Microcysts were the structure that provided a
better discrimination between functioning blebs and
non-functioning blebs (p<0.01)
SD-OCT allows better visualization of thin wall
structures (multiformity, thickness and microcysts)
than TD-OCT. Despite its worse performance in the
observation of structures that need greater tissue
penetration and its greater difficulty in obtaining
wide-field images, this device has produced better
results than previous studies done without an anterior
segment adapter.
Some of our work limitations are the small
number of patients included, different follow-up
times and the higher number of anti-hypertensive
medications done by patients with non-functioning
blebs, which might affect conjunctival light
transmission and, consequently, the exam results.
AS-OCT is a simple, non-contact, reproducible
method for analysing the morphology of
trabeculectomy blebs. It is a useful exam in
evaluating the functionality of the bleb, aiding in the
clinical characteristics observed in the slit-lamp and
detecting early signs of the filtration bleb failure.
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