Model Driven Implementation of Security Management Process
Bruno A. Mozzaquatro
, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves
and Carlos Agostinho
DEE/FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Centre of Technology and Systems, UNINOVA, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Business Process, MDA, Security Management, Model Transformations, MDSEA.
Services composition involves many time and effort to describe high-level requirements of the business pro-
cess. To this purpose, the Model Driven Service Engineering Architecture (MDSEA) is a methodology to
distinguish the business view and technical point of view in products and services and to agilize the software
development. Such capabilities demand more effective process applied to specify, evaluate, communicate and
design the system as well as system functionalities and security issues. Security aspects are critical when it
involves privacy of data exchange of devices. In this context, the definition of security artifacts during the
design of a business process consumes time of system funcionalities development. This paper proposes an im-
plementation of a security management process using the methodology MDSEA as support to promote model
transformations from business model to specific artifacts and configurations. This support enables to enrich a
solid business model with technical details by specialists.
Collaboration among enterprises has become a better
solution towards market opportunities. Its products
and related services result in cooperative networks to
support service life cycle. Services composition re-
quires a lot of time and effort to describe and de-
sign more accurately business details (Bazoun et al.,
2013). However, at high-level requirements of busi-
ness process involves stakeholders to specify, evalu-
ate, communicate and design the system supporting
the service and its lifecycle around enterprise proces-
Process modeling notations is an appropriately
implementation to separate business details from
technical details of a service system. Usually, busi-
ness details are focused to domain experts to identify
requirements around services and technical details
consist of specific information about implementation
of this service system (M
unch et al., 2012). Model
Driven Service Engineering Architecture (MDSEA)
is a methodology responsible for supportting service
model transformations from high-level concepts to
specific artifacts in the process. This methodology
promotes models reuse at different abstraction levels
defining some ways to transform concepts in imple-
mentation (Bazoun et al., 2016).
According to a service system some concerns
about secure issues are needed to take in considera-
tion and to make the proper functioning of the system.
Usually, these details are despised during a business
process model elaboration because it requires secu-
rity professionals within system development teams
(Lambert et al., 2006). Model driven security and ge-
neration of security software artifacts has been a to-
pic of research in recent years (Derdour et al., 2015)
(Brucker et al., 2012) (J
urjens, 2002) (Lodderstedt
et al., 2002).
Model driven security has focused on impro-
ving security quality with separation of functional is-
sues from non-functional aspects of the whole sy-
stem. Usually, well-known languages are used to
achieve security process integration as well as Archi-
tecture Description Languages (ADLs) and Unified
Modeling Language (UML) (Ren and Taylor, 2005).
Security processes involve security analysis and veri-
fication of security properties (e.g. availability, confi-
dentiality, integrity) while system requirements at the
design time and runtime (Mozzaquatro et al., 2016).
This paper demonstrates how model transformation
between different abstraction levels of process mo-
dels address the gap between business and technical
security configurations. It is based on a modeling lan-
guage to facilitate the development of business pro-
cesses using a services composition to enterprises.
Mozzaquatro B., Jardim-GonÃ
galves R. and Agostinho C.
Model Driven Implementation of Security Management Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0006329602290238
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2017), pages 229-238
ISBN: 978-989-758-210-3
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Baseline scenario model.
1.1 Baseline Scenario
This section describes a baseline scenario of a ma-
nufacturing scenario of the H2020 European Pro-
ject: Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks
(C2NET) project, which reflects the data collection
from sensors networks. Figure 1 presents a business
process of baseline scenario addressed in this paper.
It is a high-level abstraction model defined by a busi-
ness managers team without technological details.
The process’ workflow starts with an activity re-
sponsible to collect device’s information to the data
collection scenario. Start Data Collection activity in-
teracts with the Pilot Manager to provide a set of devi-
ces that it will compose the sensor network. It is for-
warded to the activity called Virtualize Resources to
register these devices in the platform as well as Data
Collection Framework (DCF). Each real device will
have a virtual copy in the platform. Next step, the
IT resource (Hub) provides support to data collection
through the Read Data activity. It collects data from
sensors devices and send to the DCF. The Process
Data activity, localized in DCF, filters data collected
and process according to the needs of the project to
be stored (Data Store activity).
Security activities are not highlighted in this high-
level perspective of the process, but it is intrisic and
should be considered at lower levels following a secu-
rity process by services, archifacts and implementati-
ons. For example, activities in the continuous line re-
quire security concerns about authentication and con-
fidentiality. Dotted line’s activities need the security
requirement of integrity and confidentiality, which de-
fines ways to protect data collection of sensors net-
work over the public network. In the whole workflow,
availability is another requirement essential to ensure
reliability and to maintain the right functioning of the
1.2 Paper Outline
The rest of paper is organized as follow: Section 2
presents the background research of this paper fol-
lowing by related works (Section 2.1), Model Dri-
ven Service Engineering Architecture (Section 2.2),
and a modeling tool called SLMToolBox in Section
2.3. Section 3 describe a detailed security process
through a model tranformation from a business mo-
del. Section 4 describes a methodology of this paper
and his contribution of models transformations based
on MDSEA. Some tests are presented in Section 5.
Finally, conclusions and future works is presented in
Section 6.
This section describes main subjects involved in this
paper to understand the security process based on the
transformation different abstraction levels of models.
2.1 Literature Review
This section describes some related works regarding
model transformations and model driven representa-
tion of security process. These two categories are out-
lined in this section.
2.1.1 Model Transformations
The authors (De Castro et al., 2011) propose a model
driven approach that apply CIM-to-PIM model trans-
formation from high-level business models to lower-
level information system models. The key advantage
is to use real high-level business models into the pro-
cess using an MDA-based approach that offers mo-
dels of different abstraction levels and model transfor-
mations. The results demonstrate how a model driven
approach helps the alignment process between diffe-
rent views when adoption service oriented approach
for software development.
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
The author (Chen, 2015) presents a methodologi-
cal approach for the generation of manufacturing ser-
vice involving steps of a service life cycle. It con-
siders that there is no complete service engineering
methodological approach in the market. However,
the methodology proposed in this paper considers a
bag of assets with i) service modeling based on MD-
SEA, adapted and extended from MDA/MDI appro-
aches; ii) service engineering process to ensure the
customer’s needs within an entire life cycle (Bahill
and Gissing, 1998); iii) service governance frame-
work to control enterprises within a manufacturing
service ecosystem and your respectives interactions
with data and information; iv) service live life cycle
framework to capture, categorize, and structure a set
concepts and issues relating to manufacturing serviti-
zation; and v) SLMToolBox consists several graphi-
cal editors to model manufacturing services and ser-
vice systems from business and functional models.
The fourteen steps defined in the methodology is
considered as reference guidelines to select and cus-
tomize according to needs. Though some limitations
are highlighted by authors as well as the time to le-
arn several models and tools contained in the metho-
dology, not all models are supported by tools, and the
application of this methodological approach would be
more suitable to large companies even though it has
been experimented with success in SME.
2.1.2 Model Driven Security Process
The adoption of model driven security in business
processes is an emerging research area. Some
works explore the model driven approach for process-
oriented systems focusing on access control such as
SecureUML (Basin et al., 2003), UMLSec extension
for UML (J
urjens, 2002).
The authors (Menzel et al., 2009) propose an ap-
proach to describe security requirements at the busi-
ness process layer and their translation to concrete se-
curity configuration for service-based systems. Such
security requirements involve some intentions such as
confidentiality or integrity on an abstract level. In-
formation at the modeling layer is transformed to a
domain-independent security model following the ge-
neration of security configurations based on the mo-
deled requirements with a pattern and its relationship
to the security model. This pattern is composed of
problem, context, forces and solution. Each pattern
refers to a particular security goal and identifies suit-
able security protocol/mechanism.
Wolter (Wolter et al., 2009) describes a generic
security model that specifies security goals, policies,
and constraints based on a set of basic entities, such
as objects, attributes, interactions, and effects. This
model has an abstraction from technical details and
hence they provide a mapping from this abstract mo-
del to platform specific target languages (e.g. XA-
CML or AXIS2) with authorisation and confidentia-
lity constraints defined.
2.2 Model Driven Service Engineering
The Model Driven Service Engineering Architecture
(MDSEA) is an approach to distinguish the business
and technical point of view in product and service sy-
stems. This architecture follows Model Driven Ar-
chitecture (MDA) paradigm to provide guidelines for
structuring the specifications of engineering activities.
On the basis of MDA paradigm, MDSEA proposes a
framework for service system modeling using three
levels: BSM, TIM and TSM (Bazoun et al., 2013).
Business Service Model (BSM): this level speci-
fies models at high-level and reflects the business
perspective of the service system, without consi-
derations between technologies that will be used.
It is the link between domain experts and develop-
ment experts.
Technology Independent Model (TIM): this level
delivers detailed specifications of the structure of
the service system, which focuses on the functio-
nal and operational details used for implementa-
Technology Specific Model (TSM): this level pre-
sents procedures to the implementation of the sy-
stem to use a particular type of technology, in-
cluding middleware, operating systems, and pro-
gramming languages. According to these specifi-
cations, the next step consists of the implementa-
tion of the designed service system.
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a practice
for developing model driven applications through the
use of models, allowing concepts closer to the domain
of problems. It involves a software engineering ap-
proach to address system complexity related with Mo-
del Drive Development (MDD) to describe and build
software systems (Atkinson and Kuhne, 2003).
The main aspect to avoid some problems of the
difficult task of developing effective and efficient soft-
ware is automating developments in an information
system life cycle. It suggests the description of a sy-
stem in an abstract way performing transformations in
several steps into real, executable systems (e.g. source
code) (Selic, 2003).
The utilization of models has several meanings,
among which can be cited: i) set of extracts of a sy-
stem under study (Seidewitz, 2003), ii) simplification
Model Driven Implementation of Security Management Process
of reality (Selic, 2003), and set of formal elements
which describe something that is being developed for
a specific purpose and can be analyzed by methods
(Mellor et al., 2003). Historically, models have been
used to ensure the efficacy of systems before the su-
perior effort about all system directly. It could be said
that MDE vision develops a principle that “everything
is a model” (i.e., platforms, components, legacy soft-
ware, services, etc.) (Agostinho et al., 2012) (B
2006). These models represent the results a fast deve-
lopment of products and systems based on the com-
munication among product managers, designers, and
member of the development team.
Usually, MDE consists of the model transformati-
ons between layers as depicted in Figure 2. The fol-
lowing sections describe the modeling environment,
called SMLToolbox, to define a high-level process
and perform transformations according to the MD-
Figure 2: Overview of MDSEA (Ducq et al., 2014).
2.3 SLMToolbox Modeling
This section describes an integrated modeling tool de-
dicated to services lifecycle management with activi-
ties as well as syntactic validation, model transforma-
tion, execution process, modeling process, engineer-
ing process, and workflow monitoring and control.
Service Life Management Tool Box (SLMTool-
Box) is a software developed in the frame of the EU
FP7 MSEE project
. SLMToolBox consists in some
facilities to develop a new service or improve an ex-
isting one, within a single enterprise or a virtual en-
terprise (Bazoun et al., 2014). According to Bazoun
(Bazoun et al., 2016), it is an implementation of the
BSM and TIM levels of MDSEA.
SLMToolBox composes several scientific con-
cepts about service innovation into one tool such as
service modeling, engineering, simulation, monito-
ring, and control (Bazoun et al., 2016). This tool
takes benefits of a model based architecture (valida-
tion, transformation and execution), maintaining the
coherence of the transformation from business requi-
rements to IT implementation (modeling), simulating
the result of the service (engineering), and designing
the governance of the service (monitoring and cont-
rol) as depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Service Life Management Tool Box (Bazoun
et al., 2016).
These four pillars support several goals to enable
elaboration of service descriptions, modeling activi-
ties based on a methodological support, simulation of
business processes providing animation and reports,
and implementation of service system’s governance.
The modeling architecture adopted by the SLM-
ToolBox composes three modeling levels of MDSEA:
BSM, TIM, and TSM. Each level has a set of graphi-
cal modeling languages according to the level’s vie-
wpoint. It enables non-expertise humans to organize
elements around domains of expertise by separating
and decomposing the concerns. For example, BSM
and TIM use graphical modeling languages to repre-
sent in more details certain aspects of the service mo-
del, namely as BSM Templates, Extended Actigram
Star (Bazoun et al., 2016), GRAI Grid, and UML to
BSM level; and TIM Templates, BPMN 2.0, UML,
and DEVS (Atomic and Coupled Models) to TIM le-
At BSM level, Extended Actigram Star Editor mo-
dels offer the elements of connectors which represent
cooperation between entities within the same organi-
zation or different organizations. On the other hand,
at TIM level, BPMN 2.0 provides an integrated editor
with Eclipse platform to provide an intuitive modeling
tool for the business rules, graphical edition with sup-
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Figure 4: BPMN of the security process representated in SLMToolBox.
port for the BPMN domain.
SLMToolBox enables to create new diagrams
using the combination of ATL (Atlas Transformation
Language) and XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Lan-
guage Transformations) in two ways: create a new
BPMN diagram by the standard way, or to create a
new diagram from an existing EA*. The transforma-
tion of EA* model to BMPN model is performed by
ATL. XSLT is used to generate the graphical diagram
view of the model, resulting in a BPMN diagram.
More specific information can be obtained in re-
ferences (Bazoun et al., 2013) (Bazoun et al., 2014)
(Bazoun et al., 2016).
In this section we describe a security process com-
posed by activities required in the business model of
a scenario of H2020 European Project: Cloud Colla-
borative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET) project.
This project designed a cloud-based system to data
collection in manufacturing enterprises. The business
model was presented to be followed in this paper in
Section 1.1.
This security process has an important role to pro-
tect security properties namely: availability, confiden-
tiality, integrity. The objective of this process is to en-
sure these security requirements providing activities
in the workflow to protect data exchange of sensors
Basically, the model presented in Figure 1 demon-
strates only information about data collection activi-
ties using C2NET platform. Some security details
and activities needs to be added to protect the system,
which involves external users and data exchange over
public network.
Following the MDSEA methodology, an advan-
tage of the model transformation between BSM to
TIM is the addition of technological details about the
process. Figure 4 presents the BPMN diagram, which
is the product of this model transformation using the
modeling tool SLMToolBox. Also, this diagram con-
tains more details of the data collection as well as Pu-
blish Configurations, which involves the registration
of configurations of resources in the C2NET platform.
In addition, some activities were added to ensure se-
curity properties such as Availability, Confidentiality,
and Integrity. Availability consists of tasks to main-
tain the system operable and accessible to authorized
users. Confidentiality means that information should
be available only those person authorized. Main se-
curity mechanisms to protect unauthorized access are
cryptography and access controls. Integrity means en-
sure the trustworthiness, origin, correctness of infor-
mation. It is based on integrity of information but also
to the origin integrity.
A brief overview of security services and activities
of the EU FP7 C2NET project is described in Table 1
and 2. These activities follow the workflow to regis-
Model Driven Implementation of Security Management Process
Table 1: Data collection activities of the workflow.
Activity Description
Virtualize Re-
Sends information about resour-
ces to the Hub.
Publish Confi-
Registers resource’s configurati-
ons in the cloud platform (DCF).
Read Data Collects data about resources.
Process Data Analyzes filtered data about re-
Store Data Stores all information of resour-
ces in database.
Table 2: Security activities of the workflow.
Activity Description
User Authenti-
Identifies the pilot manager in
the data collection platform. e.g.
Single Sign On.
Resources Se-
curity Analy-
Verifies resource’s characteris-
tics and its security risks to
adopt suitable security mecha-
nisms. e.g. Security professio-
nal analysis
Uses security tools to monitor
resources and services. e.g. In-
trusion Detection Systems.
Threat Analy-
Analyzes security alerts genera-
ted by the monitoring tools. e.g.
Correlation between threats and
security solutions.
Reacts a threat and change se-
curity policies to restablish right
functioning of the sensors net-
work. e.g. Security professional
ter resources (e.g. sensors devices) and send theirs
configurations between DCF and Hub of the C2NET
platform. The model transformation of business mo-
del into the BPMN diagram is depicted in Figure 4.
BPMN model contains more details about data col-
lection and security activities, which are described in
Section 3.1 and 3.2.
3.1 Design Time Approach
Design time is an approach to establish some con-
figurations before the start of the system, at least
pre-configured definitions. Activities of Data Col-
lection (Virtualize Resources and Publish Configura-
tions) and Security (User Authentication, Resource
Security Analysis) are pre-configured tasks essential
to manage resources at the run time approach.
Virtualize Resources activity consists of receive
device’s information to be registered in the cloud-
based platform. Publish Configurations activity is re-
sponsible to the process of the dissemination of de-
vice’s information.
User authentication is an activity responsible to
register and identify users of the manufacturing pi-
lot. Once registered, authorized users are identified
and allowed to send resources information to the plat-
form. Also, it prevents unauthorized users from ma-
king improper or unauthorized modifications to re-
sources, which maintain the consistency of the sy-
stem. This activity uses authentication services with
different protocols to autenticate users such as Single-
Sign On (SSO), username/password verification or hi-
brid (both).
Resource Security Analysis is an activity respon-
sible to verify potential solutions to detected threats in
the system. It uses a knowledge database to analyse
this information (Mozzaquatro et al., 2015).
3.2 Run Time Approach
Run time approach is responsible to perform some
tasks during the execution of the system, maintai-
ning correct functioning of the system, but also to re-
cover of an anomaly behavior. It involves tasks of
resources analysis and management within data col-
lection scope and security issues such as Data Col-
lection (Read Data, Process Data and Store Data) and
Security activities (Runtime Security Monitoring, Se-
curity Threat Analysis and Corrective Action).
In the security context, there is an activity to con-
figure security tools responsible to the resources mo-
nitoring to identify potential threats such as Runtime
Security Monitoring. Several security tools are suita-
ble to monitor in realtime resource’s behavior such as
firewall (Hossain and Raghunathan, 2010), intrusion
detection systems (Patel et al., 2016) (Butun et al.,
), proxies, etc. Usually, these tools generate security
alerts of an anomaly based on detection rules. Each
tool send security alerts to an activity responsible to
identify the reason of the detection.
This activity is Security Threat Analysis, which
consists in the identification of reasons of each ano-
maly detection considering previous information (e.g.
knowledge base). Depending on threat’s security le-
vel, an activity of the workflow is responsible to re-
alize revise and recover configurations of resources
(Corrective Action). So, if there exists solutions for
detected threats, it will be corrected without stop the
system. In contrast, the system will be stopped and a
security expert will perform manual configurations to
block this threat.
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
This section describes a methodology used to support
model transformation from a business model (high-
level) to security specifications (low-level). Figure 5
presents the methodology and its models transforma-
tions until achieve the detailed process with execution
of security services.
Initially, the business model is represented in Ex-
tended Actigram Star (EA*) in high level of ab-
straction. The diagram depicted in Figure 1 is mo-
deled within the modeling tool SLMToolBox.
Figure 5: Adopted methodology to models transformations
and execution of security services.
This part is important to specify the model at the
global level with few details of services running be-
tween differents business perspectives and indepen-
dent from technologies. The first model transforma-
tion in Figure 5, depicted as (1), consists in the col-
lection of information and requirements at BSM level
to the TIM level. This translation aims to save effort
and reduce errors by automating models development
when possible.
The model transformation (2) between EA* and
BPMN diagrams enables to add more details about
the process’ workflow. It follows the Ecore metamo-
del approach to defines the structure of the Extended
Actigram Star and BPMN models. For that, XML
Metadata Interchange (XMI) is used to save source
and target models and also mapping rules. This rules
is implemented using Atlas Transformation Language
(ATL). It relies on XSLT transformation conforms to
the BPMN modeler requirements.
The mapping rules creates correspondences and
links between concepts and their relations from EA*
and BPMN language. The modeling tool SLMTool-
Box supports the transformation and the mapping of
activities with human interaction (e.g. Pilot Mana-
The second model transformation (3) is an enri-
chment of the BPMN model, in which specialized hu-
mans resources add more technological details in the
process. In this paper, we intend to improve security
aspects around the business process with specific de-
tails about security activities as depicted in Figure 4.
The model transformation (4) is the unification of
differents BPMN of the process in a unique BPMN
diagram. The business process management suite
(jBPM) imports an BPMN diagram. (5) and (6) re-
present the integration and execution of the workflow
in the jBPM suite. In the execution, some security ser-
vices implemented in Web Services (JAX-RS techno-
logy) are instantiated and used by the workflow (7).
This section describes the execution of the process ba-
sed on a Business Process Management (BPM) Suite,
which is responsible to control the execution of the
process and enable perform services calls. This ap-
proach is essential to produces the services orchestra-
tion based on the model driven service engineering
The unified BPMN is imported to the Kie Work-
bench to execute following services calls. This en-
vironment requires some configurations of the work-
flow as well as variables to control the process’ work-
flow, and also, request calls to Web Services are defi-
Figure 6 presents a workflow within the KIE
Workbench. This solution has an integration for rule
orchestration/flow offering process management of a
combination of processes, rules and events.
To simplify the workflow, the unified BPMN im-
ported centralized different pools/lanes in a unique
pool. In this case, there is a abstraction of these details
in the execution of the process. Two types of activi-
ties are used in this process to perform services calls
and users tasks to interacting with human resources to
receive inputs and show the service’s results.
The process is composed by some user tasks at
design time to define configurations about data col-
lection and runtime security monitoring. For exam-
ple, the manufacturing pilot manager is responsible to
virtualize his resources in the C2NET platform. So,
a set of resource’s configurations need to be uploaded
in this tasks to be published in the platform. Conside-
ring security issues, a security service is responsible
to collect information about resources to be imple-
mented some security mechanisms to protect them.
Model Driven Implementation of Security Management Process
Figure 6: BPMN of security management process.
Figure 7: Form of a security alert generated by a security tool.
This information will be used by the runtime security
monitoring service to start specific tools according in-
formation collected.
After to publish configurations in the C2NET plat-
form, the workflow starts two parallels tasks such as
Data Collection and Security Monitoring, respecti-
vely. Data collection tasks are responsible to read data
of resources in the sensor network that it will be pro-
cessed based on data filtering according to data stan-
dards of the C2NET project.
Meanwhile, security mechanisms are used to mo-
nitor resources based on previous information about
devices. Each mechanisms report security alerts when
an anomaly is detected. These alerts are important to
the security process to identify potential solutions ba-
sed on the threat detected. In order to facilitate the
interoperability across a wide range of security me-
chanisms, IETF INtrusion Detection Platforms Wor-
king Group (Debar et al., 2007), established since
2007, has defined a standard interoperable message-
type formats to carry alerts or notifications correspon-
ding to events as well as parameterization commands.
Many research contributions and projects have adop-
ted the XML-IDMEF that are available in different
languagues such as C, C++ Java and Python.
Security alerts are formatted based on this stan-
dard format, which each alert IDMEF-Message is
composed with such information: CreateTime, De-
tectTime, AnalyzerTime, Source (Node, User, Pro-
cess or Service), Target (Node, User, Process or
Service), Classification, Assessment, AdditionalData
(Debar et al., 2007).
Some information are used in this paper to des-
cribe a security alert to identify mechanisms that can
be used to recover by a human resource. In this paper,
a form is used to show detailed information about an
anomaly detection of a security tool. Follow section
will describe an execution of the workflow based on
detected threat and forwarded to corrective action.
The execution of workflow allows to perform se-
veral services calls and to provide an interaction with
human resources based on some model transforma-
tion from business models to BPMN diagram. In this
simple example, the data collection process emcom-
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
pass a security monitoring service to identify potential
threat in the sensor network.
Figure 7 demonstrated a human task (Corrective
Action) responsible to the perform some configurati-
ons to recover a detected threat. This interaction with
a security expert is enriched with the result of Secu-
rity Threat Analysis, which proposes security mecha-
nims or only changes in security polices to recover an
anomaly to the network.
This security analysis enables to identify false po-
sitives that can occur and it must not interrup the
workflow. In contrast, some problems can result to
the end of the workflow. For instance, if an threat re-
sults in a critical problem for the infrastructure.
In this context, the human receive detailed infor-
mation about detected threats and security solutions
to be implemented.
Cooperative networks include organizations and busi-
nesses that are owned and managed by the people pro-
viding products and supplying of services. The crea-
tion of new services requires time and effort to design
effective services. The adoption of a methodology of
the Model Driven Service Engineering Architecture
(MDSEA) implements the process of model transfor-
mation from business details to specific artifacts.
The paper presented a implementation of a secu-
rity management process in a business model of the
manufacturing scenario of C2NET project as well as
the execution of model transformations following a
methodology MDSEA to enrich specific details du-
ring the process.
Due to the facility to construct services based on
model driven engineering behind manufacturing en-
terprises, the methodology MDSEA could be imple-
mented to demonstrate the transition between busi-
ness models to security artifacts and implementati-
ons. This implementation of the security management
process provided a view to understand how to enrich
a simple business model based on a methodology as
well as transforming high-level abstraction models to
add specific details of security activities.
As future works, we intend to use model dri-
ven engineering to support services development that
should to be executed in this security management
process. Also, the integration of ontology-based so-
lution need to be studied for the adoption of an
ontology-based framework to support making deci-
sion in realtime.
The research leading to this work has received fun-
ding from CAPES Proc. N
: BEX 0966/15-0 and
European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme
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MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development