Security Requirements for Smart Toys
Luciano Gonçalves de Carvalho
and Marcelo Medeiros Eler
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo, Brazil
FATEC Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo State Technological College, Brazil
Keywords: Smart Toys, Toy Computing, Security, Security Requirements.
Abstract: Toys are an essential part of our culture, and they evolve as our technology evolves. Smart toys have been
recently introduced in our market as conventional toys equipped with electronic components and sensors that
enable wireless network communication with mobile devices that provide services to enhance the toy's
functionalities. This environment, also called toy computing, provides users with a more sophisticated and
personalised experience since it collects, processes and stores personal information to be used by mobile
services and the toy itself. On the other hand, it raises concerns around information security and child safety
because unauthorized access to confidential information may bring many consequences. In fact, several
security flaws in toy computing have been recently reported in the news due to the absence of clear security
policies in this new environment. In this context, this paper presents an analysis of the toy computing
environment based on the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle and its threat modelling tool with the
aim of identifying a minimum set of security requirements a smart toy should meet. As result we identified
15 threats and 20 security requirements for toy computing.
Toys have been around for a long time in our society,
either for leisure or for educational purposes. As they
are fundamentally used by children, they must be
designed to assure the safety of their users according
to their age. Toys that can be disassembled in small
parts, for example, may not be safe for babies or
toddlers. That is why most toys have a clear
indication of the age range they are appropriate for.
Looking forward to providing users with more
interactive and personalised experiences, toy
manufacturers have introduced the smart toys in the
market. A distinguishing characteristic of a smart toy
is that it usually has three components: a conventional
physical toy equipped with sensors and electronic
components to enable network communication; a
mobile device that provides the physical part with
mobile services; and a mobile application to interact
with the physical toy. This special association
between the physical toy and a mobile device has
been called toy computing by Rafferty and Hung
There are other types of toys in the market that are
called smart toys. One of them refers to toys that are
intended to help children become smarter, such as
puzzles or logic games, for example. The other one
refer to toys embedded with electronic parts that can
react to environment stimuli, store data or even learn
patterns based on user interaction. Those are the
electronic toys (Rafferty and Hung, 2015). In the
context of this paper, we refer smart toys as those who
fall in the field of toy computing, which has an
association between a physical toy and a mobile
device and application.
By their nature, smart toys raise a different
concern beyond child safety: security. Smart toys
may manipulate confidential data such as private
information and localisation, for example. In
conventional systems, sometimes users may allow
third parties to access their private information for
marketing or customisation process. However,
children are considered vulnerable users that may not
make informed decisions about their own privacy
Although parental control mechanisms, such as
parents account and parents’ consent interfaces, can
mitigate relevant privacy issues, they aren’t able to
avoid attacks that compromise other security aspects,
including information theft and denial of service.
In fact, several articles from relevant sources such
as Forbes (Fox-Brewster, 2016), Fortune (Hackett,
Carvalho, L. and Eler, M.
Security Requirements for Smart Toys.
DOI: 10.5220/0006337001440154
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 144-154
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2016) and PCWorld (Newman, 2015) have reported
security flaws in smart toys. Such flaws range from
private information leakages (bio information,
photos) to outsiders interacting with children via a
smart toy. This is a threat even to the children safety
since they can provide confidential information and
even unrestrictedly follow instructions given by the
toy. Such a scenario raises an important question:
how safe are the children around smart toys?
It is noticeable that there are only a few disclosed
policies related to the security policies and
requirements defined to address the issues related to
smart toys. Generally, solutions are disclosed after a
security flaw becomes public. Thus specific security
policies and requirements must be considered in this
scenario to assure the security of the information and
even the safety of the children.
Mobile applications have been used for a long
time in both personal and corporation environments,
hence policies and requirements have been proposed
to assure the security of mobile services and
applications (Biswas, 2012) (Zapata et al., 2014)
(Nagappan; Shihab, 2016). Nonetheless, defining
such policies and requirements for smart toys requires
a separate investigation since they usually run in a
less secure environment, e.g. with few security
The main difference between a typical mobile
application and a smart toy is that the latter has an
actual physical toy (a simpler device than a
smartphone or a tablet, controlled by the mobile
application) that may also collect, manipulate and
store information. Moreover, it has network features
to communicate with the mobile device and other
computational systems, which increases the attack
surface. The fact that smart toys are basically used by
children makes it even more challenging, since the
security policies must comply with children rights
and specific acts of each country or state.
This paper aims at analysing smart toys (or toy
computing) from a security perspective to identify
security requirements to mitigate the inherent security
risks of this environment. We used a Security
Requirements Engineering approach from Microsoft
called Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) and a
threat modelling tool to analyse the three components
of a smart toy and their interaction. Accordingly, 15
threats and 20 security requirements have been
identified and are presented.
The remainder of this paper is organised as
follows. Section 2 shows the basic concepts of smart
toys and toy computing. Section 3 presents the
concepts related to security requirements. Section 4
discusses the related work. Section 5 presents the
threats and the requirements identified as well the
procedure used to identify them. Finally, concluding
remarks and future directions are presented in Section
Toys have been part of our culture for a long time as
entertainment resources. According to specialists,
they are essential for children cognitive, motor and
social development. They are also used for
educational and therapeutic purposes. The growing
interest for technological gadgets from people of all
ages has promoted the development of high tech toys,
also known as smart toys.
Smart toys are composed of three parts: a
conventional physical toy (such as a car or a doll)
equipped with electronic components, sensors, and
software which enable wireless communication with
other computational systems via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
Near Field Communication (NFC); a mobile device
that provides the smart toys with mobile services to
enhance their functionalities; and a mobile
application that interacts with the physical toy. Figure
1 shows an illustration of this environment including
the user.
Figure 1: Toy computing environment.
Rafferty and Hung (2015) refer to this field of
study as toy computing, which associates the physical
computation (embed systems and sensors in a
traditional toy) with mobile services. Table 1 shows a
comparison among traditional toys, electronic toys
and smart toys.
2.1 Smart Toys Samples
There are few toys in the market that fit in the
concept of toy computing. Amiibo refers to action
figures of the famous characters of Nintendo video
games such as, for example, Mario Bros and the
Legend of Zelda. They use NFC technology to
communicate with the consoles also built by
Nintendo. Figure 2 presents an illustration of this
smart toy. Among other features, one Amiibo allows
the player to incorporate that character in a game, or
Security Requirements for Smart Toys
to use special features or receive a level upgrade, and
so forth.
Table 1: Toys comparison.
Traditional Electronic Smart
Interaction Mechanical Mechanical
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
by Mobile
No No Yes
Note: Adapted from Rafferty and Hung (2015).
Figure 2: Super Mario Character Amiibo for Nintendo 3DS
console (Adapted from
Sphero has created a robotic ball, also called
Sphero, that is controlled by a mobile application
installed on a tablet or smartphone via Bluetooth.
More than thirty applications are available for this
toy. They allow users to use basic controls or create
personalised programs to control the sphere.
The Tek Recon Hammer Head and Tech Recon
Havoc are high performance blasters developed by
Tech 4 Kids that along with a mobile device and a
mobile application provide users with a realistic battle
field game experience. Figure 3 presents the Havoc
model of this smart toy. The mobile application uses
the GPS technology provided by the mobile device to
track the users in real time. It also allows users to
communicate via voice message using Wi-Fi or 3G
Figure 3: Tech Recon Havok (Adapted from
The Mattel Fisher-Price interactive learning smart
toys with voice and image recognition features are
capable to collect data to adapt to create personalized
playing. Figure 4 shows the Smart Toy® Bear.
Through the mobile app and a Wi-Fi connection, the
smart toy gets updates and the parents can unlock
bonus activities.
Figure 4: Smart Toy Bear (Adapted from http://fisher-
Another Mattel smart toy, the Hello Barbie is a
doll equipped with a microphone, speaker and a
speech recognition feature, allowing a two-way
conversation when connected to a Wi-Fi network. A
mobile app is required for account set up and allow
parents to listen child’s conversation with the toy. To
improve conversation, the toy store conversations and
sent them to a server in the internet.
My friend Cayla, a smart toy doll, and I-QUE
Intelligent Robot, both from Genesis Toys, are smart
toys able to answer several questions and, to improve
user experience, connects to the Internet through a
mobile device. Figure 5 shows I-QUE environment.
2.2 Some Smart Toy Security Flaws
Several mobile services, such as e-commerce, mobile
banking and location-based services (Broll et al,
2007), use context data to provide customers with
more personalized experiences. Examples of context
data are age, sex, localisation, and so forth. Such
information are usually stored in the mobile device
and may be collected voluntarily, when the user
informs personal data as required by the application;
observed, when data is collected by the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: I-QUE Intelligent Robot (Adapted from
device's sensors; or inferred when some information is
derived from the data observed or collected.
Likewise, most of the smart toys collect, observe
or infer personal information to provide customers
with more personalized game experiences. The data
collected by the physical part of the smart toy are sent
to a mobile device through a wireless network. The
mobile application of the smart toy running in the
mobile device, in turn, gets mobile services provided
by Internet servers.
Data collection may be a problem when
appropriate security controls are missing because
private information could be exposed in a data
leakage. A quick search over the internet for security
issues in smart toys will reveal security flaws such as
private information leakages and outsiders interacting
with children via a smart toy, for example.
Genesis Toys, which makes the Cayla and I-QUE
products, was accused by consumer groups in the US,
among other things, of collecting children’s personal
data (Baraniuk, 2016). It was possible to connect to
the toys from any mobile device through Bluetooth.
The data exchange between physical toy and mobile
device can be easily intercepted. The Hello Barbie
doll app, for example, could automatically connect to
unsecured Wi-Fi networks and reveal confidential
information (Newman, 2015). Some Internet servers
may fail to authenticate users and expose data and
profiles. A Smart Toy® Bear vulnerability in the
backend systems enabled attackers to access private
As this specific market grows, so does the
concerns around the security of smart toys, especially
because they are massively used by children.
Children are considered vulnerable and most of the
times incapable of making informed or rational
decisions, that is why they are usually covered by
specific acts and children’s rights depending on the
country or state they live. In such a scenario, it is
urgent a proper investigation of the possible threats
and security requirements a smart toy should meet to
assure a reasonable level of security for its users.
Systems requirements are descriptions of the
functionalities that a system must provide and its
related constraints (Sommerville, 2011). They can be
classified as functional requirements, when they refer
to the features a system must have, usually related to
business rules, and non-functional requirements,
usually related to constraints over the systems
functions such as Service Level Agreement (SLA),
for example.
Security requirements aim at assuring the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of a system,
which are the fundamental principles behind
information security along with privacy and non-
repudiation. Security requirements are usually
referred as non-functional requirements as they
represent system constraints which may be
implemented in many ways. For example, a
redundant architecture to guarantee the availability of
the system, or access control to assure confidentiality.
But they may also be classified as functional
requirements when they must provide authentication,
for example.
For a long time, systems were developed almost
exclusively to meet functional requirements and
almost no attention was given to security
requirements. Security issues were basically met by
means of security patches released after the discovery
of a vulnerability (Tondel et al., 2008). Nowadays,
much more attention has been given to security
requirements as the number of security incidents has
been growing across the time. Figure 6 shows the
number of security issues reported to the United
States Federal Agencies (GAO, 2016).
Figure 6: Security Incidents Report (GAO, 2016).
Security Requirements for Smart Toys
The process of identifying, analysing and
documenting requirements is known as Requirements
Engineering. Handling security requirements
demands specific knowledge and practices, thus some
authors classified the process of managing security
requirements as Security Requirements Engineering
(SRE). There are several SRE approaches found in
the literature and used in industrial level, such as
Comprehensive, Lightweight Application Security
Process (CLASP), Security Quality Requirements
Engineering (SQUARE), and the Security
Development Lifecycle (SDL) from Microsoft, for
example. Following, we present the details of such
CLASP is composed of several security-related
activities that can be integrated into any software
development process, in order to build a security
requirements set. Security requirements are
formulated according to the following steps (Viega,
1. Identify system roles and resources.
2. Categorize resources into abstractions.
3. Identify resource interactions through the
lifetime of the system.
4. For each category, specify mechanisms for
addressing each core security services.
The requirements specifier, an important role in
that process, is responsible for detailing security
relevant business requirements, determining
protection requirements for the architectural
resources, and specifying misuse cases. Misuse cases
describe actors’ undesirable behaviour (Sindre;
Opdahl, 2005).
The main activities related to requirements
elicitation and performed by the requirements
specifier are (Secure Software, 2005):
Specify operational environment.
Identify global security policy.
Identify resources and trust boundaries.
Detail misuse cases.
SQUARE is a process that aims to integrate security
concerns into the systems development life cycle.
This process consider nine steps in order to elicit,
categorize and prioritize security requirements, as
follow (Mead; Hough; Stehney, 2005):
1. Agree on definitions.
2. Identify security goals.
3. Develop artifacts to support security
requirements definition.
4. Perform risk assessment.
5. Select elicitation techniques.
6. Elicit security requirements.
7. Categorize requirements as to level (system,
software, etc.) and whether they are
requirements or other kinds of constraints.
8. Prioritize requirements.
9. Requirements inspection.
The steps related to SRE are from 5 to 9, but the
steps from 1 to 4 are very important to the success of
this process (Mead, 2006). It is important to note that
crucial artifacts, such as misuse case scenarios and
diagrams, and attack trees, are created or assembled
in the step 3 in order to assist the requirements
elicitation process in the step 6. SQUARE can be used
either to an under development system or to a released
3.3 SDL
Microsoft Trustworthy Computing SDL (Lipner,
2004) (Microsoft, 2011) stands for security software
development and it has the main following phases and
its security mandatory tasks:
1. Requirements: security requirements
establishment, quality gates and bug bars
definition and documentation (set security and
privacy minimum levels), and security and
privacy risk analysis;
2. Design: design requirements establishment,
attack surface analysis and threat modeling;
3. Implementation: approved tools utilization,
unsecure functions disable and static analysis
4. Verification: dynamic analysis and fuzzing
tests execution, and attack surface review;
5. Release: incident response plan elaboration,
final security review execution and software
The SDL foresees its use in conjunction with both
conventional and agile software development
processes (Microsoft, 2011).
Requirements identification will occur in the first
two phases. In the requirements phase, minimum
security and privacy quality levels are established
through quality gates and bug bars whereas in the
design phase, security and privacy design
specification is built, which describe the security and
privacy features that will be exposed directly to the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
During the design phase, performing a threat
modeling is considered a critical activity, since it is a
systematic process for identifying threats and
vulnerabilities. The following steps are essential in
threat modeling:
1. Diagram: system decomposition with Data
Flow Diagrams (DFD).
2. Identify threats: system threat identification
using the STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampering,
Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial
of service and Elevation of privilege)
3. Mitigate: address each threat identified.
4. Validate: validate the whole threat model.
Microsoft have developed the SDL Threat
Modeling Tool to provide guidance on creating and
analysing threat models.
Ng and his colleagues (Ng et al., 2015), aware about
security and privacy issues in the toys and mobile
apps union, present in their work two main security
and privacy concerns: location history and data
tracking, and encryption and data security. Mobile
devices connected to Internet through a mobile data
plan or a Wi-Fi network are susceptible to different
forms of attacks (denial of service, man in the middle,
spoofing, etc.). These devices usually log location
history that, when it is sent over the Internet, could be
intercepted, exposing motion patterns and the real
time individual location.
In order to provide security and privacy, the
communications must use secure protocol to ensure
identities and data encryption in the data exchange.
Rafferty and her colleagues through a formal privacy
threat model, developed by them and inspired by
well-known threat modelling techniques, have
investigated privacy requirements for toy computing
(Rafferty et al., 2015). The analyses consider a threat
architecture, illustrated in Figure 7, and they are
performed in five (5) steps:
1. Architecture overview: architectural
perspective of the toy computing application.
2. Assets and data flow: assets identification and
application decomposition.
3. Privacy threats: privacy threats identification
and mapping.
4. Methods of attack: privacy threat trees
determination and misuse case scenarios
5. Privacy requirements and Controls: privacy
requirements and control proposal.
According to the toy computing nature and threat
architecture, privacy are affected by the following:
Child’s Identity: identity is associated with
collected data.
Location Data: collection of location data and
probably association with identities.
Networking Capabilities: collected data
sharing over a network.
Figure 7: Threat Architecture (Rafferty et al., 2015).
As a result, they have compiled six (6) privacy
rights (privacy requirements):
The right for a parent/guardian to request
restrictions on the use or disclosure of private
information of their child.
The right for a parent/guardian to access, copy,
and inspect collected records on their child.
The right for a parent/guardian to request
deletion of their child’s private data records,
or correction if records are inaccurate.
The right for a parent/guardian to request
acknowledgements through a communication
channel when private information of their
child is collected.
The right to file complaints to toy company.
The right to find out where the child’s private
data has been shared for purposes other than a
Although these work addresses security issues for
smart toys, they are restricted to privacy and
confidentiality problems that, while very important,
are not the only ones.
Rafferty and her colleagues also proposed a
privacy rule conceptual model where parents/legal
guardians are the owners of their child’s data and
provide consent to share the data collected through
access rules (Rafferty et al., 2017).
Security Requirements for Smart Toys
We used the phases Requirements and Design from
the Microsoft SDL process in order to identify
generic security requirements that could be used to
develop any smart toy. We also used the threat
modeling tool provided by Microsoft. We considered
a typical toy computing environment in this analysis:
a physical toy controlled by mobile applications
running in mobile devices and using mobile services.
5.1 SDL Requirements Phase
During the Requirements phase, the main sources of
information used to define the security requirements
were laws and regulations the toy industry must
comply with. As smart toys are massively used by
children, the COPPA was also an important source of
information. It defines, from the perspective of
information security, the following issues regarding
children information to be addressed:
I1. Provide notice about information collection,
use and disclosure practices.
I2. Obtain parental consent for personal
information collecting, using and disclosing.
I3. Not promote unnecessary personal
information disclosure.
I4. Protect personal information confidentiality,
integrity and availability.
In general, personal and confidential information
must be protected. Therefore, The Personal
Information Protection and Electronic
Documentation Act (PIPEDA) (Canadian Public
Works and Government Services, 2000) was also
considered during our analysis. It defines the
following issues to be addressed:
I5. Provide the same protection level for third
party information processing.
I6. Implement procedures to protect personal
I7. Document the purposes for which personal
information is collected.
I8. Obtain individual consent for the personal
information collection, use or disclosure.
I9. Specify the type of personal information
I10. Retain personal information only as long as
I11. Maintain personal information accurate,
complete and up-to-date as is necessary.
I12. Protect personal information against loss or
theft, unauthorized access, disclosure,
copying, use, or modification.
Although COPPA and PIPEDA cover many
important security aspects, they may not be sufficient
to meet all the requirements of all countries.
Therefore, other security issues may arise from the
analysis of specific rules and laws of some countries.
5.2 Design Phase
Based on the toy computing environment presented
on Figure 1 and the threat architecture presented on
Figure 7, the security analysis considered the context
diagram (high level DFD) showed on Figure 8 and
level 1 DFD showed on Figure 9.
In order to identify threats in this phase, we
consider the main following assets:
Physical toy.
Mobile device.
Mobile application (app).
Figure 8: Toy Computing Context Diagram.
Figure 9: Level 1 Smart Toy Processes.
The mobile device through the mobile application
collects, stores and shares data, therefore, we consider
the following possible information assets:
App database.
Configuration files.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Data files (location, images, video, audio,
The interaction between user, mobile device and
physical toy exposes some system’s entry points:
Mobile app interface: user insert data into the
mobile interface.
Sensors of the mobile device: mobile device
gets data by its sensors.
Sensors of the physical toy: physical toy get
data by its sensors.
Communication between physical toy and
mobile device: wireless network
communication using local area network
(LAN) or personal area network (PAN)
protocols like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Near Field
Communication (NFC), etc.
Communication between mobile device and
mobile service providers: wireless network
communication using LAN and wide area
network (WAN) protocols like Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G,
5.3 Threats
The threats identified, through threat modeling
technique supported by STRIDE are:
T1. Spoofing:
T1.1. The children is not playing, but the
attacker (insider), who wants to discover
confidential information.
T1.2. An attacker is using another mobile
device to control the toy (Bluetooth
T1.3. The mobile service provider is fake.
T2. Tampering:
T2.1. Modification of the configuration file
of the mobile device (loads a configuration
file not suitable for the user).
T2.2. Modification of the information
exchanged through network
communication between the components
(physical toy x mobile device x access
T2.3. Modification of the database in the
mobile device (changes the game points,
user's actions history etc).
T3. Repudiation:
T3.1. User denies purchases of services,
accessories etc.
T4. Information disclosure:
T4.1. Disclosure of personal information
stored in the database.
T4.2. Disclosure of information used to
request mobile services (localisation,
context data etc).
T4.3. Disclosure of information stored in the
mobile device (photos, video, text
messages etc).
T5. Denial of Service:
T5.1. A service inserts enough information
in the database to reach the full capacity of
the mobile device storage system.
T5.2. More than one device sends
commands to the physical toy making it
not able to provide the correct answer.
T5.3. An attacker denies access to mobile
services through the access point
T6. Elevation of privilege:
T6.1. An attacker watches the data
exchanged by the network communication
between the mobile device and the toy,
then changes it to access the toy.
T6.2. An attacker watches the data
exchanged by the network communication
between the mobile device and the mobile
services, then changes it to access the
mobile services.
5.4 Security Requirements
Based on the results from the SDL’s requirements and
design phases, the minimum security requirements
for smart toys in a toy computing environment that
addresses the twelve raised issues and fifteen threats
SR1. The smart toy app must provide notice of
what information it collects and the further use and
disclosure practices.
SR2. The smart toy app must provide an specific
interface in order to identify user age and obtain
user consent before the personal information
collection and manipulation; in the case of child
user, obtain verifiable parental consent and parental
consent review.
SR3. The smart toy app must not ask for more
personal information in order to continue its
SR4. The smart toy app must authenticate users.
SR5. Communication between physical toy and
mobile device must use a protocol that allow
authentication and authorization mechanisms.
SR6. Mobile services providers must own digital
certificates allowing identity verification.
SR7. Configuration file integrity must be
maintained and verified in every mobile app play
Security Requirements for Smart Toys
SR8. Every communication in toy computing
environment must use cryptographic mechanisms.
SR9. The Database Management Systems
(DBMS) must provide user authentication.
SR10. The DBMS must provide security
mechanisms against to external modification of
stored data.
SR11. The smart toy app must request
authentication renew before every financial
SR12. The DBMS must provide data encryption
feature or allow data encryption by third-party
SR13. The smart toy app must encrypt personal
information accessed from others apps inside the
same mobile device.
SR14. The mobile app must not access
unnecessary files from others mobile apps inside the
same mobile device.
SR15. The mobile app must monitor and limit
database growth.
SR16. The physical toy must nor accept
commands from mobile devices outside the current
play session.
SR17. Every communication must use secure
protocol with cryptographic mechanisms.
SR18. The smart toy app must show the privacy
police when required.
SR19. The smart toy must delete every
unnecessary personal information collected.
SR20. The smart toy must maintain personal
information accurate, complete and up-to-date as is
Table 2 presents which security requirement
addresses witch security issues ant threats.
5.5 Results and Discussion
The twenty security requirements established in the
section 5.4 address security concepts like
confidentiality, integrity, availability, privacy, non-
repudiation and authenticity. Most of the security
issues are related to these six information critical
It is possible to perceive the effectiveness of the
security achieved when the proposed security
requirements are met taking into account, for
example, the recent security problems presented by
the Smart Toy® Bear, Hello Barbie, Cayla and I-QUE
Intelligent robot, all presented in the section 2.2 in
this paper.
Table 2: Security Requirements versus Issues and Threats.
Security Requirement Issues and/or Threats
SR1 I1 and I8
SR2 I2 and I8
SR3 I3
SR4 T1.1
SR5 I4, I12 and T1.2
SR6 I4, I5, I12, T1.3
SR7 I4, I12, T2.1
SR8 I4, I5, I6, I12 and T2.2
SR9 I4, I12 and T2.3
SR10 I4, I12 and T2.3
SR11 T3.1
SR12 I4, I6, I12 and T4.1
SR13 I4, I6, I12 and T4.2
SR14 I4, I12 and T4.3
SR15 I4 and T5.1
SR16 I4 and T5.2
SR17 I4, I6, I12, T6.1 and T6.2
SR18 I7 and I9
SR19 I10
SR20 I11
Security flaws in the Smart Toy® Bear caused by
the use of unsecured application programming
interfaces (APIs) (Hackett, 2016; Fox-Brewster,
2016) allowed attackers access personal information
and send commands to the physical toy. These
problems could be avoided by the implementation of
the security requirements SR4, SR5, SR6, SR7, SR8,
SR12, SR16 and SR17.
Several vulnerabilities was uncovered in the Hello
Barbie doll like communications interception,
personal information disclosure and connection to
unsecured Wi-Fi network (Newman, 2015). These
problems could be avoided by the implementation of
the security requirements SR5, SR6, SR7, SR8, SR12
and SR17.
The Cayla doll and I-QUE Intelligent Robot,
among other problems, allowed an attacker ask
children personal information and unauthorized
Bluetooth connections from any near mobile device
(Baraniuk, 2016). These security issues are solved by
the implementation of the security requirements SR3,
SR4 and SR5.
The security requirements identified in this work
cover the whole toy computing environment.
Therefore, future advances in the development of
smart toys that comply with this environment can also
benefit from this list of security requirements. The
results of this work can also serve as a basis for the
elaboration of security policies, since toy
manufacturers usually only have privacy policies,
which are less comprehensive, besides evidencing the
need to formally deal with information security,
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
which can be translated in the creation of future
security standards to be met by the toy industry.
Computer systems have been a target of cybernetic
attacks for a long time. Their association with
traditional toys has created a new type of product
called smart toy, which has also become a target for
attackers. In this paper, we presented the main
concepts and architectures behind this new
environment called toy computing and we discussed
the consequences of enlarging the attack surface by
introducing a physical toy equipped with sensors and
network communication and the vulnerabilities that
might be exploited in this scenario. The security issue
associated with the discussed scenario is aggravated
by the fact that children are the main users of this
technology and most of the time are not able to
perceive situations of risk. We thus presented an
analysis performed on the toy computing
environment using the Microsoft SDL process and its
threat modelling tool to identify the main
vulnerabilities, threats and consequently
the minimum security requirements that every smart
toy must meet, so it does not expose its users to
potentially harmful situations.
The identification of such security requirements is
important to allow the developers to plan how the
security mechanisms will be implemented during the
development life cycle of the smart toys. As each new
smart toy may have different characteristics and even
electronic components, enlarging the surface attack
and the potential threats, each new smart toy will
require a proper security requirements elicitation and
analysis in order to ensure that any new security
requirements can be identified and later included in
the general list of security requirements for smart
toys. Moreover, the security requirements identified
for toy computing can be used to derive security tests
for toy computing considering all vulnerabilities and
threats identified in different scenarios.
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