This paper proposed the use of fuzzy system
techniques for use in wireless sensor networks
focusing on shortest path and energy saving for the
sensors in routing applications. Case studies of a
wireless routing system was carried out, in which
sensors measuring physical quantities were
simulated, transmitting the data collected by them to
the gateway through a network of routers and
sensors. Five simulations were presented in the
present paper in which favorable results were
achieved. In the simulations, we performed the fuzzy
inference system that determined the best route for
routing taking into account the node's reach, the
battery level of the possible nodes that could
propagate the information and the distances among
them and the gateway. The decision on which way
to go was established based on the matrix of rules
and functions of pertinence of the fuzzy inference
system presented in this work. Through these
simulations it was possible to illustrate the trajectory
of a chosen path in the transmission of the
information collected by a sensor until its reception,
in the gateway. The results show that the fuzzy
systems represent a suitable method for this
application, presenting satisfactory results, since
they chose a shorter path to the gateway considering
the amount of energy in each router, extending the
lifespan of the network. More complex networks
involving new case studies are under way as well as
a comprehensive comparison taking into account
traditional techniques and algorithms. The huge
amount of information and time needed to perform
that task did not allow the authors to finish that task.
There is sure a long way to go.
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