A Knowledge-based Approach for Personalised Clothing
Recommendation for Women
Hemilis Joyse Barbosa Rocha
, Evandro de Barros Costa
, Emanuele Tuane Silva
Natalia Caroline Lima
and Juliana Cavalcanti
¹Federal University of Alagoas-UFAL Institute of Computing,
Av Lourival Melo Mota, S/N - Tabuleiro dos Martins, Maceió - AL, Brazil
²Federal Institute of Alagoas-IFAL, Informatics in Campus Viçosa, AL, Brazil
Keywords: Knowledge-based Recommender System, Clothing Personalization, User Modeling, Intelligent and Decision
Support Systems.
Abstract: Currently, recommendation system technology has been assumed as a promising approach to contribute to
fashion domain in terms of electronic commerce. In this paper, we propose an approach for a clothing
personalized recommendation system that is able to help the women to identify appropriate clothing categories
together with models linked to clothing images, mainly based on their fashion styles and body types. To
achieve this, besides an intelligent user interface, our recommendation approach deals with two main
components: the user modeling and the clothing recommendation, which is responsible for recommending
fashion clothing items to women. The user modeling is responsible for creating and updating the user model,
including two main knowledge-based mechanisms: the first is responsible for automatically identifying the
fashion style, and the second is responsible for detecting body type. We evaluated our recommendation
approach and preliminary results indicate that it significantly supports the women with choices.
There has been an increasing amounts of digital data
and online resources in several domains readily
available to users, forming a diversity of options to
make choices. This is not a trivial issue, mainly when
we are considering fashion domain. In recent years,
particularly, there has been a rapid growing of fashion
industry leading to very positive social and economic
impacts worldwide in the global digital marketplace.
Hence, this market segment has demanded academic
research mainly in the fields of artificial intelligence
(Russell, 2010) and visual computing, including
computer vision and image processing in fashion
domain (He and McAuley, 2016) and (Jagadeesh et.
al 2014). In particular, recommendation system
technology has been assumed as a promising
approach to contribute to fashion context in terms of
electronic commerce, suggesting clothing and other
fashion items to users (Sha, 2016), therefore,
facilitating and helping them on making appropriate
Building personalized systems for clothing
recommendation is a difficult task, mainly by
considering the diversity of choice possibilities and
styles. In this context, one relevant and challenging
research problem is on how to make effective
clothing recommendations to the users based on their
personal characteristics. Unfortunately, in a broad
sense, little research has been done on this issue, just
some specific parts of this issue has been addressed,
for instance fast item detection (Jagadeesh et. al
2014) and recognition (Sha, 2016) of apparel and
accessories in real-world images, followed by search
for similar items (Fukuda et. al, 2011) in online
The present paper addresses the mentioned
clothing recommendation problem by proposing an
approach for clothing personalized recommendation
system that is able to help the women to identify
appropriate clothing categories together with models
(here model means a kind of subcategory) linked to
clothing images, mainly based on their fashion styles
and body types. To achieve this, besides an
intelligent user interface that unable the system to
interact with the user, our recommendation approach
Rocha, H., Costa, E., Silva, E., Lima, N. and Cavalcanti, J.
A Knowledge-based Approach for Personalised Clothing Recommendation for Women.
DOI: 10.5220/0006337306100617
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 610-617
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
deals with two main components: the user modeling
and the clothing recommendation, which is
responsible for recommending fashion clothing items
to women. The user modeling is responsible for
creating and updating the user model, including two
main knowledge-based mechanisms to generate
relevant information to the user model: the first is
responsible for automatically identifying the fashion
style, and the second is responsible for detecting body
type. Particularly, we have considered the five
clothing categories(dresses, coats, tops, pants, skirt),
five body types, and nine clothing fashion styles.
Associated to each category, we define a clothing
database containing a collection of models linked to
women´s clothing images in order to be filtered by the
system and then help the user to select the appropriate
clothing option. Here, it is important to state that this
study belongs to a Project where we investigate the
feasibility and the reachability of the use of such
technology for clothing recommendation.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we provide some background knowledge
and related work. In Section 3, we describe our
approach for clothing recommendation. In Section 4,
we discuss how our approach has been evaluated and
the current obtained results. Some conclusions and
proposal for some future work are presented in
Section 5.
This section presents some background knowledge
relevant to understand the proposed approach for
clothing recommendation. Moreover, we discuss
some related work.
2.1 Some Clothing Fashion Concepts
2.1.1 Overview of Body Types
The female body types are differentiated by the basic
combinations of the measures of the shoulder, the
waist and the hips. We emphasize here that we are not
focusing their size, only the symmetry of the apparent
combination between them. Basically, we highlight
the following models and their proportions, and in
this case, most women fall into one of five body
i) Hourglass: The measurements of the shoulders and
hips are practically the same, presenting the different
measures of the waist, being able to be only
demarcated or much narrower than the other
measures, that is, curvy but evenly proportioned;
ii) Inverted Triangle or Apple: In this female body
type the measurement of the shoulders is greater than
the waist measurement and the hips;
iii) Triangle or Pear: This female body type has
narrower shoulders and waist thin than hips, that is
larger at the bottom;
iv) Rectangle: This format shows the measurements
of the shoulders of the waist and of the hips being
practically the same, without many variations of the
measures, that is straight up and down; and
v) Oval: This type of female body is highlighted by
the width of the waist is much larger than the
measured shoulders or hips.
2.1.2 Overview of Clothing Fashion Styles
The concept of style originates in the Latin term stilus
which, in turn, derives from the Greek language. On
the other hand, habitual use refers to the taste,
elegance, or distinction of a person or thing. Thus, in
this work, we call "fashion style" the way each person
dresses and their preferences for pieces of clothing,
accessories and the image they want to convey
(Aguiar, 2003).
We describe below, in a very simplified way, the
9 main fashion styles that served as the basis for the
present recommendation system:
i) LadyLike: This style transmits romanticism and
sweetness. It is characterized by light colors, delicate
prints, marked waist and details of laces, lace and
ii) Classic: It refers to the name given to the style
that does not change due to trends, being a more
conservative and formal style;
iii) Rocker: It transmits boldness and it is
generally highlighted by dark colored pieces, plaid,
leather, studs and torn;
iv) Casual: It is characterized by the union of
classic and informal parts. It is versatile and very
v) Glam: It has characteristics like clothes with
soft lines, delicate jewelry, stiletto heels, sequins and
luxury items;
vi) Cool: It is characterized by the use of parts
that are always in fashion and the overlap of parts;
vii) Boho: It has as main element the comfort. It
is characterized by wide and fluid parts with light
fabrics and earth elements;
viii) Sexy: Transmits sensuality by showing some
parts of the body with just and short parts;
A Knowledge-based Approach for Personalised Clothing Recommendation for Women
ix) Activewear: Style of clothing intended for
sporting activities.
2.2 Overview of Recommender
Recommender systems (RS) are software
applications that aim to find the information or
product or even people that matches the user needs
and preferences, often attempting to reduce
information overload (Resnick, 1997). These systems
have proved to be helpful tools for various
information seeking and filtering tasks on several
domains on the Web, for instance in films, music,
books (He and McAuley, 2016). Their main goal is
to recommend items of interest to the end users based
on their preferences and other data collected. To
achieve that, most Recommender Systems exploit the
collaborative and content-based filtering approaches,
but there are other approaches, for instance
Demographic Filtering, and utility and knowledge-
based approaches (Fukuda et. al, 2011).
In the present research work, we are focusing on
knowledge-based recommender systems, mainly
involving knowledge representation and reasoning
techniques from the field of artificial intelligence.
Such systems make decisions and provide items or
services suggestions to users, according to their
preferences and needs and the knowledge
representation of the application domain. Therefore,
this kind of system generates recommendations to a
user by consulting its knowledge base of the product
domain, and then reasoning what items will best
satisfy the user’s requirements.
2.3 Related Work
Some previous work in the literature related to
clothing recommender system has focused on
collaborative filtering approach (He and McAuley,
2016). Following the line of fashion coordination
support systems, the work in (Fukuda et. al, 2011)
proposes a recommender system called Talking
Closet, which considers the user preferences to
suggest clothing combinations according to the user
closet, automating the daily cloths choice process. In
(Qingqing et. al, 2010), the authors describe a
recommender system for helping customers to find
their most suitable fashion choices in mass fashion
information in the virtual space based on multimedia
data mining from the Web. This system considers
some characteristics of the users, such as: color
preferences and clothing styles, as well body
parameters like skin tone. With a different proposal,
by directly considering fashion domain knowledge,
the work in (Vogiatzis, 2012) proposes a knowledge-
based recommender system for style advice in the
fashion domain, taking into account the knowledge of
domain expertise and user interaction data with
fashion sites. The present work is very similar to the
work in (Resnick, 1997) in the sense that it also has
invested in a knowledge-based approach for
recommendation. However, this work differs from
the other mentioned works, mainly in terms of the
used recommendation approach.
In this section we discuss our approach and describe
the system architecture with its main components, as
well as, we describe the interactions between these
components. Moreover, we provide an overview
about implementations aspects of this
recommendation system.
3.1 Preliminary
Our approach for personalized clothing
recommendation to women is mainly based on their
fashion styles and body characteristics. It firstly
consists of creating and initializing with personal
data of a user model and subsequently executing
mechanisms to be performed in four main steps: the
first is responsible for automatically identifying the
fashion style, and the second is responsible for
identifying the user's body type. The third is
responsible for mapping pairs formed by fashion style
and body types into clothing models associated to
categories and finally, the fourth is responsible for
recommending clothing models associated with
clothing images for the women, taking into account
the clothing categories linked to a selected pair
<body type, fashion style> from a relationship
between a body type set and a fashion style set. Thus,
associated to each category, we have clothing models
with several linked to women´s clothing images,
forming a clothing database.
3.2 The Architecture
The recommendation system architecture, as shown
in Figure 1, consists of the following main
components: Intelligent User interface, user
modeling with the modules fashion style engine and
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
body type selector, clothing recommender with
models and clothing images, as well as three
knowledge bases and a clothing images database.
The proposed recommendation system was mainly
designed following the conceptual architecture of a
classical knowledge-based system.
Before going to describe each one of these
components, let us first to present a formalization of
some sets used in the recommendation system. Let S,
C, BT, and BP be four nonempty sets, where: S =
{s1, s2, …, sn}, n is the cardinality of S, that is, the
number of elements that belong to S, and S denotes a
set of clothing fashion Styles ; C = {c1, c2, …, ck},
k is the cardinality of C, and C denotes a set of
clothing Categories; BT = { bt1, bt2,...,bt5}, denoting
a set of Body Types; and BP = {bp1, bp2, …,bpm},
m is the cardinality of BP, and denotes a set of Body
Parameters; M = {m1, m2, …, mt}, t is the cardinality
of M, and M denotes a set of clothing Models
associated with the categories; IM = {im1, im2, …,
ims}, s is the cardinality of IM, and IM denotes a set
of clothing images associated with the models.
Figure 1: Recommender System Architecture.
3.2.1 The Intelligent User Interface (IUI)
This component has the responsibility of interacting
with the user and with the rest of the components of
the recommendation system. Thus, the user interacts
with the recommendation system via IUI, which
provides overall control over the whole process. This
component includes question-answer facilities that
are generated by the engines in the architecture,
enabling the system to interact with the user for the
purpose of asking questions and providing answers.
It is a kind of intelligent interface that includes a
controller mechanism playing the role of the control
of interactions in the recommendation system,
working as an intermediary between the user and the
two components: User modeling and Clothing
Recommendation Engine involving clothing
categories, models with clothing images. It takes the
responsibility for controlling the interactions among
the components and presenting information to the
user or to getting information from the user. It
contains rule interactions with knowledge about the
system components, that is, a kind of meta-
knowledge on the other components of the
recommendation system, having the meta-rules for
interacting with the user. Then, the main functions of
the controller are to interpret the user action and to
select the appropriate component for acting, to
coordinate the operations of the five components, and
to interact with users. Hence, it is able to recognize
all actions that an user or any component might
produce, and deciding what action should be taken.
Thus, IUI uses, for instance, rules in the form IF the
current user action is about the task T
THEN call
3.2.2 The User Modeling - UM
This component is responsible for creating and
updating the user model. To achieve this, it requests
and stores in the KBUM knowledge base from the
user model: (i) information directly elicited from the
user by the interface and (ii) information inferred by
the two modules in UM: SE, BT, and also (iii)
information inferred by the CCRE component.
The Clothing Fashion Style Engine - SE
This module is responsible for interacting with the
user, via questionnaire generated from the rules in the
style knowledge base, aiming to identify her clothing
fashion style. Hence, to select the clothing fashion
style, the engine works on a knowledge-base in the
form of production rules and then, sometimes, by
asking questions to the user, keeping user's responses
in a working memory. Therefore, from these rules
and user's inputs, the SE makes a decision about user's
fashion style. Its inference engine uses backward
chaining to explore the rule base.
Formally, SE can be defined as follows:
Input: a rule base and some pairs <attribute,
value> obtained from the questionnaire answered by
the user taking into account questions from the rules
asked her.
Process: Rule-based inference Engine.
Output: siS, representing a single element from
The Body Type Selector - BTS
This module is responsible for selecting the user's
body type.
Formally, BTS can be defined as follows:
A Knowledge-based Approach for Personalised Clothing Recommendation for Women
Input: rule base and set of values for the used body
Process: Inference on a set of IF THEN Rules.
Output: bt
, representing a specific body type.
3.2.3 The Clothing Category Recommender
Engine - CCRE
This component is responsible for providing users
with personalized clothing recommendation
containing to each category a collection of models
with linked clothing images, based on the
relationships that exist between her body type
information and her fashion style. The representation
of the clothing domain knowledge is in the form of
production rules with their conclusions parts
containing actions to query a table and to generate a
clothing recommendation output, according to the use
of an inference engine, which explores the rules.
Mathematically, using the relation notation, we can
express the recommendation system (rs) as follows:
rs: (S x BT) → ((C x M) x IM).
Formally, CCRE can be defined as follows:
Input: rule base and a table with pairs <btj , si >
mapping into < C, set of models to each category, set
of clothing images to each model>, meaning a pair
containing a particular body type and a particular
fashion style.
Process: rule-based inference engine with output
actions to query to the decision table containing styles
versus body types linking with each clothing category
and associated clothing model with a collection of
Output: clothing category, from the cartesian style
and body type, associated with clothing models
linked to a collection of clothing images.
3.2.4 The Knowledge Bases and the
Clothing Database
User Model as Knowledge Base: A user model is a
representation of the user characteristics that may be
relevant for her interaction with the recommendation
system. Thus, this component stores information
about the user, as a kind of internal representation of
her. We have considered body parameters like skin
color, hair color, waist, bust, hip, height and weight,
where such information is obtained when the user is
asked by the system by means of a form filled.
Addionally, there is other information about the
user’s characteristics and that is also updated in each
recommendation session. It is captured, by a dynamic
user modeling component, according to the inference
processes and to the function computation. The
knowledge is represented by facts with pairs
<attribute, value> expressed in a relational database.
Fashion Clothing Style Knowledge Base via
Rules(KBS): This knowledge base contains a
collection of 41 IF-THEN production rules and a
connected working memory, to be used together by
the inference engine, allowing to answer question on
what is the fashion style of a given user. These rules
were directly obtained from a constructed decision
Clothing Domain Knowledge via Rules(CDKD):
This knowledge base contains a rule base and an
associated decision table involving a relationship
between styles and body types, mapping into clothing
categories linked to models and clothing images
collections. In this case, an example of rule from
Knowledge Body Type is IF BodyType = hourglass
and Style = LadyLike THEN skirt1=Eve and
skirt2=Flared, where a particular body type and style
yields two models for the category skirt. Each model
is linked to a collection of clothing images.
Clothing Database: It contains collections of models
associated with each clothing category, and a set of
women´s clothing images connected to each one of
those models.
3.3 Overview of User-System
The interaction process begins when the user accesses
the system and then starts a basic dialogue with the
interface component. The interface first checks if the
user is entering in the system for the first time. If so,
it requests the user modeling to create the user model
with her profile. Next, after this basic registration
with some personal data, the system continues the
interaction process as follows.
In general, from now on, the interaction between
the user and the system in the recommendation
process of clothing is achieved taking into account
interaction components that deal with physical
characteristics and with fashion styles. Then, the full
recommendation process is performed by following
three main steps: first, the system, via user modeling,
identifies the user’s style based on the execution of
the SE module working on the Fashion Style
Knowledge Base and on the user’s answers to the
questions generated by the processed rules. The
second, the system, via user modeling, uses body
parameters of the user to infer the user's body type.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The third, the recommendation system uses the output
of the first and second steps to select clothing
categories with models linked to clothing image
collection, associated with each category, which
matches with the identified fashion style and a
particular body type.
3.4 Design and Implementation
This section explains the implementation of the
recommendation system, in line with the architecture
and description presented. We first discuss the used
knowledge bases considering acquisition and
knowledge representation aspects, as well as, the
database solution. Then, we discuss the used rule-
based inference engines. In general the
recommendation system is implemented in Java
technology, by considering the multiplatform
characteristics of this technology, and as a database
implementation we used relational database
technology adopting MySQL as a database
management system.
3.4.1 Knowledge Bases and Inference
Our approach involves the design of a
recommendation system using knowledge expressed
in three knowledge bases represented by production
rules. Specifically, to model the knowledge about
fashion styles we first used a decision tree and then
mapped this tree into a set of If-Then statements for
the development of the rule-base. To model the
knowledge about body types, as well as the
knowledge for clothing recommendation, we used a
set of If-Then rules. Thus, as discussed before, three
rule-based systems have been designed, one for the
inference of fashion style, other for the inference of
body type, and finally, another to clothing
recommendation. We have focused on utilizing
expert knowledge bases to detect both fashion style,
to identify body type, and to clothing
recommendation. The knowledge base for the style
detection was stored as related tables in a relational
database using MySQL. The rule has the following
structure: IF preconditions THEN action , where the
rule's preconditions and action are expressed in terms
of triples <attribute, operator, value>, denoting: (1)
the preconditions (IF) that involves a set of conditions
to be satisfied; (2) the consequent (THEN) that
contains actions to be executed or new knowledge to
be produced if the consequent is true. The knowledge
base for representing body types knowledge is also
expressed in If-Then rules. Moreover, the clothing
knowledge base is also expressed in If-Then rules, as
illustrated in one example in 3.2.7.
The inference engine uses rule chaining with
backward chaining algorithm to obtain its
conclusions. In general the recommendation system
is implemented in Java technology, by considering
the multiplatform characteristics of this technology.
We implemented the three used inference engines
using the rules Engine Drools shell that is
implemented in Java, allowing easy integration with
some module written in Java. It is possible to invoke
Java methods from Drools and vice versa. This
enables us to develop more powerful and flexible
3.4.2 Clothing Database Model
It contains a set of models and a set of women´s
clothing images connected to each one of those
models, which then are associated with each clothing
category. In this database model we represent the
main relations in the system, as well as, the
relationship among them. Thus, in Figure 2 is
presented part of the relational database model
containing the following relations: style,
style_has_category, category, bodytype,
bodytype_has_category, models and images. The
Style relation stores data related clothing styles and
each style has one or more categories, as represented
by the Category relation, as well as, the same category
can be in more than one style. The BodyType relation
represents the body types and can be associated to
more than one category and vice-versa. Moreover,
there is a transitive relationship among the relations
Category, Models and Images, and in this sense, a
category has one or more models and a model has one
or more clothing images.
Figure 2: Clothing Database Model.
A Knowledge-based Approach for Personalised Clothing Recommendation for Women
In this section we are going to describe a preliminary
experiment, involving twelve women, we have
conducted to evaluate our approach. The main
purpose of this experiment is twofold: (i) to evaluate
the quality of the knowledge bases for fashion styles
and for body types of the system in terms of their
accuracies and (ii) to measure if the recommendation
system significantly helps the users to find suitable
clothing choices.
The participants of this experiment consisted of
12 women, where all of them are between 22 and 30
years of age, as well as, 8 are undergraduate students
from a public university and 4 have a graduate degree.
Additionally, in this study we have a support of a
Personal Stylist. We explained to each participant the
procedure of the experiment and what kind of data
would be collected, as well as, the aim of the
experiment. In Table 1, there are two examples of
body measures of two women W1 e W2 that
participated in the experiment. The data in the table
were used as input to the body type engine in order to
it infer the body type of the women.
Table 1: An example of inputs to detect body type: Body
measures for each woman.
Additionally, the system was tested by one
personal stylist aiming to check its functionality in
different scenarios to cover a variety of situations.
Table 2: Example of agreement degree between the system
inferences and Stylist opinions, regarding body type and
clothing style.
Personal Stylist Opinion
Body Type
Body Type
In Table 2 is an example from the experiment to
illustrate the input and output of the system and of the
stylist opinion, concerning data of two women with
respect to the identification of body type and of
fashion style. There was a total agreement with regard
to the detection of body type. However, concerning
the style, there was a little divergence between the
two evaluations, once that to W1 the system assigned
to “Ladylike”, whereas the stylist assigned to
"Classic". Such divergence, however, was explained
by the expert, considering that the two styles are very
close in terms of some similar characteristics.
All participants answered all the proposed
questions. Overall, this brief evaluation indicated that
the system is feasible (meaning that it works: In all
the input-output tests accomplished, the results were
satisfactory) and that all participants mentioned that
they found the clothing recommendations useful and
that the information contained in the
recommendations helped them to improve their
understanding about fashion clothing domain.
Women also agreed that the system is useful. But,
concerning the comparison between the system
output and the stylist opinion, there was some
disagreement between them with respect to style, in
just two situations among twelve. This situation,
however, was not considered a relevant problem to
the system quality in terms of its accuracy.
In this paper, we presented a personalized approach
for clothing recommendation, explaining how the
system generates personalized recommendations for
women. We reported the first evaluation results,
showing that the quality aspects of the constructed
knowledge bases and then the significant help
provided by the recommendations to the users. But,
of course, even with preliminary positive results until
now, there is an urgent need for more and more
evaluations with the same experiment to better test
the system, involving other users with more different
As immediate future work, we will focus on
provide more experiments toward better
understanding and limitations of the proposed
approach. In parallel, we will extend the
recommendation system by including one more filter
in the last phase in order to promote more specificity
in the clothing recommendation, as well as we will
improve the user model in its dynamic information
part to capture other user's preferences and
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A Knowledge-based Approach for Personalised Clothing Recommendation for Women