pass a security monitoring service to identify potential
threat in the sensor network.
Figure 7 demonstrated a human task (Corrective
Action) responsible to the perform some configurati-
ons to recover a detected threat. This interaction with
a security expert is enriched with the result of Secu-
rity Threat Analysis, which proposes security mecha-
nims or only changes in security polices to recover an
anomaly to the network.
This security analysis enables to identify false po-
sitives that can occur and it must not interrup the
workflow. In contrast, some problems can result to
the end of the workflow. For instance, if an threat re-
sults in a critical problem for the infrastructure.
In this context, the human receive detailed infor-
mation about detected threats and security solutions
to be implemented.
Cooperative networks include organizations and busi-
nesses that are owned and managed by the people pro-
viding products and supplying of services. The crea-
tion of new services requires time and effort to design
effective services. The adoption of a methodology of
the Model Driven Service Engineering Architecture
(MDSEA) implements the process of model transfor-
mation from business details to specific artifacts.
The paper presented a implementation of a secu-
rity management process in a business model of the
manufacturing scenario of C2NET project as well as
the execution of model transformations following a
methodology MDSEA to enrich specific details du-
ring the process.
Due to the facility to construct services based on
model driven engineering behind manufacturing en-
terprises, the methodology MDSEA could be imple-
mented to demonstrate the transition between busi-
ness models to security artifacts and implementati-
ons. This implementation of the security management
process provided a view to understand how to enrich
a simple business model based on a methodology as
well as transforming high-level abstraction models to
add specific details of security activities.
As future works, we intend to use model dri-
ven engineering to support services development that
should to be executed in this security management
process. Also, the integration of ontology-based so-
lution need to be studied for the adoption of an
ontology-based framework to support making deci-
sion in realtime.
The research leading to this work has received fun-
ding from CAPES Proc. N
: BEX 0966/15-0 and
European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme
(H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreement: C2NET
: 636909.
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