-
abling the designers to benefit from a multidimen-
sional business knowledge base, the final step is the
manipulation and the exploitation of the business
knowledge dimensions. For this reason, our objective
is to elaborate a Business Knowledge Definition Lan-
guage (BKDL) and a Business Knowledge Manipula-
tion and Querying Language (BKML). The objective
of these languages is to ensure simple operations with
an easy syntax to respond to complex queries.
To illustrate the performance of our system, we have
opted for the healthcare domain to illustrate and eval-
uate the importance of the MBK
BASE with regard
to its applicability and capability to give the needed
knowledge dimension. In fact, we have chosen the
healthcare domain since it is one of the most complex
domains to model due to its delicateness. Since, in
one process, many activities figure in applying many
actors which work together to guarantee a high treat-
ment quality for the patients. Cancer is a part of
this complex domain. Moreover, its treatment needs
sharing knowledge because there is an interaction of
lots of healthcare professionals with many speciali-
ties who are located on different sites. On this side,
while a business process designer creates a PM for
one patient with breast cancer, he needs to have an-
swers to many questions (Q1 ··· Q10) since he is
not a healthcare specialist, as it is shown in figure
5. In fact, the performance of our MBK BASE is to
make the needed piece of knowledge available (that is
what we call the dimension). This will be made pos-
sible by consulting the MBK BASE throughout one
of the business knowledge dimension. For this rea-
son, our case study is conducted in a real clinical sce-
nario in the context of women with breast cancer. The
description of the process of making the good treat-
ment decisions is taken from an American Cancer
Society (ACS)
. To observe the practical applicabil-
ity of our proposed MBK Base, we illustrate in the
figure 6, a PM writing using the BPMN2 modeller,
enriched with a set of MBK. During our experimen-
tation, we have identified different dimensions related
to each business concept. For instance, we add, on the
one hand, an organizational knowledge dimension re-
lated to the actors of the first activity ”Discuss about
to treatment options” and, on the other hand, a skill
dimension which is important in allocating the activ-
ity to the adequate actor. Furthermore, the third ac-
tivity in the process of the choice of the breast can-
cer treatment is related to a condition. Therefore, we
Knowledge Engineering for Business Process Modeling
Figure 5: Illustrative case study related to the PM of patients with breast cancer.
(a) PM of Breast Cancer Treatment Decision (b) Key
Figure 6: Some of used MBK in a PM of a patient with cancer.
integrated a behavioral knowledge dimension, to con-
duct the designer to make the good link between the
activities. The fourth activity is preceded by both a
condition ”if necessary”, which elicits a contextual
knowledge dimension, and an informational resource
knowledge dimension ”medical reports”. The activ-
ity ”Choose no treatment at all” requires contextual
knowledge and informational resource knowledge di-
mensions. The first one is related to the knowledge of
the cancer stage (Cs) and the patient’s age (PATage).
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Concerning the second one, it is related to the medi-
cal reports and the diagnostics’s results. Actually, if
cancer is at an early stage, the activity ”Choose LT
(Local Treatment)” is the appropriate choice. For this
reason, a contextual knowledge dimension is recom-
mended to explain this condition. Indeed, in this case,
the same activity applies a functional knowledge di-
mension to describe a set of composed activities of
getting surgery and/or radiation therapy. Moreover, it
is necessary to present an operational knowledge di-
mension to specify the main executed operations re-
lated to the surgery or the radiation therapy.
It can be concluded that, the aim of this illustrative
case study is to show how multidimensional business
knowledge can figure in the design of a PM. These
dimensions contribute to facilitate the design tasks.
On concluding this paper, we give an overview of
some preliminaries in which our research work is sub-
scribed. In addition, we presented our contribution in
relation to the research studies that focused on the se-
mantic expression of the business process modeling.
Thus, we organized them in three categories around
the business process modeling lifecycle phases. Fur-
thermore, we explained the different steps of our ap-
proach by presenting their principle directives and
some of their results. To validate our proposed solu-
tion, we elaborated an illustrative case study related
to one of the most complex domains, which is the
healthcare domain, especially the cancer one. In fact,
our choice is related to the process of treatment deci-
sion. For this purpose, we presented a set of business
knowledge dimensions that are necessary for a clear
understanding of the process.
Regarding the suggested future studies, firstly, we
plan to accomplish the implementation of the pro-
totype to support the business knowledge ontology.
Secondly, we plan to simplify the proposed language
of definition, manipulation and querying the ontology
because, such a language must be based on a clear
syntax without ambiguity to express complex queries
with simple operations.
This manuscript is in the memory of Mr LOTFI
BOUZGUENDA who provided insight and expertise
which, has greatly assisted the research for two years
but unfortunately, he suddenly passed away.
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