initiatives, which is cited by all four government
frameworks presented, but not in a systematic way.
FACIN intends to present information and actions to
support de development and management of
transparency actions as an integral part of the EA
(Nunes et al, 2016).
5.2 Next Steps
Currently all 9 views are available (https://www.
So far, its main ideas have been accepted and public
organizations recognize its value. During 2017 each
Reference Model will be under a detailed
development and evaluation congregating a larger
group of participants and considering ideas from the
Public Consultation and the Forum. Afterwards,
pilots aiming at evaluating FACIN’s Content
Framework will be performed. The aim is to identify
how it can help answering or supporting
visualization of current and urgent questions internal
to organizations and among them.
The management and effective use of information
through the use of ICT is the key to the success of
public organizations in offering better services to
society. FACIN aims to meet this need by providing
a strategic point of view for the development of ICT.
Its establishment is a key element to leverage the
Brazilian e-gov program based on best practices to
promote the integration of processes, systems and
information, with maximum stability and flexibility.
In addition, it serves as a conceptual framework for
defining interoperability standards in technical,
semantic and organizational dimensions, to support
organizations in collaborating with each other.
Governments around the world are currently
investing efforts and resources in this regard,
seeking in the digital governance the needed
discipline to make this synergy and in the EA the
foundation to achieve it, i.e., a pattern that can be
implemented as common sense, responsible for
effective interoperability in scale, as it provides
transparency about the responsibilities, operations,
resources and results obtained. As a reference
model, FACIN aims to integrate architectures from
the various organizations, enabling interoperability
across the government. From its adoption, we intend
that the interested parties will refer their
architectural models to the views of the framework,
promoting alignment and ensuring the progress of
their initiatives based on this new discipline.
Our thanks to the Ministry of Planning,
Development and Management (MP), to the Federal
Data Processing Service (SERPRO) and to The
Open Group for sponsoring this initiative.
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