design and serious games in healthcare. Finally, the
visual novel is introduced.
2.1 Affective Computing and Games
Computer games provide a valuable research setting
for human–computer interaction research,
particularly with respect to their design, interfaces
and design processes (Yannakakis and Togelius,
2011). As games often offer emotional experiences,
they are a good example of affective computing
(Yannakakis and Togelius, 2011). In 1995, Picard
defined affective computing as “computing that
relates to, arises from, and deliberately influences
emotion” (2010, p. 11). Yannakakis, Isbister, Paiva
and Karpouzis (2014) suggest that computer games
can best realise affective interaction. The rich content
of games, consisting of music, sound effects, audio,
virtual graphics and game mechanics, provides
obvious triggers for raising the emotions of players
(Yannakakis et al., 2014).
Research on player motivation attempts to
establish the psychological needs that games satisfy
and how different games fulfil these needs. This
provides information about both the positive and
negative experiences within games (Rigby and Ryan,
Malone and Lepper (1987) identified four major
factors that make a learning environment such as a
gaming activity intrinsically motivating: challenge,
curiosity, control and fantasy. These individual
factors motivate a player when playing alone, while
interpersonal factors such as cooperation,
competition and recognition motivate a player when
interacting with other players (Malone and Lepper,
The Player Experience of Need Satisfaction
(PENS) model details the satisfactions that hook
players to games. This model is based on the fact that
video games are considered most engaging when they
satisfy specific intrinsic needs: competence,
autonomy and relatedness. Competence refers to our
desire to grow abilities and gain mastery of new
situations and challenges. Digital games easily
provide highly engaging experiences in rich virtual
worlds, which brings immediacy and can satisfy
motivational needs such as competence and mastery.
Autonomy refers to our desire to take actions based on
our own decisions and not to be controlled by others.
There is a certain consistency in games: once a player
learns the rules, the outcome will consistently reflect
the player’s actions and expectations. Relatedness
reflects our need to have meaningful connections with
others (Rigby and Ryan, 2011). Density refers to the
ability of games to deliver competence and the other
needs at a high tempo and with a well-built feedback
2.2 Game Design Aspects
Designing digital games involves psychological
aspects (Rigby and Ryan, 2011) as well as mechanical
and artistic aspects (Fullerton, 2014). According to
Rollings and Adams (2003), game design is a process
that includes imagining a game, defining how it
works, describing its elements and transmitting all
this information to the game development team. A
common element in digital game design is designing
systems of actions and outcomes where the game
responds easily to a player’s input (Salen and
Zimmerman, 2004).
The process of video game design involves
designing the content and rules in the pre-production
stage and designing the gameplay, environment,
storyline and characters in the production stage
(Bethke, 2003; Fullerton, 2014). Adams (2013)
divides the game design process into three parts: the
concept stage, which is performed first; the
elaboration stage, where most of the design details
are added and refined; and, finally, the tuning stage,
which involves polishing the game.
2.3 Serious Games in Healthcare
Social security systems and healthcare providers
differ among various countries and on a global scale,
with each market area having its own methods for
facilitating a healthy lifestyle (Kaleva et al., 2013).
There are many different stakeholders in the health
game market: hospitals, clinics, private practice
physicians, governments, corporations, other
organisations and individual consumers (Susi et al.,
Braad, Folkerts and Jonker (2013), Friess, Kolas
and Knoch (2014) and Deen, Heynen, Schouten, van
der Helm and Korebrits (2014) have all used similar
processes in serious game development in the health
sector. These processes all include a strong research
and analysis phase at the beginning. Involving
different stakeholders is also essential. An iterative
development process (or prototyping) is used, along
with user-group testing and an evaluation or
validation phase at the close of the game development
Supporting players’ motivation and enhancing
behaviour change are key points in health game
design (Rigby and Ryan, 2011). It is essential to use
game elements like surprise and simulation to engage
players and enable immersion (Adams, 2013). In
addition, developing a health game needs a
multidisciplinary team to work successfully together
(Kemppainen et al., 2014). Brox, Fernandez-Luque
and Tollefsen (2011) suggest that it is important to:
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems