The Impact of Cloud Forensic Readiness on Security
Ahmed Alenezi
1, 2
, Nurul H. N. Zulkipli
, Hany F. Atlam
, Robert J. Walters
and Gary B. Wills
Electronic and Computer Science Dept., University of Southampton, University Road, SO17 1BJ, Southampton, U.K.
Computer Science Dept., Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Northern Border University,
Rafha, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Security, Digital Forensics, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Cloud Forensics, Cloud Forensic Readiness.
Abstract: The rapid increase in the use of cloud computing has led it to become a new arena for cybercrime. Since cloud
environments are, to some extent, a new field for digital forensics, a number of technical, legal and
organisational challenges have been raised. Although security and digital forensics share the same concerns,
when an attack occurs, the fields of security and digital forensics are considered different disciplines. This
paper argues that cloud security and digital forensics in cloud environments are converging fields. As a result,
unifying security and forensics by being forensically ready and including digital forensics aspects in security
mechanisms would enhance the security level in cloud computing, increase forensic capabilities and prepare
organizations for any potential attack.
It is agreed that cloud computing is increasingly
acceptable and has brought many benefits to the field
of computing. Cloud computing technology has
allowed end-users to utilise technologies as services
(Buyya, 2009). However, with the rapid adoption of
cloud computing, it has become an attractive area for
cybercrime, which leads to new technical and legal
issues (Ruan et al., 2011). Since the introduction of
cloud technology, extensive research has been
conducted on cloud security, but cloud environments
are still not compleately secure. The security
concerns of cloud computing are: availability,
privacy, integrity, and confidentiality. Once an attack
occurs, digital forensics is concerned with finding,
preserving, and analysing evidence, and providing
reports, enabling the criminals to be prosecuted.
Since the quantity of cloud storage providers
(CSPs) is expanding, users have numerous choices of
services to store the data in the cloud (Yahya et al.,
2014). However, the issue for keeping the safety of
the sensitive data stored still important (Zissis and
Lekkas, 2012). There are three recognised service
models in cloud computing (Weinhardt et al. 2009;
Ertaul et al., 2010; Mell and Grance, 2011) as shown
Figure 1 (Zhang et al., 2010).
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model
service providers offer their applications to users
through the network. Users can access the
applications using thin clients and browsers or
program interfaces designed to communicate with
the other applications hosted in the cloud.
Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) model
mainly offered for applications developers as an
environment on which to host and support
development with libraries, services, tools,
networks, and storage.
Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) model
provides the infrastructure and resources to host
users’ machines (virtual machines). IaaS providers
offer computing power, storage, networks, and any
other supporting resources to host virtual machines
(VMs). Each host in the cloud IaaS model is
occupied by a number of VMs sharing the
resources; the VMs are isolated from each other by
the virtualization layer.
Figure 1: Cloud Computing Services (Zhang et al., 2010).
Alenezi, A., Zulkipli, N., Atlam, H., Walters, R. and Wills, G.
The Impact of Cloud Forensic Readiness on Security.
DOI: 10.5220/0006332705390545
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 511-517
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Four cloud deployment models described as Public
Cloud, Private Cloud, Community Cloud and Hybrid
Cloud as shown in Figure 2. As discussed in (Fonseca
and Boutaba, 2015) and (Jayaprakash, 2014), the
deployment models can be described as the
Figure 2: Cloud computing deployment models
(Jayaprakash, 2014).
Public Clouds: A cloud service provider offers
their assets and resources including the
administrations to the public. Public cloud offers a
few key advantages to the service provider, including
without bearing the cost of the infrastructure and the
service provider will take full responsibility.
However, this implementation of cloud needs subtle
control over data and security settings, which
impedes their capability in various organization
(Fonseca and Boutaba, 2015).
Private clouds: Also known as, internal clouds
where it is Outline for the use by a particular
organization. It permits the user to control the sort and
design of equipment acquired. A private cloud might
be constructed and overseen by the organization or by
the external provider. The users have full control over
execution, performance, dependability and security
aspects of the cloud deployment. However, the
flexibility scaling processing assets is reduced and no
cost sharing choice due to single proprietorship
(Fonseca and Boutaba, 2015).
Hybrid Clouds: This type of deployment combines
the public and private cloud models to complement
each approach. It offers more flexibility. Hybrid
cloud is firmly control and security over application
data stood out from the public cloud, while yet
reassuring on-demand advantage improvement and
compression. A best practice is to utilize public cloud
but leverages the private cloud where security and
protection needs are too high (Jayaprakash, 2014).
Community Clouds: A multi-tenant environment
focused on a constrained set of organizations. These
organizations meet up to share their computing
resources and gain benefits. The organizations
ordinarily have comparable security, protection,
execution and consistency prerequisites. The people
group, for the most part, confines members from a
similar industry or with comparative needs
(Jayaprakash, 2014).
The cloud is increasingly acceptable but security
concerns are being voiced about the implementation
of this approach (Zissis and Lekkas, 2012). Users
expect the cloud providers to provide suitable security
controls (Subashini and Kavitha, 2011).
Cloud application software and databases are
operated in large data centres. Sen, (2013) has
summarized the following security issues:
Threats in flaw of information resources
Threat and attacker vector and their capabilities for
attacking the cloud.
Security risks related with the cloud (attacks and
the countermeasures).
Emergent of cloud security threats.
Some cloud security incidents.
2.1 Current Attacks and Threats to the
Cloud computing is vulnerable to several types of
security threat. Table 1 summarizes an outline of the
threats and attackers to cloud service model and its
Table 1: Cloud Threats and Attacks.
Cloud Threats Attacks on Cloud
Insider user threats
Malware Injection Attack:
SQL injection attack
Cross-sites scripting
External attacker &
Denial-of-Service attack
Data leakage Side Channel attack
Data segregation
Authentication attack:
Brute Force Attacks
Dictionary Attack
Shoulder Surfing
Replay Attacks
Phishing Attacks
Key Loggers
User access Man-In-The-Middle Attacks:
DNS Spoofing
Session Hijacking
Physical disruption
Exploiting weak
recovery procedures
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
importance based on security requirement
(confidentiality, integrity, and availability) as being
discussed in (Sen, 2013), (Chou, 2013) and (Chouhan
and Singh, 2016).
2.2 Cloud Security Risks
Few publications have addressed cloud security risks.
According to Sen (2013) and Heiser and Nicolett
(2008), Cloud security risks include:
User access privileged
Locality and division of the data
Data removal
Secure observation and e-investigations
Assuring cloud security
Cloud forensics is an inter- discipline as it combines
the cloud computing and digital forensic areas (Ruan
et al., 2011). In cloud, there is a collective of
networked data source that can be reconfigured
rapidly with least effort (Mell and Grance, 2011).
While in digital forensics, it is used to investigate and
examine the potential evidence before presented in a
court of law (Kent et al., 2006) when there is any
potential of offense in a cyber-crime related to the
A more formal definition of digital forensic is
presented by (Palmer, 2001) as follows:
“ Digital forensics is the use of scientifically
derived and proven methods for the preservation,
collection, validation, identification, analysis,
interpretation, documentation and presentation of
digital evidence derived from digital sources for the
purpose of facilitating or furthering the
reconstruction of events found to be criminal, or
helping to anticipate unauthorized actions shown to
be disruptive to planned operations” (Palmer, 2001).
The cloud forensic can be viewed as a subset of
network forensic whew the investigation still being
conducted using the main processes of network
forensics but techniques deployed is personalized
according to cloud computing environments (Ruan et
al., 2011). Difference investigation procedures
involve based on the service and deployment model
of cloud (Zawoad and Hasan, 2013).
The Cloud Forensic Investigative Architecture
(CFIA) is a model proposed by Ruan & Carthy
(2013). It comprises the initial modules for allowing
investigations in a cloud environment, as shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Cloud Forensic Investigative Architecture (Ruan
and Carthy, 2013).
This model comprises four main divisions: 1) Pre-
investigative Readiness, 2) Core-forensic Process, 3)
Supportive Processes, and 4) Investigative Interfaces.
In Figure 3, the vertical line is the component in cloud
environment that being investigated, including the
technical infrastructure and its legal complications.
On the left side is the investigator team such as the
forensic team or the law enforcement. At the top are
shown the pre-investigation readiness components.
The hybrid acquisition are the main forensic process
modules where it collects a part of re-active data as
includes in the of forensic acquisition techniques
(Ruan and Carthy,2013).
3.1 Challenges in Cloud Forensics
The benefits and challenges in cloud forensic
investigation has discussed in many previous works.
Reilly et al., (2010) has concluded that having data in
a central location is one of the benefits where the
investigation can be carried out faster. (Grispos et al.,
The challenges of cloud forensic usually related
on how to control of the evidence, especially in the
process of collection, preservation and validation. It
is difficult to identify the evidence in the cloud
environment since the deployment of service models
is differ. Furthermore, seizing of the physical device
that stores potential pieces of evidence is also
The challenges of cloud forensics is been listed by
(Pichan et al., 2015) and (Grispos et al., 2012)
according to the forensic phases in Table 2. From the
list of challenges, the cloud forensic clearly require
The Impact of Cloud Forensic Readiness on Security
new systems, structures and instruments for
performing advanced investigation.
Table 2: Cloud Forensic Challenges (Pichan et al., 2015)
and (Grispos et al., 2012).
Forensic Phase List of Challenges
Obscure physical area
Decentralized information
Information Duplication
Reliance Chain
Reliance on CSP
Chain of Custody
Evidence Isolation
Dispersed Storage
Information Volatility
Information Integrity
Reliance on CSP
Time synchronization
Erased information
Lack of investigation tools
Examination &
Absence of Log Framework
Evidence time lining
Encrypted information
The crucial challenge is that the evidence can exist
in anywhere in the world. Any investigation needs to
ensure that third parties have not compromised the
evidence, in order to be admissible and acceptable in
a court of law. (Grispos et al., 2012) In addition, it is
also important to secure the chain of custody and
maintain the integrity of the digital evidence.
Most of the cloud forensics techniques used
depending on the cloud deployment and service
model. For instance, the user does not have the ability
to access the equipment in PaaS and SaaS, and they
only rely on the logs provided by the CSP. While in
IaaS, the end user have the capability to duplicate of
the occurrence and obtain the logs (Zawoad and
Hasan, 2013). The accessibility to the hardware and
privacy differs between the public and private cloud
where the end user is restricted to access those in
public cloud and not in private cloud. (Subashini and
Kavitha, 2011).
Cross-Jurisdictional aspects also become major
challenges. In the modern distributed systems, the
data might probable to go beyond national borders
especially during the processing or storing of data
sets. This challenge need to be considerable and it
does not risk the investigative procedure (Pearson,
There is no doubt that there is a relationship between
security and forensics in the field of computing.
Security concerns for cloud computing are:
availability, privacy, integrity, and confidentiality,
while digital forensics focus on finding and
preserving evidence. It can be argued that digital
forensics can facilitate and improve that security by
its very readiness (Haggerty and Taylor, 2006).
Grobler and Louwrens (2007) acknowledged the
existence of the overlap between security and
forensics, and concluded that digital forensics
components also can be considered as security best
practices. Pangalos, Ilioudis and Pagkalos (2010)
believe that the whole domain of security should be
encompassed by digital forensics in order to have
digital investigations that lead to successful litigation.
Marco, Kechadi and Ferrucci (2013) agreed that
the readiness of digital forensics can enhance security
since it prepares organisations to be ready for
potential threats. Consequently, in cloud
environments where digital forensics become more
complicated, forensic readiness can be considered a
noteworthy component of cloud security best
4.1 Comparison of Cloud Security and
Cloud Forensics
The key goal of security in cloud computing is to
minimise the risk of potential threats and cyberattacks
in the cloud, while digital forensics investigates any
breach. The comparisons between cloud security and
cloud forensics provided in Table 3.
Table 3: Comparison of cloud security with cloud forensics.
Cloud Security Cloud Forensics
Provides security
assurance for both
physical and logical
security issues in cloud
Determines and
reconstructs the chain
of events that may led
to a specific incident
by analysing electronic
information stored in
the cloud.
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Comparison of cloud security with cloud forensics
Cloud Security Cloud Forensics
Preparing the cloud
infrastructure to support
Apply security controls,
procedures, processes
and standards.
Incident recognition
e.g. Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDS).
Security training and
Specify the judicial
region and legal aspects
in SLAs regarding
Preparing the cloud
infrastructure to
support forensics.
Define forensics
procedures, processes
and standards.
Incident recognition
e.g. Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDS).
Forensics training and
Specify the judicial
region and legal
aspects in SLAs
regarding forensics.
Security measurements
and preparations are
considered in order to
be securely ready to
prevent cyber threats
from ever happening in
the cloud (e.g. meeting
security requirements
and applying set of
procedures, processes
and standards).
measurements and
preparations are
considered in order to
be forensically ready to
undertake digital
investigations in cloud
environments (e.g.
meeting forensics
requirements and
applying set of
procedures, processes
and standards.
Security responses and
techniques to confront
threats during a live
The ability to acquire
digital evidence during
real-time incident
Security techniques to
minimise and prevent
further damage to the
cloud (e.g. Disaster
Recovery Plans).
techniques after
incident or while
systems are inactive, to
identify, extract,
preserve, and analyse
digital evidence.
4.2 Cloud Forensics as Part of Security
While many security experts believe that it is
impossible to completely secure a system, Pangalos
and Katos (2010) have emphasised the need to
include digital forensics in security policies. This
would obviously enhance the security since forensics
typically rely on some security aspects, such as logs.
In cloud computing environments, a number of
attempts have been made to include cloud forensics
in security policies, but only in certain situations.
However, in many cloud security breaches, a
cybercrime has been committed, which should
persuade both security and forensics teams to work
together to minimise future threats and investigate the
current cyber-attack. For example, security policies
should state that when the IDS recognises a malicious
activity, security and forensics teams need to be
notified immediately. This would enhance the status
of forensics readiness in organisations (Pangalos and
Katos, 2010).
4.3 Cloud Forensics Readiness
Recent increases in the number of cyberattacks on
cloud environments is clear evidence of criminals’
ability to cause significant and costly damage to cloud
customers or cloud providers (Marco et al., 2013).
This increase in security breaches has encouraged
many organisations to be forensically ready to
undertake internal digital forensics investigations
without relying on third parties (Hewling, 2013).
Being forensically ready would allow
organisations to increase their ability to acquire
admissible digital evidence and to reduce the costs of
any potential digital forensics investigation (Tan,
2001). Cloud forensic readiness can be defined as
preparedness to provide the relevant digital forensics
information in order to increase the forensics
capabilities and reduce the costs of carrying out cloud
forensics investigations. In support of this, a cloud
forensics survey has shown that three-quarters of the
respondents agreed that collecting relevant data
proactively in a cloud environment is important
(Ruan et al., 2011).
There is a clear need for both cloud consumers
and cloud providers to be forensically ready before
any incident occurs, in order to minimise potential
threats and investigation costs.
It is evident that there is a relationship between
security and digital forensics in cloud environments.
Despite the well-known fact that securing an entire
system from potential cyber threats is almost
impossible, many security and forensics teams in
cloud environments are still working separately.
Furthermore, a number of studies have confirmed that
The Impact of Cloud Forensic Readiness on Security
digital forensics terms are missing from Service Level
Agreements, standards and procedures (Ruan et al.,
2012); (Thorpe et al., 2013); (Ruan et al., 2013);
(NIST, 2014).
In many cases analysts work relies on existing
security techniques, which can lead to the acquisition
of admissible evidence. This confirms the importance
of teamwork among security and forensics, and the
level of readiness and their contradictory objectives.
For instance, by working together and intensively
considering all the possible methods of digital attack,
security practitioners can provide vital details to
forensics analysts regarding what attackers may use
and what preparations need to be made. Likewise,
when an incident occurs, the security objective is to
reduce the damages to the cloud in order to be
available for other users, while the digital forensic
objective is to acquire evidence and prosecute
In order to close the gap between security and
forensics in cloud environments, we recommend that
organisations should be forensically ready. From the
above discussion, it is evident that digital forensics
readiness can certainly benefit cloud environments in
many ways. Some of these benefits are cost
effectiveness: where organisations do not need to hire
external investigators (Ruan et al., 2011), being legal
if law enforcement is engaged (Rowlingson, 2004),
and improving security strategies (Pangalos el al.,
2010); (Marco el al., 2013).
Once an organisation becomes forensically ready,
digital forensics should be included in security
policies. Unifying security and forensics together in
cloud environments would increase the security level,
and forensics capabilities, and make an organisation
prepared for any potential attack.
While the volume of cyber threats is increasing,
security in cloud computing is still an ongoing
research area. Although cloud computing has become
an attractive field for cybercriminals, no research has
investigated the impact on security of cloud forensic
readiness. This paper has introduced and compared
the topics of cloud computing and digital forensics, in
order to illustrate their overlap. Finally, the impact of
cloud forensic readiness on the security level was
discussed and how cloud forensic readiness can
enhance cloud security. To reduce the gap between
security and forensics in cloud environments, more
studies need to be undertaken of readiness
requirements and the factors that influence readiness.
In the future, a case study will be conducted to
demonstrate how cloud forensic readiness is used for
particular cloud security incidents.
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The Impact of Cloud Forensic Readiness on Security