Table 5: Prediction Accuracy.
This paper proposed a new hybrid model that aims
to improve the accuracy of a real-time prediction
process by overcoming the difficulties faced in such
complex and multi-conflicting environments. The
proposed model couples Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
(FCM) and Support Vector Machines (SVM). The
former is constructed so that it can reveal
interrelationships between the inputs of a given
dataset and deliver a latent variable which is then
used by the SVM in conjunction with the rest of the
input factors to produce predictions.
Our experimentation with two different
problems, one for predicting room occupancy and
the other for proper classification of diabetes cases,
assisted to successfully answering the research
questions posed in the beginning of this study: RQ1
was adequately addressed by investigating and
demonstrating that FCMs are indeed able to model
multivariable environments with high levels of
complexity as the ones described in the two
application domains. RQ2 was also successfully
answered by showing that a FCM model is able to
transform the complicated relationships of a
multivariable environment into a single collective
output that, when used with the SVM model, it
increases the accuracy of the predictions produced.
The proposed methodology can be used in a wide
range of applications to improve the accuracy of a
Although the experimental part cannot be
considered by any means thorough, the results
obtained may be considered as encouraging and
promising. Future work will concentrate on further
investigating and improving the hybrid model’s
performance. The application of the proposed
methodology on more real-world prediction
problems and datasets will provide useful feedback
for a better calibration of the hybrid model. Finally,
the transition from the semi-automatic to a fully-
automatic learning process will also be examined.
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A Hybrid Prediction Model Integrating Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Support Vector Machines