Knowledge Transfer in IT Service Provider Transition
Emilie de Morais
, Geovanni de Jesus
, Rejane Figueiredo
, Elaine Venson
and Rafael Queiroz
ITRAC - Information Technology Research and Application Center, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
TU Darmstadt, Main University, Darmstadt, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge Transfer, Service Provider Transition, Outsourcing, Public Organization.
Abstract: Although outsourcing Information Technology (IT) services brings benefits, it might cause loss of
knowledge and dependency of the contractor in relation to the service providers. When a transition occurs
between providers, knowledge sharing is essential for the contractor and to the new contracted. This paper
presents the proposal, execution and evaluation of a knowledge transfer process to the transition phase of a
contract. A case study was conducted in a Brazilian Federal Government Organization during a contractual
transition. Data collected from two projects allowed the evaluation of the proposed process. It was observed
that the training activities performed, and the granting of access to process information and to the services to
be transferred were essential to an effective knowledge transfer. Although this work is a study of a single
case, it was observed that the process could be generalized to service provider transitions involving
contracting organizations of IT services.
Strategies to outsource IT services are on the
increase in today's organizations. However, the loss
of knowledge for clients has been reported as a
recurring problem that may lead to their depending
on the parties contracted and to issues in the
transition between service providers.
The end of a contract and the start of another, a
process known as contractual transition, is a critical
moment as it is in such a period that knowledge has
to be finally transferred to the contracting party, and
also be handed to the new contracted party to
provide services (Grim-Yefsah et al., 2011).
Knowledge transfer during the contract
minimizes the dependence between the contracting
and contracted parties and it is an important factor
for success in the contracting effort (Blumenberg et
al., 2009). The eSourcing Capability Model for
Client Organizations (eSCM-CL) supports the
client-contractor relation. The model has a
contracting life-cycle and provides a set of practices
for knowledge transfer to boost the consistency and
the quality of the work done by the parties (Hefley
and Loesche, 2006).
Samsudin et al. (2012) point that government
bodies are not prepared for the end of a contract.
Considering the difficulty that the contracting parties
have in a contractual transition (Urbach and Würz,
2012), the planning, the monitoring, and the support
of knowledge transmitter are essential items for an
effective transfer in this period (Samsudin et al.,
2012; Deng and Mao, 2012).
For Brazilian Government organizations, the
outsourcing of IT services is established by the law
(Brazil, 2012) and supplemented by the Normative
Instruction no. 04 of September 11th, 2014 (IN
04/2014). One of the goals is to avoid the loss of
knowledge, with practices for knowledge transfer
between the contractor and the contracting party
through all the contract cycle, and especially at its
end(Brazil, 2012).
In this context, and given the stages of the life
cycle in outsourcing of software development
services, the research question was how to define a
process for knowledge transfer in a contractual
transition involving software development services?
The goal of this work was to propose a process to
transfer knowledge at the time of a transition
between software development service providers. A
case study was conducted to analyze the execution
and refinement of the process at hand in a Brazilian
Government body, herein named Ministry.
This work is structured into six sections. Section
Morais, E., Jesus, G., Figueiredo, R., Venson, E. and Queiroz, R.
Knowledge Transfer in IT Service Provider Transition.
DOI: 10.5220/0006335104260433
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 426-433
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2 presents the eSCM model with emphasis on its
practices and some works of research that entails
knowledge transfer in a service provider transition.
Section 3 presents the materials and methods used in
this work. Section 4 provides the methodological
plan. Section 5 presents the execution of Stage 1 –
Process Definition and Section 6 presents Stage 2 –
Case Study. Section 7 provides an analysis of the
results. After that we present our Conclusions.
The eSCM-CL is a model of capability whose focus
lies on the predictability of the process and its
results. The model is divided into three dimensions:
Sourcing Life-Cycle, Capability Areas, and
Capability Levels. The Sourcing Life Cycle
dimension is split into Ongoing (containing practices
that cover all the cycle) and the Analysis, Initiation,
Delivery and Completion stages.
Given the scope of the model as related to the
life cycle of a service contracted, issues such as
knowledge management and transfer of resources
and knowledge are practices dealt with in the model.
The practices of Service Transfer area are performed
on the Initiation stage. The practices of Service
Completion area are performed on Delivery and
Completion stages. On Ongoing are performed the
practices of Knowledge Management area.
The areas of Knowledge Management (KNW),
Service Transfer (TFR), and Service Completion
(CMP) were identified as having practices that
involve knowledge transfer and contractual
transition. The following practices were selected in
this work:KNW01 Provide Required Information;
KNW02 Knowledge System; KNW04 Lessons
Learned; KNW05 Share Knowledge; TFR01 Service
Transition; TFR03 Resources Transferred Out;
TFR04 Personnel Transferred Out; TFR05
Knowledge Transferred Out; CMP 03 Resources
Transfer from Service Provider; CMP 05
Knowledge Transfer from Service Provider.
The Analysis stage deals with internal actions of
the contracting party to evaluate one's needs to
contract. No practices were found in this stage for
the context of this work. In this sense Grim-Yefsah
et al. (2011) present a set of activities that are carried
out at this point. The inventorying of internal and
external documents, as well as the code done is in
the Third Party Maintenance activity. The
Knowledge Transfer process between the service
providers is an activity that includes the transfer of
documents, applications and code. In the
Maintenance in Cooperation activity, the two service
providers execute the maintenance of a system and,
in the last activity, the final transfer of the
responsibilities to the new service provider takes
In these activities Grim-Yefsah et al. (2011)
identified good practices. The first one entails
meetings between the service providers (the old one
and the new one) with the participation of the client,
to allow a presentation of the artifacts and the
knowledge transfer on the project. The authors also
consider cooperative maintenance as a good
practice, where the two service providers work in
tandem on the joint maintenance of some
Alaranta and Jarvenpaa (2010) present
facilitating elements for knowledge transfer in
transition periods, such as modularization, reuse of
‘outside’ expertise, joint collaboration e personal
identities at work.
This section presents the materials and methods used
in this work. The research is descriptive as it aims at
identifying, recording and analyzing characteristics
that relate to the situation or phenomenon. As
regards the technical procedures, we used
bibliographical and document research, as well as
the application of a case study, given that the goal
was to produce knowledge based on a practical and
unique case.
The methodology had two stages: Stage 1 -
Process Definition, and Stage 2 – Case Study.
3.1 Stage 1 - Process Definition
In stage 1, a bibliography review was performed to
search for elements and practices of knowledge
transfer in service provider transition processes.
Documents of the client organization were also
analyzed to characterize the object of study, as
regards service provider transition. After that, semi-
structured interviews were conducted with the goal
of understanding how the transitions in previous
contracts had occurred and what were the
perspectives and preparations to the new transition.
Based on the bibliography and document review
performed, a new process for Knowledge Transfer
was proposed to the Ministry.
Knowledge Transfer in IT Service Provider Transition
3.2 Stage 2 - Case Study
From the Knowledge Transfer process defined in
Stage 1, the case study technique was applied to
analyze the execution, evaluation and the refining of
the process proposed to the body. The case study
was conducted in five steps, as suggested by
Runeson et al. (2012): 1)Project for a case study:
definition of goals and planning the case study;2)
Preparation for data collection: defining procedures
and protocols for data collection; 3) Evidence
collection: carrying out of data collection procedures
on the case study; 4) Analysis of the data collected:
The analysis procedures were applied to the data;
and 5) Report: the study and its conclusions were
packaged in a format appropriate for its relaying.
3.2.1 Case Study Project
A Brazilian Government body that would go through
a process of contractual transition was chosen. At
this point, we defined the goals and the planning for
the case study, as well as the research question.
3.2.2 Preparation for Data Collection
At this point, the case study was characterized and a
plan was produced for the data collection.
Characterization of the Object of Study: the
object, named in this study as Ministry, is a Brazilian
Government body. The IT area consists of 4
coordination offices. The IT Coordination has a
Division of Systems Development (DSYD)
responsible for managing software service providers.
Brazilian law provides that civil servants should
carry out all management activities. The Ministry’s
IT area has a small number of civil servants, which
hampers the transfer of knowledge, making the
scenario critical for a service provider transition. In
the service provider transition period that lasted
from December 2016 to February 2017, the IT
Coordination area had 3 staff: One head and two
The contract then in force had implemented two
providers who worked with: software and service
providing and quality support services. For the new
contract another service provider was planned and
contracted: technology support.
The definition, execution and evaluation of the
transfer process was carried out during the
contractual transition period, with an emphasis on an
agile software development process (MASDD)
(Souza Sobrinho et al., 2015).
MASDD is a process consisting of six sub-
processes in which activities, roles, and artifacts
were defined, aligned with agile practices and with
elements of knowledge transfer ((Brito et al., 2017)).
The roles involved in the process entail all the
aforementioned service providers and the Ministry’s
civil servants. There are the roles of Project Leader
(IT Analyst) and the Product Owner (PO) who is the
demanding party in the project.
Preparation of the Data Collection Plan: to
analyze the results produced by the proposed
process, we used the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM)
approach as put forward by Basili and Weiss
(1983).Table 1presents the resultant GQM.
Table 1: Resultant GQM (Source: Authors).
Goal Question Metric
Understand the
efficacy of
activities during
the service
What is the
capability of
the new
Ready Rate
Reuse of
What is the
efficacy of the
activities as
Adherence to the
execution ratio
Understand the
perception of
those involved
in the
activities in the
service provider
What is the
perception of
those involved
in the
transition, on
the transfer
activities done?
Level of
satisfaction of the
new provider
about the training
Perception of all
involved on the
transfer process
The data on productive capability is of a
quantitative nature that allows assessing how the
process of knowledge transfer helped with the
fulfillment of deadlines and delivery dates of
projects. We defined the Adherence to the Process
metric to find how much of the project executed
(hence transferred) complies with the process
proposed. The percentage of people that are
executing the process, as well as of those who took
at least one of the training courses proposed and
those who are executing the process is calculated in
the training-execution ratio.
According to Argote and Fahrenkopf (2016),
measuring the transfer of knowledge is a challenging
task and the approaches most used are questions and
observations of the data collected during the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
knowledge transfer experience. In this work, the
techniques adopted included semi-structured
interviews, questionnaires, and observation.
3.2.3 Evidence Collection
In the collection stage, the metrics of the first goal of
GQM were gathered through archival data and
observations. In order to obtain a general view of the
case studied and boost the level of precision, more
than one observer was assigned to the task, as
suggested by Runeson et al. (2012).
A questionnaire on satisfaction, previously
defined in Stage 2, was applied during the training
period. The questionnaire consisted in a set of
aspects related to the Training, Instructor and a
general evaluation. Each aspect was evaluated as
Weak, Regular, Good or Excellent. At the end of the
process of knowledge transfer, the semi-structured
interview was performed with the transcription of
the answers into a document.
3.2.4 Analysis and Report of Collected Data
The objective data gathered from the archival data
was blended with the observations made during the
execution of the project in the analysis stage, and
then related to the questions and objectives defined
in the GQM. The answers obtained in the
questionnaire were presented in graphs to allow the
visualization of the results, with their categorization
according to the activities proposed in the
knowledge transfer process.
Based on the data analysis, a report was
generated with the results of the evaluation and
suggestions for the knowledge transfer process
improvement. The sections below present the
execution and the data collection efforts.
Based on bibliography and documentary reviews
performed, a knowledge transfer process for the
provider’s transition stage was defined for the body
under study.
The Ministry’s contracts were analyzed. For the
outgoing service provider contract, the transition
plan was optional and the activities of knowledge
transfer were not planned. In the new contract, the
transition plan was mandatory and an overlapping
period is provided to support the service provider-to-
In trying to acknowledge the scenario of a
transition period, we conducted interviews with the
Head of the DSYD, the Head of the Office Project,
and the Management Support Rep. These procedures
enabled us to gather a set of practices: Collecting
lessons learned from the outgoing service provider;
Refining existing processes (from the experience of
the outgoing service provider). Collecting feedback
on possible refinements to the processes);Holding
meetings amongst the service providers with the
mediation of the body; Preparing the infrastructure
for the incoming service provider; Collecting
transfer data to support the drafting of the next
Based on the analysis of the documents and on
the interviews, a Process for Knowledge Transfer
was put forward for the service provider transition
stage. The process proposed entails the stages of
Completion and Initiation. Three roles were planned
for process execution: the contracting organization,
the outgoing service provider, and the incoming
service provider.
In the process proposed, there is a period
between the two stages, as planned for an
overlapping of the service providers, where the old
and the new service provider should interact,
remotely and in person, to share information. The
process proposed is shown in Figure 1.
The audit work is an internal process of the body.
This process is aimed at ensuring that the final
version of the products and their documentation get
delivered, that the software developed throughout
the contract have been catalogued, that the final
transfer of knowledge did take place, and that all the
resources and accesses have been revoked, as
provided in (Brazil, 2014).
In the Initiation stage, the Insertion Plan artifact
should be prepared pursuant to Brazilian legislation,
(IN 04/2014). The plan deals with the planning at
the start of the contract, with a meeting held at its
beginning and followed by the preparation of the
infrastructure to support the incoming service
The organization should have a guide of good
practices to undertake such qualification program by
the body, the Guide - Training Model. According to
guide and to the two references used for the activity,
the body should provide an environment for the
provider to access the information needed. A
definition should be produced in the process on the
structuring and use of a remote learning (EAD)
environment as well as a Wiki to make the process
available, as recommended by Marques-Lucena et
Knowledge Transfer in IT Service Provider Transition
Figure 1: Knowledge Transfer Process in Service provider Transition (Source: Authors).
Table 2: Process activities (Source: Authors).
Activity Goal Base Used
Transfer knowledge
to organization
Outgoing service provider should transfer knowledge
during the contract to the organization, following the
body's Transition Plan.
IN 04/2014
CMP05: Knowledge Transfer from Service
Activities: Responsibilities in the Transfer, Editing,
and Validation of a Transfer Plan (Grim-Yefsah et al., 2011)
Provide feedback Outgoing service provider should provide feedback
about the process.
Auditing The organization should audit the services provided
by the outgoing service provider.
IN 04/2014
Responsibilities in the Transfer Activity (Grim-
Yefsah et al., 2011)
Refine Processes Organization should refine the current processes
before transferring them to the incoming service
Remove access and
Organization should remove the given resources and
accesses from the outgoing service provider.
IN 04/2014
CMP03: Transfer of Resources from Service
Prepare Infrastructure Organization should plan and prepare the
infrastructure that will be used by the new provider.
KNW02 Provide Required Information
IN 04/2014
Perform Contract's
Initial Meeting
Organization should establish the services that will be
provided and introduce the parties involved.
KNW02 Provide Required Information
KNW02: Knowledge System
KNW05: Share Knowledge
Perform Trainings Organization should introduce and transfer
knowledge on the processes to incoming service
KNW01: Provide Required Information
KNW02: Knowledge System
Monitor Knowledge
Organization should monitor execution of the
processes at the start of the contract to ascertain the
efficacy of the transfer.
KNW04: Lessons learned
Collaborate with
Incoming Service
Organization should seek to answer eventual queries
on the processes, projects and systems with the
incoming service provider.
KNW05: Share Knowledge
Organize personal meetings and Knowledge
Transfer activities (Grim-Yefsah et al., 2011)
Joint Collaboration (Alaranta and Jarvenpaa, 2010)
Execute Processes Incoming service provider should start service
provision as provided for in contract.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
From the Knowledge Transfer process for service
provider transition defined, we used a case study
technique to analyze the execution, evaluation and
the refining of the process proposed to the body, our
object of study.
5.1 Completion
As there was no provision for a transition plan, there
was no prior plan for the final transfer. However, the
service provider delivered the final versions of the
products and their associated documentation. This
delivery was verified in their auditing process. Apart
from that, the body revoked all access privileges.
At the end of the contract the service provider
identified points for improvement in the MASDD
process which, along with monitoring of pilot-
projects (Sousa et al., 2016), allowed the refining of
the MASDD with the goal of preparing it for the
new service provider.
5.2 Initiation
With the new contract in force, the infrastructure
support area took some time to grant access profiles
for the new service provider. These profiles allow
the access to documentation and to training
resources. After that a start-of-contract meeting was
held that covered aspects such as service orders,
contract penalties, and existing processes within the
5.2.1 Training Execution
The training program was proposed in modules that
were made available on the Distance Learning
platform and provided in a classroom environment.
The classroom sessions were done in two days
due to time constraints of the service providers.
Slides were used in the presentations related to the
contents. A practice work approach was used in
order to present the requirements management tool.
There were 14 attendants on the first day and 6 on
the second.
With the intent of evaluating the quality and
efficiency of the training program, a questionnaire
was applied to capture the perception of the parties
involved on the process of knowledge transfer.
5.2.2 Collaboration with the New Service
The collaboration of the former service provider
with the incoming one might take place via
meetings, information transfer or even an effort on
joint development / maintenance. No provision was
made in the then-in-force contract for an overlapping
5.2.3 MASDD Process Execution
Work to monitor the transfer of knowledge was done
during the execution of the process, via the
participation in process activities, as observers, and
through the archival data. A project was under way
during the contractual transition period, having been
developed, namely Project 1. A meeting was then
held to enable the transfer of this project, with the
business analyst of the software factory, to present
what the project was about and its history.
The knowledge transfer was monitored in this
project and in a new one, named in this effort as
Project 2. Both projects were executed
simultaneously. During the first Release, the metrics
were collected for both of them.
The results of Project 1 were: training-execution
ratio: 100%, adherence 99,78%, rate of ready (1
Sprint 40%; 2
Sprint: 83%; 3
Sprint 100 %),
Duration of the sub-processes: 129 days. The results
of Project 2 were: training-execution ratio: 50%,
adherence 92,55%, rate of ready (1
Sprint 75%; 2
Sprint: 71,43%; 3
Sprint 100 %), Duration of the
sub-processes: 132 days.
The doubts that have appeared were related to
the storage of the artifacts and the evidences criteria
of the tests.
Semi-structured interviews were made with those
involved in the process, such as: Project Leader,
New Software Factory Rep, Tech Support Rep on
Quality, and Management Support, to try and
discover their points-of-view on the execution of the
MASDD and on the knowledge transfer. The
answers obtained were transcribed and analyzed.
At the start of the contract it was observed that the
start-of-contract meeting was essential. The
preparation of the infrastructure, despite the fact it
was not adequately done, it did not affect the case
under study, as the projects took some time to roll.
That does not invalidate the need for this activity.
Knowledge Transfer in IT Service Provider Transition
In the case of the training program, the
evaluation done during the activity showed that, for
most of the respondents, the classroom training
sessions were evaluated as Good or Excellent on
both days. On the first day, from a total of 14
people, 8 people rated it as Good, 4 as Excellent, and
2 as Regular. On the second day, from a total of 6
people, 4 evaluated it as Good and 2 evaluated it as
In the execution of the MASDD process, no
representative of the new service providers had
worked with the new process yet and, as a result, all
the reps selected took the training course. As regards
the training-execution ratio, Project 2 scored 50%, as
the PO and a developer did not attend the training
sessions. The non-availability of the PO led this
project to a smaller adherence to the process.
The ready rate was lower in the first iterations.
Problems were identified with the architecture used,
but no issues were found as related to the knowledge
transfer. The doubts that were brought up were after
all related to aspects that were not made clear in the
documentation or in the training sessions. This way
it was possible to identify improvements in the
MASDD process.
The product verification was longer than
anticipated in both projects, 30 and 18 days,
respectively, as two failures occurred. We concluded
that a lack of expertise of the supplier as to how the
product would be evaluated produced such failures.
The body has guides for quality checking and the
contractor was unaware of them. Therefore, a
reference to these guides was added to the process.
At the end of the execution of the knowledge
transfer process, the answers from the interviews
done were ranked into categories such as: access to
information and efficacy in knowledge transfer. As
regards the access to information, the respondents
indicated the approach they considered the most
efficient to learn about the process and to clear
eventual queries. Diverging opinions were found
between the distance training, classroom training
and the documentation. They also pointed that the
representatives of the body and the documentation
were enough to clear the doubts then produced.
In the answers related to the efficacy of the
knowledge transfer, we found that some gaps in the
definitions of the MASDD affected the knowledge
transfer, as shown below:
'Artifacts not related to the MASDD (but to the
project) are still 'lying about''. A lack was
observed of a general view of what is necessary
to deliver (of the process as a whole, in the
MASDD and outside the MASDD).’
'I believe there are complications related to what
to do. I have seen acceptance tests get similar to
the steps of a use case. I saw that the manual has
insufficient information and other flaws in
documentation. Although this is not about the
process, but about the products and their quality
levels. '
Despite all of these gaps, all those interviewed
said that the activities for knowledge transfer, as
proposed, would allow an understanding and the
execution of the MASDD process.
With the obtained results, the following lessons
learned were identified.
Infrastructure preparation is essential to
provide knowledge artifacts.
Good relationship with the outgoing service
provider can facilitate the process.
Care should be exercised in the preparation
of the process documentation and of the
training sessions to prevent an adverse
effect on the execution of the services.
The service provider transition process in
organizations is a critical period as a loss of
knowledge can occur. In order to avoid it, it is
essential that the knowledge transfer process in this
period is planned and monitored.
This work describes a proposal, the execution
and evaluation of a knowledge transfer process for a
contractual transition, as witnessed in a Brazilian
Government body. The process was based on related
study practices of the eSCM-CL model and on
Brazilian Law.
In the transition that occurred in the body of our
study, the data collected from two projects allowed
us to evaluate the process proposed. Considering the
gaps found in the MASDD process during its
execution, we found that the preparation of the
training program and the granting of access to
process data and the services to be transferred are
essential elements for a successful knowledge
transfer process.
At the end of the transition period it was found
that the process proposed was effective and helped
in the transfer of knowledge.
This work is a study of a single case but it is
possible to observe that the process can be
generalized to service provider transitions involving
contracting organizations of IT services.
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Knowledge Transfer in IT Service Provider Transition