To evaluate discovery systems, one must choose
a good tradeoff between Recall and Precision. To this
end, we use the comprehensive F-Measure. Figure 4
illustrates comparison results according to different
thresholds values. We note that the maximum value
of this harmonic mean is 0.84, whose Recall and
Accuracy rates are at the maximum, which shows that
our system is efficient. Another important remark is
that our clustering-based discovery system has a
significantly better response times than discovery
systems without Clustering.
Figure 5: Comparison of performance measurement.
In this paper, we have introduced a new prototype for
SaaS services discovery in cloud environment based
on multi-agent system. The modeling scheme of this
agent-based discovery system is divided in several
main elements including services description and
publication, clustering approach, request generation,
matching process and discovery method. To improve
the quality of SaaS service discovery, we have
proposed a new algorithm for clustering SaaS
services in cloud based on their semantic description.
Experimental results show that our approach yields a
significant performance improvement in terms of
accuracy and requests processing time. An interesting
future direction would be: (i) to define and use a SaaS
service description model based on non-functional
categorization attributes and other features of SaaS
services; and, (ii) to utilize for each domain services
other ontologies in order to improve search accuracy.
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