this representation.
Queiroz and Da Silva (Queiroz Junior and
da Silva, 2015) evaluates different configurations of
a case-based reasoning strategy, which aims to find
transformation sequences for a specific program. The
goal of their work was to evaluate the performance of
such strategy using: (1) different databases; (2) differ-
ent coefficients to identify programs with similar re-
actions; and (3) different program characterizations.
Although, Queiroz’s and Da Silva’s work has the ap-
peal of evaluating several configuration, it has three
problems: (1) it does not describe a formalism to find
an efficient representation; (2) it evaluates only two
representations; and (3) the results obtained by the
code-generating system does not use only one con-
Finding the best form of knowledge representation
depends on a determined objective and requires de-
tailed evaluations of the constructed formalism.
A complex problem, in the computer science field,
is to generate good target code because it is program-
dependent. This indicates that proposed strategies
should consider the program during decision-making.
In addition, they need to contemplate which transfor-
mations should be applied during the code-generation
Although the literature describes several strate-
gies that attempt to mitigate the code-generationprob-
lem, there is no consensus on which knowledge rep-
resentation should be utilized in these types of sys-
tems. Furthermore, various strategies do not consider
the said problem as program-dependent, because the
complexity to identify an efficient knowledge repre-
This article presented and validated an efficient
knowledge representation to characterize programs,
. This representation is interesting because can
be extracted statically and is not dependent of pro-
gramming languages nor hardware architecture. An-
other contribution of this article is the identification of
a coefficient that is able to identify programsthat react
similarly when compiled applying the same transfor-
mation sequence.
The results obtained by the code-generating sys-
tem, that considers
as program representation, is
able to find good transformation sequences, as well
as outperforms other code-generating systems.
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