Table 1: Comparison to related works.
Work Start point Result
(Schwitter, 1996) Specification lan-
(Deeptimahanti and
Sanyal, 2011)
Unrestricted natural
UML diagrams
(Friedrich et al.,
Unrestricted natural
BPMN diagram
(Liu et al., 2004) Templates UML class and se-
quence diagrams
(Abbott, 1983) Unrestricted natural
ADA Executable
(manual process)
(Geetha and Mala,
2013) (Geetha and
Anandha Mala,
Unrestricted natural
E-R diagram
(Popescu et al.,
Templates UML class diagram
(Chioac, 2012) Unrestricted natural
(Overmyer et al.,
Unrestricted natural
UML class diagram
(Desai et al., 2016) Unrestricted natural
This Work Restricted natu-
ral language +
Executable Web ap-
plication prototype
languages in the new representation. The use of this
new language permits to overcome limitations in tra-
ditional specification languages, improving the code
generation capabilities considerably.
This work opens up interesting paths for the au-
tomatic fast prototyping of web applications. How-
ever, there is more work to be done in the future.
This includes: to propose a sub-grammar/method for
automatic gateway resolution, and to extend the pro-
posed restricted natural language by including infor-
mation present in other design models besides E-R
and BPMN. Other limitations of the present work can
be addressed as well, such as: altering tasks execution
based on previous tasks; visualizations of data; ana-
lytics over the performed processes; geo-referencing
fields; fields with special visualizations; and special
restrictions in relationships between domain classes.
In exchange for these limitations, a fast prototyp-
ing scheme is obtained where results can be seen, ex-
ecuted, and altered in very short time allowing all of
this to occur during a live meeting with the stakehold-
ers. The changes made to the specification can be
seen instantly thanks to code generation capabilities
and IDE integrations. The final product of this proto-
typing scheme is a source code ready to be part of the
final product. This reduces the problems associated
with the requirements elicitation and design stages.
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ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering