new version, the objective was to improve the
experience of the user, by giving the option to
specify the worlds in the EA* model, facilitating
with this approach the redesign in the BPMN2.0
model. For that, it was needed to change the
transformation code, improving the transformation
and accelerate the design time. These changes
allowed to include in the business process model a
more detailed information about the involved
worlds. It facilitated, technical teams, with their
knowledge about the osmosis worlds’ concept and
technical modelling skills, to enrich the business
process model with the osmosis behaviours and
constrains. This new version of the Toolbox
improved user experience as well as the integration
between the business level and the technical level.
The notion of the worlds in the transformation rules
improved the resulting BPMN process, causing the
user to make fewer changes in it. At same time, due
to the fact that the Toolbox follows the MDA
paradigm, it gives the capability (at the design phase
of the processes models) to re-adapt over time,
allowing to evolve when occurring a change in the
process or service, which need to be changed.
As future work, the authors intend to enrich LSE
environment tool with the osmosis events pallet, so
the osmosis processes modelling can be facilitated.
The authors also want to improve the deployment to
jBPM, enabling the import of the BPMN directly to
the jBPM reducing the time to execution and
improving the instantiation and parametrization of
the activities, since it is made at same level.
Authors would like to acknowledge the European
funded Projects OSMOSE (FP7 610905) and
C2NET (H2020 636909) that supported the
development of various ideas, concepts and use case
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