work package may, though, be also associated to
ulterior iterations, when they are postponed. Lack of
space impedes us to present these constraints here.
This paper has focused the language model
(metamodel/ontology), and its construction process,
of SPMDSL, a domain specific language for the
domain of agile use case driven software projects’
management. Per the Ontology building
methodology set by Uschold and King (1995), and
the DSL development process proposed by
Strembeck and Zdun (2009), the ontology capture
has been based on a domain analysis which involved
the identification of key concepts and relationships.
This has been made essentially from the PMBOK,
Agile methods, and UML. Then, from studied PM
Tools and ontologies, key terms and concepts were
identified and related to the previously known ones.
Guidelines for evaluating the ontology/language
model built, involve making a technical judgement
with respect to a frame of reference (Uschold and
King, 1995; Strembeck and Zdun, 2009). For this,
SPMDSL has been used as basis for developing two
prototype applications for the domain of use case
driven software project management (Ribeiro, 2015;
Barros, 2016). A comparative discussion between
the developed prototype and the studied PM tools
can be found in (Ribeiro, 2015).
The proposed DSL enables the description of
software project management artefacts, facilitating
the archiving and easy retrieval of these artefacts for
closed projects, contributing to a more effective
sharing of lessons learned and good practices from
previous projects within an organization or among
organizations in the software projects domain.
SPMDSL’s language model also aims to
contribute for establishing a common language for
use case driven software projects’ management and
to contribute to a complete Software PM Ontology.
Besides a well-defined Language Model, a DSL
needs a concrete language syntax or notation.
SPMDSL concrete notation is based on XML. This
suffices for representing past projects’ information
and serving as an exchange language between
software PM tools. Possible future research
directions may include the establishment of a more
human-readable concrete notation for SPMDSL.
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