Peer Tutoring Orchestration
Streamlined Technology-driven Orchestration for Peer Tutoring
Lighton Phiri
, Christoph Meinel
and Hussein Suleman
Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa
Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany
Computer Supported Instruction, Orchestration, Peer Tutoring, Technology-enhanced Learning.
Peer tutoring models that involve senior students teaching junior students is a well established practice in most
large universities. While there are a range of teaching activities performed by tutors, these are often done in an
ad hoc manner. We propose to leverage organised orchestration in order to make peer tutoring more effective.
A prototype tutoring platform, aimed at facilitating face-to-face tutoring sessions, was implemented in order
to facilitate orchestration of activities in peer tutoring sessions. The tool was evaluated by 24 tutors for first
year Computer Science courses at a large university. The NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) and Perceived
Usefulness and Ease of Use (PUEU) instruments were used to measure the orchestration load and usability
of the tool, respectively. The overall workload falls within acceptable limits. This initial result confirms the
feasibility of the early stage tools to implement organised orchestration for peer tutoring.
Peer tutoring involves students learning with and from
one another (Falchikov, 2001). The learning bro-
adly involves individuals from similar social grou-
pings helping one another to learn. The individuals
who take on the role of teaching are tutors while those
being taught are tutees (Topping, 1996). In higher
education, tutors are typically senior students in hig-
her levels with little or no teaching qualification. The
advantages of peer tutoring in higher education, such
as small group learning and cost savings, are well
documented (Bowman-Perrott et al., 2013; Topping,
1996; Beasley, 1997). With the widespread availa-
bility of general purpose technology and specialised
educational technology, peer tutoring is increasingly
becoming more effective (Evans and Moore, 2013).
A technique commonly employed in large under-
graduate courses involves forming smaller managea-
ble tutorial groups, which are administered by tutors.
However, in the majority of these cases, the tutorial
sessions are typically conducted in an informal man-
ner. This is, in part, due to the fact that tutors usually
do not have the formal training required to teach. In
this work, we investigate the potential of technology-
driven organised orchestration on peer-led tutoring
with a particular focus on pre-session management of
learning activities.
Orchestration involves the management of pro-
cesses and procedures that are performed by educa-
tors in formal learning environments (Dillenbourg,
2013). Roschelle et al. further state that orches-
tration is a Technology Enhanced Learning appro-
ach that focuses on challenges faced by educators
when using technology in formal learning environ-
ments (Roschelle et al., 2013). Our previous work
has highlighted flaws and shortcomings of contem-
porary orchestration of learning activities, primarily
due to its ad hoc nature. We argue that the ad hoc
nature of orchestration is as a direct result of a lack
of a standardised way of orchestrating learning acti-
vities (Phiri et al., 2016a). Furthermore, we propose
a more streamlined approach for orchestration of le-
arning activities: organised orchestration (Phiri et al.,
This work is a further attempt at exploring the po-
tential applicability of our proposed approach in a dif-
ferent educational setting: peer tutoring sessions. We
argue that due to its focus on curriculum content and,
additionally, the lack of formal teaching training of
tutors, peer tutoring could potentially be made more
effective by leveraging organised orchestration.
We propose the design and implementation of a
peer tutoring teaching platform aimed at facilitating
the orchestration of tutor-led learning activities. A
proof of concept pre-session management tool was
Phiri, L., Meinel, C. and Suleman, H.
Peer Tutoring Orchestration - Streamlined Technology-driven Orchestration for Peer Tutoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0006339104340441
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 434-441
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
developed based on an existing standard: IMS Global
Simple Sequencing Specification (IMS Global Lear-
ning Consortium, 2003). We also present preliminary
results gathered after evaluating the implementation
of this tool.
The main contributions of this paper are as fol-
1. A new potentially–viable approach to facilitate
technology-driven orchestration of peer-led lear-
ning activities.
2. A use of the IMS Global Simple Sequencing Stan-
dard to facilitate organised orchestration of lear-
ning activities.
3. Experimental results to demonstrate the viability
of tools for pre-session management of peer-led
tutorial sessions.
The remainder of this paper is organised as fol-
lows: Section 2 is a synthesis of related work, and
Section 2 presents design and implementation details
of the prototype Web-based tool. In Section 4, expe-
rimental design and results details are outlined, while
Section 5 discusses the implication of the results. Fi-
nally, Section 6 presents concluding remarks and fu-
ture directions.
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) has historically been
employed in higher education, particularly in difficult
courses and those with significantly large enrolments.
While there exist many different models of PAL, Top-
ping emphasises that Peer Tutoring and Cooperative
Learning are the most common models (Topping,
2005). Peer tutoring typically focuses on the curricu-
lum content, with clearly outlined procedures. In ad-
dition, participants will generally receive some form
of training (Topping, 2005). However, cooperative le-
arning involves collaboration among students in order
to achieve a shared goal (Johnson et al., 2000).
2.1 Technology for Peer-led Learning
There is a wide range of tools that have been em-
ployed to facilitate peer tutoring. However, most of
these tools are aimed at facilitating interaction bet-
ween peers and, additionally, enabling teachers to mo-
nitor interactions between peers.
Classwide Peer Tutoring Learning Management
System (CWPT-LMS) provides tools and services re-
quired by teachers to implement CWPT (Greenwood
et al., 2001). The software enables teachers to plan
and measure progress. Unlike CWPT-LMS, our work
focuses more on facilitating the activities performed
by the tutors.
G-math Peer-Tutoring System is a Web-based ap-
plication developed as a Massive Multiplayer Online
Game, in order to facilitate interactions among con-
nected users (Tsuei, 2009). The system is composed
of two modules, which are operated by teachers and
students. The core focus of the system is to improve
mathematics outcomes of learners by facilitating inte-
ractions amongst the learners.
Due to the size of most Massively Open Online
Courses (MOOCs), peer feedback has become an in-
tegral part of the assessment process. PeerStudio is
an assessment platform that was implemented to take
advantage of large MOOC enrolment numbers in or-
der to facilitate rapid assessment feedback (Kulkarni
et al., 2015).
2.2 Technology for Supporting
Orchestration of Learning Activities
There have been numerous studies that have propo-
sed techniques aimed at supporting the orchestration
of learning activities. Niramitranona et al. proposed
a toolset, consisting of a scenario designer: SceDer,
in order to support one-on-one collaborative learning
(Niramitranon et al., 2007). GLUEPS-AR is a system
aimed at facilitating orchestration of learning sce-
narios in ubiquitous environments (Mu
et al., 2013). Some approaches have been more focu-
sed on computer-supported collaborative learning; for
instance GLUE!-PS facilitates deployment and mana-
gement of learning designs in distributed learning en-
vironments (Prieto et al., 2014).
This paper is explicitly aimed at exploring the im-
plications of facilitating the orchestration of learning
activities by peer tutors during formal face-to-face in-
teraction with learners.
3.1 Design Goals
The premise of our work is that peer-led tutorial ses-
sions can be made more effective by the use of orga-
nised orchestration tools. A proof-of-concept toolkit
was developed to serve as the basis for experiments
to test this premise, and an initial evaluation was then
conducted to assess the usability of the toolkit by tu-
tors in the context of actual tutorial/course content.
Peer Tutoring Orchestration - Streamlined Technology-driven Orchestration for Peer Tutoring
Full Choice
Partial Choice
Figure 1: IMS Global Simple Sequencing activity tree.
The toolkit has two major functions: pre-session
management and in-session orchestration of activi-
ties. The pre-session management involved three spe-
cifics tasks:
Activity management, which is the specification
of metadata associated with the activity;
Resource management, which is the uploading
and organising of resources; and
Activity sequencing, which is the ordering of re-
sources within the activity.
After an activity has been designed, using the tool,
it can be viewed or played back by a tutor in a tuto-
rial session. There are two viewers for this purpose:
a built-in viewer that uses HTML; and a PowerPoint
export feature.
3.2 Key Components
As described above, there are four key components
that implement the major function of pre-session and
in-session management of the tool. These are descri-
bed further in the following sections.
3.2.1 Activity Manager
The Activity Manager module makes it possible for
session activities to be properly structured and organi-
sed. A two-level hierarchical node structuring techni-
que allows for courses or modules to act as top-level
container structures and for session activities to be
presented as level two node structures. Teaching re-
sources are then associated to the level two nodes, as
described in Section 3.2.2. Figure 2 shows a screens-
hot of the structuring.
3.2.2 Resource Manager
The Resource Manager module allows for resources
such as PDF documents, video and audio files to be
uploaded and associated with level two nodes. As
shown in Figure 2, this is accomplished by selecting
a specific level two node and subsequently uploading
the desired resources. In addition associated resour-
ces can later be downloaded.
3.2.3 Activity Sequencer
The Activity Sequencer module enables the user to
construct a sequence chain that explicitly specifies the
order in which the associated resources should be or-
3.2.4 Activity Viewers
A basic HTML viewer can then be used to play back
the sequence chain, as shown in Figure 4. In addi-
tion, another proof of concept viewer allows for the
sequence chain to be downloaded as a PowerPoint do-
cument with the specified order. Furthermore, the se-
quence chain is accessible through the RESTful API,
described in Section 3.3.3.
3.3 Implementation
3.3.1 Data Storage Standard
The IMS Global Simple Sequencing Specification
(IMS Global Learning Consortium, 2003) was used
as the underlying standard representation for data
storage. The standard can be used to represent many
different types of sequenced activities, as shown in Fi-
gure 1. In this proof-of-concept implementation, only
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Activity management. Figure 3: Resource management.
Figure 4: Activity sequencer.
the Directed path was used, as tutorial sessions are
typically linear-structured directed activities.
3.3.2 Scripting Platform
The scripting platform was implemented as a Web-
based system
. The front-end was implemented using
HTML/CSS and JavaScript, together with Twitter
. Node.js
was used to implement core
backend module services, as described below.
3.3.3 Scripting API
A RESTful Web service API (Fielding, 2000) enables
access to specific activities and resources. This would
effectively make it possible for tailored viewing user
interfaces to be implemented. The API is currently
implemented to facilitate access to sequenced activi-
ties and resources and, as such, only GET requests are
A user study was performed to better understand the
orchestration load imposed by the described tool, du-
ring scripting of learning activities and, additionally,
to assess its potential usefulness to tutors. The emp-
hasis of this initial study was on the reaction of tutors
to the tool in a controlled environment, rather than an
assessment of the tool in tutorial sessions.
4.1 Context Selection
The experiment was conducted in a Computer
Science department at a large university. The context
provides for an ideal environment in which peer-led
learning is essential. In order to complement the for-
mal traditional lectures, the department hires senior
undergraduate students to act as peer tutors.
Students enrolled for a typical course are split into
smaller, more manageable tutorial groups that are ad-
ministered by tutors, as shown in Table 1. In some
of the courses, the tutors’ role involves facilitating tu-
torial sessions aimed at revising lecture material and
responding to ad hoc student queries. Tutorial ses-
Peer Tutoring Orchestration - Streamlined Technology-driven Orchestration for Peer Tutoring
sions are held once a week and topics addressed are
those from the previous week.
Table 1: Tutorial groups in study environment.
Course Students Tutors Tutorial
CSC1015F 754 38 12
CSC1017F 165 9 3
CSC1010H 80 6 5
CSC1011H 26 2 2
4.2 Experimental Design
4.2.1 Instrumentation
The orchestration load was measured to determine the
amount of effort needed to use the tool, or the degree
of complexity of the tool. If the load is low, this indi-
cates that the tutors are able to use the tool effectively
to achieve the necessary orchestration of activities.
Measuring the orchestration load was accomplis-
hed through the use of the NASA Task Load In-
dex (NASA-TLX) (Hart and Staveland, 1988) pencil
and paper version
. The NASA-TLX measurement
instrument measures the subjective workload score
using a weighted average rating of six subscales, out-
lined below.
Mental Demand. How much mental and perceptual
activity was required (e.g. thinking, deciding, calcula-
ting, remembering, looking, searching, etc)? Was the
task easy or demanding, simple or complex, exacting
or forgiving?
Physical Demand. How much physical activity was
required (e.g. pushing, pulling, turning, controlling,
activating, etc)? Was the task easy or demanding,
slow or brisk, slack or strenuous, restful or laborious?
Temporal Demand. How much time pressure did
you feel due to the rate or pace at which the tasks
or task elements occurred? Was the pace slow and
leisurely or rapid and frantic?
Performance. How successful do you think you
were in accomplishing the goals of the task set by the
experimenter (or yourself)? How satisfied were you
with your performance in accomplishing these goals?
Effort. How hard did you have to work (mentally and
physically) to accomplish your level of performance?
Frustration. How insecure, discouraged, irritated,
stressed and annoyed versus secure, gratified, content,
relaxed and complacent did you feel during the task?
Measuring the subjective workload is a two-step pro-
cess, outlined in Section 4.2.4, that involves pair-wise
comparisons among the six subscales and individual
ratings on each of the subscales.
In order to measure the usability and usefulness of
the tool, the technology acceptance model (TAM) was
used to evaluate the Perceived Usefulness (PU) and
Perceived Ease of Use (PEU) (Davis, 1989). TAM
facilitates the prediction of user attitudes and actual
usage by using participants’ subjective perceptions of
usefulness and ease of use of a system. The TAM
questionnaire was used in its entirety. Table 2 outlines
the PUEU questions used in the questionnaire.
4.2.2 Selection of Subjects
The study participants were chosen based on conve-
nience, from a sample pool of all tutors who had tuto-
red first year courses. A total of 24 participants were
recruited, via email, after ethical clearance was gran-
ted. Each participant received ZAR 50.00 as compen-
sation for their time.
4.2.3 Experimental Tasks
The experiment used official teaching materials for
CSC1010H—outlined in Table 1—normally used
and/or referenced by tutors during tutorial sessions in
order to respond to student queries and concerns. The
description of the teaching materials that were used
during the experiment sessions are detailed below.
Lecture Slides. Archived lecture slide notes used by
lecturers in formal lecture sessions.
Laboratory Exercises. Practical laboratory exercise
questions used in practical programming sessions.
Pre-practical Tutorials. Assessment questions, si-
milar to assignment questions, meant to orient stu-
dents to the assignment questions.
Assignment Tutorials. Assignments questions that
are required to be handed in by students.
The list of the three experiment tasks performed
by the participants are outlined below. For each of
the three tasks, participants repeated the procedures
for two tutorial session scenarios: ”Tutorial 6: Python
Functions“ and ”Tutorial 7: Recursion“.
Task 1: Activity Management. This task involved
activity management by creating two-level hierarchi-
cally structured orchestration activity nodes.
Task 2: Resource Management. This task involved
resource management of all teaching materials requi-
red to orchestrate a typical learning session. This
involved uploading teaching materials and subse-
quently associating them to their respective nodes.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Task 3: Sequencing Activities. This task involved
the creation of a learning session sequence chain
using specified teaching resources.
4.2.4 Procedure
One-on-one hour-long sessions were held with each
of the 24 participants. Participants were briefed about
the study; they were then requested to read and sign
an informed consent form, explaining the purpose and
procedures of the experiment.
Thereafter, participants performed experiment
tasks outlined in Section 4.2.3, using the tool des-
cribed in Section 3.3.2. After completing each of
the three tasks described in Section 4.2.3, participants
were asked to fill out a NASA-TLX questionnaire in
order to assess their subjective workload for each of
the individual tasks. Specifically, this process was
conducted as follows for each of the three tasks:
1. Participants executed the experiment task
2. Participants then filled out a NASA-TLX questi-
(a) Participants performed pair-wise comparisons
for the six NASA-TLX subscales
(b) Participants provided raw ratings for the six
NASA-TLX subscales
Finally, after performing the activities specific to
each of the three tasks, participants filled out a PUEU
4.3 Results
4.3.1 NASA-TLX Ratings
The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test the normality
of each of the three task participant results; a One
Sample median test was performed on Task 1 (p <
0.001) and One sample t-tests Task 2 (p > 0.05) and
Task 3 (p < 0.01); Task 1 and Task 3 scores were sig-
nificantly lower than the 50% mark, however Task 2
scores were not significantly lower than 50%.
Figure 5 shows the weighted workload scores for
all the three tasks. The overall weighted scores for
all the three tasks are below the 50 mark, with Task 1
(Activity Management) requiring the least workload
and Task 2 (Resource Management) requiring the
most workload.
Figures 6 to 8 show subscale ratings for each of
the three tasks. The width of the subscale bars indi-
cate the importance of each factor, while the length
represents the raw rating scores for the subscales.
Sequencing Activities
Resource Management
Activity Management
0 20 40 60 80 100
Mean Weighted Rating
Experiment Tasks
Figure 5: Overall weighted workload score.
In Task 1, the Performance subscale contributed
the most towards the overall workload, while the Phy-
sical Demand subscale was the least contributor. For
Task 2, the Effort subscale was the highest contri-
butor to the overall workload, while the Mental De-
mand subscale contributed the least. Then, for Task
3, the Performance subscale contributed the most to
the workload and the Frustration subscale was the le-
ast contributor.
In terms of the raw ratings, all subscale ratings
were rated below the 50 mark, however, the Frustra-
tion subscale for Task 2 and Effort subscale for Task
3 were closer to the 50 mark.
4.3.2 PUEU Scores
Table 2 shows the PU and EU mean scores and their
associated standard deviations. The Shapiro-Wilk test
was used to test the normality of the individual que-
stion scores and aggregate PU and EU scores. One-
sample t-test
and Wilcoxon signed rank test
conducted as shown in Table 2, with p-value results
represented with the asterisk.
The aggregate PU and PEU scores were all signi-
ficantly greater than 4, where 4 is the mid-point of the
scale of responses. In addition, all the individual 12
questions were also significantly greater than 4. The
implication of this is that all results were statistically
better than average.
The results indicate the potential usefulness and
ease of use of the tool.
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effect
of technology-driven organised orchestration when
applied to a specific educational setting: peer tuto-
ring sessions. The NASA-TLX workload and PUEU
scores provided an avenue for measuring the orches-
tration load and usability of the tool, respectively.
As shown in Figure 5, the results indicate that
Resource Management requires the most workload.
The high workload is as a result of four subscales—
Physical Demand, Temporal Demand, Effort and
Peer Tutoring Orchestration - Streamlined Technology-driven Orchestration for Peer Tutoring
Temporal Demand
Mental Demand
Physical Demand
0 20 40 60 80 100
Mean Raw Rating
NASA-TLX Subscales
Figure 6: Activity management.
Temporal Demand
Mental Demand
Physical Demand
0 20 40 60 80 100
Mean Raw Rating
NASA-TLX Subscales
Figure 7: Resource management.
Temporal Demand
Mental Demand
Physical Demand
0 20 40 60 80 100
Mean Raw Rating
NASA-TLX Subscales
Figure 8: Sequencing activities.
Table 2: Descriptive statistics for PUEU responses.
p <0.05,
p <0.01,
p <0.001.
Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use (n=24) Mean (sd)
A. Perceived Usefulness 5.12 (1.14)
1. Using the system in my job would enable me to accomplish tasks more quickly 4.50 (1.67)
2. Using the system would improve my job performance 5.42 (1.18)
3. Using the system in my job would increase my productivity 5.25 (1.15)
4. Using the system would enhance my effectiveness on the job 5.38 (1.41)
5. Using the system would make it easier to do my job 4.71 (1.63)
6. I would find the system useful 5.46 (1.41)
B. Perceived Ease of Use 5.80 (0.85)
7. Learning to operate the system would be easy for me 6.25 (1.15)
8. I would find it easy to get the system to do what I want it to do 5.46 (1.69)
9. My interaction with the system would be clear and understandable 5.79 (1.10)
10. I would find the system to be flexible to interact with 4.83 (1.40)
11. It would be easy for me to become skillful at using the system 6.33 (0.82)
12. I would find the system easy to use 6.13 (1.12)
Frustration—with raw rating scores above 40 and also
because both these scales contributed significantly to
the weighted score. This can be attributed to the fact
that this is the most involving of the three tasks as all
teaching resources have to be individually associated
to specific activity nodes. Incidentally, some partici-
pants expressed a desire for there to be a bulk upload
feature in order to cut down on the amount of time re-
quired to associate resources to activity nodes. Anot-
her potential workaround would be to create templa-
tes that would only require a user to edit important
Activity Management required the least workload
due to the simplistic nature of the task. All the subs-
cales scored below 25, with the subscales contribu-
ting the most to the workload having the lowest raw
ratings. The task only requires a user to specify me-
tadata necessary to uniquely identify nodes. Further-
more, the experimental task only required participants
to create one level-one node and two level-two nodes.
As with Activity Management, the sequencing of
learning activities did not require much workload. In
fact, the reason why the score is significantly higher
than Activity Management could be attributed to it ha-
ving been the last task to be performed.
The results for the usability were very revea-
ling. Most notably, the aggregate scores for both
the Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use
were significantly greater than 4, therefore better than
average. Furthermore, the individual question scores
were also greater than 4, therefore better than average.
This paper proposes to facilitate the formalisation of
the face-to-face peer-led tutoring process by levera-
ging organised orchestration. It is argued that a tool
can be developed to help tutors to more effectively or-
ganise both their pre-session and in-session activities.
A proof-of-concept tool was designed and developed
to meet this objective. The various functions of this
tool were then assessed by tutors, with an emphasis
on the pre-session management of activities. Initial
results indicate that the tool, and therefore the appro-
ach, are viable as a means of organising tutor-led acti-
vities in tutorial sessions.
While the tool has been demonstrated to be usa-
ble and potentially useful from the tutor’s perspective,
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
with an emphasis on the initial three pre-session acti-
vities, it has not been tested during tutorial sessions.
This assessment of the final of four activities suppor-
ted by the tool is the next planned experiment, to com-
plement these initial results with further evidence of
the viability of the tool, but with an emphasis on the
in-session activities. It is expected that in-session use
will confirm the effectiveness of organised orchestra-
tion in the classroom, as applied to the specific case
of tutor-led small group teaching.
This work is funded, in part, by the Hasso Plattner
Institute. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this work are those of
the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of
the sponsors. We are grateful to Imaculate Mosha for
software development platform. We would also like
to thank all the study participants.
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Peer Tutoring Orchestration - Streamlined Technology-driven Orchestration for Peer Tutoring