Enterprise Knowledge Graphs: A Semantic Approach for Knowledge
Management in the Next Generation of Enterprise Information Systems
Mikhail Galkin
, Sören Auer
, María-Esther Vidal
and Simon Scerri
University of Bonn & Fraunhofer IAIS, Bonn, Germany
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela
Enterprise Information Systems, Linked Enterprise Data, Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Web
In enterprises, Semantic Web technologies have recently received increasing attention from both the research
and industrial side. The concept of Linked Enterprise Data (LED) describes a framework to incorporate ben-
efits of Semantic Web technologies into enterprise IT environments. However, LED still remains an abstract
idea lacking a point of origin, i.e., station zero from which it comes to existence. We devise Enterprise Knowl-
edge Graphs (EKGs) as a formal model to represent and manage corporate information at a semantic level.
EKGs are presented and formally defined, as well as positioned in Enterprise Information Systems (EISs)
architectures. Furthermore, according to the main features of EKGs, existing EISs are analyzed and compared
using a new unified assessment framework. We conduct an evaluation study, where cluster analysis allows for
identifying and visualizing groups of EISs that share the same EKG features. More importantly, we put our
observed results in perspective and provide evidences that existing approaches do not implement all the EKG
features, being therefore, a challenge the development of these features in the next generation of EISs.
The demand for new Knowledge Management (KM)
technologies in enterprises is growing in recent
years (Hislop, 2013). The importance of KM in-
creases with the volumes of data processed by a com-
pany. Although the enterprise domain might vary
from car manufacturing to software engineering, KM
is capable of reducing costs, increasing the perfor-
mance and supporting an additional added value to
company’s products. Novel KM approaches often
suggest new data organization architectures and fos-
ter their implementation in enterprises. One of such
an architecture leverages semantic technologies, i.e.,
the technologies the Semantic Web is based on, in
order to allow machines to understand the meaning
of the data they work with. Machine understanding
and machine-readability are supported by complex
formalisms such as description logics and ontologies.
Semantic applications in the business domain com-
prise a new research trend, namely Linked Enterprise
Data (LED). However, in order to truly exploit LED
an organization needs to establish a knowledge hub
as well as a crystallization and linking point (Miao
et al., 2015). Google, for example, acquired Free-
base and evolved it into its own Enterprise Knowledge
Base (Nickel et al., 2016), whereas DBpedia assumed
a similar position for the Web of Linked Data over-
all (Bizer et al., 2009).
In this paper, we present Enterprise Knowledge
Graphs (EKGs), as formal models for the embodi-
ment of LED. An EKG refers to a semantic network
of concepts, properties, individuals, and links rep-
resenting and referencing foundational and domain
knowledge relevant for an enterprise. EKGs offer a
new data integration paradigm that combines large-
scale data processing with robust semantic technolo-
gies making first steps towards the next generation
of Enterprise Information Systems (Romero and Ver-
nadat, 2016). The main research goal of the paper
is to formally define an EKG and provide an exten-
sive study of existing Enterprise Information Systems
(EISs), which offer certain EKG functions or can be
used as a basis for an EKG. To achieve such a goal, we
develop an independent assessment framework which
is presented in the paper as well. We report on an
unsupervised evaluation that allows for clustering ex-
isting EISs in terms of EKG features. Observed re-
Galkin, M., Auer, S., Vidal, M-E. and Scerri, S.
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs: A Semantic Approach for Knowledge Management in the Next Generation of Enterprise Information Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006325200880098
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 88-98
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Comparison of various Enterprise Data Integration Paradigms: P1:XML Schema Integration, P2:Data Warehouses,
P3:Data Lakes, P4:MDM, P5: PIM/PCS, P6:Enterprise Search, P7:EKG. Checkmark and cross denote existence and absence
of a particular feature, respectively.
Para- Data Integr. Conceptual/ Heterogen- Internal/ No. of Type of Domain Semantic
digm Model Strategy operational eous data ext. data sources integr. coverage repres.
P1 DOM trees LAV operational medium both medium high
P2 relational GAV operational 8 partially medium physical small medium
P3 various LAV operational large physical high medium
P4 UML GAV conceptual 8 8 small physical small medium
P5 trees GAV operational partially partially 8 physical medium medium
P6 document 8 operational partially large virtual high low
P7 RDF LAV both medium both high very high
sults give evidences that none of state-of-the-art ap-
proaches fully supports EKGs, and further study is
required in order to catch the wave of future EISs.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 positions EKGs into the ecosystem of
EISs. Section 3 lays theoretical foundations of EKGs
and formally describes the concept of EKGs. Sec-
tion 4 presents the assessment framework and review
of EISs that implement to a certain extent the EKG
functionality. Further, the methodology followed to
conduct the comparison is described, as well as an
overview of current EISs and the description of the
features necessary for implementing EKGs. Section
5 visualizes observed results using clustering algo-
rithms and identifies hidden insights. Section 6 dis-
cusses data integration efforts in both the technical
and enterprise dimensions, which might be consid-
ered as predecessors of EKGs. Section 7 analyzes the
observed results and outlooks our future work.
In the last decades a variety of different approaches
for enterprise data integration have been developed
and deployed. Table 1 shows a comparison of the
main representatives according to the following crite-
ria: 1) Data Model: Various data models are used by
data integration paradigms. 2) Integration Strategy:
The two prevalent integration strategies are Global-
As-View (GAV), where local sources are viewed in the
light of a global schema and Local-As-View (LAV),
where original sources are mapped to the medi-
ated/global schema. 3) Conceptual versus opera-
tional: Some approaches primarily target the concep-
tual or modeling level, while the majority of the ap-
proaches are aiming at supporting operational inte-
gration, e.g., by data transformation or query trans-
lation. 4) Heterogeneous data: Describes the extent
to which heterogeneous data in terms of data model
or structure is provided. 5) Internal/external data:
Describes whether the integration of external data is
supported in addition to internal data. 6) Number of
sources: Presents the typically provided number of
sources, i.e., small (less than 10), medium (less than
100), large (more than 100). 7) Type of integration:
States whether data is physically integrated and mate-
rialized in the integrated form or virtually integrated
by executing queries over the original data. 8) Do-
main coverage: Reports the typical coverage of differ-
ent domains. 9) Semantic representation: Expresses
the extent of semantic representations, which can be
low in the case of unstructured or semi-structured
documents, medium in the case of relational or tax-
onomic data and high, when comprehensive semantic
formalisms and logical axioms are supported.
The comparison according to these criteria shows,
that the EKG paradigm differs from previous integra-
tion paradigms. EKGs are based on the statement-
centric RDF data model, which can mediate between
different other data models, since, for example, re-
lational, taxonomic or tree data can be easily repre-
sented in RDF. Similar to XML-based integration and
the recently emerging Data Lake approach, EKGs fol-
low the Local-As-View integration strategy and are
thus more suited for the integration of a larger num-
ber of possibly evolving sources. EKGs are the only
approach, which bridges between conceptual and op-
erational data integration, because on the one hand
ontologies and vocabularies are used to model do-
main knowledge, but at the same time operational as-
pects, such as querying and mapping/transformation
are supported. By employing RDF with URI/IRI
identifiers, EKGs support the integration of heteroge-
neous data from internal and external sources either in
a virtual or physical/materialized way. EKGs support
the whole spectrum of semantic representations from
simple taxonomies to complex ontologies and logical
axioms. However, a promising strategy seems to be
to use EKGs in combination with other approaches.
For example, EKGs can be used in conjunction with a
data lake, to add rich semantics to the low level source
data representations stored in the data lake. Similarly,
EKGs can provide background knowledge for enrich-
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs: A Semantic Approach for Knowledge Management in the Next Generation of Enterprise Information
Figure 1: Position of an EKG in the Enterprise Information System architecture. An EKG assumes a mediate position between
raw enterprise data storage and numerous services whereas the coherence layer provides a unified view on the data.
ing enterprise search or EKGs can comprise vocabu-
laries and mappings from MDM.
Thus, EKGs occupy a unique niche in the ecosys-
tem of enterprise applications. In order to provide
a better understanding of such a niche, we present a
structural view that represents a static orchestration of
information systems in a company (cf. Figure 1).
The structural view shows an EKG as a consumer
of raw heterogeneous data and a supplier of knowl-
edge for enterprise applications. Numerous structured
and unstructured data sources compose a new form
of a data lake, i.e., a Semantic Data Lake (SDL). An
SDL can integrate both company’s private data as well
as remote data in the open access, e.g., Linking Open
Data Cloud. The Ontological Coherence layer con-
tains a set of ontologies, both high-level and domain
specific, which offer different semantic views on the
EKG contents. For example, an organizational ontol-
ogy defines a business department in a company, a se-
curity ontology places access restrictions on the data
available to this department, whereas some supply
chains ontology specifies the role of the department
in a product lifecycle. Such a granularity increases
knowledge representation flexibility and ensures that
external applications use a standardized, ontology-
based view on the required data from the EKG. The
API layer exposes communication interfaces, e.g.,
graphical user interfaces (GUI), REST, XML, JSON,
or SPARQL, to deliver knowledge encoded in EKGs
to enterprise applications. Possible beneficiaries of
using EKG technology include: Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) systems, Master Data Management
(MDM) systems, Enterprise Service Buses (ESB), E-
Commerce and a company’s Web applications. An
EKG specifies a set of domain-independent features,
e.g., provenance, governance, or security, which sup-
port the operation and maintenance of the entire sys-
tem. We argue that these enterprise characteristics
distinguish an Enterprise Knowledge Graph from a
common Knowledge Graph; these features are ex-
plained in detail in the Section of EKG Technologies.
Being ’orthogonal’ to the knowledge acquisition and
representation pipelines, the features are an integral
part of the knowledge management policies. We also
elaborate on those enterprise features in the Section
of EKG Technologies.
We define Enterprise Knowledge Graphs (EKGs) as a
part of an Enterprise Data Integration System (EDIS).
Formally, EDIS is defined as a tuple:
EDIS = hEKG, S, Mi = hhσ, A, Ri, hOS, PS, CSi, Mi
An EKG contains ontologies and instance data, S rep-
resents data sources, and M represents the collec-
tion of mappings to translate S into anEKG. EKGs
are based on the directed graph model hN, Ei where
nodes N are entities and edges E are relations between
the nodes. An EKG is defined as a tuple hσ, A, Ri,
where σ is a signature for a logical language, A is a
collection of axioms describing an ontology, and R is
a set of restrictions on top of the ontology.
A signature σ is a set of relational and constant
symbols which can be used to express logical formu-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
las. In other words, a signature contains definitions
of entities, e.g., the RDF triples :ToolX a owl:Class
and :Product a owl:Class
The axioms in the set A provide additional de-
scription of the ontology by defining the relationships
between the concepts defined in σ. In more detail,
axioms leverage logical capabilities of the chosen on-
tology development methodology, e.g., RDFS allows
for (but is not limited to) class hierarchy as well as do-
main and range definitions of properties. For instance,
:ToolX rdfs:subClassOf :Product.
The restrictions R impose constraints on concepts
and relationships. Although restrictions are also ax-
ioms, i.e., R @ A, we distinguish them as a sepa-
rate important criteria necessary for large-scale multi-
user enterprise environments. Restrictions can be
expressed as triples or in a rule language, e.g., Se-
mantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) or SPIN. Re-
strictions can be imposed on numerous characteris-
tics: access rights, privacy, or provenance. To illus-
trate, suppose an RDF triple :ToolX :cost 100 rep-
resents the cost of a tool ToolX. Then an RDF triple
:cost :editableBy :FinancialDept is the restric-
tion which states that only the financial department
can change the value of the property :cost.
Data sources S are defined as a tuple hOS, PS, CSi,
where OS is a set of open data sources which an en-
terprise considers appropriate to re-use or publish,
e.g., Linked Open Data Cloud or annual financial re-
ports. PS is a set of private data sources of limited
access. Supply chain data is an ample example of a
private data. CS is a set of closed data sources with
the strongest access limitations. Closed data is often
available only to a special group of people within a
company and hardly ever shared, e.g., technical inno-
vations, business plans, or financial indicators.
Mappings in M connect data sources S with
the EKG. The sources expose a semantic de-
scription of their contents. For instance, let
= {producedFrom(x, y)} return tuples that a
certain product x is produced from a certain ma-
terial y. Suppose EKG contains the following
RDF triples: {componentOf a rdf:Property.
material a Class. product a Class} . In order
to query the tuples, one should provide mappings
between the global ontology in the EKG and the
sources. We advocate that the Local-As-View
(LAV) paradigm is preferred in the EDIS. Ac-
cording to the LAV paradigm, sources are defined
in terms of the global ontology (Ullman, 1997):
for each source S
, there is a mapping that de-
scribes S
as a conjunctive query on the concepts
We use "a" as shortcut for rdf:type as in the RDF Tur-
tle notation for readability.
in the global ontology EKG that also distinguish
input and output attributes of the source. There-
fore, M will contain a rule: producedFrom(x, y) :
componentO f (y, x), material(y), product(x).
Although there exists a Global-As-View (GAV)
paradigm which implies presentation of the global
ontology concepts in terms of the sources, LAV
approach is designed to be used with numerous
changing sources and a stable global ontology. This
is exactly the EDIS case where an EKG remains
stable but enterprise data is highly dynamic; thus,
we underline the efficiency of LAV mappings for
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs.
4.1 An Assessment Framework for
We propose an independent assessment framework
to compare features and shortcomings of each sur-
veyed technology. The benchmark categorizes high-
level EKG functionality along three dimensions:
D1) Human Interaction; D2) Machine Interaction;
and D3) Strategical Development. Each dimension
consists of a number of features. All the features
of each dimension and their possible values are pre-
sented in Table 2. These features are later utilized in
the review of EISs.
Human Interaction (HI) enables humans to inter-
act with an EKG. Modeling expresivity characterizes
the degree to support a user in modeling knowledge or
a domain of discourse behind an EKG ranging from
taxonomies and simple vocabularies to complex on-
tologies, axioms, and rules. Curation describes the
support for creating, updating, and deleting knowl-
edge from an EKG, and the availability of compre-
hensive user interfaces to perform such operations.
Linking comprises the level of support for establish-
ing coherence between knowledge structures and in-
stance data. Exploration & Visualization functions
are essential for a successful user experience. Among
lay users (here referring to non-specialists in seman-
tic technologies), an ability to explore data easily and
represent it in a desired way often determines a so-
lution’s usability and success. Enterprise Search can
be extended to allow for a semantic search over the
entire enterprise information space, and beyond.
The Machine Interaction (MI) dimension de-
scribes different levels of support for machine interac-
tion with an EKG. As information systems of the next
generation, EKGs accentuate machine-to-machine in-
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs: A Semantic Approach for Knowledge Management in the Next Generation of Enterprise Information
Table 2: Benchmark Dimensions (D) D1: Human Interaction; D2: Machine Interaction; and D3: Strategical Development.
Benchmark Parameters (P) P1: Modeling; P2: Curation; P3: Linking; P4: Exploration; P5: Search; P6: Data Model; P7:
APIs; P8: Governance; P9: Security; P10: Quality & Maturity; P11: Provenance; and P12:Analytics. Dash – no feature.
Dim. # Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6
P1 M odeling Taxonomy Thesaurus
Ontologies Rules
P2 Curation Collaborative plain text forms GUI Excel
P3 Linking Text Mining
Charts Maps Web GUI
Vis Widgets Graphs
P5 Search Semantic NL Faceted
Full text
P6 Data Model RDF RDF + docs RDBMS Property Graph Taxonomy
P8 Governance Policies Best practices SAP RDF based
P9 Security Spring ACL SAP Roles Token
Quality &
SKOS based RDF based SAP
P11 Provenance Context
Data Lake
P12 Analytics Statistical Exploratory SAP NLP Big Data
Table 3: Benchmark-based Comparison of EKG Solutions. Parameter values are taken from Table 2: P1: Modeling; P2:
Curation; P3: Linking; P4: Exploration; P5: Search; P6: Data Model; P7: APIs; P8: Governance; P9: Security; P10: Quality
& Maturity; P11: Provenance; and P12:Analytics. Dash – no feature.
System P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12
Ontorion 5,6 1,2,3 3 1,2 1 1 1 1,4
PoolParty 1,2,5 4 1,4 3,5 2 1 1,2,3 1 1 1,2
KnowledgeStore 4 1,2 4 1 2 1,2 1
Metaphacts 5,6 1,2,3 1,2 4,5 1 1 1 1
Semaphore 4 4 4 1,4 4,5 3 1 1,2,4 1 2,4,5
Anzo SDP 5 2,4,5 1,5 3,5 4 3 1,4,5 2 2 2
RAVN ACE 3 1 3,5,6 4 4 2,4,6 2,5 2,4
CloudSpace 5 2 4,6 1 1 1 2
ETMS 1,4 3,4 6 6 5 3 1 4
SAP HANA 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
EKG 5,6 1,4 1,2,3 3,5 4 1 1,2,4,5,6 4 2,4,5 2 2 1,2,5
teraction by creating a shared information space that
is understandable by automated agents (e.g., services,
software, other information systems). The Data Mod-
els feature specifies the foundational model of an
EKG, i.e., how the knowledge is stored and repre-
sented in memory. We distinguish between Docu-
ment models, Relational DBs, Taxonomies (Delphi,
2004), and the RDF data model. Whereas Data Mod-
els define the ‘depth’ of machine communication,
available APIs expose the ‘breadth’ of the commu-
nication. An EKG is by definition involved in and
connected with other information systems operating
within an enterprise. APIs are a cornerstone and out-
line the difference between EKGs and previous gen-
eration of knowledge management solutions. The
Strategical Development (SD) dimension is orthogo-
nal to the HI and MI dimensions. Strategical Devel-
opment features are of equal importance for both di-
mensions. Governance indicates availability of man-
agement mechanisms within a particular EKG imple-
mentation. EKGs for large enterprises should obey
corporate policies and should be embedded into the
decision-making routine. The Security feature is of
high importance in large enterprises. EKGs should
employ complex and comprehensive access control
procedures, manage rights, and permissions on a large
scale. The Quality & Maturity (Q&M) feature en-
ables corporate management to evaluate the quality of
an EKG and track its evolution over time. Data Qual-
ity indicates a degree of compliance of EKG data to
an accepted enterprise standard level. Maturity shows
a degree of applicability of a certain technology in an
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
enterprise. The Provenance feature allows for track-
ing origins from which the data has been extracted.
Being applied to EKGs provenance elaborates on ver-
sioning and history of the EKG content. The Analyt-
ics feature provides statistics and overview of basic
KPIs of an EKG. The variety of analytical services
indicates aptitude of EKGs to be involved into en-
terprise information flows instead of being reluctant
’knowledge silos’.
4.2 EKG Solutions
Below, we compare 10 of the most prominent EKG
available solutions. These are selected
based on their
relevance given our own EKG definition, as well as
their maturity (in a deployment-ready state and tar-
geted for enterprise). The EKGs are evaluated against
the benchmark presented in 4.1. Below we elaborate
on the results summarised in Table 3.
Cognitum Ontorion
is a scalable distributed knowl-
edge management system with rich controlled natu-
ral language (CNL) opportunities (Wroblewska et al.,
2013). In the HI dimension, it enables sophisti-
cated semantic modeling of high expressivity employ-
ing full support of OWL2 ontologies, semantic web
rules, description logics (DL) and a reasoning ma-
chine. Collaborative ontology curation is available
via a plain text editor and various forms. The platform
supports ontology mapping out of the box although
the type of mapping is not specified. Visualization
and exploration means are presented by web forms
and tables. CNL and semantic technologies stack en-
able natural language semantic search queries. In the
MI dimension Ontorion employs RDF and SWRL to
maintain the data model. Through the OWL API and
SPARQL, machines can interact with the system. In
the SD dimension Ontorion offers statistical analytics
and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques.
Semantic Web Company PoolParty
is a software
suite envisioned to enrich corporate data with seman-
tic metadata in the form of a corporate thesaurus
(Mezaour et al., 2014; Schandl and Blumauer, 2010).
Knowledge can be modeled as a taxonomy, thesaurus,
or as an ontology reusing built-in vocabularies, e.g.,
SKOS, schema.org, or custom. Curation is organized
in the GUI via forms. Linking capabilities allow for
text mining of unstructured data and manual vocab-
ulary mapping. PoolParty provides web-based visu-
alizations and exploration interfaces while traversing
a taxonomy or ontology (visual browsing). SPARQL
The KMWorld Magazine served as a major source for
their identification. http://www.kmworld.com
Web: http://www.cognitum.eu/semantics/Ontorion/
Web: https://www.poolparty.biz/
graphical shell is available to query the EKG. Seman-
tic search supports facets, multilinguality, and struc-
tured and unstructured data including Sharepoint and
Web CMS. To support MI, PoolParty uses the RDF
model and implements JSON RESTful and SPARQL
endpoints. In terms of SD features, Security relies on
the Spring security mechanisms applied to the REST
component of an EKG. Quality management is lim-
ited to SKOS vocabularies and checks potential errors
and misuses. Analytical features perform statistical
and exploratory data analysis.
is a scalable platform (Rospocher
et al., 2016) optimized for storing structured and un-
structured data with the help of a predesigned ontol-
ogy. KnowledgeStore is an integral part of the News-
project. Modeling expressivity is limited
to the predefined vocabulary so that newly acquired
data must be represented according to this vocabu-
lary. Linking functionality allows for automatic text
mining and entity extraction with the subsequent jux-
taposing the extracted data on the structured semantic
data. A SPARQL client and a faceted browser are
responsible for knowledge exploration. Knowledge-
Store might be integrated with Synerscope Marcato
for comprehensive multi-dimensional visualizations.
Semantic search over a graph might be performed us-
ing natural language queries or entities URIs. The
data model employs RDF in conjunction with un-
structured documents. One can interact with Knowl-
edgeStore via REST API or SPARQL endpoint. Data
sources might be tracked on the instance level, a lim-
ited form of versioning is implemented by the triples
context feature.
is a platform to design, control, and
visualize domain-specific KGs. As to the HI,
Metaphacts supports a number of features. Model-
ing opportunities rely on OWL ontologies and rea-
soning mechanisms. Collaborative knowledge cura-
tion is available in the Web-based GUI via forms
and plain text editor. Interlinking capabilities allow
for semantic enrichment of data extracted from un-
structured documents. External public datasets might
be used for enrichment similarly to KnowledgeStore.
Metaphacts offers visualization and exploration in the
form of a faceted browser with custom visualization
widgets. Semantic search queries are executed against
structured RDF data in the EKG. For the MI di-
mension Metaphacts reuses open standards RDF and
OWL having SPARQL endpoint as a communication
interface. However, a distinctive feature of the plat-
Web: https://knowledgestore.fbk.eu/
Web: http://www.newsreader-project.eu/
Web: http://www.synerscope.com/marcato
Web: http://metaphacts.com/
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs: A Semantic Approach for Knowledge Management in the Next Generation of Enterprise Information
form is in the analytical domain as it provides ma-
chine learning and graph analysis functions enhanced
by the GUI and custom visualization engine.
Smartlogic Semaphore 4
is a content intelligence
platform which provides a broad spectrum of func-
tions for an enterprise. The modeling is performed us-
ing taxonomies, SKOS vocabularies, and ontologies.
Web GUI Editor allows for effortless curation lever-
aging Web forms, and drag & drop functions. Vocab-
ularies might be interlinked on the schema level man-
ually by a user. Data from unstructured documents
is extracted and aligned with the vocabularies. Visu-
alization and exploration means provide eloquent in-
sights on the EKG and its construction routine. Text
mining GUI guides a user from uploading a docu-
ment to facts extraction. Semaphore 4 enables seman-
tic search capable of answering federated queries and
faceted queries. Elaborating on the MI Semaphore is
oriented toward RDF data model. One of the impor-
tant advantages for an enterprise is a set of integration
interfaces with other enterprise-level solutions, e.g.,
Apache Solr, Oracle WebCenter Content. In the SD
aspect, Semaphore allows for the creation of gover-
nance policies and user workflows to follow a certain
policy. Powered by Big Data and NLP Semaphore of-
fers a comprehensive analytical framework with rich
Cambridge Semantics Anzo Smart Data Plat-
is a data integration platform which allows
structured and unstructured data to be applied in the
corporate information flows. As regards HI, Anzo
SDP’s components allow for data curation, interlink-
ing, rich visualizations, and advanced semantic search
functionality. Modeling expressivity relies on fully-
supported RDF and OWL ontologies. Curation is per-
formed in a standalone Ontology Editor which ex-
ports the created ontology to the Smart Data Lake.
SDP provides semi-automatic means for integration
of Excel spreadsheets with ontologies with user in-
volvement. SDP offers a comprehensive web-based
GUI with a wide range of visualization widgets. Se-
mantic search is supported by the NLP engine and
is capable of operating on top of structured and un-
structured content simultaneously. In the scope of MI
Anzo SDP implements the RDF model built on top
of Apache Hadoop HDFS, Apache Spark, and Elas-
ticSearch. The platform might be integrated with ex-
isting IT solutions via numerous supported interfaces,
i.e., Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), OSGi, SPARQL,
JDBC, and custom APIs. As SD, the platform in-
Web: http://www.smartlogic.com/what-we-do/
Web: http://www.cambridgesemantics.com/
cludes Governance, Security, and Analytics features.
Governance is supported via default methodologies
and best practices intended to preserve a robust work-
flow on each hierarchy level. A security mechanism
is based on access control lists (ACL) and roles sepa-
ration. Data analytics opportunities offered by SDP
include exploratory analytics via interactive dash-
boards, sentiment analysis of text data, and spread-
sheet analytics.
RAVN Applied Cognitive Engine
is an enterprise
software suite for complex processing of unstructured
data, e.g., text documents. ACE consists of numerous
modules responsible for data extraction, search, visu-
alization, and analytics. Being mostly a text mining
tool, ACE modeling expressiveness adopts character-
istics of the inner abstract schema. Yet the details of
the schema remain unclear, the schema is used to store
knowledge in the built-in graph database. Linking op-
portunities are presented with a broad spectrum of text
analysis functions available in ACE. ACE provides
a comprehensive web-based GUI to maintain the ex-
traction and processing timeline. GUI presents inter-
active search, KG visualizations, provides widgets for
the analytics module. Full-text semantic search in nat-
ural language is supported by Apache Solr and graph
database. To support MI, ACE employs the property
graph model on top of MongoDB and ApacheSolr
The platform provides a range of REST, Java, and
Python APIs to interact with enterprise applications.
To support SD, ACE benefits from the comprehen-
sive security subsystem and analytical functions. Se-
curity is based on token strings and access level. If
a user token is contained in the allowed list, then her
access level is determined by subparts of the token
string. ACE analytical functions employ NLP to sup-
ply a user with sentiment analysis, expert locator, and
exploratory visualizations.
SindiceTech CloudSpace Platform
provides a set
of tools to build and maintain custom EKGs. CSP
supports OWL ontologies for data modeling with
high expressivity. The platform does not provide vi-
sual tools for curation. Linking functions allow for
ontology-based integration when heterogeneous data
from different sources is transformed to RDF and
mapped with one ontology. Pivot Browser enables
relational faceted browsing for data exploration. On-
tologies can be visualized as graphs. Search function-
Web: https://www.ravn.co.uk/technology/applied-
Hoeke, J. V. Ravn cor whitepaper: https://www.ravn.
Web: http://www.sindicetech.com/cloudspace-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Store
Semaphore 4
Anzo SDP
Synaptica ETMS
(a) 3-clusters
Knowledge Store
Semaphore 4
Anzo SDP
Synaptica ETMS
(b) 4-clusters
Knowledge Store
Semaphore 4
Anzo SDP
Synaptica ETMS
(c) 5-clusters
Figure 2: (a) Hierarchical clustering, n=3. The orange cluster offers rich SD functionality, the azure corresponds to the
taxonomy management, the blue comprises RDF based systems; (b) EM algorithm, n=4. All of the above, but the nankeen
cluster emphasizes text mining; (c) K-means algorithm, n=5. The green cluster employs link discovery tools.
ality is powered by Semantic Information Retrieval
Engine (SIREn) based on Apache Solr and Elastic-
Search. In the MI dimension, CSP utilizes the RDF
model with SPARQL as a basic API. SD features of
the platform provide exploratory analytical services,
e.g., modeling debugging and content overview.
Synaptica Enterprise Taxonomy Management
is a technology to manage corporate tax-
onomies, classifications and ontologies. ETMS mod-
eling expressivity is limited to taxonomies and SKOS
vocabularies. Curation means are based on a Web
GUI which presents a tree-like interface with forms
to fill in. Linking functionality is supported by taxon-
omy mappings. Mappings between taxonomies might
be established automatically whereas mappings of vo-
cabularies can be done manually via forms, and drag
& drop in the GUI. Taxonomies and vocabularies are
visualized as trees, hyperbolic graphs, hierarchies,
area charts, and tree maps. For MI support, ETMS
implements the Taxonomy model. The platform ex-
poses RDBMS APIs to connect the system to the rest
of the corporate IT environment. In the SD dimen-
sion, ETMS allows for data governance and security.
Default policies and workflows specify 12 possible
roles with certain access permissions. A user is cat-
egorized in one of such groups and has access to the
constrained part of the taxonomy with limited rights.
is a "one size fits all" enter-
prise software suite which includes an opportunity to
create and maintain EKGs on top of the HANA in-
frastructure and a specific graph database. HANA
capabilities are overwhelmingly broad and cover all
Web: http://www.synaptica.com/products/
Web: https://hana.sap.com/capabilities/sps-releases/
the features in the SD dimensions which are built-
in in the default HANA distribution. However, an
approach how HANA utilizes semantic technologies
to support human interaction with an EKG remains
vague. HANA Graph Engine is based on property
graphs which naturally satisfy EKG needs. The en-
gine exposes SQL-based APIs to communicate with
versatile HANA modules and components.
EKG denotes the proposed EKG architecture with all
the necessary features in HI, MI, and SD described in
Section 3, Section 2, and Section 4.1.
We conduct an unsupervised cluster analysis to ex-
isting EIS approaches for identifying groups of ap-
proaches of similar functionality
. Table 3 is trans-
formed into a matrix with numerical values that de-
note normalized distances (in the range [0,1]) among
the features, where values close to 1.0 indicate prox-
imity to the defined EKG model. Values are chosen
not to describe ’the best’ or the worst’ solution, but to
stress the difference in functions the surveyed systems
provide. Weka
is employed to perform the cluster-
ing into three, four, and five clusters. Varying the
clusters number, we aim at identifying groups of EISs
which share similar functions. One and two clusters
give a superficial representation of the surveyed sys-
tems, and thus, are not included in the analysis. Three,
four, and five clusters are able to reveal dependen-
Source codes are available in the github repository:
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs: A Semantic Approach for Knowledge Management in the Next Generation of Enterprise Information
cies encoded in the vector representation which might
have been overlooked or hidden during a manual re-
view. Three clustering algorithms were applied, i.e.,
hierarchical algorithm, EM algorithm, K-means algo-
rithm for three, four, and ve clusters, respectively.
We then visualized the results with D3.js visualiza-
tion library. The radius of each node is proportional
to the Frobenius norm of a features vector. The re-
sults are depicted in Fig. 2. The arrangement and
positions of clusters are generated randomly, i.e., no
cluster is logically closer to the nearest cluster than
other clusters. Fig. 2(a) represents the distribution in
three clusters computed by the hierarchical clustering
algorithm. The biggest blue cluster comprises sys-
tems which can be described as RDF-based systems
with rich visualizations, semantic search and analyti-
cal functions. However, the blue cluster lacks the fea-
tures of the Strategical development dimension. On
the other hand, the orange cluster contains systems
that implement features from this dimension. The
size of the envisioned EKG approach is bigger due to
the leverage of the Human Interaction features which
SAP HANA SPS lacks. The smallest azure cluster
contains only one system which distinguishes itself
as a taxonomy management tool.
Fig. 2(b) represents a distribution in four clus-
ters performed by the EM algorithm. The EM
(Expectation-maximization) algorithm involves latent
variables to maximize likelihood of the input parame-
ters. The extent of divergence in features (SD and tax-
onomies, respectively) keeps the orange and azure
clusters the same as in the previous case. However, a
new nankeen yellow cluster is marked off from the
blue cluster. The newly discovered cluster is charac-
terized by the emphasis on text mining functions of
the HI dimension. The blue cluster is still defined as
semantic-based systems with rich visualizations.
Fig. 2(c) represents the distribution in ve clus-
ters calculated by the K-means algorithm. The algo-
rithm partitions input data in clusters by comparing
means of an input vector and the clusters. The input
vector is attached to the nearest mean value cluster.
Firstly, the blue cluster was split further. The systems
in the blue cluster are characterized as RDF-based
knowledge management solutions which rely on on-
tologies, collaborative visual editing and wide range
of supported APIs. Secondly, a new green cluster,
derived from the blue cluster, is described as a set of
systems that is based on semantic technologies and is
capable of performing data interlinking. Additionally,
the green cluster exposes only SPARQL and OWL
API communication interfaces. The nankin yellow
cluster remained the same as a distinctive set of text
mining solutions. The orange cluster added one sys-
tem. Nevertheless, the cluster is still described as an
enterprise-friendly collection of systems with features
from the SD dimension. The azure cluster now com-
prises a different system, Anzo SDP. The cluster con-
tains a system capable of spreadsheet processing us-
ing ontologies for high-level schema definition. The
wide range of supported APIs and RDB implementa-
tion of RDF distinguish the azure cluster.
6.1 The Technical Implementation
Data heterogeneity and volume are among the main
challenges when building an EKG. Being comprised
of numerous data sources, an EKG requires tools
for interlinking, integration, and fusion of such data
sources to ensure data consistency and veracity. Large
volumes of common datasets (e.g., DBpedia dump is
abput 250 GB, PubMed dump is about 1.6 TB) imply,
that the integration pipeline has to be as automatic
as possible. Prominent approaches for automatic
linked data integration and fusion are LDIF (Schultz
et al., 2012), OD CleanStore (Michelfeit et al., 2014),
LIMES (Ngonga Ngomo and Auer, 2011). All of
them maintain an integration pipeline starting from
data ingestion from various remote data sources to
a high-quality target data source. LDIF and ODCS
resort to SILK (Isele and Bizer, 2013) the tasks of
entity recognition and link discovery tool. LDIF em-
ploys Sieve (Mendes et al., 2012) as the Data Fusion
module which aims at resolving property values con-
flicts by the assessment of the quality of the source
data and by application of various fusion policies,
while OD CleanStore uses a custom data fusion en-
gine. LIMES (Ngonga Ngomo and Auer, 2011) is a
stand-alone link discovery tool which utilizes math-
ematical features of metric spaces in order to com-
pute similarities between instances. Sophisticated al-
gorithms significantly reduce the number of neces-
sary comparisons of property values. Linked Data in-
tegration tools digest data from various public RDF
datasources. Those community driven knowledge
graphs are either general-purpose bases (e.g., DBpe-
dia, Wikidata
, Freebase) which comprise facts from
different domains or domain specific bases which aim
at providing detailed insights on a particular theme.
DBpedia is one of the largest graphs containing more
than three billion facts. Wikidata is envisioned to
be a universal source of information for populating
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Wikipedia articles. Freebase has been acquired by
Google as a source for its Knowledge Graph and
Knowledge Vault (Dong et al., 2014).
6.2 The Enterprise Dimension
Large enterprises have integrated Semantic Web tech-
nologies with their IT infrastructures in various forms.
Statoil used Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA)
to integrate their relational databases with ontolo-
gies (Kharlamov et al., 2015). NXP Semiconductors
transformed product information into an RDF prod-
uct taxonomy (Meenakshy and Walker, 2014). Stolz
et al. (Stolz et al., 2014) derived OWL ontologies
from product classification systems. All the above-
mentioned efforts have, however, only analyzed the
one specific domain that is directly relevant, and al-
though they refer to KGs profusely the authors do
not elaborate on the definition, conceptual descrip-
tion or reference architecture of such KGs. In gen-
eral, a precise definition of the EKG concept remains
to be developed. One contribution of this paper is
to address the above by clearly defining the con-
cept, and positioning the potential of EKGs. EKGs
have barely been explored along the data quality di-
mension in either Business Informatics or Semantic
Web communities. The Competence Center Corpo-
rate Data Quality (CC CDQ) has developed a frame-
work (Otto and Oesterle, 2015) for Corporate Data
Quality Management (CDQM) that presents a model
for the evaluation of data quality within a company.
Being a thoroughly tailored enterprise tool, the frame-
work is, however, only applicable to conventional
data architectures, i.e., MDM, Product Information
Management (PIM) and Product Classification Sys-
tems (PCS), and extending the framework to cover
semantic data architectures is impractical.
In this article, we presented the concept of Enterprise
Knowledge Graphs, described its structure, functions,
and purposes. We devised an assessment framework
to evaluate essential EKG properties along three di-
mensions related to the human interaction, machine
interaction, and strategical development. We pro-
vided an extensive study of existing enterprise so-
lutions, which implement EKG functionality to a
certain extent. The analysis indicates a wide va-
riety of approaches based on different data, gover-
nance, and distribution models and emphasizing the
human and machine interaction domains differently.
However, the strategical development functions, i.e.,
Provenance, Governance, Security, Quality, Maturity,
which are of utmost importance for an enterprise, of-
ten still remain unaddressed by current EKG tech-
nologies. We see here a room for significant improve-
ments and new innovative technologies empowering
companies to fully leverage the EKG concept for data
integration, analytics, and the establishment of data
value chains with partners, customers and suppliers.
In future work, we aim at enhancing the EKG model,
implement a reference EKG architecture, and develop
a prototype which implements and supports the next
generation of EISs.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems