Figure 15: Improvement due to elevation and NDVI data.
The major inconvenient to this step is that it adds
commission errors to the results. Indeed, Figure 15
shows the reconstruction of 33 % of destroyed
This semi-automatic tool provides detections of
rapidly evolving features that does not match any
evolution scheme: urban areas. It tends to answer the
problem of efficiency in the updating databases
process answering the questions “Where? How
much? When?”. The results can be presented in a
map, to spot the necessity of the database update, it
can be presented over the original image to help the
producers to focus on important updating area
(especially destroyed buildings), or it can be used at
the end of the production process as a quality
control. The method, using radiometric primitives
improvable with geometric primitives, is adaptable
to the type of landscapes, images, scales, and has
been recognized as useful by independent producers
during a real updating process test, not only as a
detection of anthropogenic areas process, but as a
real decision support instrument.
If this tool has proved its efficiency in a context of
rapid mapping, it cannot be trusted as it is for an
exhaustive automatic mapping. Indeed, a building
that has changed its shape between the date of the
database and the date of the image will probably be
reconstructed as it was in the past.
If we were able to observe very few errors of
commission (error type I) we didn’t establish a real
statistics on a representative amount of elements.
Moreover, in the statistics established on type II
errors, some missing polygons were considered as
omission but the field reality (the image) was
obviously different than the representing database:
in this case the qualification of omission is not really
In this study, two types of databases were
tested. The most advanced case (Dire Dawa) used a
database in which the buildings were individually
drawn. This allowed us doing the reconstruction and
the derived statistics and declaring the method
efficient. This is not possible with a database in
which the buildings are not individually drawn. This
is why a simple visual qualification is done on the
other tested areas (§ 6.2). When using this type of
database another type of statistics can be calculated
to estimate the changes and the amount of work in
the pre-production phase, but the quality assessment
of the method by calculating the reconstruction rate
is not possible. Another option would be to compare
our detection to other urban products (mixing
different types of data) like Global Urban Footprint
or Landscan.
ArcGIS for desktop Help
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