Building an Adaptive E-Learning System
Christos Chrysoulas
and Maria Fasli
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, Essex, U.K.
Institute of Analytics and Data Science, University of Essex, Essex, U.K.
Keywords: E-learning, Adaptive Learning, User Profile, Learning Path, Machine Learning.
Abstract: Research in adaptive learning is mainly focused on improving learners’ learning achievements based mainly
on personalization information, such as learning style, cognitive style or learning achievement. In this paper,
an innovative adaptive learning approach is proposed based upon two main sources of personalization
information that is, learning behaviour and personal learning style. To determine the initial learning styles of
the learner, an initial assigned test is employed in our approach. In order to more precisely reflect the
learning behaviours of each learner, the interactions and learning results of each learner are thoroughly
recorded and in depth analysed, based on advanced machine learning techniques, when adjusting the subject
materials. Based on this rather innovative approach, an adaptive learning prototype system has been
With the recent rapid advances in computer and
network technologies, educational researchers have
developed methods, tools and environments for
computer-assisted learning (Hwang, 2002). Several
researchers have already addressed the importance
of adaptive learning, either in traditional forms of
instruction or in computer-assisted instruction. In
addition, several personalization techniques have
been proposed for developing web-based learning
systems (Santally and Alain, 2006).
In studying the effect of adaptive learning in
science courses, most researchers often pay attention
to the impact of a single type of personalization,
such as learning performance (including learner’s
profile and learning portfolio), learning style,
cognitive style of individual students, on the
determination of difficulty levels, learning paths or
presentation styles of subject materials (Triantafillou
et al. 2004). However, the interactions among
multiple sources of personalization information are
rarely taken into consideration.
An adaptive e-Learning system gives the learner
the opportunity to select learning materials or
contents according his/her style, profile, interest,
previous knowledge level. A number of works have
been conducted in the area of adaptive learning
(Kamceva and Mitrevski, 2012).
The study of how learners learn has been a
concern for researchers for many years [Pinto, et al.
2008]. In traditional classroom system, an instructor
can control this aspect based on what s/he sees of
her/his learners’ reaction. However, for e-learning to
be effective, it should be adapted to one’s personal
learning style (Villaverde et al. 2006). Traditional e-
learning systems provide the same materials to all
learners. E-learning systems should be capable of
adapting the content of courses to the individual
characteristics of learners. Adaptive e-learning
systems attempt to address this challenge by
changing the presentation of material to suit each
individual learner. They collect information about
learner’s goals, preferences and knowledge in order
to adapt the education needs of that learner.
An e-learning system must be based on learner’s
learning style which makes e-learning more
effective and efficient. However, most e-learning
systems do not consider learner characteristics. One
of the most desired characteristics of an e-learning
system is personalization, as people with different
skill sets use the system. This paper presents an
adaptive e-learning system based on the learner’s
learning style and preferences. The system identifies
the learner’s learning styles tendency through an
initial assessment test. The test’s score will be used
by the system as a basis to provide the learner a
presentation of learning materials more closely to
Chrysoulas, C. and Fasli, M.
Building an Adaptive E-Learning System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006326103750382
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 375-382
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
his/her knowledge level. This is the first input of the
user in the system in parallel with some basic
information that they provide in the form of a
profile. In this paper, a multi-source adaptive
learning system is also proposed. The proposed
system can easily construct adaptive subject series of
tests and propose sources for the learners to study
and tutors to talk to, by taking both student learning
behaviours and learning styles as part of the
personalization information.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 gives a brief overview of the abstract
Adaptive e-learning architecture and an in depth
insight on how the User profile is modelled in the
proposed system. Section 3 discusses what a
learning path is and its importance. Section 4
discusses the adopted machine learning approach in
order to put the needed personalization and
adaptivity into the system. Section 5 presents some
initial results of the analysis while Section 6
concludes the work.
Figure 1: Adaptive E-learning System Architecture.
As depicted in Figure 1, the system is using the
intelligence coming from the machine learning part,
to dynamically propose learning paths to individual
learners, based on their requirements and needs. The
learning paths are formed based on previous users,
with similar characteristics, interactions with the
system. Learning paths that led to successful
outcome, meaning the leaner improved his/her skills
are targeted. The Machine Learning part is
responsible for accessing the dataset that is extracted
from the RDF database and for feeding it to the
actual machine learning algorithm (see Section 4 for
more information). The usage of Resource
Description Framework (RDF) database (W3C RDF
Working Group, 2014) makes it easy for the system
to update the user’s profile thus keeping track of the
whole learning process. The Recommendation part
is also a sub-component of the Machine Learning
part. The personalized recommendation(s) provided
are the outcome of the machine learning interference
with the system. Association analysis based on the
Apriori (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994) algorithm is
taking place.
We use the terms “user” and “learner”
interchangeably to refer to the same entity. An
“active” user/learner is the one that we are currently
considering or dealing with. In order to be able to
guide the user through the learning and assessment
process, information about the user and his/her
activities will need to be collated and recorded in a
user profile. The User Profile will need to record
both static and more dynamic information. The User
Profile as a cornerstone component of the proposed
E-learning system is well studied and documented
during the development process. Figure 2 provides a
schematic overview of the proposed User Profile.
Figure 2: User Profile Modelling.
2.1 Security and Role
Security information is about the user’s authority to
use the system and it comes in the form of: (i)
Username; and (ii) Password. OAuth 2.0 (OAuth
2.0, 2012) protocol is providing the needed security
for the users to securely sign-in to the system.
Role information provides an insight in the
relationship among the system’s users, and can be
described as: (i) Administrator; (ii) Tutor; and (iii)
Student/Learner. In this way, the system is in
position to easily provide different services to
different type of users.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.2 Personal Information
This is predominantly static data recording some
basic information on the user: (i) Name; (ii)
Address; (iii) Phone; (iv) School; (v) Email; (vi)
Sex; and (vii) Telephone. There may be useful
pieces of information such as the postcode that could
help identify other users living in the locality that the
active user may wish to connect to and the school
that the user/learner is attending as this may be
useful in identifying/putting him/her in a group or
further on looking at class or even school level
performance metrics and the performance of the
active user within a class/school.
2.3 User Interests
User interests in the system essentially represent the
topics that the learner is working on (or wishes to
work on) and improve his/her performance. There
are two ways that user interests can be collected:
implicitly and explicitly. Implicitly capturing user
interests would entail that the user behaviour (topics
chosen to read, or specific tests chosen that cover
specific topics) would need to be observed
(unobtrusively) and then these mapped against the
system’s database (RDF database) by using semantic
similarity measures (Slimani, 2013). The explicit
way of recording user interests would entail that at
the time of registration and then periodically, the
user would explicitly indicate his/her interests in
topics drawn from the database. In other words, the
user needs to be shown parts of the database
capturing the topics and choose from these.
User interests are declared in advance by the user
and hence captured explicitly. In this way, the user
interests then simultaneously indicate the learning
objectives and therefore in a way what needs to be
achieved by the user. So for instance, an interest in
fractions means that the user wants to master the
topic of fractions.
2.4 Performance/Test Data
The dynamic data within the user profile are in
essence the data generated from the user taking tests.
Information like: (i) Test id; (ii) Overall score; (iii)
Date taken; (iv) Time to completion; (v) Qx-id,
score (or simply correct/incorrect).
We may wish to record the time it takes a user to
complete a question as a) this may be different from
user to user; b) it can be used to distinguish between
difficult and more easy questions (and even use this
information later on to adjust the level of difficulty
of a question). Also the level of difficulty of the
individual questions involved in the test can give an
insight on the overall level of difficulty of the test.
The data generated from the tests will be used to
capture and record the user’s progress on a topic. A
test can have multiple topics covered through the
2.5 Log Data and Actions within the
As the user interacts with the e-learning system, s/he
is doing so by performing a set of actions. As the
user logs in with a unique ID, therefore his/her
activity can be tracked. We would presume that
these log data are “raw”.
Assuming that activity will be recorded in
sessions, the raw data would look like: (i) Session
ID/UserID; (ii) Date/Timestamp; (iii) Duration; and
(iv) Action x, timestamp x. Where Action can be:
1. Test_Taken, TestID;
2. Topic_Browsed, TopicID
3. Topic_searched, TopicID
4. Talked to a Tutor, TutorID
We can make a distinction in the educational
platform between self-directed and directed learning
(Brookfield, 2009). The actions we may wish to
record vary somewhat between these two, although
they have many elements in common. In both areas,
the concept of “engagement” is very important.
Engagement could be measured by a combination of
the following:
(A) Self-directed: (i) How often one logs into
the system; (ii) Session duration; (iii) Page view
duration; (iv) Abandoned tests; (v) Results review
(has the learner always reviewed results?); (vi)
Following links; and (vii) Repeating topics, that is,
taking another test in the same topic.
(B) Directed: (i) How often the learner has
contacted the educator; (ii) The feedback the
educator has given; (iii) The additional tests the
educator has assigned; (iv) Whether the user has in
fact taken these or not; and (v) Links that the
educator has recommended.
Such “actions” (or in other words, how is it that
the user interacts with the system) would be
important as they would tell us what users do and
helps us identify learning paths (see Section 3) by
aggregating either a specific user’s actions or the
actions of multiple users. In other words, the log
data could be mined to identify actions of individual
users and/or groups and distinguish between
successful learning paths (or sequences of actions)
and not so successful learning paths.
Building an Adaptive E-Learning System
The end objective is for learners to master specific
topics and the ways they can assess their own
progress is by taking tests, talking to tutors, and
visiting educational sources (webpages) proposed by
the system or/and tutors. There are two aspects of
the learning path: the modelling of what a learning
path is and then its extraction. The modelling of
what a learning path is and its conceptual meaning is
important. Then what follows is the actual extraction
of the learning path in terms of SPARQL queries
(W3C SPARQL Query Language for RDF, 2013).
A learning path is not just a series of tests taken,
but it is a series of actions that lead to a successful
outcome. A learning path expresses a set of actions
as taken by a learner in relation to a specific topic
that needs to be mastered (or in order to achieve a
threshold of performance in a specific topic). A
learning path can be extracted with SPARQL queries
from the RDF database. A learning path is all of the
actions that are related to a topic or a combination of
topics, culminating in the successful achievement of
the outcome, measured by a test.
All of these data points and their attributes are
used by the machine learning to identify the
attributes of successful learning paths. Whether or
not the learning path is successful is indicated by the
answer to. The following subsection 3.1 presents in
depth two use cases of how a learning path is
constructed and who the involved parties and roles
3.1 Use Cases
Initially a user (Learner 1, from now on), logs to the
system. Subsequently an initial Test is proposed to
Learner 1 in order to estimate the level of his/her
knowledge. Based on that, the system may propose
some Links for extra studying, some tutors to speak
to, or even some extra tests. After this initial phase,
let’s assume that Learner 1 chooses Topic 1 and
takes a Test T1. He scores 30. From the score
achieved (and assuming that 40 or 50 is a threshold
of performance that needs to be achieved), it is
obvious that Learner 1 requires extra support and
help in Topic 1.
What should follow then is an initial
recommendation on improving knowledge on Topic
1. The recommendation can be based i) on what
actions similar learners followed as actions and
appear to have helped them in succeeding in their
tests; ii) on what the specific topic that a learner did
poorly in is about (for example Topic 1 depends on
understanding and mastering two subtopics 1.1 and
1.2 which are essential for answering questions on
Topic 1); and iii) a combination of (i) and (ii).
So Learner 1 visits page P1 and page P2
associated with Topic 1, and speaks to a tutor or
both. After that, Learner 1 takes Test T2 in Topic 1.
Learner 1 achieves a score of 60. Learner 1 managed
to improve the score in Topic 1 (which was the
target). Clearly something that has happened
between taking tests T1 and T2 has led Learner 1 to
improve his/her performance. This could be the
result of the recommendation made by the system
(see (i)-(iii) above) or Learner 1 engaging with other
Learners or following suggestions for additional
study and tests by the tutor.
Therefore it is evident that it would be helpful to
them, if the system is able to provide some useful
hints of what previous Learners have done (tests
taken, tutors they spoke, etc.) and how they
performed when they interacted with the system.
The Machine Learning part will provide the system
with a pool of possible questions, tutors and links to
be followed by a Learner based on the interactions
that previous Learners of the system have had. These
suggestions will be per Topic.
Two Use-cases/Scenarios have been spotted
where the system can propose – interact with the
Learner. The first one is just after the Learner has
logged-in into the system, in order to take an initial
assigned test (assuming that there is a need for that),
and the second one after finishing the initial test, and
the Learner proceeds to the choice of the Topic to
Use-case: Initial Assi
ned Test
Brief description:
This use-case describes how the initial
assigned test is provided to the Learner, and the
options following the completion of it.
Platform, Tutors
Have securely logged-in into the System
Main flow:
a) Learner chooses Topic x
b) The System proposes an initial test to
check the level of the Learner
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
c) The System checks the level of the
d) The System provides the learner with
information like tutor(s) to talk to, webpages to
visit, etc., based on similar behaviour of previous
Users/Learners. Can also provide non-system
actions like, practice more, spend more time on
studying, etc.
e) The Learner may follow or not the
suggestions provided by the system
Post conditions:
Alternative flows:
It is possible to take the assigned test before
choosing the Topic.
Use-case: Learner chooses a Topic to
Brief description:
This use-case describes the steps a Learner is
following from choosing a topic to study till the
completion of his learning session/process.
Platform, Tutors
The Learner must complete the initial
assigned test first (if it is considered a hard
Main flow:
a) Learner chooses Topic x
b) The system provides them with
information like tutor(s) to talk to,
webpages to visit, etc., based on actions
of past Users/Learners that have been
identified as having gone through
successful learning paths
c) Learner may follow or not the
d) Learner chooses a Test to take. The
suggestions produced out of the previous
step (b) would probably be desirable to
remain visible on the screen (maybe on
the right side)
e) Learner finishes the Test
f) The System based on how the Learned
did in the Test, can propose new Tests,
Tutors to speak to and websites for the
Learner to follow
g) Learner chooses another Topic. New
suggestions based on actions of past
Users/Learners that have been identified
as having gone through successful
learning paths previously (and similar
behaviour) are suggested to the Learner
h) Learner ends the learning activity
Post conditions:
Alternative flows:
An activity diagram presenting and visualizing
the aforementioned two Use Cases can be found in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Use-Cases Activity Diagram.
The Query Results Management (QRM)
component/module is responsible for managing the
data that are extracted from the queries to the RDF
database and for assembling the dataset that will be
fed to the algorithm. In Figure 4, an illustration of
where the QRM manager component is situated in
relation to the whole educational system and to the
Machine Learning component is presented. The
QRM component, a fundamental component is
responsible for supporting the following
functionalities: (i) Establishing a safe connection to
the RDF database; (ii) Querying the RDF database,
receiving the data; and (iii) Saving the data in a file
and in the proper format for the Machine Learning
Management (MLM) component.
Building an Adaptive E-Learning System
Figure 4: Component based System Architecture.
The Machine Learning Management (MLM)
component/module is responsible for accessing the
dataset that is formed from the Query Results
Management component (QRM) and for feeding it
to the actual machine learning algorithm. In Figure
4, an illustration of where the MLM manager
component is situated in relation to the whole
educational system and to the Query Results
Management component is presented. The MLM
component will be responsible for supporting the
following functionalities: (i) Accessing the dataset
formed by the QRM component; (ii) Parsing the
dataset, thus filtering out the un-successful learning
paths; (iii) Feeding the filtered dataset to the
machine learning algorithm; and (iv) Saving the
results coming out from the algorithm, to be used for
further visualization purposes. This sequence of
actions is described in more detail in the following
4.1 Query Results Management
Figure 5 presents the interactions of the QRM
module with the RDF Database and the Machine
Learning Module.
Figure 5: QRM Component Interactions.
QRM will communicate with the RDF Database
to query it and get the results. The results could be in
XML, JSON, CSV or TSV format. The QRM
Manager Component will be responsible to Securely
Accessing RDF Database by setting up a two way
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection to the
Apache Jena Fuseki server [Fuseki, 2016] in order to
securely query the RDF database.
4.2 Machine Learning Management
The QRM component is responsible for the two first
steps of the aforementioned procedure. The MLM
component will be responsible for the three last
steps of the described procedure. Figure 6 presents
the interactions of the MLM component with the
QRM Component (and the educational platform/
Figure 6: MLM Component Interactions.
The MLM Component will support the following
Accessing/Parsing the Dataset: After securely
connecting to the Apache Jena Fuseki server, and
executing SPARQL query(ies) against the endpoint,
we are obtaining a dataset containing the interactions
the learners had with the system. In the next step, the
MLM accesses the dataset and parses it in order to
filter out the unsuccessful learning paths. The
filtered dataset would only contain the learning paths
where the number of correct answered items
(questions) are more than the incorrect ones. For the
current implementation meaning that only the
over/equal to 50 scored learning paths will qualify.
Feeding the ML Algorithm: After filtering out the
unsuccessful learning paths, the dataset is ready to
be fed to the machine learning algorithm. The
machine learning algorithm used in the presented
work is the Apriori (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994),
since it deals well with datasets containing both
numerical and categorical values. The Apriori
algorithm is responsible for: (i) finding frequent
itemsets, and (ii) mining association rules from the
extracted itemsets. See Sections 4.3 and 4.4 for more
Saving the results: In this step, the MLM
component saves the output of the machine learning
algorithm, so as to be used, for recommendation,
visualisation and/or other purposes.
The pseudocode of the Apriori algorithm is
presented in Algorithm 1.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Algorithm1. The Apriori algorithm.
: Candidate itemset of size k
: frequent itemset of size k
(1) L
= {frequent items};
(2) for (k = 1; L
!= ; k++) do begin
(3) C
= candidates generated from L
(4) for each transaction t in database do
(5) increment the count of all candidates in
(6) C
that are contained in t
(7) L
= candidates in C
with min_support
(8) end
(9) return
4.3 Finding Frequent Itemsets
The support of an itemset is defined as the
percentage of the dataset that contains this frequent
itemset. Frequent itemsets are a collection of items
that frequently occur together. In our specific case
an itemset is having the following format:
{userId, learningEventUri, leraningEventType,
difficultyLevel, contentUri, topicUri,
nextlearningEventUri, timestamp}
Support applies to an itemset, so we can define a
minimum support and get only the itemsets that
meet that minimum support. Support can range from
0 to 1. The confidence is defined for an association
rule like {Learner 1} {Topic 1}. The confidence
for this rule is defined as support ({Learner 1, Topic
1})/support ({Learner 1}). The support and
confidence are ways someone can quantify the
success of our association analysis. Let us assume
we want to find all sets of items with a support
greater than 0.6. We could generate a list of every
combination of items and then count how frequently
these occur.
4.4 Mining Association Rules from the
Extracted Itemsets
Association rules suggest that a strong relationship
exists between two items. From the dataset we have,
if we have a frequent itemset, {Learner 1, Question
1, Topic 1}, one example of an association rule is
Topic 1 Question 1. This means if someone
chooses Topic 1 Question 1, then there is a
statistically significant chance that the Learner will
answer Question 1. The converse does not always
In Section 4.3, an itemset is quantified as
frequent if it met our minimum support level. There
is a similar measurement for association rules. This
measurement is called confidence. The confidence
for a rule P H is defined as support (P | H)/
support (P). Similarly to the frequent itemsets
generation in Section 4.3, we can generate many
association rules for each frequent itemset. It would
be desirable if we could reduce the number of rules
to keep the problem tractable. We can observe that if
a rule does not meet the minimum confidence
requirement, then subsets of that rule also will not
meet the minimum. We can use this property of
association rules to reduce the number of rules we
need to test.
A series of tests performed in order to check the
validity of the proposed approach. Python used for
the implementation of the machine learning
proposed approach/architecture. The outcome of the
association and data analysis that took place has
shown that the proposed framework is in position to
provide an insight on the behaviour of the students,
meaning how they interacted with the system and
spot common patterns that lead or not to successful
completion of a learning path:
1. Users and Learning Paths: The results contain
the full information of the users that followed a
successful or unsuccessful learning path. The format
is: {userId, learning EventUri, leraningEventType,
difficultyLevel, contentUri, topicUri,
nextlearningEventUri, timestamp}.
2. Successful Users and type of interaction per
topic: The results contain the full information
describing how each successful user answered the
questions and interacted with the system (talked to
tutor or/and followed links, etc.) per topic. The
format is: {userId, leraningEventType, topicUri}.
3. Percentage for each question per topic: The
results contain the information describing how each
question x belonging to topic y was dealt by
successful or not users. The format is: {topicUri,
contentUri, Percentage}.
4. Percentage for each topic, and interactions
involved: The results contain the information
describing how successful or not users did it per
topic, how many tutors were called and how many
links were followed. {topicUri, percentage,
NumberOf Tutors, NumberOfFollowedLinks}.
The paper presents an adaptive e-learning system
based on well defining the explicit characteristics of
the individual user/learners. The system identifies
Building an Adaptive E-Learning System
the learner’s learning styles through an initial
assessment test and some initial information a user is
providing during sign-in. The test score is used by
the system to complement the learner with the
needed material for him to successfully complete his
learning path.
The paper investigates the detection of E-
learners’ preferences within learning style
dimensions and showing relationship between
identifying the personality and learning materials
presentation. It contributes how to develop e-
learning to different learning styles and combine the
advantages of learning management systems with
those of adaptive systems. The experiments were
performed with 300 learners to show the impact of
learning styles on learners’ preferences. Several
patterns were found where learners with different
starting points managed to evolve based on the
proposed machine learning based recommendation
Future work has to be two-fold: perform
experiments with significantly larger datasets, and
try to enrich the proposed system with more
machine learning methods (e.g. neural nets (NN),
support vector machines (SVNs), etc.) thus
enhancing the recommendation efficiency of the
whole system.
The work was supported by the «DADO: Data
Analytics Driven by Ontologies» project, a
collaborative research and development project
funded by Innovate UK.
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CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education