2.2 Personal Information
This is predominantly static data recording some
basic information on the user: (i) Name; (ii)
Address; (iii) Phone; (iv) School; (v) Email; (vi)
Sex; and (vii) Telephone. There may be useful
pieces of information such as the postcode that could
help identify other users living in the locality that the
active user may wish to connect to and the school
that the user/learner is attending as this may be
useful in identifying/putting him/her in a group or
further on looking at class or even school level
performance metrics and the performance of the
active user within a class/school.
2.3 User Interests
User interests in the system essentially represent the
topics that the learner is working on (or wishes to
work on) and improve his/her performance. There
are two ways that user interests can be collected:
implicitly and explicitly. Implicitly capturing user
interests would entail that the user behaviour (topics
chosen to read, or specific tests chosen that cover
specific topics) would need to be observed
(unobtrusively) and then these mapped against the
system’s database (RDF database) by using semantic
similarity measures (Slimani, 2013). The explicit
way of recording user interests would entail that at
the time of registration and then periodically, the
user would explicitly indicate his/her interests in
topics drawn from the database. In other words, the
user needs to be shown parts of the database
capturing the topics and choose from these.
User interests are declared in advance by the user
and hence captured explicitly. In this way, the user
interests then simultaneously indicate the learning
objectives and therefore in a way what needs to be
achieved by the user. So for instance, an interest in
fractions means that the user wants to master the
topic of fractions.
2.4 Performance/Test Data
The dynamic data within the user profile are in
essence the data generated from the user taking tests.
Information like: (i) Test id; (ii) Overall score; (iii)
Date taken; (iv) Time to completion; (v) Qx-id,
score (or simply correct/incorrect).
We may wish to record the time it takes a user to
complete a question as a) this may be different from
user to user; b) it can be used to distinguish between
difficult and more easy questions (and even use this
information later on to adjust the level of difficulty
of a question). Also the level of difficulty of the
individual questions involved in the test can give an
insight on the overall level of difficulty of the test.
The data generated from the tests will be used to
capture and record the user’s progress on a topic. A
test can have multiple topics covered through the
2.5 Log Data and Actions within the
As the user interacts with the e-learning system, s/he
is doing so by performing a set of actions. As the
user logs in with a unique ID, therefore his/her
activity can be tracked. We would presume that
these log data are “raw”.
Assuming that activity will be recorded in
sessions, the raw data would look like: (i) Session
ID/UserID; (ii) Date/Timestamp; (iii) Duration; and
(iv) Action x, timestamp x. Where Action can be:
1. Test_Taken, TestID;
2. Topic_Browsed, TopicID
3. Topic_searched, TopicID
4. Talked to a Tutor, TutorID
We can make a distinction in the educational
platform between self-directed and directed learning
(Brookfield, 2009). The actions we may wish to
record vary somewhat between these two, although
they have many elements in common. In both areas,
the concept of “engagement” is very important.
Engagement could be measured by a combination of
the following:
(A) Self-directed: (i) How often one logs into
the system; (ii) Session duration; (iii) Page view
duration; (iv) Abandoned tests; (v) Results review
(has the learner always reviewed results?); (vi)
Following links; and (vii) Repeating topics, that is,
taking another test in the same topic.
(B) Directed: (i) How often the learner has
contacted the educator; (ii) The feedback the
educator has given; (iii) The additional tests the
educator has assigned; (iv) Whether the user has in
fact taken these or not; and (v) Links that the
educator has recommended.
Such “actions” (or in other words, how is it that
the user interacts with the system) would be
important as they would tell us what users do and
helps us identify learning paths (see Section 3) by
aggregating either a specific user’s actions or the
actions of multiple users. In other words, the log
data could be mined to identify actions of individual
users and/or groups and distinguish between
successful learning paths (or sequences of actions)
and not so successful learning paths.