Table 3: Assessment of the quality of the results returned by TAXFRAUDDETECTOR and its competitors when analyzing the
SEFAZ-CE 2011 dataset.
Method Accuracy Precision Recall F
TAXFRAUDDETECTOR 81.33% 78.14% 76.08% 77.0962%
(Matos et al., 2015) 51.27% 48.94% 51.11% 50.0014%
SVM using TAXFRAUDDETECTOR 56.26% 53.12% 47.23% 50.0021%
SVM using (Matos et al., 2015) 33.42% 30.07% 39.13% 34.0069%
SVM 87.49% 45.09% 8.22% 13.9112%
analyze them. As such, this scenario represents a typ-
ical complex network, hence a proper analysis of the
underlying topology can offer useful insights into the
network properties.
In the experimental evaluation we show that our
approach achieves F
scores of about 54% greater
than (Matos et al., 2015) when considering the dataset
introduced by this work, while it maintains equivalent
scores when considering the dataset introduced in
(Matos et al., 2015). Furthermore, we show that our
method is able to improve F
scores of about 47%
with respect to an SVM-based approach, when con-
sidering the dataset introduced in this work.
As a future line of research, we are considering the
application of other metrics over graph determinants
to further improve the feature selection process; fi-
nally, we plan to explore more issues related to graph
topology, which in turn have the potential to improve
the accuracy of fraud detection.
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An Accurate Tax Fraud Classifier with Feature Selection based on Complex Network Node Centrality Measure