Comparing Usability, User Experience and Learning Motivation
Characteristics of Two Educational Computer Games
Omar Álvarez-Xochihua
, Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino
, Mario Muñoz-Organero
Carlos Delgado Kloos
and José A. González-Fraga
Science Faculty, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Carr.Ensenada-Tijuana 3917, Ensenada, Mexico
Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Av.Universidad, 30,
E-28911 Leganés, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Usability, User Experience, Learning Motivation, Educational Computer Games.
Abstract: Educational computer games are very popular nowadays and can bring a lot of benefits to improve the
learning process. Usability, user experience and learning motivation are important factors in the design of
educational computer-based games. Although there are existing educational games designed under these
principles, there is a need of comparison between different educational tools in order to try to understand
which design criteria can make a tool more successful than another. This work presents the results of a
comparison between two competitive educational games. The study was conducted with 41 master students
evaluating two competition-based educational computer games. The study, based on quantitative and
qualitative data, has shown features that might drive to better usability, user experience and learning
motivation. Additionally, we found a strong positive correlation among usability and user experience with
learning motivation.
Usability and user experience (UX) are highly
relevant and interlinked topics in Human Computer
Interaction (HCI), practice and research. These two
software evaluation approaches are focused on
assessing the experience conveyed by a computer
system to its users. On one hand, usability measures
the effectiveness and efficiency of users to carry out
specific tasks using computer systems (pragmatic
nature). While on the other hand, user experience
investigates the user’s emotions triggered by the
system (hedonic nature) (Hassenzahl, 2003).
Various instruments and methods to evaluate
pragmatic and hedonic software’s characteristics are
available, including: SUMI, QUIS, CSUQ, SUS,
UMUX and UMUX-Lite, questionnaires considering
different amount of items to measure usability of
computer systems (Lewis 2013; Lewis et al., 2013);
and the AttrakDiff 2 questionnaire (Hassenzahl et
al., 2003), addressing UX evaluation. In (Vermeeren
et al., 2010) and (Lewis et al., 2013) a
comprehensive evaluation about usability and UX
methods and instruments is presented.
Regarding computer games, due to their impact
in entertainment and their increasing influence in
education, usability and user experience are
important aspects to study. In the videogame
industry, an effective UX determines the digital
games acceptability. The Game Experience
Questionnaire (GEQ) is a psychometric instrument
used to assess specifically the UX in entertaining
games; it is recommended to be administered
immediately after the game session (IJsselsteijn et
al., 2008). However, in Educational Computer
Games (ECG), usability and user experience
evaluation is still open for research consideration.
While students expect a satisfactory pragmatic and
hedonic experience while playing, there is still their
reasonable expectation to improve learning
outcomes. Based on the previous statements, for
computer-based educational games, it is highly
important to assessing usability, user experience and
the learning motivation as three closely interrelated
factors. Learning motivation refers to the affective
domain of learning; it is about how instructional
material enhances learners’ internal perception that
motivates them to learn (Satar, 2007).
Álvarez-Xochihua, O., Muñoz-Merino, P., Muñoz-Organero, M., Kloos, C. and González-Fraga, J.
Comparing Usability, User Experience and Lear ning Motivation Characteristics of Two Educational Computer Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0006338901430150
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 143-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Although there have been several educational
games based on the principles of usability, user
experience and learning motivation, there is a need
of further comparison among educational games in
order to gain insights into the best features.
In this work, we present the results of an
evaluation and comparison of two competition-based
ECG. The evaluation was performed by 41 master
students, using a questionnaire to assess usability,
user experience and motivation to learn in ECG. In
order to have homogeneous systems evaluation
criteria, the same group of students evaluated the
two systems at two different points in time.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the literature review; section 3 describes the
educational computer games evaluated and
compared in the study; the proposed questionnaire is
described in section 4; section 5 addresses the study
methodology and results; section 6 presents the
results and discussion of the study; and section 7
concludes the paper.
In HCI, usability and UX are considered similar but
different terms regarding user satisfaction. It is
understood that the system’s functional
characteristics are vital, but the user motivation to
keep using the product is critical as well
(Hassenzahl, 2003; Vermeeren et al., 2010; Lewis et
al., 2013). In fact, they complement each other. User
satisfaction could not be accomplished without
adequate system functionality, and for the user to be
willing to use the system, he/she must be stimulated
to do it. However, there are a few effective methods
to assess UX separately or in combination with
Many methods and instruments are available to
conduct usability evaluation (Lewis 2013; Lewis et
al., 2013). However, UX is still not being addressed
comprehensively (Vermeeren et al., 2010;
Hassenzahl, 2003). To understand how the user
really feels about a system is important to obtain that
information directly from him/her. Differing from
some usability methods, the use of logging to
evaluate UX could not be fully effective.
In order to know the UX evaluation methods
used in industry and academia, in (Vermeeren et al.,
2010) is described a study conducted with 35
participants of the CHI’09 conference. A total of 33
UX evaluation methods were initially considered.
However, researchers reported that only 15 methods
were evidently considering the hedonic nature of UX
in addition to the pragmatic emphasis of usability.
The paper does not include details of the names of
all the detected instruments. The identified methods
were categorized into seven groups, including lab
studies (individual or by group), field studies (short
term or longitudinal), surveys, expert evaluation and
mixed methods. In this study a mixed method was
implemented, based on the data collected through
individual surveys in a short term field study.
Specific instruments to evaluate the pragmatic
and hedonic characteristics of software are available
in the literature, including: SUMI, QUIS, CSUQ,
SUS, UMUX and UMUX-Lite (Lewis 2013; Lewis
et al., 2013), instruments to measure computer
systems usability; and the AttrakDiff 2 questionnaire
to explicitly evaluate UX (Hassenzahl et al., 2003).
Particularly, the System Usability Scale (SUS)
instrument is one of the most used questionnaires for
usability testing. The SUS is a 10 items
questionnaire (using positive and negative tone),
released about 20 years ago as a reduced version of
the instruments already proposed (Brooke, 1996).
Recently, authors of the Usability Metric for User
Experience (UMUX) (Finstad, 2010; Finstad, 2013)
and UMUX-Lite (Lewis et al., 2013), in
conformance with the ISO definition of usability
(standard 9241), introduced two even shorter
versions. However, in the HCI research field, there
is some polemic regarding reliability, validity, and
sensitivity of these two instruments (Lewis, 2013;
Pribeanu, 2016). In the presented work, in order to
include more specific questions, we opted for
elaborate our own questionnaire items. Similar to
SUS and UMUX, we elaborated an evaluation
instrument considering the constructs usability
(“…achieve specified goals with effectiveness,
efficiency and satisfaction”) and user experience
(“…users' emotions, beliefs, preferences,
perceptions, physical and psychological responses”),
based on the ISO 9241 standard (ISO 9241-11,
Regarding the learning motivation construct,
proposed in (Satar, 2007) as a new usability measure
for e-learning design, we considered the four
affective learning sub-constructs from the ARCS
Model of Motivational Design: 1) attention, arouse
and maintain interest in the game; 2) relevance,
significant for students’ needs; 3) confidence,
produce positive expectation for successful
achievement; and 4) satisfaction, reinforcement for
In (Hassenzahl, 2003), it is proposed an
evaluation model that combines UX elements with
functional characteristics (subjective nature of
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
experience, product perception and emotional
responses to products in varying situations). The
model is based on the user and designer
perspectives. In addition, based on the weak or
strong perception of the pragmatic and hedonic
attributes, the product character is categorized into
four levels: unwanted, SELF, ACT and desired.
Unwanted category derives from a combination of
weak hedonic and weak pragmatic attributes.
Desired systems are those that combine strong
hedonic and pragmatic characteristics. SELF and
ACT categories imply a strong and weak
combination of hedonic and pragmatic attributes
(Hassenzahl, 2003). The proposed taxonomy for
ECG presented in this work is an extension of this
categorization scheme, where desired systems are
those combining strong hedonic, pragmatic and
learning motivation characteristics.
This section includes a brief overview of the
educational computer games evaluated in the case
study: shopC and ISCARE (Information System for
Competition based on pRoblem solving in
3.1 ShopC Educational Game
Some traditional games have been adapted to
educational computer games. The games that used to
be played, or are still being played now, are a good
option to be implemented as computer-based
educational tools. One of the main advantages of
traditional games is that they have proved to be
accepted by the users and players already know the
mechanics of the game. Specifically, board games
are traditionally well adopted by a large majority.
ShopC is a computer game based on an
adaptation of the board game Monopoly. The game
board, as in the original one, includes a set of
properties to be acquired by the players, such as
restaurants, bars or jewelry stores. When a player
falls into one of the properties, he/she must answer
some questions in order to buy it; the set of
questions can be configurable from any educational
domain. The properties price is determined by the
number of correct answers provided by the students
about a specific subject.
ShopC was designed for multiple players (for
one up to four). One of the players starts the game
by rolling a dice in order to know the number of
squares to advance. Then, the mechanic used to
determine which player goes next is similar to the
original game. When a player falls into a property
previously sold, he/she must answer a question to
avoid paying the corresponding fee. The game
finishes after fifty turns for each player, or when
they lose all their money. After that, information
about the performance of players is provided.
In order to obtain a positive effect in the learning
process, the system was developed considering three
design principles: motivation, learning and gaming;
features in accordance with the factors stated in our
study. Firstly, the motivation principle includes the
elements that take students to play the game (e.g.
flow, curiosity, autonomy, rewards, feedback and a
competition scenario). Secondly, the learning
fundamentals are based on the Learning Mechanics-
Game Mechanics model (LG-GM), which considers
learning theories such as constructivism,
behaviorism and personalism (e.g. questions and
answers, instruccional guidance, action/task,
repetition and reflection and self-assessment).
Finally, the gaming features were designed to
entertain and amuse players with the game
mechanics while learning (goals and rules, player’s
control and challenges). More details about the
design of shopC are presented in (Julian-Mateos,
Muñoz-Merino, Hernández-Leo, Redondo-Martínez
and Delgado-Kloos, 2016).
3.2 ISCARE Educational Game
Problem solving is a skill required at all educational
levels. Problem representation and choosing the
problem solving procedure are recognized as being
vital elements within the framework of solving a
problem (Frederiksen, 1984). This capability allows
students to address situations using general or ad-
hoc methods to solve specific problems.
ISCARE is an educational computer game that
combines three particular features. Firstly, the
instructional materials of ISCARE are based on
problem solving educational activities. Secondly, as
an innovation within the field of competition-based
ECG, the competition functionality of the game is
based on the Swiss-system non-eliminating
tournament. According to the mechanics of this type
of competition, the system divides a tournament in
different rounds, participants are paired and then
they play the same amount of matches against each
other. Finally, ISCARE is a competition-based
Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). The system
includes artificial intelligence algorithms for pairing
Comparing Usability, User Experience and Learning Motivation Characteristics of Two Educational Computer Games
students and assigning problems according to their
knowledge level (Muñoz-Merino, Fernández-
Molina, Muñoz-Organero, Delgado Kloos, 2012).
Besides the problem information, student can see
tournament statistics such as his/her round points,
tournament performance and information about the
current opponent.
In summary, both ECG are constructed under the
category of competition games. However, while
shopC is an adaptation of a board game considering
characteristics that emphasize motivation to play the
game, based on multiple learning theories and
gaming features, the ISCARE game accentuates the
importance of problem solving skills and the
competition feature of the system.
In order to conduct our study to evaluate the design
characteristics of the described ECG, a questionnaire
has been elaborated. This instrument is based on the
questionnaire developed in (Julian-Mateos et al.,
2016). Our questionnaire has been extended with
new questions. The created instrument covers the
three key factors stated previously as relevant to
evaluate in the interaction with CEG: usability,
experience of user and learning motivation. The
different questions are classified in the mentioned
three categories, which is a different classification
than the one proposed by Julian-Mateos et al.,
Fundamentally, in order to evaluate CEG
performance, we extended the product character
categorization proposed by Hassenzahl (2003). In
addition to the pragmatic and hedonic elements (see
Figure 1a, retrieved from the original paper),
specifically for ECG, we included the learning
motivation factor as a new element for product
character categorization (see Figure 1b).
The elaborated instrument consists of two
sections, intended to gather quantitative as well as
qualitative data. The first section is an 11 items
questionnaire, intended to assess the usability, UX
and learning motivation characteristics of the ECG;
three items addressing each assessed factor and two
additional items intended to evaluate the overall
performance of the systems. Table 1 shows the items
and the factor category to which they belong. This
instrument section is an opinion survey, with a 5-
points measurement Likert scale; from strongly
disagree to strongly agree.
Qualitative data is collected through the second
section of the instrument, a survey consisting of two
framed open-ended questions. The main objective of
these questions was to complement and validate the
users’ opinion gathered through the quantitative
survey. The two qualitative questions were the
What are three positive aspects of the game?
What are three negative aspects of the game?
Figure 1: Adapted product character categorization to
classify ECG.
In this study we evaluated the usability, user
experience and learning motivation factors, as well
as the general performance, of the two educational
games. The study was conducted through a
questionnaire based on available previously
validated instruments.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Questionnaire items categorized by evaluated factors.
Item Factor
1 It has been easy to understand the different functionality of the game. Usability
The elements of the game interface are easily identified and are illustrative of the functionality they
perform (buttons, images, etc.)
3 The tool has a nice interface. General
It has been easy to know my position in the game ranking (you can always know if you are winning
or losing).
I have had the impression that this game complements or help to improve my knowledge, skills and
I think I can learn more with this game than with a traditional system of questions with a piece of
7 I like the objectives, rules and philosophy of the game. UX
The outcome of the game has been according to my level of knowledge.
9 The use of this game has increased my motivation and interest for the course. UX
10 I would like to repeat this experience. UX
11 I liked the game used. General
5.1 Study Design
This study was conducted in a threefold perspective:
evaluate the usability, user experience and learning
motivation of students while using two different
types of competition ECG. During the study we
collected both quantitative and qualitative data to
evaluate the performance and characteristics of the
two educational digital games. Qualitative data was
intended to confirm, and with the aim to obtain a
better understanding of, the quantitative outcomes.
In order to have homogeneous systems evaluation
criteria, the same group of students participated in
the evaluation of the two systems at two different
points in time.
5.2 Participants
A total of 41 master students participated in this
study. During the study period, participants were
enrolled in Telecommunications Engineering
master’s degree at Universidad Carlos III de
Madrid, taking the Network Security Fundamentals
class. The students in the class were invited to
participate voluntarily in the study, all of them
agreed to take part in the evaluation of the two ECG.
Considering that the study was conducted in two
different days, unfortunately, due to personal
reasons, two students could not attend the second
part of the evaluation process. At the end, 41
students evaluated the ISCARE game and 39 the
shopC game.
5.3 Evaluation Procedure
The study was conducted at two different days. On
the first day, students played the ISCARE game
(intervention-1), and on a different day they played
the shopC game (intervention-2). Consistently, each
intervention took an average of two hours to be
completed. During each intervention, the students
performed three main activities:
1. Students attended a one-hour class about a
specific topic of network security fundamentals
(different topic per intervention).
2. Students received instructions and the dynamic
for the game (purpose, roles, how to play,
educational goal, and so forth), after that we
defined the competition program (pairs of
students to compete), and then they started
playing for an interval of 30 minutes.
3. Students answered the quantitative and
qualitative questions.
In this section we present and discuss separate
results by the evaluated educational games (shopC
and ISCARE) and by comparing the outcomes of
both studies. Quantitative analysis of the survey data
is presented first, and then we complement this study
with the examination of the qualitative information.
6.1 ShopC Educational Game
We used the mean and standard deviation for
quantitative analysis, qualitative data is expressed as
Comparing Usability, User Experience and Learning Motivation Characteristics of Two Educational Computer Games
percentages. The results of the quantitative survey
are presented in Table 2. Similar to the GEQ
instrument, factors score were computed as the
average value of its items.
According to the quantitative evaluation, shopC
game was rated positively by the study participants
(N=39). The factors’ evaluation results indicate a
significantly good rating of perceived system
usability (M
= 4.470, SD
= 0.837). Similarly, the
mean score for the UX factor was equally rated
= 4.491, SD
= 0.766). The high ratings
assigned by participants to these two factors indicate
the effectiveness and efficiency of the game, as well
as the fulfilment of the expected level of students’
satisfaction (see Table 2).
Regarding learning motivation, students consider
this game as an adequate environment to enhance
their domain knowledge. Surprisingly, the mean
score of the learning motivation factor (M
4.559, SD
= 0.766) was slightly higher than the
rates obtained for usability and UX. As expected,
considering the shopC system’s characteristics, its
overall evaluation was rated satisfactory; a mean
score above 4.5 (up to a maximum of five) indicates
that the system is suitable for learning and
recreation. Based on the proposed product character
categorization schema, we classified shopC within
the “desired” category (see Figure 2).
Table 2: Descriptive statistics by evaluated factor.
Additionally, we analyzed how usability and UX
factors had influenced the learning motivation
conveyed by the shopC system. We found a strongly
positive correlation between the motivation to learn
by using this educational game and the perceived
system usability (Pearson’s r=.621, n=39, p=2.5E-
05), and a higher correlation between UX and
learning motivation (Pearson’s r=.770, n=39,
p=1.0E-05). These findings outline the important
role that usability and user experience play in the
design of ECG in order to enhance the motivation of
students to learn.
Figure 2: Product character category assigned to shopC
and ISCARE games.
About the qualitative questions, most of the
students provided at least one aspect per question.
Table 3 shows the three main students’
recommendations per question, based on percentage
of recommendation. For shopC game, the most
notable positive aspects detected by students
enclosed the three evaluated factors: user experience
(students felt motivated and satisfied with the game),
learning motivation (they perceived learning
outcomes while playing) and usability (they
considered the game was easy to play), in that order
of importance.
Table 3: Positive and negative aspects of shopC game.
Regarding the negative aspects, students mainly
expressed their concern about educational matters;
participants recommended an increase in the amount
of questions in the game. A number of participants
indicated that they suddenly were asked the same
question during the game. Second and third negative
aspects, with a very low percentage of participants,
were related to improve the system interface
(usability) and game mechanics (UX).
6.2 ISCARE Educational Game
The ISCARE evaluation results were lower but very
similar to those obtained in shopC game. The
findings indicate high ratings for usability (M
Mean SD Mean SD
Usability 4.470 0.837 4.439 0.570
General 4.583 0.923 4.110 0.719
Positive Aspects Students
It is an entertaining game 20.50 %
Helps to learn while playing 17.98 %
It is easy to play 12.82 %
Negative Aspects Students
Questions repetition 38.46 %
We don't know who the next player is 5.12 %
Poor user interface 5.12 %
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.439, SD
= 0.570) and user experience (M
4.228, SD
= 0.647) factors (see Table 2). Again,
students appeared satisfied with the functionality
and experience using this game. However, ISCARE
obtained a lower mean score in the learning
motivation factor (M
= 3.911, SD
= 0.712). The
result of the overall evaluation of ISCARE game
was lower but acceptable as well (M
= 4.110, SD
= 0.719). Using our categorization scheme, based on
the evaluation results, ISCARE was classified within
the ECG “desired” category (see Figure 2).
Compared with shopC, ISCARE presented lower
factors correlation. However, the correlation
between usability and learning motivation
(Pearson’s r=.546, n=41, p=2.2E-04) and UX with
learning motivation (Pearson’s r=.558, n=41,
p=1.5E-04) remains stable; we can observe a
moderate positive correlation. These results
emphasize the importance of usability and UX as
elements capable of raising the learning motivation
level of students while using ECG.
The qualitative results of ISCARE game are
described in Table 4. Even though quantitative
findings were lower than the obtained in shopC,
contradictorily for the learning motivation factor,
most of the students expressed a positive opinion
regarding their motivation to learn by using this
game. More than 58% of the participants pointed out
that ISCARE helps them to learn while playing and
also motivate to study. Nevertheless, qualitative
results confirm the quantitative findings; students
complemented the study indicating an acceptable
usability and UX of the ISCARE game. With regard
to the negative aspects, the main concern was the
amount of time available for the learning experience;
slightly more than half of the students agreed that
there was not enough time to answer the questions.
This could be the reason why ISCARE obtained a
lower mean score about the learning motivation
According to the results of the quantitative
analysis, both educational games were classified
within the optimal/desired category; based on the
proposed categorization scheme. An ECG that falls
under this category implies not only the fulfilment of
usability and UX principles, but also the user
perception of positive learning outcomes and
motivation to learn.
Since both systems were evaluated by the same
group of students, and assuming that they used the
same evaluation criteria or point of view, we
consider that competition-based ECG are well
situated to address learning motivation factors. Even
though the two evaluated systems did not use the
Table 4: Positive and negative aspects of ISCARE game.
same instructional technique, their competition
feature helped to motivate students to play the game
and learn. At the same time, ensuring adequate user
experience and usability systems’ characteristics
increase the user learning motivation perception.
Empirical research on how students perceive
computer-based educational games allows
improving the performance and acceptability of this
type of educational technology. Conducting research
about usability and user experience of ECG can have
a significant impact on the implementation of future
systems. However, addressing the main goal of
ECG, the analysis of learning gains and learning
motivation is vital to understand what really enhance
students learning experience while playing
educational digital games.
This paper presents the evaluation of two
competition-based ECG systems, shopC and
ISCARE, analysing the correlation among usability
and user experience with learning motivation. The
presented work has shown how usability and UX
can be crucial factors to enhance learning motivation
of students using ECG. At the same time, based on
the quantitative and qualitative data gathered,
students reported as significant the importance of
system functionality, feelings conveyed and learning
For future work, we plan to follow students
recommendations to improve shopC and ISCARE
games performance, as well as evaluate the proposed
questionnaire items in order to conduct further
evaluations addressing topics from different
educational domains.
Positive Aspects Students
Helps to learn while playing/motivate
to study
58.54 %
It is easy to play 31.71 %
It is an entertaining game 31.71 %
Negative Aspects Students
There is not enough
time to answer questions
51.11 %
There is not available feedback 22.22 %
It is stressful 8.89 %
Comparing Usability, User Experience and Learning Motivation Characteristics of Two Educational Computer Games
Work partially funded by the RESET project under
grant no. TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R (funded by the
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness),
and the “eMadrid” project (Regional Government of
Madrid) under grant no. S2013/ICE-2715. This work
has been also partially funded by the CONACYT
project under grant no. PDCPN2014-01/247698; and
by the PRODEP project, supported by the 2015 call
for the Integration of Thematic Networks of
Academic Collaboration.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems