Modelling Enterprise Applications using Business Artifacts
Vladimír Kovář
, Marek Beránek
and George Feuerlicht
Unicorn College, V Kapslovně 2767/2,130 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic
Department of Information Technology, University of Economics, Prague, W. Churchill Sq. 4, Prague 3, Czech Republic
Keywords: Business Artifacts Modelling, Unicorn Universe Process.
Abstract: Most of the existing modeling languages such as UML, BPML, etc. that attempt to capture the semantics of
real-world objects produce complex technical models that are not suitable for business professionals. Another
important limitation of traditional modeling approaches is the lack of a mechanism for modeling the lifecycle
of business objects. These limitations have motivated recent interest in alternative approaches such as business
artefact modelling that provide a unified representation of data and processes in the form of business artifacts.
In this paper we describe the Unicorn Universe Process method that uses business artifacts as a fundamental
building block of information systems. We illustrate the application of this method using a University
Assignment Submission case study scenario.
In order to support the development and evolution of
Information Systems (IS), conceptual models must
facilitate effective communication among different
stakeholders (i.e. management, business analysts and
domain experts), and at the same time provide a
sufficiently precise blueprint for the implementation
of enterprise applications. According to Hull (2008)
“The basic challenge in business process modeling is
to find mechanisms whereby business executives,
analysts, and subject matter experts can specify, in an
intuitive yet concise way, the framework and
specifics of how the operations of a business are to be
conducted.” Graphical modelling languages play a
particularly important role in promoting common
understanding of business processes and information
requirements across the entire organization. Most of
the existing modeling approaches such as UML
(, BPML ( or Object-
Oriented Modelling (Rumbaugh et al., 1991) that
attempt to capture the semantics of real-world objects
tend to produce complex technical models that are not
suitable for business professionals and domain
experts. Another important limitation of traditional
modeling approaches is the lack of a mechanism for
modeling the lifecycle of business objects, resulting
in complex and potentially inconsistent models that
represent business objects as separate entities as they
evolve through their lifecycle. For example, a student
is represented as a prospective student prior to the
admission into a course, enrolled student following
the enrolment, and a graduate student after
completing the course.
To address the limitations of traditional modeling
methods Nigam and Caswell (2003) have proposed
the Business Artifacts approach. Business artifacts
combine data and process aspects into a holistic unit
and serve as the basic building blocks of IS (Cohn and
Hull, 2009). An artifact lifecycle is an integral part of
this modeling approach allowing more intuitive
representation of business objects and their evolution
(state changes). Furthermore, the artifact-centric
approach is regarded by some authors as helping in
understanding of the relationship of process and data.
In this paper we describe the Unicorn Universe
Process method (Kovář, 2011) that has been used
successfully to support the development of
information systems by Unicorn Group of companies
( both internally and for customer
projects over the last decade (Kökörčený and Kovář,
2015). In the following section (section 2) we discuss
related research in the area of artifact-centric
modelling. Section 3 is a description of the Unicorn
Universe Process method and section 4 illustrates the
application of this method using a University
Assignment Subsystem case study scenario. Section
5 includes our conclusions.
r, V., Beránek, M. and Feuerlicht, G.
Modelling Enterprise Applications using Business Artifacts.
DOI: 10.5220/0006334404190425
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 419-425
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The artifact-centric approach to work-flow modeling
was originally introduces by Nigam and Caswell
(2003) and has been used extensively by IBM on both
internal and customer projects. The authors
developed a technique, called OpS (Operational
Specification) that defines notations and
methodology for business process design that is
intuitive and suitable for business communication,
and at the same time is actionable, i.e. can be mapped
to execution-level models and implemented using a
workflow engine (Cohn and Hull, 2009). OpS focuses
on the flow of business information artifacts and is a
superset of the activity flow diagrams in UML.
Unlike the object-oriented concept of Business
Objects (Sutherland, 1995) artifacts are instances of
real world objects that have a unique identity and
progress through a lifecycle. OpS includes the
concept of Business Tasks that operate on artifacts
and repositories where artifacts can be stored to await
further processing. The authors argue that the
business value of artifact-centered thinking is realized
in three main areas: flexibility in representation,
ability to analyze change, and ability to manage
implementation of systems that support the business.
According to Hull (2008) IBM customers have found
that the artifact-centric approach has a “great intuitive
appeal to business managers, can bring substantial
new insights to the managers, and can greatly
facilitate communication about business processes
between different divisions and regions of an
The Guard-Stage-Milestone (GSM) meta-model
for lifecycles is a semi-declarative model based on
Event-Condition-Action (ECA) paradigm developed
at IBM Research in the context of the Project ArtiFact
(Hull et al., 2010). The GSM model is an evolution of
the BEL’s (Business Entities with Lifecycles) model
that includes an information model that captures
business-relevant data and a lifecycle model, that
specifies the progress of the entity through the
business by responding to events and invoking
services, including human activities. Unlike BEL’s
meta-model for entity lifecycles that are based on
finite state machines, the GSM model uses
declarative approach for specifying lifecycles. GSM
uses three main constructs: milestone – business-
relevant operational objective, stage – that contains
activities that may involve calls to external services,
and a guard – a condition or a triggering event that
allows entry into the stage when the condition is
satisfied. Project ArtiFact had three broad objectives:
(i) to enable business-level stakeholders to work with
GSM specifications, (ii) to produce actionable
specifications that can be converted into an
implementation (i.e. a running system), and (iii)
support for existing BPM (Business Process
Management) standards such as BPMN (Business
Process Modeling Notation) (Silver and Richard,
2009). The GSM model includes a programming
language GSM-L, a prototype engine Barcelona that
supports implementation of GSM specifications and
a formal specification of the GSM meta-model.
A four-dimensional framework called BALSA
(Business, Artifact, Lifecycles, Services,
Associations) was used by Kunchala et al. (2014) to
review existing approaches to artifact-centric
modeling. The authors argue that traditional activity-
centric business process modeling that uses task and
control-flow constructs only defines how business
processes operate without revealing the resulting
data. The BALSA framework artifacts have unique
identity and content that consists of information and
lifecycle model. BALSA artifact lifecycle defines key
business-relevant stages through which an artifact
evolves from its initiation to completion. Services are
described as business tasks or actions that act on
artifacts, and associations, and specify relationships
between services, artifacts, and constraints.
In parallel with these research efforts business
artifacts have been incorporated into software
development methodologies such as RUP (Rational
Unified Process) (Kruchten, 2004) and used
extensively by IT practitioners. RUP was initially
developed by Rational Software, and further
enhanced by IBM following the acquisition of
Rational Software in 2002
( RUP is
closely associated with UML (Unified Modeling
Language), a visual modeling language developed by
Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh
with the intention to provide a standard visual
language for software engineering (Rumbaugh et al.,
The Unicorn Universe Process (uuProcess) is a
comprehensive methodology that supports a range of
business activities covering the core functional areas
of strategy, marketing, sales, production, customer
support and management of the relationship with
customers and partners. uuProcess includes
guidelines for management organizational assets,
including people, property and organizational
knowledge. In this paper we focus on the modelling
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
component of the methodology and the Unicorn
Universe Business Modelling Language (uuBML).
uuProcess virtualizes real-world objects using
artifacts and models organizations from using a Static
View that consists of artifacts (e.g. students, lecturers,
assignments, etc.) and associations between artifacts,
and a Dynamic View that describes the behavior of
the system and models business processes. Artifacts
represent real-world objects that constitute the
application system and include a model of their
lifecycle. A business process consists of a sequence
of activities with clearly defined objectives such as
producing a product, or generating added value for a
customer. Activities can result in changes in the state
of an artifact that progress the artifact through its
lifecycle stages.
uuProcess was initially inspired by existing
system development and management methodologies
including ITIL (ITIL, 2014), Prince2 (Lianying et al.,
2012), and RUP (Manalil, 2011, Kruchten, 2004), and
later extended and enhanced based on extensive
practical experience with management of
organizations and the development of software
(Kovář, 2011). In the following sections we describe
a subset of the uuProcess methodology with focus on
artifact modeling.
3.1 uuProcess Artifacts
Artifacts constitute basic IS building blocks and hold
information about tangible objects (e.g. cars,
products, books, etc.) and intangible objects (e.g.
product defects, enquiries, etc.) (Kruchten, 2004).
The content of a uuProcess artifact (e.g. a company
car) stores descriptive information such as car
manufacturer, technical specifications, photographs
of the car, etc. Activities related to the company car
including car purchase, registration, insurance,
maintenance records, and car sale are managed within
the artifact lifecycle. Additional documents such as
the lease and insurance contracts, registration
documents, etc. are stored in related artifacts and
accessed via references.
As illustrated in Figure 1, uuProcess artifacts are
based on templates called Meta-artifacts (e.g.
employee contract Meta-artifact) with pre-defined
internal structure and a lifecycle that can be further
customized for specific use case scenarios. Business
process activities are closely related to the artifact
lifecycle and their execution is controlled via access
privileges assigned to roles, so that for example only
subject coordinators can set student assignments.
Each artifact belongs to a single Business Territory
that typically maps to an organization, so that
multiple organizations can coexist on a single multi-
tenant Unicorn Universe platform.
uuProcess artifacts are typically created as a result
of activities and consist of four basic components:
Properties, Sheets, Attachments and Comments.
Properties store structured information that can be
accessed programmatically and consist of simple
elements (i.e. numbers, strings, dates, references, etc.)
or complex (structured) elements (e.g. JSON files).
An artifact can contain multiple sheets - a semi-
structured XML documents that contain different
types of objects, including tables, images, paragraphs,
chapters and HTML5 widgets. Comments represent
notes related to the content of sheets. Other types of
objects (e.g. binary files) can be included as
attachments and form an integral part of the artifact.
The system maintains versions of sheets, attachments
and comments as these objects are modified
throughout the artifact life cycle.
Artifact life cycle can comprise three generic
types of activities: Tasks, Messages and Time
Reservations. Tasks are activities that require a
response from the user that the activity was assigned
to; messages have a similar function to tasks, but do
not require a response. Time reservation are typically
used to record meetings in a diary.
Access to artifact content is controlled using
access privileges that are derived from the
organizational structure and managed using Roles.
Most of the authorization rules are derived from use
cases and are inherited from corresponding meta-
artifacts. uuProcess uses three basic mechanisms for
access control: Security Levels, Implicit Access
Rights, and Explicit Access Rights. Each artifact is
associated with a security level and the system
ensures that only users with the appropriate security
level (i.e. equal to or higher than the artifact security
level) can access the information contained within the
Implicit rights are derived from the organizational
structure and are assigned to roles to enable
authorized users to access artifacts in various modes
(i.e. read, write, update, etc.). Explicit rights are
granted by the artifact owner (creator) and enable
individual roles to execute use cases on the artifacts
independently of the organizational structure.
3.2 Visual Modelling Language
The Unicorn Universe Business Modelling Language
(uuBML) is a tool for visual modelling and
communication developed by Unicorn and used
extensively for modeling information systems for
clients as well as for communication within the
Unicorn organizations. A key uuBML feature is that
it is designed for business communications making
Modelling Enterprise Applications using Business Artifacts
Figure 1: uuProcess artefact.
uuBML diagrams easy to understand for business
people without requiring extensive training. At the
same time, uuBML is sufficiently rigorous to form the
basis for systems implementation (Unicorn, 2016a).
We note that all diagrams in this paper are drawn
using uuBML.
Diagrams created in uuBML are called Schemas
and include objects drawn on Stencils using icons.
Available icons are organized according to themes
and business functions (strategy, sales, marketing,
management, software development, education,
transport, etc.). In addition to icons uuBML schemas
include connectors, callouts, blocks, text, titles,
legends, and various other symbols. uuBML uses
color coding to indicate the relative importance and
status of objects. For example, green color indicates
that the object state is normal and red color indicates
a problem (Unicorn, 2016b).
Schemas can be created using stencils in
Microsoft Visio or using uuBML Draw, a HTML5
component fully integrated within the Unicorn
Universe platform. Similar to Entity-Relationship
models, three basic types of associations
(relationships) can be presented in uuBML models:
1:1, 1:N, and N:M (Unicorn, 2016b).
3.3 uuProcess SDLC
The uuProcess SDLC (System Development
Lifecycle) has four phases: (1) Analysis and Design,
(2) Construction, (3) Pilot and (4) Run Time. The
final deliverable is a fully functional uuApp (Unicorn
Universe Application) application. Pilot Application
is a small-scale application that is used to test the
functionality of the application before its full
production release. The output of the Analysis and
Design phase is a HLC (High Level Concept)
specification of the uuApp application. The HLC
document has five major sections: Key Concept,
Product View, Process View, Business Use Cases,
and Organizational View.
The Key Concept section describes the main
purpose of the application and the key underlying
concepts for the implementation of the application.
The Product View section describes all artifacts, their
life cycles and associations. The Process View section
contains details of business processes and sub-
processes (activities), capturing the relevant business
roles that interact with the business processes. The
functionality of the application is described in the
Business Use Cases section using diagrams capturing
basic process flows for each business use case.
The Business Use Case template defines business
roles that can execute or interact with the business use
case, pre-conditions that allow its execution (e.g.
assignment can only be submitted by active students),
the process flow of the use case, and the layout of the
use case. The Organizational View section defines the
location and the structure of the organizational unit
within the Business Territory.
4 uuProcess CASE STUDY
In this section we illustrate the application of the
uuProcess method using a small-scale scenario
depicting the Assignment Submission subsystem at
the Unicorn College (UC). The UC information
system consists of a set of applications organized
according to the main functional areas of the college.
A key UC functional area is Teaching which is a part
of the Educational Process, and Assignment
Submissions is an important sub-process of the
Teaching functional area. As the first step in the
SDLC we have created the HLC document defining
the Key Concepts and objectives of the application:
“to develop an application for assignment
submissions and assessment”.
Next, we have identified the main artifacts and the
objects that constitute these artifacts as illustrated in
Figure 2. The assignment submission use case
scenario includes two main artifacts: Assignment
Handout artifact and Student Assignment Submission
artifact. The artifacts Student, Lecturer and Course
are external to this subsystem (indicated in gray
color) and do not include all the details such as
associations with other artifacts. The Student artifact
represents a student enrolled in the course in a given
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
term and contains basic information about the
student, course attendance, scores, etc. The Lecturer
artifact represents a lecturer teaching the course
during the term.
The artifact Assignment Handout contains
detailed instructions for the students specifying the
assignment tasks, the marking scheme and how to
submit the assignment. The activity Do Assignment is
part of the life cycle of the Assignment Handout
artifact that notifies the students about the availability
of the Assignment Handout. This activity is of type
task indicating that the Lecturer needs to respond
following the completion of this activity. Graphical
representation of the activity is an exclamation mark
in uuBML. When students submit their assignment
solutions, an instance of the artifact Student
Assignment Submission is created containing various
attachments and an activity New Assignment
Submission to Review that notifies the lecturer that an
Figure 2: Assignment Submission sub-system.
assignment is ready for marking. Lecturer assessment
of the assignment including the marks and feedback
comments is stored in the Assessment object which is
a part of the Student Assignment Submission artifact.
Each Student Assignment Submission artifact
instance has a single Assessment object with an
aggregation association indicating that the
assessment is a part of the Student Assignment
Submission artifact. The New Student Assignment
Submission to Review activity is of type Message
illustrated using the letter “i” (for information) in
uuBML, indicating that no response is required.
Table 1 and Table 2 list the life cycle states of the
Assignment Handout artifact and the Student
Assignment Submission artifact, respectively.
Table 1: Life cycle states of Assignment Handout artefact.
State Description
Created An empty assignment handout is
created in the system.
Active Assignment handout content is
completed and the assignment is
ready for students.
Assigned Assignment handout is assigned to
Archived All assignment submissions are
marked. The assignment is archived -
no further activities can take place.
Attention There are minor problems with the
artifact. (e.g. incomplete handout)
Problem There are significant problems with
the artifact. (i.e. major issue)
Cancelled The artifact is cancelled.
The cardinality of the association between the
Student artifact and the Student Assignment
Submission artifact is one-to-one (arrow with a circle
on one side), indicating that each Student submits a
single Assignment Submission for a given
assignment handout, and that each Assignment
Submission belongs to one student. The cardinality of
the association between the Assignment Handout and
the Assignment Submission artifact is one-to-many
(indicated by an arrow without a circle), i.e. each
Assignment Handout can be associated with multiple
Student Assignment Submissions, but each Student
Assignment Submission belongs to a single student.
Table 2: Life cycle states of the Student Assignment
Submission artifact.
State Description
Submitted The student submitted an assignment
Accepted for
The lecturer accepts the assignment
solution for marking. Submitting a
new version of the solution is not
Returned The lecturer has returned the
assignment submission to the student
for re-submission.
Assessed Assignment has been marked by the
lecturer. Student can request
additional feedback.
Archived The assignment has been archived.
Cancelled The artifact is cancelled.
Modelling Enterprise Applications using Business Artifacts
Figure 3. An example of the business use case diagram.
As the users interact with the application via roles,
submitted assignments can be easily re-assigned to
another lecturer, if the need arises (e.g. if the lecturer
is absent on leave). The artifacts contain widgets that
provide the required functionality for the users. The
widget for submitting assignment solutions and the
widget for managing assignments and their solutions
are micro applications based on HTML5, and can be
implemented using different types of frameworks and
technologies e.g. React JS (ReactCommunity, 2016),
JQuery (JQuery, 2016), Sinatra (Sinatra, 2016), Ruby
on Rails (RubyOnRails, 2016), etc.
Table 3: Mapping of business use cases to roles.
Business Use
Create an empty
instance of
handout content
Close assignment Administrator/Manager
Review and assess
Process decomposition is used to identify
business roles and business use cases within the main
processes. The following roles were identified:
Administrator, Manager, Auditor, Student, and
Lecturer. Mapping of business use cases to roles is
shown in Table 3. For each business use case, the
specification contains a diagram and a detailed
description that includes the artifact name, brief
description, meta-artifact, basic business process
flow, actors, preconditions, and post-conditions. An
example of a Business Use Case diagram is shown in
Figure 3. The diagram indicates that administrators
and managers can execute the use case functionality.
The use case form application has five inputs (Name,
Annotation, Maximum Score and Assessment
Criteria); asterisk indicates that the input is
mandatory. The basic flow of the use case is shown
on the right-hand side of the diagram. The structure
and locations of the artifacts is described in the
Organizational View section.
Traditional approaches to modeling of enterprise
applications tend result in complex technical models.
This makes it difficult for business professionals to
understand the models and to communicate about the
models with technical experts and various other
stakeholders within the organizations. In this paper
we have described the artifact-based Unicorn
Universe Process method and illustrated the
application of this method using a University
Assignment application subsystem scenario,
emphasizing the importance of modeling artifact life
A significant benefit of this approach is that the
resulting uuProcess models map directly to
executable applications supported by the Unicorn
Universe Platform - a digital construction kit for the
development of applications from reusable
components. From the technical point of view,
Unicorn Universe Platform is a framework for
building enterprise SOA applications that facilitates
the composition of SOA applications from individual
services. Unicorn Universe Platform supports a range
of standard reusable Platform Services, including
JSON data storage, binary file storage, Inter-Process
Messaging, Application Logging, User Access
Management and many others. All services have a
standard REST (REpresentational State Transfer)
API (Application Programming Interface) and use
JSON as the serialization data format.
The Unicorn Universe Process (uuProcess)
method has been used successfully on hundreds of
customer projects over the last decade as well as for
the development of internal systems across the
Unicorn organizations. Furthermore, the Unicorn
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Universe Business Modeling Language has been used
universally as a visual method for communication
within the Unicorn organizations providing
additional evidence about the advantages of the
artifact-based approach.
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Modelling Enterprise Applications using Business Artifacts