Integrated Analytics for Application Management using Stream
Clustering and Semantics
M. Omair Shafiq
School of Information Technology, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Keywords: Semantics, Streaming Clustering, Integrated Analytics, Application Execution and Management.
Abstract: Large-scale software applications produce enormous amount of execution data in the form of logs which
makes it challenging for managing execution of such applications. There have been several semantically
enhanced analytical solutions proposed for enhanced monitoring and management of software applications.
In this paper, author proposes a customized semantic model for representing application execution, and a
scalable stream clustering based processing solution. The stream clustering based approach acts as key to
combine all the other analytical solutions using the proposed customized semantic model for logs. The
proposed approach works in an integrated manner that clusters log data that is produced, as a result of
events occurring during execution, at a large-scale and in a continuous streaming manner for managing
execution of software applications. The proposed solution utilizes semantics for better expressiveness of log
events, other related data and analytical approaches, through stream clustering based integrated approach, to
process logs that helps in enhancing the process of monitoring and management of software applications.
This paper presents the customized semantic logging model for scalable stream clustering, algorithm design
and discussion on scalable stream clustering based solution and its integration with other analytical
solutions. The paper also presents experimentation, evaluation and demonstrates applicability of the
proposed solution.
Building analytical solutions is challenging but
making different analytical solutions work together
is even more challenging. Several analytical
solutions are proposed that focus on processing and
analyzing data in a particular manner. Different
analytical solutions may have different strengths and
speciality in analyzing data and could be beneficial
in different aspects. Some analytical solutions are
better in discovering different hidden correlations
among different features in data. Other analytical
solutions are better in categorizing data based on
different features. With large and complex systems
to be analyzed, multiple analytical solutions are
often built to analyze data in such system from
different aspects. This brings another challenge in
making all the analytical solutions work together in
a meaningful and integrated manner.
For example, in an earlier work of the author, a
hybrid solution of semantically formalized logging
with advanced analytical solutions for enhanced
monitoring and management of software
applications (Shafiq, 2014b) was proposed. The
proposed solution was built using semantic models
to be able to formally describe components as well
as events descriptions in execution logs of software
applications. Analytical solutions were then built to
effectively process such semantically formalized
logs. In this way, information available with higher
level of explicitness and expressiveness was better
utilized. Data described formally and with higher
level of expressivity makes it easier for the
analytical solutions to process and analyze such data
to be able to have monitoring and management of
execution of software applications in an enhanced
and effective manner.
There are several possible analytical solutions
that can be integrated together in a meaningful way
to perform deep and extensive analysis in a
collective manner. However, in order to perform
integration of different analytical solutions, inputs
and outputs of different analytical solutions have to
be matched syntactically and semantically. In this
paper, author shows how previously proposed
semantically enhanced analytical techniques can be
Shafiq, M.
Integrated Analytics for Application Management using Stream Clustering and Semantics.
DOI: 10.5220/0006334802800287
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 280-287
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
integrated together in a meaningful and effective
In (Shafiq, 2015) an Association Rule Mining
based approach was proposed. It is based on
Semantic extension of FP-Growth algorithm for
effective ranking and adaptation of Web Services.
The approach was hybrid, i.e., partially using
semantic annotations to Web Services combined
with semantically adapted FP-Growth for
Association Rule Mining allows the pre-processing
of requests for searching Web Services. It helps in
improving Web Service selection experience from
performance as well as precision perspectives. This
approach takes a set of log events as an input, and
outputs a set of association rules.
In (Shafiq, 2014b), a hybrid approach for
enhanced and automated monitoring and
management of applications was built by using
Semantics with Bayesian Classification. Semantics
were used to formalize and structure logs from
application execution which are then utilized by
Bayesian Classification to classify different types of
possible issues, with classification extended from
(Friedman, 1997). It helped in reducing the size of
problem space for system and application
administrators to focus on the problematic part of
application rather than the whole application, at the
time errors of faults occur. This approach takes a
given set of log events as input, uses its Bayesian
classification based learning mechanism to deduce
the system state of the system as output.
In (Shafiq, 2014a), a social network based
solution with Semantic Logs to handle missing
values and incomplete data during execution of
applications. The proposed solution is based on
semantically formalized logging (Shafiq, 2014b) for
recording execution of applications and later-on
using it to deduce possibly new or hidden
information by analysing such logs. Key elements in
logs were identified and correlations were modelled
into a social network analysis hexagon. It was
further shown that how such correlations between
different key elements of semantic logs can be used
to deduce new and non-obvious correlations
between other elements of semantic logs and then
utilize this information in monitoring and
management of applications. This approach takes a
set of log events and uses the proposed social
network analysis based solution to deduce any
hidden or missing correlations.
The proposed solution in this paper aims to show
how semantic logs can plan an important role in
integrating all the three techniques together in a
meaningful manner.
The integrated analytics solution is also required to
handle incoming events from logs as a stream. Such
incoming events can be large in number, large in
velocity and may also have different variety. This
makes the events from logs to be of the scale of big
data. Therefore, our proposed solution also includes
a stream clustering based overall integration
approach for different analytical approaches. There
could be several other ways to perform integration
of all of the components together. However, in order
to keep the proposed integrated analytics solution
open and generic, stream clustering has been chosen
as the best candidate for following reasons. First, it
allows processing of incoming event logs in the
form of a stream. Second, it performs categorization
of incoming log events into different categories (i.e.,
clusters) which can be then used by other analytical
approach to perform further analysis. Third, it is an
unsupervised leaning approach and does not require
prior knowledge of data for clustering and hence that
makes it a good candidate for acting as a broker-
style interface to process incoming data and
categorize it into different clusters and make it
available for further processing by other analytical
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents related work in the area of stream
clustering and monitoring and management of
software applications. Section 3 presents proposed
solution of stream clustering on semantic logs for
integrated analytics. Section 4 presents experiments
and discusses evaluation of results as well as
compares it with that of existing solutions. Section 5
presents conclusions followed by references.
A number of related works have been studied and
analyzed that are carried out in the areas of
clustering of logs for different types of software
systems or software code management repositories
or monitoring and management of software
execution. These research works range from
monitoring and analysis of stand-alone applications
to large-scale applications with multiple
components, middleware-based solutions and
service based systems. Brief discussions and
analyses on some of the interested and related
approaches is described as follows.
In (Vaarandi, 2003), clustering of log events is
proposed based on different features of events in
logs. Different clustering algorithms (Hand, 2001)
and (Berkhin, 2002) have been used to cluster log
Integrated Analytics for Application Management using Stream Clustering and Semantics
events into different categories. Authors categorize
different lines in log files as different objects and
then use clustering algorithms to cluster different
lines into different clusters. After the clusters of
event types are been identified, different analysis
techniques are further used for detecting temporal
associations between event types. A clustering tool
called SLCT (Simple Logfile Clustering Tool) has
been built based on these analyses techniques.
However, limitation of this approach is that authors
do not make any attempt to structure or formalize
data in logs. The solution build be authors mostly
relies on unstructured and almost not expressive
In (Makanju, 2008), authors use logs from a
network management software and perform
clustering in order to have a better and meaningful
view for system and network administrators.
Authors believe that clustering that allow system and
network administrators to view faulty parts of log
data easily rather than being overwhelmed with a
large amount of log data and then having to
manually find out faults. Large amounts of log data
with a lot of different and irrelevant information
may make process of monitoring difficult and may
also cause unnecessary delays as well as
inefficiencies. This work is also based on the Simple
Log file Clustering Tool (SLCT) (Vaarandi, 2003)
tool and a visualization tool has been further
developed that can be used to view log files based
on the clusters produced by the SLCT tool. Authors
claim that results their solution further help in easing
the summarization of a large amounts of data
contained in the log files from network devices. The
approach further helps in expediting analyses of
events to detect any possible errors, faults or
exceptions in networks. Drawbacks of this approach
are the same as in previous approach, i.e., it is also
based on using unstructured and almost not
expressive data. This limits the approach in
detection of different possible events (i.e., faults).
In (Beeferman, 2000), clustering is applied on log
of queries for a search engine. Clustering is used to
mine a collection of different and multiple user
transactions over the search engine to discover
clusters of similar queries as well as similar URLs.
Identifying different queries from logs and then
using clustering for different queries from the log,
the authors claim that it enhances the process of web
search. Clustering of different queries into different
clusters in a meaningful manner helps in computing
results faster for new queries that are similar to the
queries that have already been recorded and
categorized in clustering. This approach helps in
enhancing the process of search but it is however
limited to unstructured and raw log data (which is
also sometimes referred to as click-through data).
That limits the approach for detection and
correlation of different events in terms of efficiency,
accuracy and effectiveness.
In addition to the above-mentioned solutions,
there are several other approaches that attempt to
model data using semantics for the purposes of
automating the process of Web Service discovery,
composition and execution. Ontology Web
Language for Services (OWL-S) (Paolucci, 2003),
extended from DAML (Fensel, 2002), is considered
as pioneer approach for semantically modelling web
service description. It is based on OWL ontologies
to describe different aspects of a web service to be
known as Semantic Web Service (SWS) (SWSF,
2005). Web Service Modeling Framework (WSMF)
(Fensel, 2002) is another similar and well-known
approach proposed as a comprehensive framework
to model different aspects of service consumers and
service providers, known as Semantic Web Services
(Roman, 2006). This approach is based on the
principles of maximizing de-coupling between
service consumers and service providers by
providing mediation (Mocan, 2006), (Cimpian,
2005). The WSMF is realized by modelling
ontology WSMO (Roman, 2006), description
language WSML (de Bruijn, 2005), and execution
environment WSMX (Recuerda, 2005), (Moran,
2004). Semantic Web Services Framework (SWSF)
is another approach, having conceptual model as
Semantic Web Service Ontology (SWSO) and
language Semantic Web Service Language (SWSL).
SWSO is based on three ontologies, i.e. service
profile, model and grounding. It enables formal
service descriptions and reasoning (Sirin, 2007) on
Web Services. WSDL-S (Akkiraju, 2005) proposes a
mechanism to enhance existing Web Services
Description languages with semantics, in particular
focusing on the services’ functional descriptions. All
these approaches attempted to formally describe
Web Services descriptions or other relevant aspects,
but none of these approaches attempt to formally
represent or describe execution logs during
execution of Web Services.
There are also several tools that attempt to
process logs regardless of structures of such logs.
Some of the tools are Adiscon LogAnalyzer
(Adiscon, 2011), WebLog Expert (WebLog, 2016),
GitHub Log-analyzer (Github, 2014), Retrospective
Log Viewer Software (Retrospective, 2016) and
XpoLog Log Analysis Platform (XpoLog, 2016).
These tools were found to be applicable for currently
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
available logging solutions. However, these tools
were not found to be able to employ one or more
analytical solutions to perform analysis in collective
as well as meaningful manner.
To summarize the related work, most of the
clustering solutions that have been reviewed so far
either attempt to cluster logs that are not formalized
and structures, or approaches like Semantic Web
Service focused only on formalizing descriptions of
web services and user requests. Such approaches do
not specify issues related to processing of logs and
especially having more than one analytical solutions
analysing data in a collective and meaningful
manner. This paper proposes to use semantic logs
and stream clustering to allow different analytical
techniques to analyse events in logs in integrated as
well as meaningful manner.
This section presents the proposed solution. The
proposed solution is two-fold. First, employs stream
clustering for processing of log events. Stream
clustering was chosen because events are executed
in applications in a stream like manner where logs
are produced as event execution progresses in
applications. However, employing stream clustering
based solution was not straightforward. In case of
large-scale applications, logs being produced are
also large in scale. That means, incoming log events,
especially from large-scale applications, can be large
in number (volume), large in speed with which the
log events are generated (velocity) and may also
have different variety of log events. This fulfils the
definition of big data. Therefore, the proposed
solution should be able to handle log events, not
only in streaming manner, but also in large-scale.
For this purpose, BIRCH based stream clustering
solution has been proposed.
3.1 BIRCH based Stream Clustering
for Log Events
Logs are produced as events that occur while an
application is being executed. The events are
produced in a continuous and streaming manner.
Therefore, it is important to be able to process such
logs in a streaming manner. BIRCH (Zhang, 1997)
based approach has been utilized to cluster log
events, streaming during execution of an application,
into different clusters. Events are categorized into
different clusters using stream clustering. The
categorization could be based on a particular
category, status, component, functional, non-
functional properties or any other application specific
features. Clustering of logs based on data stream of
events from logs is carried out by BIRCH approach
as described in Table 1. BIRCH uses clustering
feature (CF) which is based on number of data points
(N), linear sum (LS) and squared sum (SS).
Therefore, CF = {N, LS, SS}.
Table 1: Stream Clustering Algorithm for Log Events.
1. A set of n Log Events from
Semantic Logs (LE1, LE2, LE3, …
2. An integer k for number of
clusters to be formed.
1. For n Log Events LE1 to LEn,
compute clustering feature CF.
2. Build CF-Tree with a branching
factor B and Threshold T using
(Zhang, 1997).
3. Perform initial clustering using
hierarchical clustering as in
(Zhang, 1997).
4. Perform cluster refining by doing
additional pass-overs over the
data points and re-assigning
points to closest centroids
1. K clusters with each cluster
containing a set of Log Events
belonging to that cluster as {C1,
C2, C3 … Ci … Ck}.
2. Ci = {LE1, LE2 … LEx}
3.2 Clustering of Log Events from
Semantic Logs
This section presents extended semantic logging
model that is customized specifically for clustering
of log events. The proposed extension of the
semantic logging model based on the previous works
of the author (Shafiq, 2014b) is shown in table 2.
The semantic model encapsulates important and
relevant information like global clustering solution,
intermediate refined clustering solutions, centroids
for different clusters and so on. Rest of the semantic
logging model contains elements like different types
of annotations including semantic and syntactic or
simple annotations.
Integrated Analytics for Application Management using Stream Clustering and Semantics
Table 2: Extended Semantic Logging Model for Stream
Class GlobalClustering
hasCluster type Cluster
multiplicity = multi-valued
Class RefinementClustering
hasCluster type Cluster
multiplicity = multi-valued
Class Cluster
hasLogEvent type LogEvent
multiplicity = multi-valued
hasCentroid type LogEvent
Class SimpleAnnotation
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2016).
Class SemanticAnnotation
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2016).
Class Application
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2014b).
Class Component
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2014b).
Class Property
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2014b).
Class Input
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2014b).
Class Output
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2014b).
Class LogEvent
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2014b).
Class Context
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2014b).
Class KeyValuePair
attribute(s) as defined in (Shafiq, 2014b).
Application element may contain one or more
components. Components may have one or more
properties which could be functional or non-
functional. Components may also have inputs and
outputs. Log Events may contain context and
application specific data as key-value pairs. This
model is inspired from W3C (W3C, 2001), Web
Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) (Roman,
2006) and then using Meta-Object Facility (MOF)
(MOF, 2002) to be able to model data from logs and
clustering in a standardized way.
Figure 1 depicts an overview on how stream
clustering and semantic logging based solution can
allow processing of log events into different clusters
in a streaming manner, followed by performing
further analytical solutions like association rule
mining, classification and social network analysis
(Shafiq, 2014a), (Shafiq, 2014b), (Shafiq, 2015).
Figure 1: Overall architecture of integrated analytics based
on stream clustering and semantic logs for application
monitoring and management.
Stream clustering allows formation of clusters of
incoming log events as a stream in a continuous
manner. Once clusters area formed, other analytical
solutions can be applied on data within each cluster
to carry out further analysis. In this way, analysis
can be carried out on data that is more relevant to a
particular feature or situation based on which
clustering is performed. For example, if the
clustering is based on difference between a given
event related to a particular user or a group of users,
the further analytics could be performed on the
cluster that contains data that is specific to that user
of group of users. On the other hand, if clustering is
based on state of an event being successful or fault
in execution, in that case, further analytics can be
performed on data within each cluster that may
contain data specific or related to a particular state of
event (i.e., successful or fault). This may boost
analytics by providing more relevant data that is
systematically categorized into different clusters.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Different experiments were performed on a use-
case application that was used in building previously
mentioned analytical approaches (Shafiq, 2014a),
(Shafiq, 2014b), (Shafiq, 2015). The experiments
were performed machine with Intel Core CPU 2.50
GHz, with 6 GB of RAM, and on Microsoft
Windows 7, 64-bit operating system. The
experiment was based on two key steps. First step
was about performing classification on all the
available log events at a given point in time. Second
step was about performing classification on dataset
that was categorized into different clusters by the
stream clustering based approach for clustering log
events into different categories. Two different types
of measures were used to perform clustering. First
measure was about clustering different log events
based on users performing a transaction. Second
measure was about clustering different log events
based on event status (i.e., successful or failure).
Bayesian classifier was trained using a training
dataset to classify problem types based on different
features of log events. Such problem types could be
including external communication issue, internal
communication issue, database connection issue,
external service connectivity issue, login failure,
connection timeout issue, network down issue.
Experiment was initiated with comparing
performance of Bayesian classifier trained on all the
given data of log events to the Bayesian classifier
that was trained on data categorized into different
clusters based on the log events originating from
different users. There were several advantages and
disadvantages that were noticed about performance
of the Bayesian classifier that was trained on
clustered data. In-cases where significant number of
log events were found to be categorized for a
particular user, the classifier performed well.
However, there were some cases for some users did
not have significant amount of log events. In such
cases, the Bayesian classifier was limited with data
to be trained which had negative impact on
performance of the classifier.
Table 3a presents a comparison of results from
classifiers from data with or without using clustering
based on log events originating from different users.
For each of the cases, one-third of the data was used
in training while rest of the data was used in
experimentation and evaluation. An overall 2%
increase in rounded Mean Average Precision was
observed for classifier that was used for dataset
without and with clustering having clusters based on
different users. Note that in case of stream clustering
for data categorized for different users, average of
precision was calculated for results of classifier for
data from all different users. Although an overall
improvement was achieved in precision of classifier
but it was noted that for some of the cases, precision
was rather decreased. After examining the results, it
was found out that for such cases, clustering of log
events based on users results in having no or
significantly less number of log events to be
categorized that could be used by classifier for
training purposes and hence resulted in a decrease in
performance. Another lesson learned from this
experiment was that it is important to decide the
criteria for clustering. It is important that whichever
criteria is chosen, should have reasonable
distribution of log events into different clusters.
Table 3a: Comparison of Precision of Classifiers with or
without Stream Clustering (based on different users).
Classified Problem
with stream
Database Connection
External Service
Login failure
Transaction Timeout
Network down
Table 3b: Comparison of Precision of Classifiers with or
without Stream Clustering (based on different event
Classified Problem
with stream
Database Connection
External Service
Login failure
Transaction Timeout
Network down
Table 3b presents a comparison of results from
classifiers from data with or without using clustering
based on log events with different statuses. For each
of the cases, one-third of the data was used in
training while rest of the data was used in
experimentation and evaluation. An overall 4%
increase in rounded Mean Average Precision was
observed for classifier that was used for dataset
without and with clustering having clusters based on
Integrated Analytics for Application Management using Stream Clustering and Semantics
log events with different statuses (i.e., any type of
faults and failures). In this experiment, an overall
improvement was noticed in precision of classifier
but it was further noted that for some of the problem
types, precision was rather decreased where data
was pre-processed using clustering. It was found that
for such cases, clustering of log events based on
statuses of log events resulted in some of the clusters
to have no or significantly less number of log events
to be categorized that could be used by classifier for
training purposes. This caused a decrease in
performance by classifier. Therefore, it is important
that whichever criteria for clustering is chosen, the
distribution of data into different clusters should be
even as much as possible.
Comparing to the rest of the related work, most
of the approaches were found to be either focusing
only on formalizing or structuring data while other
approaches focused only on using data analytics
based techniques for mining unstructured data which
could be used to monitoring and management of
software applications. In addition to it, there has
been very less emphasis on scientific work on
building systematic ways on how different analytics
techniques can be integrated together so that
analytics could be performed in a combined and
meaningful manner. Author believes that, just like
Semantics have played a key role in data integration,
in the similar manner, it can play an important and
key role in integrated analytics. This paper
demonstrates that once data (i.e., logs) are well
structured and formalized using Semantic logging
and analytics model, it makes it feasible to have
multiple analytics based techniques to work together
as integrated analytics. If the logs had not been
structured and formalized, it would have almost not
feasible or at least have been extremely difficult to
integrate logs based on different features. Almost no
approaches have been found to that could address
the issues of monitoring and management of
software applications using integrated analytics.
In addition to using semantics, unsupervised
clustering of data stream is another important aspect
of integrated analytics. First, it has the ability to
process streaming data in a continuous manner.
Second, BIRCH (Zhang, 1997) which has been
utilized in this paper to perform stream clustering, is
an unsupervised data mining approach which does
not require prior labelling about data. Third, the
steps of performing global clustering as an initial
stream and then performing refinements in
clustering in continuous manner makes this
approach a suitable candidate to survive in big data
platforms. All these properties will allow stream
clustering to be able to continuous processing
incoming data as stream, use multiple computation
and data nodes to maintain and refine a global
solution while performing local computations on
different physical nodes, and hence cope up with
large-scale data, i.e., big data.
This paper proposes an integrated analytics approach
of using unsupervised stream clustering and
semantics for enhanced and automated monitoring
and management of applications. Semantics are used
to formalize and structure logs from application
execution which are then utilized by analytical
approaches to process and identify different types of
possible patterns and correlations. BIRCH algorithm
(Zhang, 1997) was utilized for carrying out
clustering of streaming log events in an
unsupervised and continuous manner. It was found
to significantly help in improving the process of
application monitoring and management by letting
different analytics techniques work together in an
integrated manner. During the experimentation,
there were a few key findings that were learned.
First is criteria of clustering. It is crucial to decide
the criteria for clustering so that events could be
categorized into different clusters as even as
possible. If a clustering criteria is chosen that causes
uneven distribution of data into different clusters, it
will also cause varying performance of analytics that
will be performed on data within different clusters.
This is because in some of the clusters there could
be more data that help the analytical approaches to
learn and identify interesting patterns while other
clusters with limited or lesser data may cause
analytical approaches to be limited in learning and
identifying data within the clusters. Another
important factor is use of semantics for logs and
analytics that makes data to be structured and
formalized. The structured and formalized data
makes it feasible to have multiple analytics based
techniques to work together as integrated analytics.
Last but not least, unsupervised stream clustering in
itself is another very important factor in enabling
integrated analytics. It is because it can process
streaming log data in a continuous manner, it is an
unsupervised approach that does not require any
previous knowledge or labelling of data and its
ability to maintain a global and master clustering
solution with refinements from different other
intermediate solutions makes it feasible to be used
for data that is large in scale, i.e., big data.
Experimental evaluation shows how the combination
of semantics and stream clustering made it even
better to have efficient and effective application
monitoring and management. Next steps are to use
and adapt more data mining techniques to use
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
semantically formalized data to further enhance
application monitoring and management.
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Integrated Analytics for Application Management using Stream Clustering and Semantics