procedures in a BI environment for a generic
framework as DbUnit.
The proposed framework (FTUnit) presents test
cases previously defined which cover the main
categories of tests applied to loading routines.
Through a set of metadata that defines the
characteristics of the routines, the framework selects
test cases to be applied, generates the initial states of
the database, executes the routines, performs test
cases, analyzes the final state of the database and
generates a report with the errors encountered during
the execution of each test case.
By virtue of what we have seen above and the
framework innovation, the presentation of this
experiment will support the adoption of the same or
the creation of a similar approach for companies that
use this type of strategy. Other contributions
obtained were: a) Approach to implementing
software testing in BI environments based on DWs;
b) Test cases defined for data loading routines in BI
environments; c) Testing Framework to meet the
execution of unit tests in a BI environment; d) Use
of DBUnit for running unit tests in BI environments
based on DW; e) Experiments show the benefits of
automated testing in BI environments.
As future work, it aims to extend the approach to
various SQL languages, as the experiments carried
out so far have been only for the T-SQL.
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