Guildlines of Data Quality Issues for Data Integration in the Context
of the TPC-DI Benchmark
Qishan Yang
, Mouzhi Ge
and Markus Helfert
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Data Quality, Data Integration, TPC-DI Benchmark, ETL.
Abstract: Nowadays, many business intelligence or master data management initiatives are based on regular data
integration, since data integration intends to extract and combine a variety of data sources, it is thus
considered as a prerequisite for data analytics and management. More recently, TPC-DI is proposed as an
industry benchmark for data integration. It is designed to benchmark the data integration and serve as a
standardisation to evaluate the ETL performance. There are a variety of data quality problems such as
multi-meaning attributes and inconsistent data schemas in source data, which will not only cause problems
for the data integration process but also affect further data mining or data analytics. This paper has
summarised typical data quality problems in the data integration and adapted the traditional data quality
dimensions to classify those data quality problems. We found that data completeness, timeliness and
consistency are critical for data quality management in data integration, and data consistency should be
further defined in the pragmatic level. In order to prevent typical data quality problems and proactively
manage data quality in ETL, we proposed a set of practical guidelines for researchers and practitioners to
conduct data quality management in data integration.
The data warehouse, as the organizations’ data
repository, is a subject-oriented, integrated,
non-volatile and time-variant collection of data in
support of management’s decision (Inmon et al.,
2010). The links and relationships among the
Extract-Transform-Load (ETL), data warehouse and
data quality were denoted by Kimball and Caserta
(2011): ETL systems extract data from the source
data, enforce data quality and consistency standards,
and conform data, which enable the separate sources
to be used together and finally deliver data in a data
warehouse with the presentation-ready format.
Recently, a more comprehensive acronym DI
(data integration) replaced the ETL. The process of
the ETL can be described by DI which extracts and
combines data from source data with a variety of
formats, transforms the data into a unified data
model representation and populates it into a data
repository (Poess et al, 2014).
When building a data warehouse, ETL tools are
the bridge for the data migration from data sources
to destinations. Even though, it is invisible to end
users and a black room activity, it could cost 70
percent of the resources needed for the data
warehousing implementation and maintenance
(Kimball and Caserta, 2011). Data integration
systems manipulate and examine data streams to
avoid rubbish data in for a data warehouse and
rubbish out for decision-making or presentation
systems. Hence, DI benchmark plays an vital role to
evaluate ETL tools when there are several ETL
candidates to choose. It could also provide data and
a schema to benchmark ETL tools and build a ETL
evaluation-oriented data warehouse respectively.
is designed as the first benchmark
to evaluate Data Integration systems(Poess et al.,
2014). The data used in the TPC-DI benchmark for
testing and data warehouse populating is generated
by a (fictitious) brokerage firm's operating system
along with other sources of data. This benchmark
also designs the source and destination data models,
data transformations and implementation rules
(TPC, 2016).
Yang, Q., Ge, M. and Helfert, M.
Guildlines of Data Quality Issues for Data Integration in the Context of the TPC-DI Benchmark.
DOI: 10.5220/0006334301350144
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 135-144
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Data quality issues appear frequently in the stage
of the data integration when ETL tools extract data
from resources, migrate and populate data into data
repositories. Hence, data quality is an important
aspect in the data integration process (Kimball and
Caserta, 2011). Data quality has become a critical
concern to the success of organisations. Numerous
business initiatives have been delayed or even
cancelled, citing poor-quality data as the main
reason. Previous research has indicated that
understanding the effects of data quality is critical to
the success of organisations (Ge et al. 2011). A high
quality of data provides the foundation for the data
Most initial data quality frameworks have
considered all the data quality dimensions are
equally important (Knight and Burn, 2005). More
recently, as Fehrenbacher and Helfert (2012) stated,
it is necessary to prioritise certain data quality
dimensions for data management. However, as far as
we know, there is not yet work to prioritise data
quality diemensions in ETL. Furthermore, there is
limited research in guiding the data quality
management in the data integration process.
Therefore, in this paper we intend to find out
which data quality dimensions are crucial to data
integration and also attempt to derive the guidelines
for proactive data quality management in data
integration. The contribution of this paper are two
folds, first, we found that some typical data quality
problems exist in data integration process. We have
specified those data quality problems and related
them to different data quality dimensions. It can be
seen that certain data quality diemsnions need to be
further refined, and more dimenions towards
operational squence and data uniqueness should be
used in the data quality management in ETL. On the
other hand, in order to proactively manage data
quality in data integration, we have derived a set of
data quality guidelines that can be used to avoid data
quality pitfalls and problems when integrating data
and using the TPC-DI Benchmark.
The remainder of the paper is organised as
follows. Section 2 reviewes the related work of data
quality and data integration. Section 3 describes the
research methodology used to conduct our research.
Then in Section 4 we list the data quality problems
in data integration process and classify those data
quality problems into different data quality
dimensions in section 5. Section 6 describes the
guidelines we divided for data quality management
in data integration. Finally Section 7 concludes the
paper and outlines the future research.
In order to manage data quality, Wang (1998)
proposed the Total Data Quality Management
(TDQM) model to deliver high quality information
products. This model consists of four continuous
phases: define, measure, analyse and improve, in
which the measurement phase is critical, because
one cannot manage information quality without
having measured it effectively and meaningfully
(Batini and Scannapieco 2016). In order to measure
data quality, data quality dimensions must be
determined. To this end, Wang and Strong (1996)
used an exploratory factor analysis to derive 15 data
quality dimensions, which are widely accepted in the
following data quality research. Based on the 15
proposed dimensions, data quality assessment has
been applied in different domains such as Healthcare
(Warwicka et al., 2015), Supply Chain Management
(Ge and Helfert, 2013), and Smart City Applications
(Helfert and Ge, 2016).
Among the application domains, DI or ETL
systems have been emerging as an important field
that requires data quality management. The goal of
the data integration system denoted by Doan et al.
(2012) is decreasing the effort of users to acquire
high-quality answers from a data integration system.
They also defined a data warehouse in two tasks: (1)
implementing the centralised database schema and
physical design, (2) defining a batch of ETL
operations. Hence, the DI or ETL system is the
groundwork of the data warehousing in order to
provide synthesized, consistent and accurate data.
The ETL system manages some procedures
specifically in (1) revising or removing mistakes and
missing data, (2) offering confident documented
measures in data, (3) safekeeping the captured data
flow of transactions, (4) calibrating and integrating
multiple sources data to be leveraged
collaboratively, (5) structuring data to be usable by
end-user tools (Kimball and Caserta, 2011). It is not
only just extracting data from source systems, but
also as a combination of traffic policemen and
garages for the motorway of data flows in the data
warehousing architecture.
Due to the importance of data quality
management in ETL systems, previous research has
been conducted to study the data quality problems in
ETL systems. Singh and Singh (2010) attempted to
tabulate all possible data quality issues appearing in
the process of the data warehousing (the data source,
data integration and data profiling, data staging, ETL
and database schema). In this research, there were
totally 117 data quality problems demonstrated in
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
four tables for each data warehousing phases
respectively. Nearly half of them (52) data quality
flaws were contributed from the data sources stage,
36 issues were listed at the stage of ETL tools, and
rest of them occupied 29 data quality problems. By
reviewing the previous research, we found that there
is lack of clearly defining the data quality problems
and matching the data quality problems to data
quality dimensions. Moreover, as far as we know,
there is still no study that focuses on the data quality
problems in the ETL process that aligns with the
TPC-DI benchmark.
Before TPC-DI, there were some self-defined
measurements to benchmark ETL systems, such as
DWEB (Darmont et al., 2005) and Efficiency
Evaluation of Open Source ETL Tools (Majchrzak
et al. 2011). However, there was a lack of industry
standardised ETL benchmarks which can be used to
evaluate performances of ETL tools (Wyatt et al.,
2009). The TPC-DI was the first industry benchmark
to fill this gap regarding to ETL evaluations (Poess
et al., 2014). The TPC-DI benchmark was released
by the Transaction Processing Performance Council
(TPC) which is a non-profit corporation founded to
define transaction processing and database
benchmarks. This standardised measurement is
characterised by (1) operating and populating large
volumes of data, (2) multiple-sources data sets and a
variety of different data formats, (3) manipulations
in fact and dimensional tables’ creation and
maintenance, (4) a myriad of transformations
incorporating data validation, key lookups,
conditional logic, data type conversions, complex
aggregation operations, etc., (5) historical and
incremental Data Warehousing population loadings,
(6) guaranteeing trustable and correct data results in
integration processes under consistency
requirements. It also provides a standard
specification for the TPC-DI benchmark, in which
14 clauses have been given to deeply explain data
sources, data warehousing schema, transformations,
description of the system under test, execution rules
& metrics, pricing etc. (TPC-DI, 2016). The code for
data sets generation can be downloaded and
executed under JDK. The data set size can be
controlled by configuring the scale factor parameter.
There are three batches of data sets, the Batch 1 is
for the historical loading, the Batch 2 and 3 are
aimed at incremental loadings.
Poess et al. (2014) summarised and explained the
components of the TPC-DI including the source and
target data models, characteristics and technical
details for the generation of the data sets, the
transformations of the DI workload, the execution
rules, metric and a performance study. The TPC-DI
source data come from five different data sources,
which have to be integrated into a decision support
system. The data warehousing architecture and
workflow were pictured hierarchically and divided
into the SUT (system under test) and out of SUT
parts. The SUT part will be benchmarked, while the
out of SUT will be ignored in the process of the
evaluation. The relationships and structure of fact,
dimension and reference tables were depicted to
better demonstrate the target schema, which would
be useful in processes of constructing and populating
the data warehouse.
Since benchmarking is critical for data
integration (Vassiliadis, 2009) and TPC-DI is the
first industrial standard benchmark for data
integration (Poess et al., 2014), it is thus valuable to
study how to manage data quality in data integration
that is aligned with TPC-DI benchmark. Therefore,
based on the previous research we have not only
identified the data quality problems in the TPC-DI
context, but also classified those problems to data
quality dimensions, which can be used for data
quality management.
In this section, we describe the data integration
process that is aligned with the TPC-DI benchmark.
Along with this process, we present a typical
scenario herein for data integration. We frame our
research in this scenario and derive guidelines
Figure 1: The outline of process in the data warehousing architecture.
Guildlines of Data Quality Issues for Data Integration in the Context of the TPC-DI Benchmark
The data integration process with the TPC-DI
benchmark usually begins from the source data files
generated by DIGen which is built on top of the
Parallel Data Generation Framework (PDGF). The
capabilities of the PDGF were extended to create
data sets accompanied by the specific characteristics
required by this benchmark. The DIGen is required
to be executed under Java environment and the
PDGF needs to be placed in the same directory
(TPC-DI, 2106). After the data sources are generated
by the DIGen, the data will be delivered into the
Data Staging Area. This process is just the migration
of the source data from outside to SUT (system
under test) and no data cleansing operations. In the
Data Staging Area, all discovered data quality issues
need to be addressed and the data quality
management is conducted. Afterwards the ETL will
be carried out to import the data to data warehouse.
The outline of whole data integration workflow is
depicted in figure 1.
In practice, it is common to extract source data
firstly into flat files rather than transport data from
data resources to data warehouses directly. It is
sometimes necessary to obtain or purchase external
data from outside free source data or third-party
companies. In this case, a retail brokerage data
warehouse is built using source data provided by
TPC-DI. During this process, some data quality
issues appeared in the source data, since the data
was collected from internal and external data
In our scenario, the data is aggregated from five
sources, which are Trading Database, Human
Resource Database, Customer Prospect List,
Financial Newswire and Customer Management
System. In the data warehouse, there are some tables
which need to be emphasised because they are
involved herein as the data quality management
examples. The DimCustomer dimension table stores
customer records and DimAccount dimension table
archives customers’ account details. A new customer
must accompany a new account, but existed
customers can open more than one account. In some
scenarios, these two tables need to be looked up.
When analysing the key customers or a quarter
or annual trades made by customers via their
accounts, we need to obtain the records from
DimTrade table, and join corresponding entities
from DimCustomer and DimAccount tables. The
DimCompany table contains companies’ ID, name,
CEO, address etc. The DimSecurity table
incorporates securities issued by companies. The
Financial table gathered all the financial data of
companies. All data for these three tables is provided
by the FINWIRE files. When reviewing the market
history or rating the companies with finance, the
Fact MarketHistory table would be retrieved, and the
DimCompany, DimSecurity and Financial tables
would be looked up.
In this section, we describe the data quality problems
investigated in the data sets provided by TPC-DI
when doing the data integration process in this case.
For each type of data quality problem, we define the
data quality problem and provide typical examples
to describe the data quality problems based on our
scenario. Afterwards, we also classify the data
quality problems into different data quality
dimensions. Thus, we are able to identify which data
quality dimensions are important for data quality
management in data integration.
4.1 Missing Values
There are mainly two types of missing value
problems in the data integration process. First, the
data in one field appears to be null or empty, we
define this type of missing value as direct
incompleteness, which means this can be directly
detected by rule-based query. On the other hand,
the data can be missing because of the data
operations such as data update. We define this type
of missing value as indirect incompleteness. We
describe the two types of missing value in details as
4.1.1 The Missing Value in a Field
The Missing Value in a field indicates there is no
non-null requirement or no compulsory value
needed in some specific fields in a table. In our
scenario, the DimCompany table’s data is obtained
from FINWIRE files, some values are missing in the
field of the FoundingDate which shows when a
company has been created with the granularity of the
Even this field can be empty in the DimCompany
table, but the missing values would influence the
further Data Mining or data analysis jobs (e.g. the
company reputation assessment). Even through the
DimCompany table has a field named Sparting for
standard & poor company’s rating, but it would be
revised based on other attribute of values (e.g.
FoundingDate), so in this situation, the value of the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
FoundingDate attribute might be considered to
re-rate the value in the Sparting attribute.
4.1.2 The Updating Record with Missing
When updating a record, only new values are given
to revise the old values in the record, other fields
which are unnecessary to update are not provided in
updating records. As a typical feature in the data
warehouse, the update is not directly carried out in
the record, instead, the data warehouse will maintain
and mark this record as a legacy record and create a
new record for the updated values.
In our scenario, in the process of the
DimCustomer update, a record may only provide
customerID, address or phone values to update, the
rest fields are empty. The customerID is the
Customer identifier to uniquely identify a certain
customer, which is the primary key in the Customer
table. According to TPC-DI and the dimension
tables’ characteristic of the data warehouse, when
updating the record, the new fresh records will be
inserted and the legacy records will still be
maintained rather than be deleted. Moreover, the
fields for updating in the records may be disparate as
some records only need to update address, while
some only need to update email etc. The generalised
samples from the TPC-DI source data are tabulated
Table 1: The updating records with missing values.
Customer ID Address Email
956 XXX X@X.X New
956 NULL Y@Y.Y Update
956 YYY NULL Update
The updating records could not be inserted into
the dimension tables directly. Errors may be thrown
by a database system because there is a violation to
insert a null or empty value into non-null-allowed
4.2 The Conflict of Entities
In this paper an entity is defined an object which is
stored in dimension table as a record. The reason
why we differentiate entity and record is that one
record may contain different entities, and sometimes
a record is an entity. The conflicts of entities mean
that there are more than one valid or active record
with the same identifier in a table. The records in
tables need to agree with each other and no conflicts.
In our scenario, when we are inserting a record in
the DimSecurity table, a lookup needs be performed
to check whether the same ID already exists, if
existed, the IsCurrent field of old record should be
modified to false firstly, and then the following
inserting operation continues. However, it is typical
to use a batch to insert and update a list of records.
In order to speed up the process, several threads may
carry out the inserting and updating operations in
parallel. If inserting and updating for a certain entity
in flat files are very close, updating this entity could
be placed before inserting the record. Thus, the
lookup job would return not found and the old
record’s IsCurrent field is still true.
The situation above appeared in our experiment
when loading data with big cache. the old record’s
status would be still valid all the time even it has
already been updated. If this case is ignored or
solved improperly, there could be more than one
entity which have the same identifier and active
status but different surrogate keys. When querying
this kind of entities, which are current or valid, more
than one entity would be given with the same entity
identifier because of the conflict.
4.3 Format Incompatibility
This issue is very frequently appearing for the Date
format in data resources. The Data format conflicts
are mainly triggered by the inconsistent styles
between the data resource and data warehouse.
In our scenario, in some dimension tables of the
data source, the field of EffectiveDate is the
beginning of effective date range of a certain record.
The date retrieved from source data is a String with
the format of the YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS
which contains date and time split by the capital T.
Using a data warehouse in the Oracle database
system as an example, the date format is
DD-Mon-YY HH.MI.SS.000000000 AM/PM which
has different date and time formats compared with
the formats in source date. Two EffectiveDate
samples from source data and the Oracle data
warehouse are given in table 2.
Table 2: The samples of format incompatibility.
Date Format Place
2007-07-07T04:28:56 In the data resource
07-JUL-07 AM
In the data warehouse
If the original data with the date format in the
data resource is inserted into the data warehouse
without format transformations, the error would be
thrown as the format violation. Therefore, the
Guildlines of Data Quality Issues for Data Integration in the Context of the TPC-DI Benchmark
original date values need to be reformatted to match
the data warehouse date style.
4.4 Multi-Resource or Mixed Records
In the raw data resource, a record may contain more
than one table’s entities. The entities in this record
normally have referential or dependent relationships.
The number of entities in the raw data record
depends on the planned data operations. For
example, in the CustomerMgmt.xml, a record may
contain two dimension tables’ entities
(DimCustomer and DimAccount tables). An account
must belong to a certain customer, while a customer
could have more than one account (One-to-Many
Relationship). For each record, there is a planned
operation, named as ActionType in Table 3. When
we insert or update an account, we need to know this
account belongs to which customer, thus this record
contains two entities, which are customer and
account. On the other hand, when we only update
the customer information, the ActionType is filled
with “UPDCUST” which means Update Customer.
In this case, the record only contains one entity. In
practice, there might be more entities in one record.
As such, when we carry on the data operations
with raw data sources, we could either firstly
differentiate the entities and extract the data
operation or firstly extract the data operation and
then base on the data operation to differentiate the
entities. We found that it is time-consuming to first
differentiate the entities, since the data operation
may not use all the differentiated entities.
4.5 Multi-Table Files
In the data resource, there are some files that contain
more than one table’s records. This situation may
happen when records in the tables are collected from
the one system.
In our scenario, one file may contain three
tables’ data: CMP, SEC and FIN. The CMP records
are related to DimCompany table; the SEC belongs
to DimSecurty table; the FIN denotes to the
Financial table. The three records in Table 4 come
from the data source.
Based on the record type, the data stream
extracted from this data source file is divided into
several branches. Each branch may have
sub-branches for different purposes such as status
can be further split into different sub-branches
(ACTV and INAC). Then there are several branches
and sub-branches need to be considered in the
process of loading data into (ACTV and INAC). If
there are dependencies among the tables, the
sequence of loading the data into table needs to be
refined as some table may depend on other tables in
terms of foreign keys. If other tables are not loaded,
then there could trigger an error that the foreign keys
are not found.
4.6 Multi-Meaning Attributes
In the data source, an attribute or a field may allow
to contain different types of data which could have
different meanings, while it could be difficult to
avoid ambiguous and inseparable identifications.
In our scenario, in the data resource files there is
Table 3: The samples in mixed records.
Customer ID Account ID Action Type Other Customer Info. Other Account Info.
1 1 New ...
Table 4: The samples in multi-table files.
Posting date & time Record Type Status Other Information
19670401-065923 FIN NULL Other Financial Information
19670425-114814 SEC ACTV Other Security Information
19670425-083141 CMP ACTV Other Company Information
Table 5: The samples of multi-meaning attributes.
Posting date & time Record Type CoNameOrCIK
19670401-065923 FIN 1836200100000000056 ...
19670403-194201 FIN 501026396GKXARCFbFebKiAlLUJXKJgRjmqXdA
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
a field named CoNameOrCIK that can carry the
company identification code (10 chars) or company
name (60 chars). In table 5, the first row is using a
company identification code and the second one is
using a company name.In the Financial table, there
is an attribute called SK_CompanyID which is the
primary key of DimCompany as well as foreign key
of Financial. Thus, when we insert the two records
into the Financial table, from the data source, We
could use either the company identification code or
company name to look up the DimCompany table to
find the primary key and then insert it into the
Financial table as a foreign key.
However, in practice, the different type data can
be very similar but have different meanings. In our
example, the company identification code and
company name could be very similar and hard to
differentiate. If the program cannot differentiate the
data types, there will be a “not found” error that
means we are using the wrong data to locate the
primary key.
In order to facilitate the data quality management in
data integration, we have classified the data quality
problems investigated in this experiment into the
classic data quality dimensions proposed by Wang
and Strong (1996). The last two data quality
problems are not totally fitting into the proposed
data quality dimensions and we have proposed new
dimensions for the data quality problems.
Table 6: Data quality dimensions in data integration (new
data quality dimensions in ETL are marked with *).
Data quality dimension
Data quality problem
Missing Value
Conflict of Entities
Format Incompatibility
Operational Sequence*
Multi-Resource or Mixed
Multi-Table Files
Multi-Meaning Attributes
In the context of data integration, we could see
that not all the data quality dimensions are equally
important. This has been confirmed in other data
quality studies such as Fehrenbacher and Helfert
(2012). For data quality management in ETL, we
propose to initially focus on the dimensions of
completeness, timeliness and consistency. This small
set of dimensions not only point out the key focus of
data quality management in data integration but also
provide a foundation for data cleansing in data
Moreover, some data quality dimensions need to
be further refined. For example, representational
consistency in data integration is not enough. We
need to align the definitions of the data rather than
only align the names. Therefore the consistency can
be further refined into syntactic, pragmatic and
semantic levels.
Accuracy is always considered as the most
important data quality dimensions in data quality
management. However, in the data integration, it is
usually lack of the ground truth for the data.
Therefore, wrong value is not included in our data
quality problems. As an initial step in data quality
management, we recommend to focus on the
tangible set of data quality dimensions.
Not all the data quality problems can be
classified into classic data quality dimensions,
especially the problems about the sequence of the
data operations. A correct sequence of data
operation can increase the process efficiency and
avoid data quality errors. For example, we could use
the different type of operations to determine which
entities are involved, or use table dependency to
define the sequence of loading the data.
Furthermore, as Dakrory et al. (2015) has stated,
uniqueness is one of the important data quality
dimensions in ETL. We also found that apart from
the classic data quality dimensions, data uniqueness
is a critical indicator to differ the data meaning in
order to avoid possible data ambiguity.
In order to prevent the data quality problems in ETL
and proactively manage data quality, we propose the
following guidelines to help researchers and
practitioners to avoid data quality pitfalls and guild
effective data quality management process.
Specifically, guideline 1 and 2 tackle the missing
value problems; Guideline 3 can be used to prevent
the entity conflicts; Guideline 4 deals with the
format incompatibility; Guideline 5 is for optimising
mixed records and multi-table files in ETL and
guideline 6 intends to solve the problem of
multi-meaning attributes.
6.1 Guideline 1
In order to manage the possible effects of missing
values after ETL, one can use business logic to
Guildlines of Data Quality Issues for Data Integration in the Context of the TPC-DI Benchmark
derive the field dependency, and then pay attention
especially to the fields that are involved in the field
dependency and meanwhile allow null or empty
After we have finished the ETL, there can be
certain fields that allow null or empty value in the
data warehouse. Those fields may not cause errors in
the ETL process but when those fields are used in
the data analytics or some business operations, this
type of field may play as an independent variable
and can be used to determine other fields or values.
It will then cause a problem because of the missing
6.2 Guideline 2
In the data quality management for ETL, the
dimension of completeness should be further refined,
since there can be direct incompleteness such as
missing value in the record or indirect
incompleteness that are caused by data operations.
Completeness is one of the well-known
dimensions in data quality management. Managing
data completeness is especially important during
ETL, since it is usually a straightforward problem
one can foresee, whereas in the meantime there
might be certain incompleteness pitfall that people
will overlook. As the example given in Section
4.1.2, the new data for updating and the original data
to be updated are both complete. Only when
carrying out the update operation, the updated
records can turn to be incomplete without lookup.
Therefore, to deal with the indirect incompleteness
caused by update, it is necessary to use lookup to get
the values that do not need to be updated.
6.3 Guideline 3
During ETL, when insert and update records appear
together in the batch operation, the sequence of data
operations in the batch needs to be designed to
avoid entity conflicts.
In the ETL, batch operations are typically used to
perform the data CRUD operations. In order to
accelerate this process, in practice, distributed
operations are usually conducted in parallel to
process the data. Thus, for the same entity, it is
necessary to avoid for example update or delete
before the insert operation. One of the best practices
is to separate the CRUD operations into different
batches. Inside the separated batch, one can use the
parallel operations.
6.4 Guideline 4
For ETL, assuring format consistency in the
syntactic (representational) level is not enough.
Data format consistency between data source and
data warehouse should be aligned in a pragmatic
Data format consistency cannot be only
confirmed by the format name. With the same data
format name (syntactic level), there might be
different real usages or different definitions
(pragmatic level) for the same data format name.
One of the prevalent format inconsistency is the
Date format unconformity. Thus before carrying out
the ETL, practitioners should especially look into
what certain format means and whether the
definitions and data types of the format are aligned
between data source and data warehouse.
6.5 Guideline 5
Optimizing the sequence of data operations can
increase the efficiency of the ETL process and avoid
data quality problems.
In the ETL process, the CRUD data operations
can be mixed together with the data entities. We
recommend firstly extracting the data operation and
based on the data operation to differentiate the data
entities. In this way, we can avoid to look up the
entities that are not used in the data operation. This
will largely increase the efficiency when many
entities are mixed in one record. Moreover, when we
load the data source to various tables, optimising the
loading sequence can avoid the errors triggered by
table dependencies.
6.6 Guideline 6
Data uniqueness is an important dimension in data
quality management. A complete logic should be
used to identify the data.
In ETL, regular expressions are usually used to
identify certain type of data. However, they are not
always enough to differentiate the data, for example,
when different letters or letter combinations have
different meanings, it can be difficult for regular
expressions to separate the meanings. Therefore, we
recommend deriving a set of comprehensive
conditional logic that can be used to categorise the
data to their semantics.
To summarise the typical data quality problems
in ETL and the corresponding proactive actions, we
have used the Table 7 to provide an overview.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 7: The summary of guidelines.
Data quality problems Guidelines Proposed proactive actions for data integration
Missing Values
Guideline 1 Field dependencies and indirect incompleteness caused by
data operations should be specified.
Guideline 2
Conflict of Entities Guideline 3
The sequence of data operations in the batch needs to be
properly designed to avoid entity conflicts.
Format Incompatibility Guideline 4
Representational and pragmatic consistency should be both
examined before ETL.
Multi-Resource or Mixed Records
Guideline 5
The sequence of data operations can be optimised by firstly
extracting the types of data operations and then differentiating
the entities.
Multi-Table Files
Multi-Meaning Attributes Guideline 6
Data uniqueness should be included in the data quality
management in data integration.
In this paper, we have investigated the data
integration process in line with the TPC-DI
Benchmark, which is the first and well known
industry data integration benchmark. We have found
a set of typical data quality problems that can occur
in the data integration process. For each data quality
problem, we have defined the problem and provided
examples to demonstrate the problem trigger and
possible effects. In order to facilitate the data quality
management in data integration, we have classified
the data quality problems into different data quality
dimensions. This result indicates which data quality
dimensions are important in data integration. These
important dimensions can help researchers and
practitioners to set the focus in data quality
management and reduce the unnecessary cost and
time. In addition, we found that operational
sequence and data uniqueness are two critical data
quality dimensions beyond the common data quality
dimensions. Moreover, we have proposed a set of
guidelines to avoid the data quality pitfalls and
problems and construct proactive data quality
management during data integration.
As future works, we plan to carry out the data
improvement experiment to examine which data
quality dimensions can be improved and how to
coordinate the trade-offs between the data quality
dimensions. The evaluation of this experiment needs
to be enhanced as regards the effect of guidelines for
data quality issues. Furthermore, the effects of data
quality in the data integration process can be further
studied. In addition, we also plan to further
investigate the data quality problems in Big Data.
This publication was supported by Science
Foundation Ireland grant SFI/12/RC/2289 to Insight-
Centre for Data Analytics (
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