How Do Mathematics Teachers in Higher Education Look at
E-assessment with Multiple-Choice Questions
Jose Manuel Azevedo
, Ema Patrícia Oliveira
and Patrícia Damas Beites
Instituto Politécnico do Porto (ISCAP/IPP), Rua Jaime Lopes de Amorim, Porto, Portugal
Departamento de Psicologia e Educação and LabCom.IFP, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal
Departamento de Matemática and CMA-UBI, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal
Keywords: E–assessment, Multiple-Choice Questions, Mathematics, Higher Education, Qualitative Data Analysis.
Abstract: This paper presents a part of a global proposal aimed to create and put forward an e–assessment strategy using
tests with multiple–choice questions (MCQ) implemented in Moodle. This strategy was planned in order to
allow the use of continuous summative assessment in mathematics’ courses in a higher education institution,
in classes with a large number of students. The main goal of this work was to analyse how this procedure can
affect the teaching and learning processes. Changes in educational practices were ascertained using interviews
with teachers. It was found an improvement in the way teachers create questions as well as in teamwork
promotion. Furthermore, teachers reported that they pay more attention now on how they teach. Thus, the
implementation of this e–assessment approach can be considered successful, namely because it allowed an
adequate response to the main needs initially identified.
New challenges have emerged from Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) and, at the same
time, the opportunity to create differentiated learning
opportunities for students, through multiple tools
available to teachers. The use of ICT is recommended
by several European organizations such as the
European Parliament (Redecker, 2013; Redecker and
Johannessen, 2013). In the assessment process, it
becomes an useful resource, through electronic
format or e-assessment.
The use of ICT in the student assessment process,
from where the concept of e-assessment arose, is
largely associated with the need to adapt the
traditional forms of assessment in e-learning courses.
ICT is used throughout the assessment process from
the design of the tests to the storage of the results
(Stödberg, 2012).
Closed-response questions remain the most
commonly used format in e-assessment (Stödberg,
2012). Among those, multiple-choice questions
Doutorando no Departamento de Psicologia e Educação da
Universidade da Beira Interior
(MCQ) are of particular relevance and have some
specificities. Based on a review of the literature, some
advantages and some limitations of MCQ are
presented in tables 1 and 2, respectively. In both
tables, the ones presented in bold are related to
mathematics, and the ones with the grey background
concern the point of view of students.
Structurally, MCQ are composed of 3 elements:
(1) a stem that presents the problem and which can
take the form of an incomplete sentence or a question;
(2) the correct option or answer key; and (3) several
distractors, which are incorrect alternatives, but
equally plausible for students who do not fully master
the subjects to be tested (Clegg and Cashin, 1986;
Burton et al., 1991; Bush, 2015).
From our point of view, one of the limitations of
MCQ in paper format tests, which we have not found
explicitly mentioned in the literature, has to do with
the possibility of students to cheat more easily than
they would do when the questions are open-ended. To
obviate this limitation, some teachers construct
several versions of the same test, introducing slight
changes to it, but trying to maintain the feasibility and
the reliability of the assessment. In the case of e-
assessment, a database of questions duly conceived
Azevedo, J., Oliveira, E. and Beites, P.
How Do Mathematics Teachers in Higher Education Look at E-assessment with Multiple-Choice Questions.
DOI: 10.5220/0006324801370145
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 137-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and implemented represents a fundamental role here,
and may even reach the limit of obtaining a different
version of the test for each student, generated
randomly by the computer system (Azevedo, 2015).
Table 1: Advantages of Multiple Choice Questions.
Saving time (e.g. in obtaining ratings) and resources
Ease of assessment of large numbers of students in
large-scale tests
Ease of calculating statistical analyses and test
Obtaining a greater and faster scope with respect to
the contents of the course, which allows to assess a
wider range of topics and knowledge
Compatibility between web-based courses
Greater objectivity and reliability in classifications
Existence of question banks for future use
Ease of implementation through computers
Easier to manage
It is a standard method
Great format variety
Existence of balance between validity and reliability
with the logistical facility
It has the potential to measure comprehension,
analysis, problem-solving ability and calculus
It avoids the introduction of symbolic notation by
students, in the specific case of mathematics
Greater confidence in getting the correct answer
from processes of eliminating the wrong answers
It allows to evaluate the students' knowledge per se
and not their writing abilities
Perception that MCQ tests are more objective and
Useful for self-evaluation and revision
Feedback is fast and impersonal (no concept of
Increased student motivation and engagement
When it is intended to use e-assessment in general and
the MCQ, in particular, it is useful to construct a
question bank (Yorke, 2001). Question banks can
contribute to ensure the validity and reliability of the
assessment process, saving resources, time and
money (Bull and Danson, 2001; McAlpine, 2002). An
important aspect in the development of MCQ to be
included in a question bank is the assurance that the
items are of high quality. Several guidelines for the
quality of MCQ writing can be found in the literature
(Clegg and Cashin, 1986; Burton et al., 1991;
Haladyna, Downing and Rodriguez, 2002; Haladyna,
2004; Camilo and Silva, 2008).
Assessment can profoundly influence the
motivation of those who learn, as well as their
perspectives on learning. So, the introduction of
different assessment systems may have a major
impact on the whole educational process (Smith et al.,
1996; Wild et al., 1997; Scouller, 1998; Brown, 2001;
Bull and Danson, 2001; Jarvis et al., 2003; Jacob et
al., 2006; Frankland, 2007; JISC, 2007; Garfield and
Ben-Zvi, 2008; Stödberg, 2012; Redecker, 2013;
Holmes, 2015).
Table 2: Limitations of Multiple Choice Questions.
They may not assess the same levels of
understanding that are assessed by open-end
Possible ambiguity in the questions themselves
Inability to adequately measure certain skills at
higher cognitive levels
The development of properly structured questions is
quite time consuming and requires a lot of training
They may favour the superficial memorization of
Students may try to hit the answer randomly
Students can reverse the resolution and one is not
evaluating what is supposed to
In questions with calculations the student can
arrive at a solution that does not exist in the
options concluding that his answer is incorrect
It does not allow students to explain their answers, so
they are limiting
They may penalize students who do not tend to take
Feedback personalization is limited
This paper presents the last part of a seven years’
implementation process of an e-assessment strategy
using MCQ, implemented in Moodle, which started in
fall 2008. This strategy was implemented in order to
allow the use of continuous summative assessment in
Mathematics Courses in a Higher Education
Institution (ISCAP/IPP), in classes with a high
number of students. The goal of this work is to reflect
on the teachers' practices for the development of
MCQ in the area of Mathematics and how e-
assessment can influence the teaching-learning
process in this institution.
The research method is described in section 2. A
discussion and the conclusions are presented,
respectively, in sections 3 and 4.
Six mathematics teacher volunteers were interviewed
about the e-assessment process with MCQ, since they
used this test format for continuous summative
assessment. Four of them were female and the
average age was 55 years, ranging from 44 to 71
years. The average length of service at ISCAP was 22
years, so the teachers interviewed were quite
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
experienced. In order to safeguard the participants'
anonymity, we identified each of the interviews with
"E" followed by a serial number (E1, E2,...).
A semi-structured interview was carried out in
order to allow a better organization of the topics to be
addressed and, moreover, to enable teachers to freely
express their views. The main objective was to
analyse and discuss the implementation process of e-
assessment, namely possible changes in teaching or
learning experiences and resulting advantages and
disadvantages for the teacher.
The interview script consisted of descriptive
information of the participants (gender, age,
disciplinary area and length of service at ISCAP) and
seven questions, focused on the following
dimensions: i) opinion on the e-assessment procedure
implemented; ii) major difficulties found during
implementation; iii) changes in teachers' pedagogical
practices; iv) advantages of this procedure for the
teacher; v) disadvantages of this procedure for the
teacher; vi) changes in students' practices in their
learning process. Question 7 aimed to assess whether
teachers identify any important information beyond
those previously considered for the topic being
The interviews were recorded with the consent of
the teachers and later were entirely transcribed.
Content analysis techniques were used following two
steps: first, a careful reading of all the interviews, in
order to capture the general meaning of the speeches
and, then, the answers were grouped by each of the
defined dimensions already mentioned above.
We present below the analysis of the content of the
interviews regarding each of the defined dimensions.
We recall that each question, presented in the
interview script, corresponds to a dimension to be
Opinion on the e-assessment procedure used
All teachers reported a very positive opinion about
the type of assessment implemented and unanimously
agreed that this was a good assessment system:
"It was very appealing to the students and I think it
increased their interest and it had good results."
"I think it's an assessment that was worth
developing. I like the assessment. I think it's a very
good assessment when you want to do several tests
during the semester to the students and the number
of students is quite high." (E6)
In any case, two teachers said they were reluctant
at the beginning of the process:
"At first I was very sceptical when we started using
this system, especially with regard to multiple
choice." (E1)
"At first I was not very receptive because I thought
it was not as functional as it actually was." (E2)
Two of the teachers pointed out that there was a
positive evolution over time, which resulted from a
learning process. The statement of one of them well
summarizes this opinion:
"Over the years, I think we have been refining,
learning to build multiple choice questions and I
think it has improved a lot." (E1)
It was also mentioned by two teachers that there
was a need for greater learning regarding how
questions should be developed and that this
learning was done:
"We read and reflect and we studied a little bit
about how to improve the formulation, especially
the multiple choice where we really could get better
results." (E1)
Major difficulties found during implementation
The initial lack of knowledge about how to prepare
good questions was pointed out by three teachers as
one of the difficulties encountered in the
implementation of this e-assessment process:
"We had to study the best way to ask the questions
because the way we work is different from a
traditional test. And at the outset there was a
difficulty in formulating the questions so that they
would be objective and would not evaluate more than
one objective in each question. "(E5)
Also pointed out by three teachers as a great
difficulty were the problems related to technology,
namely with Moodle functionality, the computers for
the students to carry out the tests or with the servers
contained the Moodle:
"First, the use of laptops. At the beginning some
didn’t have. Then I think it turned better. Also at the
beginning, sometimes the system crashed and blocked
a lot. Sometimes also the adaptation of teachers to
electronic/ computer methods." (E3)
Two teachers referred the introduction of complex
mathematical formulas in Moodle tests as a restraint.
Although it is a difficulty related to Moodle usage, it
is important to mention it, since it is directly related
to mathematics. One teacher said:
"When we had not yet mastered TeX, and then it
was all filled with question marks and just with an
extra space a point appeared... Correcting an error
was complicated and time-consuming." (E1)
Two interviewees pointed out how difficult it was
How Do Mathematics Teachers in Higher Education Look at E-assessment with Multiple-Choice Questions
to put a team in action due to the initial resistance of
some teachers:
"At first there was some resistance because it was
a new method." (E3)
Finally, it was pointed out by one teacher that
initially there was a lack of support from the school
management bodies:
"This was the great difficulty that put or could have
unable the start of this assessment. They did not
want, the Management, at the time, in 2006, that the
assessment proceeded." (E6)
Changes in teachers' pedagogical practices
Two teachers reported that there were no changes in
their pedagogical practices with e-assessment. One of
them reported that there had to be a greater process of
students’ adaptation. These teachers stated the
"Basically no. I mean, the classes continued to
be given in the same ..." (E3)
"There had to be more adaptation on the part of
the students than ours." (E4)
However, three teachers acknowledged that there
were changes, but that they were not a consequence
of the type of assessment. One of them even affirmed
that the change in the assessment procedure was itself
a result of the global change process that was
implemented in the course:
"I do not think my practices have changed due
to the choice of this method of assessment. We are
changing according to other things: the level of
knowledge that students bring." (E1)
"Little has changed. It was not because of the
assessment system that there were changes." (E5)
"The type of assessment was more a
consequence of all the changes that were made than
the other way around." (E6)
Only one teacher recognized some changes, but
said that it only changed the way he approached the
resolution of the exercises in the practical classes:
"I think it's different from saying ‘solve this
exercise’ and that's it ... because they have to know
how to analyse the answers. Therefore, I think
practices are guided in another way. But in
theoretical terms I think nothing has changed ...”
Advantages for the teacher
The main advantage for the teachers that was pointed
out by all the interviewees has to do with the
automatic process of obtaining the student grades,
which represents a great saving of time:
"The advantage in correction is evident, it is a
gain of many hours." (E4)
Two teachers considered this type of assessment
more objective:
"Much more objective assessment and much
easier correction." (E3)
"The criteria are very objective and therefore
there is no disparity of correction even elaborating
detailed grids of correction in the normal tests that
has now gone... There is always disparity of
correction between teachers. Here, therefore, the
questions are objective, either right or wrong." (E5)
Another of the advantages, pointed out by three
teachers, was that the question bank allowed the
creation of more practical and faster tests, for
example for the special examinations, which can be
requested by some of the students during the
"When we build our tests it also becomes very
simple, because we just go to the database and
choose this category or that subcategory and
therefore quickly build the test. That's why it's all
faster. If you were to build a test from scratch now,
you had to waste more time." (E1)
"At any moment one can resort to a test" (E4)
"If there is a need to take a test for the next day
or the next hour it is easier to have the question
bank." (E5)
One of the teachers said that this process made it
easier to integrate new teachers into the course. This
same professor pointed out as a great advantage the
fact of being able to carry out a more creative work:
"In the matter of the time that one has to spend
on course is more about creative aspects and less
about 'minor' aspects like those of correcting tests."
Disadvantages for the teacher
The main disadvantage, which was reported by four
teachers, was that it takes a lot of initial effort and a
lot of time to develop the question bank, but that had
improved over the years. Here are the statements of
two teachers, who mirror very well the opinion of all:
"Put the questions, then the options and create the
database itself, divide it into categories and
subcategories... All this, we have been building over
the years, took a lot of time. There were many hours
there." (E1)
"Of course they give a lot of work to build the
question, it’s not it... It's more the work of building
the questions. But also with some practice ... initially
you invest enough time in this and we write and do
not like and then it is not how it should be ... With
practice this disadvantage is diluted." (E5)
Another disadvantage pointed out by two
teachers, when comparing the formulation of open-
ended and multiple choice questions, was that MCQ
were more difficult:
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
"If you have to ask an open question it's very fast.
And when you are formulating the answers, you must
have a lot of attention ... it's a lot more attention ..."
"In the beginning there was a difficulty in
elaborating the questions so that they were objective
and did not assessment more than one objective in
each question." (E5)
Another disadvantage, in the view of two
interviewees, had to do with the impossibility to
evaluate students’ creativity and reasoning:
"the tests he did not allow to see the students'
reasoning. Therefore, it was enough to have an error
in the way and sometimes even could arrive at the
right result with wrong reasoning or the other way
around." (E3)
Changes in students’ practices
Teachers perceived some changes in students'
practices. Most of the teachers (five of them),
reported that there was an increase to the classes
attendance. The following statements reflect the
opinion of all teachers:
"What I think in what they have changed is that
they were much more ‘seduced’ by continuous
assessment in these terms... it gives me the impression
that if it were in a much more open regime, we would
have more absences than there were. If we had the
traditional continuous assessment they would missing
more often." (E2)
"I think with our assessment system we got the
students attending the classes. And when they come
to school more, they end up learning more." (E6)
Three teachers emphasized that there had been an
evolution in the way students behaved in responding
to the assessment questions. It was found that initially
the students attempted to respond at random and then
became aware of the penalties in case of wrong
answers, beginning to be more careful about the
selection of answers. One teacher said that:
"It is noted that, for example, they have come
accustomed from the secondary to having multiple
choice. In the case of mathematics, they have multiple
choice in the national exam only that does not
discount. And that, I think at the beginning, when the
students reach the first year they tried to fill the whole
grid not having well the notion, this in the first test, of
what it would discount. But then they will learn and
select." (E1)
Another behavioural change identified by three
teachers was that students study more regularly:
"They study more assiduously, I do not say every
day because I think they should work even harder, but
in the next test they always work harder." (E5)
"If there are several moments of assessment, the
students will also have to study something else and
that is good too." (E6)
One teacher pointed out as a negative aspect the
fact that the students were limited to mechanize the
processes without worrying about the reasoning:
"It mechanized the students more. The students
became more mechanical. I noticed a disinterest, one
might say, in reasoning. (...) The main goal was to
achieve the result. "(E3)
Other aspects emphasised during the interviews
In addition to the aspects related to the dimensions
under study, during the interviews there were some
aspects mentioned by the teachers that we consider
relevant. One aspect pointed out by four teachers was
the fact that the high number of students in the classes
made it difficult to carry out continuous assessment
and that this form of assessment actually made it
possible to implement continuous summative
assessment. The following statement sums up this
"(This type of assessment) was a good choice,
given the large number of students we have. As we
want to make continuous assessment, the only way to
be able to implement the continuous assessment
system was to opt for such a system." (E5)
Three teachers reported that students’ grades
improved with continuous assessment:
"I think that, given the results, it has gone better
now. From what I can remember from our statistics,
the results have been a lot better. Well, we also have
the advantage of doing some tests, more than three at
least ... three or four... we've had four already. And
the distributed subjects may be a little easier." (E2)
"The assessment was so much better that the
results with continuous assessment in terms of
approvals have improved a lot." (E5)
Two teachers mentioned the advantages of
performing the "recovery" test, saying that it is good
because it allows students not to give up right after
the first test if the grade is low:
"It was really good because, in fact, when they did
the first test and it went bad, they became
unmotivated... And now they know that there is a
chance of catching the first one or any and it keeps
them in class. And I think that's pretty important."
"Another aspect that does not have to do directly
with this assessment but the fact that there are
“recovery” tests... I think that was a very important
aspect, they give up less in the middle of the semester.
And so... because they have yet another chance in
case something goes wrong, to recover. And this
aspect was fundamental." (E6)
One teacher mentioned his concern about
How Do Mathematics Teachers in Higher Education Look at E-assessment with Multiple-Choice Questions
students’ fraud, having even been confronted with
this problem by some students:
"I think my biggest concerns are in that sense. Do
not cheat. And the student do not tell us: ‘Ah! I know
someone approved that did not know the contents but
I knew...’“ (E2)
Another teacher stated that there was a need to
make several changes:
"…The first step was to realize that things were
not going well, because there were too many failures,
school failures and, taking that into consideration, we
tried to diagnose problems (…) without pretending to
analyse everything at one time, but because there
were some problems that were being worked out over
the years, there were things that were clearly
necessary to do to make sure that we all follow the
syllabus more or less the same way, without limiting
the freedom of each one. But there was a well-defined
orientation on syllabus and what was important for
us to do. And for this we were all involved in some
way in the preparation of class notes of the classes.
So, in my point of view, when people are involved in
this process, then changes occur. And people also had
to try to act always by consensus, generate consensus
in the team... there was a syllabus that we had to
accomplish and from the syllabus we started to create
tools and we discussed many times. (…) And more.
How the class notes themselves have been worked
out. The work was distributed, then passed me to...
let's say I was perhaps the person who later gave
some unity to things and made some revisions... but
all people were involved in the process. And in that
way it was possible to make a consensual change of
things in which people would join and participate.
Then, the assessment system… at the beginning not
everyone was in agreement. And it ended up with
everyone, I think, adhering to the process and
realizing, or at least starting to believe, that that was
the way. According to the objectives we had and
according to the circumstances it was the best way
forward." (E6)
This professor emphasized the importance of
teamwork with motivation:
"I think it was funny to get a relatively large team
working, pulling everyone to the same side and
everyone working together. This demonstrates once
again that, above all, people are capable of doing
things, that there is a minimum of motivation and that
they believe in what they are doing." (E6)
An e-assessment process was developed and
implemented to allow the use of continuous
summative assessment in mathematics’ courses in a
higher education institution, in classes with a large
number of students. In this study, we analyse the
perceptions of teachers involved in this process
concerning its application, the difficulties they found,
potential changes in their pedagogical practices,
advantages and disadvantages of this procedure for
the teacher, and potential changes in students'
practices in their learning process.
Although some teachers were sceptical at the
beginning of the process, all teachers interviewed in
this study reported a very positive opinion about the
type of assessment implemented and agreed that it
was a good assessment system. Some of them
highlighted the progress made over time, namely the
need for greater learning on how questions should be
formulated and the importance of effective teamwork.
In fact, the initial lack of knowledge about how to
prepare good questions was pointed out as one of the
difficulties encountered in the implementation of e-
Another difficulty experienced by the teachers
during the creation of the question bank was about the
use of TeX to write the mathematical expressions to
put in Moodle. For teachers who start writing
mathematical characters in e-assessment this is an
added problem, since the software used for the
construction of the MCQ does not always allow
quickly writing (Brito et al., 2009, p. 167). Most of
the teachers did not master TeX and therefore TeXaide
software was used to help teachers with more
difficulties. Even so, teachers had constraints in
writing the mathematical expressions. In recent years
the experience of teachers in the use of TeX already
allows to overcome this problem. Furthermore, the
latest versions of Moodle also have a good built-in
TeX editor, which allows to insert mathematical
formulas directly into Moodle for those who do not
master TeX. Even with the evolution and
improvement in the introduction and interpretation of
TeX by Moodle, some students still mentioned a
certain difficulty regarding the reading of some of the
formulas, especially when they were very similar.
However, in recent years, these problems have
specially affected to those using Tablets with small
screen. We think that with the implementation of the
latest version of Moodle this problem should
disappear. At the moment, all the teachers are very
familiar with its usage, being able to solve the few
problems that arise, especially during the tests. In
addition, at this time all the teachers can, without any
difficulty, introduce the MCQ in Moodle.
Most teachers reported that there were no changes
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
in their pedagogical practices resulting from the e-
assessment. In spite of this, teachers recognized that
they have improved the preparation of the MCQ and
that now they pay more attention to the formulation
of the questions and to the way they teach. Another
aspect of change has to do with the introduction of
ICT in the teaching and learning process, which was
incorporated in a natural way after the entire
developmental process that took place throughout the
implementation of e-assessment.
There were teachers who acknowledged that some
changes were not triggered by the implementation of
e-assessment. For these teachers, the change in
assessment was, rather, the result of an institutional
global change. They were referring to the required
adaptations to implement the Bologna Process,
namely the equipment installed and all the investment
made in the assessment process. Contrasting with this
view, other colleagues considered that those broader
adaptations were only possible due to the use of the
MCQ in assessment, which served as a catalyst for a
global change in the institution.
A great advantage of this tool for the teachers
seems to be the automatic process of obtaining
ratings, and then saving a lot of time. This is also one
of the main potentialities stated in the literature, as
well as the easier assessment of large numbers of
students (Clegg and Cashin, 1986; Nicol, 2007; Bible
et al., 2008; Camilo and Silva, 2008; Green and
Mitchell, 2009; Liu et al., 2011; Douglas et al., 2012;
Jordan, 2013; Heron and Lerpiniere, 2013).
Another two benefits pointed out by teachers, and
emphasized by many authors, were an increased
objectivity in classifications (Burton et al., 1991;
Wild et al., 1997; Haladyna, 2004; Bible et al., 2008;
Jordan, 2013) and the existence of question banks for
future use (Ferrão, 2010; Guo et al., 2014).
On the other side, the amount of the initial effort
and time needed to build the question bank seemed to
be the major constraint of this tool for the teachers.
This was somehow expectable, since the development
of properly structured questions is quite time
consuming and requires a lot of training (Clegg and
Cashin, 1986; Burton et al., 1991; Ferrão, 2010; Liu
et al., 2011; Jordan, 2013; Guo et al., 2014). Other
issue that deserves attention is teachers’ perception of
the impossibility to evaluate students’ creativity and
reasoning through MCQ. In fact, some authors
acknowledge for the limitation of this kind of tests or
exams in properly measuring certain skills at higher
cognitive levels (Nicol, 2007; Bible et al., 2008;
Green and Mitchell, 2009; Ferrão, 2010; Rod et al.,
2010; Lee et al., 2011). Related to this, some of them
note that MCQ may favour the superficial
memorization of concepts (Nicol, 2007; Liu et al.,
2011; Heron and Lerpiniere, 2013).
With the implementation of this tool in continuous
summative assessment, teachers perceived some
changes in students' practices. They point out, for
example, the increase to the classes’ attendance,
greater regularity in academic work and the evolution
in the way students behaved in responding to the
assessment questions (less randomly). Other authors
have found an increased student motivation and
involvement (Green and Mitchell, 2009; Jordan,
We can thus conclude that the change in the type
of assessment had impact in both teacher and student
practices, as documented in the literature, in which it
is stated that the introduction of different assessment
systems can have an important impact throughout the
educational process (Smith et al., 1996; Scouller,
1998; Bull and Danson, 2001; Jarvis et al., 2003;
Jacob, Issac and Sebastian, 2006; Frankland, 2007;
JISC, 2007; Boticki and Milasinovic, 2008; Garfield
and Ben-Zvi, 2008; Stödberg, 2012; Redecker and
Johannessen, 2013; Holmes, 2015).
In this study, teachers’ perceptions about an e-
assessment tool with multiple-choice questions were
analysed. This strategy was planned in order to allow
the use of continuous summative assessment in
mathematics courses in a higher education institution,
in classes with a large number of students.
Despite all the initial resistance and difficulties,
both in terms of technology proficiency and
formulation of the MCQ, it can be concluded that
teachers developed a favourable opinion about the
accomplished evaluation process. To put forward this
strategy, it was fundamental teachers’ effort and
commitment to adapt an entire process that they were
not used to do. We can say that the initial resistance
was triggered by a certain "fear" by the unknown.
There was a need to rebuild the way they do
assessment, and to embrace a new methodology.
Once experienced, this tool would become very
useful given its objectivity and time savings, due to
the immediate test ratings and to a whole process of
automations that made certain bureaucratic tasks
much easier. However, there are some disadvantages,
such as a major initial effort required to construct a
database of questions. Teachers also noticed great
improvements in students, especially in the way they
study and an increase in class attendance.
Future research directions should include a deeper
How Do Mathematics Teachers in Higher Education Look at E-assessment with Multiple-Choice Questions
analysis of the practice changes and a confrontation
with the ones pointed out by the teachers in these
interviews. It would also be relevant to analyse
students’ views on the implementation of this
approach, as well as on its value, namely the use of
MCQ tests and exams in mathematics assessment.
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How Do Mathematics Teachers in Higher Education Look at E-assessment with Multiple-Choice Questions