Building a Formative Assessment System That is Easy to Adopt Yet
Supports Long-term Improvement: A Review of the Literature and
Design Recommendations
Ellis Solaiman, Joshua Barney and Martin Smith
School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
Formative Assessment, Assessment Design, Review, Feedback Automation, Education Technology.
Formative assessment has been shown to be an effective teaching tool, yet is infrequently used in practice.
With the intent of building a formative e-assessment platform, we examine research on formative practices
and supporting computer-based systems with a focus on: institutional barriers to adoption of previous systems;
senses in which students and teachers can improve their practices across varying timescales; and collectible
data (self-reported or otherwise) necessary or advantageous in supporting these processes. From this research
we identify the minimal set of data which adequately supports these processes of improvement, arrive at a set
of requirements and recommendations for an innovative system which collects, processes, and presents this
data appropriately, and from these requirements design the architecture of an extensible electronic formative
assessment system which balances the need for complex long-term analytics with that of accessibility.
Formative assessment refers to the use of testing to
allow both students to reflect on their own learning
and teachers to determine the needs of individual stu-
dents, or groups of students. This can also be des-
cribed as assessment for learning. Formative as-
sessment is often contrasted with summative asses-
sment, described as assessment of learning, which
uses testing as a means for summarizing the perfor-
mance of students and their level of knowledge at the
end of a course (Looney, 2011) (Black and Wiliam,
2009). Despite the clear benefits of formative asses-
sment as an effective teaching tool, it is infrequently
used in practice. Also whilst VLEs (Virtual Learning
Environments) are widespread in higher education,
their formative abilities are often severely underuti-
lized (Blin and Munro, 2008). Even when change is
not resisted by faculty staff, adoption of educational
technology tends to proceed at a slow pace, and often
innovation is driven by lone individuals deciding to
use technologies without backing from above (Rus-
sell, 2009). Although perception of student expec-
tation can provide positive incentive, technical bar-
riers along with a lack of institutional support are key
suppressing factors (King and Boyatt, 2015). Cur-
rently available Education technologies are hampe-
red by technical problems such as lack of integra-
tion with systems in use within institutions, and edu-
cational data-mining efforts fail due to the absence
of tools which are easy for non-experts to use (Ro-
mero and Ventura, 2010). A key factor inhibiting the
adoption of formative assessment technologies is staff
time. Teacher time is an especially scarce resource
those who see the value of educational technology
may still avoid full utilization for this reason; ”These
are all great initiatives, but I’m running out of hours
in a day ... I’m in overload!” (Hall and Hall, 2010).
Research by (Macfadyen and Dawson, 2012) highlig-
hts that in order to overcome individual and group re-
sistance to innovation and change, planning processes
must create conditions that allow participants to both
think and feel positively about change; ”conditions
that appeal to both the heart and the head”. Without
investing resources for effective automated data ana-
lysis and visualization, large quantities of data will
not compel social or cultural change (Kotter and Co-
hen, 2002); ”increasing observability of change is an
effective strategy for reducing resistance” (Rogers,
This paper builds upon and complements previous
work and literature reviews such as (Gikandi et al.,
2011), by taking a more integrative approach. We
attempt through the development a holistic theoretic
framework,to arrive at the design of a system suitable
for active use both as a tool for student and teacher
Solaiman, E., Barney, J. and Smith, M.
Building a Formative Assessment System That is Easy to Adopt Yet Supports Long-term Improvement: A Review of the Literature and Design Recommendations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006339404420449
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 442-449
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
improvement, and as a platform for further empirical
research about the impact of various formative stra-
tegies. Initially, multiple high impact journals in the
field of educational technology were identified, and
the titles and abstract of all publications from the the
last 5 years were manually examined. A number of
potentially relevant papers were identified and scruti-
nized in further detail, and common subjects and re-
ferences were noted. Keywords related to these sub-
jects were used to find further papers using academic
search engines. The process of reading papers, disco-
vered through references or search, continued recur-
sively until a clear picture of a range of formative and
learning practices emerged. A conceptual framework
was developed to organize these practices by time and
individual, and the body of collected papers was re-
examined in the context of this framework to explore
the data-collection requirements of each of the iden-
tified practices. Recommendations are made for im-
plementation, and from these recommendations, the
design of an extensible system to collect this data is
Multiple researchers distinguish types of formative
assessment based on their duration. Allal and
Schwartz (Allal and Schwartz, 1996) use the termi-
nology of “Level 1” and “Level 2’ formative asses-
sments, which directly benefit students who are asses-
sed as or use data gathered to benefit future instructi-
onal activities or new groups of students respecti-
vely. Alternatively, (Wiliam, 2006) distinguishes be-
tween short-, medium-, and long-cycle formative as-
sessment, which operate within and between lessons,
within and between teaching units, and across mar-
king periods, semesters or even years. In addition to
acting as a helpful framework within which to clas-
sify and organize research, this viewpoint is useful
as a design tool – collecting data required for longer-
term formative processes requires action over a sus-
tained period of time, and this affects the short-term
experience of new users. As discussed below, a sy-
stem must show immediate value in order to have
the best chance at being widely adopted, and balan-
cing the conflict between supporting longer-term go-
als and maintaining accessibility is a design challenge
that deserves thinking about explicitly. In addition to
distinguishing processes by time we also do so by the
agents involved (See Figure 1). Our framework dif-
fers from previous formulations like that of (Wiliam
and Thompson, 2007) in that we conceive of teachers
not just in terms of the role they can play in providing
feedback to students but also as individuals who can
benefit from feedback themselves.
We examine the specifics of feedback processes be-
low, considering issues related by their similar data-
requirements together. This view allows us to move
closer to the design of a real system.
3.1 Formative Feedback Principles
Synthesizing research literature, (Nicol and
Macfarlane-Dick, 2006) present seven princi-
ples, reordered for clarity here, arguing effective
formative feedback practice:
1. delivers high quality information to students
about their learning. 2. helps clarify what good
performance is (goals, criteria, expected standards).
3. provides opportunities to close the gap between
current and desired performance. 4. facilitates the
development of self-assessment (reflection) in lear-
ning. 5. encourages positive motivational beliefs and
self-esteem. 6. encourages teacher and peer dialogue
around learning. 7. provides information to teachers
that can be used to help shape teaching.
The first three principles mirror (Wiliam and
Thompson, 2007)’s theory of formative assessment,
which emphasizes establishing where the learners are
in their learning, where they are going, and what
needs to be done to get them there. Black and Wil-
liam, (Black and Wiliam, 1998) warn that classroom
cultures focused on rewards or grades encourage stu-
dents to game the system, avoid difficult tasks, and
where difficulties or poor results are encountered,
”retire hurt”. By 2004, this had been strengthened
in (Black et al., 2004) into an explicit recommenda-
tion to adopt comment-only marking practices; ”Stu-
dents given marks are likely to see it as a way to com-
pare themselves with others; those given only com-
ments see it as helping them to improve. The latter
group outperforms the former.A literature review by
(Gikandi et al., 2011) provides supporting studies and
explicitly reaffirms the above seven principles as ”an
essential condition for effective formative feedback”.
Whilst the above principles may be sufficient to
guide the behavior of teachers in conversation with
Building a Formative Assessment System That is Easy to Adopt Yet Supports Long-term Improvement: A Review of the Literature and
Design Recommendations
Short-term Medium-term Long-term
Students Checking understanding of subject,
identifying own misconceptions.
Understanding progress and thinking
about own learning (meta-cognition).
Subject mastery, perhaps through spaced
Teachers Identifying common misconceptions in
the student body, planning next lesson.
Understanding broad proficiencies of
class across the whole syllabus.
Constructing next year’s course materials, and
designing new summative assessments.
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of feedback for students and teachers in the short, medium, and long terms.
students in a physical classroom, there are pragma-
tic details to consider for their implementation within
computer-based systems. For example Hattie and
Timperley (Hattie and Timperley, 2007) distinguish
between task-orientated feedback such as knowledge
of correctness of response, and processes-orientated
feedback such as worked-out example answer, sta-
ting the latter is to be preferred. In the context of
technology-based instruction, learners elect to view
the minimum load of feedback required to achieve
closure (Lefevre and Cox, 2016), yet for some ques-
tion designs a correct answer may hide a multitude of
flawed methods and misconceptions (Sepp
a et al.,
2006). Since students will not rigorously examine
worked solutions when they know their answer is cor-
rect, it may be that this can only be avoided by better
question design.
3.2 Identifying Misconceptions in
Student Understanding
Closed question types such as multiple-choice questi-
ons can be used powerfully, provided that they’re de-
signed with a clear set of educational principles and
goals in mind (Nicol, 2007). By analyzing incorrect
answers of students on longer-form written exams for
mathematics, (Albano and Pepkolaj, 2014) were able
to develop effective recovery learning path tests on
top of a fairly primitive Learning Management Sy-
stem quiz tool. Careful question design may be able
to detect and correct student misconceptions which
are understood in advance, but how can this prere-
quisite information for understanding be gathered? In
some subjects common misconceptions amongst stu-
dent bodies have already been identified through aca-
demic research initiatives, and the results compiled
into documents targeted at teaching staff (one such
example would be (Hestenes et al., 1992)), but what
if such documents are not readily available?
Interactive questions are capable of recording a
greater variety and density of information than tradi-
tional tests questions. Researchers in (Greiff et al.,
2015) present a computerized assessment question
where students are expected to optimize the out-
come of a simulation by varying input values through
graphical sliders. They show how time-series data
that records actions taken during the assessment can
be used to gain insight into the problem-solving pro-
cess, and from this go on to draw statistical inferen-
ces about the efficacy of various solving strategies.
Similarly, (Sepp
a et al., 2006) presented an inte-
ractive system for examining Computer Science stu-
dent beliefs about algorithms for creating a heap data-
structure. The system required students to simulate
the working of given algorithms by manipulating the
visual representations of the corresponding data struc-
tures on a computer screen. By collecting data on
the sequence of actions taken as students progressed
towards this goal, it became possible to identify not
just one-off slips but systematic misconceptions about
the algorithms. These misconceived algorithm vari-
ants could then be simulated, and when a student’s
response matched the sequence generated by the si-
mulation, advanced feedback targeted at the specific
misconception could be delivered.
3.3 Self- and Peer-assessment
As class sizes increase, so does the cost of marking
student work in terms of teachers’ time and energy.
Computer-based marking is clearly sufficient for clo-
sed, well-defined questions, but free text-questions,
which are known to promote meta-cognition more ef-
fectively, pose technical challenges with respect to au-
tomated marking and feedback provision. Relevant
automated systems do exist, often utilizing a vector-
space model, however they may be overly harsh, fail
to recognize the breadth of valid responses, mark only
with respect to an example answer, and require the
teacher to manually resolve ambiguities (Rodrigues
and Oliveira, 2014). Progress has been made over
the years to the point where such systems are used in
practice, but using them to provide useful feedback to
a learner is still an ongoing area of research (Van La-
beke et al., 2013). Such a system also fails when
the subjective qualities being measured cannot be re-
duced to linguistic similarity, such as in evaluations
of long free-form essays or creative works. In con-
trast, self-assessment and peer-assessment have been
shown to be effective in a variety of contexts such as
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
design, programming, art, and dance. Provided stu-
dents are happy with the initial workload, such a stra-
tegy scales indefinitely, since the number of available
reviewers grows with the number of students, and au-
tomated systems can be used in hybrid with human
markers if necessary to detect unusual reviews or to
provide an additional source of information which can
be used to increase the quality of a final overall review
(Luaces et al., 2015).
(Gehringer, 2014) examines multiple methods for
improving review quality, but most involve aggrega-
tion of reviews, implying each student would be bur-
dened with a large number of other student’s answers
to mark, an undesirable workload if formative asses-
sments are to be undertaken regularly. One method
of improving review quality which does not necessi-
tate aggregation, is calibration, whereby students are
presented with multiple example answers which have
previously been assigned a mark by the teacher, be-
fore they go on to mark a peer’s work.
Nicol and Macfarlane (Nicol and Macfarlane-
Dick, 2006) make the case that even ’at-risk’ stu-
dents can learn to be more self-regulating, that the
more learning becomes self-regulated the less stu-
dents depend on external teacher support, that such
students are more persistent, resourceful, confident
and higher achievers, and that the quality of self-
regulation can be developed by making learning
processes explicit, through meta-cognitive training,
through self-monitoring, and by providing opportu-
nities to practice self-regulation.
Although anonymous peer-assessment may not be
any more valid than named peer-assessment with re-
spect to construct validity, pupils self-report lower le-
vels of peer-pressure and feel more positive about the
process (Vanderhoven et al., 2015).
3.4 Understanding Progress, Measuring
Difficulty, and Assessment Design
Learning design typically starts by identifying the
core aims of learning or abilities of a student to be
developed based on the domain of the subject to be
taught, and structuring practical activities in such a
way as to develop these abilities (MacLean and Scott,
2011). Misconceptions, identified previously via em-
pirical measures and documented (for example, (Hes-
tenes et al., 1992)) may be explicitly addressed in
order to accelerate the pace of learning. Similarly,
hypothesized learning progressions that have been va-
lidated empirically may be used to scaffold the lear-
ning process more helpfully, and where appropriate,
help students evaluate their own progress. These may
be in the form of individual construct maps showing
distinct levels of progress in the understanding of a
concept, but they could also describe the relationship
between individual competencies in a syllabus (Wil-
son, 2009). Given a dataset of student performance
on topic-tagged questions over time, it is possible to
mechanically extract a concept map showing the de-
pendencies between topics, and in doing so identify
conceptual bottlenecks in learning (Lin et al., 2015).
(Lin et al., 2015) go on to show how such a genera-
ted map can be used to indicate a learner’s progress to
them, clearly showing how next to progress in terms
of student learning requirements. Also of interest is
the use of factor analysis to gain insight into core
competency areas within a curriculum. This is hardly
a new idea (Zou and Zhang, 2013), however accessi-
ble integration of it and other statistical tools of simi-
lar power into assessment systems that ensure resul-
tant inferences are valid is a open area of research.
3.5 Spaced Repetition and Subject
The positive effects of spacing learning over time in
increasing retention of knowledge are well documen-
ted and researched. Examples include; early work
such as Ebbinghaus’s discovery that the forgetting
curve becomes shallower over time (and thus the op-
timal interval between learning repetitions increases
with time) (Ebbinghaus, 1885); Spitzer’s large scale
study on Iowan school children (Spitzer, 1939); and
a large body of studies and inquiry in the 1960s and
1970s including (Landauer and Bjork, 1978). Se-
veral businesses, some with equity of over 1 mil-
lion USD, currently offer products based partly or
wholly on a spaced repetition model these include
Duolingo, Synap, Brainscape, and Lingvist. Mul-
tiple open-source flash-card programs such as Anki
and Mnemosyne exist, often based on an algorithm
from the proprietary software SuperMemo, specifi-
cally SM-2, which is described in (Wozniak, 1990)
and bears resemblance to the paper-based algorithm
described in (Leitner, 1974).
Although the algorithm currently employed by
SuperMemo at the time of writing (SM-17) is far
more complicated than that of Anki (SM-2), in that
it calculates intervals based on measures of stability,
retrievability, and item difficulty; the only input requi-
red from the user is a self-assessment of confidence
with respect to the answer; the time taken to answer
the question is not used to measure information retrie-
vability from memory.
The ability to appropriately schedule specific test
questions at timely intervals, independent of larger
tests themselves, is a feature which is hard to build
Building a Formative Assessment System That is Easy to Adopt Yet Supports Long-term Improvement: A Review of the Literature and
Design Recommendations
on top of a system which does not natively support
it. For this reason, if spaced repetition functionality is
desired in a system it is strongly advisable that such
functionality be implemented explicitly at a fairly low
level of design.
For subjects with well-defined domains (as defined by
(Spiro et al., 1995)) it is clear that short term forma-
tive assessment and feedback can provide significant
value, at the same time collecting sufficient data to
adequately support various long-cycle improvement
strategies without overburdening students or teachers,
provided it is used appropriately. Ill-defined domains
present more of a challenge for automated marking,
but work may still be marked scalably through self
and peer assessment. Identifying misconceptions re-
quires comparatively rich data at a minimum the
content of student answers for detecting common in-
correct responses, but ideally some sort of record of
the process the student followed to solve the ques-
tion. Longer timescale processes targeted at students
like long-term adaptive testing and spaced repetition
may to an extent be driven with data collected for and
produced by short-term formative feedback. But the
majority of existing solutions and research makes use
of the student’s own evaluation of their confidence
in answering a question. As a result of the above,
we hypothesize that an extensible and modular sy-
stem for formative assessment which initially provi-
des knowledge of correct response and optional ela-
borated feedback whilst collecting data about student
answers and confidence, would be sufficient as a plat-
form for a reasonably wide variety of long term im-
provement processes without over-burdening users in
the short-term. The small size and traditional nature
of this dataset is perhaps surprising in contrast with
research interest in using alternative sources of data
such as student blog frequency or conversations with
peers for learning analytic purposes (e.g. (Cerezo
et al., 2016)). Based on the above research, we pre-
sent the following recommendations for designers of
formative assessment systems.
1. Design for an initially low level of emotional in-
vestment and time commitment from users, pro-
ducing immediate and obvious value in such a ci-
2. Whilst shaping institutional culture is not so-
mething a software tool can actively do, it is pos-
sible to lead towards institutional good practice
by reducing relevant technical barriers in advance.
This should be explicitly planned for and done.
3. Design data visualizations in such a way as to
be easily explorable for non-expert users. Where
trade-offs between power and accessibility are ne-
cessary, the editorial choices involved should be
shaped by the processes the system is designed to
4. Allow users to easily export any visualizations
they create or modify for inclusion in reports, etc.,
but unobtrusively watermark them with the name
of the system used. In doing so, the analytical
power of the system used will be gradually adver-
tised throughout a faculty or institution.
5. Where teachers or other staff members are asses-
sed via external criteria, ensure that good forma-
tive practice using the system will be evaluated
positively against such criteria, by providing faci-
lities that aid in documenting relevant evidence.
1. Allow teachers to provide students with ”Know-
ledge of Correct Response”-style feedback auto-
matically. Teachers should be able to provide a
worked solution which can be shown upon re-
quest. Refraining from showing elaborated feed-
back unless desired avoids student fatigue.
2. Design the platform to make it easy for teachers to
link feedback with specific tasks they would have
to undertake in the future to perform desirably.
3. Provide statistical and visualization capabilities to
express student progress through the curriculum,
however that curriculum is currently conceived of.
4. Where it makes sense to do so, and is not dis-
couraging, make it easy for teachers to frame
feedback in terms of student’s previous perfor-
Self- and Peer- Assessment:
1. Support rich feedback types such as free text, pic-
tures, and video. Or at least enable students to
critique pictures and videos, if not produce them
from within the system.
2. Allow reconfigurability within the system with re-
spect to peer-review, especially with regards to
how students are assigned work to review, and
with regards to anonymisation.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Assessment Design and Process:
1. Implement hardness measures within assessments
to automatically understand the relative difficul-
ties students have with topics, and adjust teaching
time per topic accordingly.
2. Where proficiencies correlate across groups of
students and across time, use this information to
inform learning design, ensuring sufficient time
is spent on bottleneck topics for learning, and re-
structure course content according to any depen-
dencies discovered empirically between topics.
3. Present teachers with reliability metrics of previ-
ously taken assessments, provided such automa-
ted statistics would not be misleading.
Spaced Repetition:
1. The platform must be capable (as an option to te-
achers since such a process may not always be de-
sired) of scheduling formative assessments based
on confidence that is self-reported by students in
order to maximize their learning.
A simple illustration of our proposed architecture can
be seen in Figure 2 The practicalities of question mar-
king may vary dramatically between more advanced
question types, and for this reason the responsibility
for marking student answers lies not with the core
back end server but with individual marking servers,
one for each question type, which communicate with
the core back end using standardized messages over
a message broker. The client, the core back end,
and the database are designed to be agnostic with re-
spect to the types of questions supported. The data-
base schema has a single table for all questions, with
schemaless content and markscheme columns (whose
structure is question type specific). All questions hold
a single reference to an entry in the question types ta-
ble, which holds the configuration for accessing the
marking server for all questions of that type. In order
for an extension author to write a new question type,
first the format of data expected to be received from
the student must be defined, then a marking server
written that takes in this data via the message broker
and returns some specific feedback (the structure of
which must also be defined) and a number between 0
and 1 (this is so statistical analysis across heteroge-
neous question types is possible). The front-end code
to produce this data must then be written, which con-
sists of the UI of the question itself along with the
business logic required to make it work. A UI com-
ponent that displays the feedback specific to the ques-
tion type should also be written, and it is advisable to
write a custom statistical view for teaching staff to use
for analyzing answers given to individual questions
of that question type (the default statistical tools will
no be able to understand the structure of student ans-
wers without help since that is specific to each que-
stion type). With the above completed, the relevant
files can be placed in their appropriate places, a new
question type created in the database with appropriate
marking server configuration, and from that point on
questions of that new type may be created.
Much of the desired functionality can be accom-
plished with the system as described above for ex-
ample, feedback is trivially possible, and collecting
data about student misconceptions can be accomplis-
hed by extending the system with complex question
types which can be built using web technologies. Self
assessment likewise can be accomplished via a dedi-
cated question type. However, some practices require
certain outcomes to occur as the result of previous
student performance and/or the time that has passed:
adaptive testing assigns students recovery tests as a
result of poor performance in previous tests; spaced
repetition involves reassigning previously seen ques-
tions to students after an interval calculated from past
confidence in their answers; peer review needs stu-
dents to be assigned to review other student’s work
after they have submitted it. To provide sufficient
functionality for these practices whilst keeping the
core application simple, we will implement a concep-
tually separate scheduler which runs both periodically
to ensure time-dependent rules are followed globally,
but also upon request. Whilst teachers assigning tests
and questions manually to students is handled directly
by the core application, any other assignment of ques-
tions (for any reason) is the responsibility of the sche-
duler. The rules of the scheduler are not designed to
be changed by extension authors, and will likely be
fairly opaque to users; instead of seeing the exact ru-
les that are going to be followed, teachers will be pre-
sented with a settings UI that allows them to enable,
for example, ”computer adaptive testing” at the press
of a button, and this will enable all of the relevant GUI
components as well as the back-end logic designed to
support such a work-flow. With the above said, there
is no reason a particularly dedicated researcher could
not add new rules to the scheduler to support some
new process.
Building a Formative Assessment System That is Easy to Adopt Yet Supports Long-term Improvement: A Review of the Literature and
Design Recommendations
Figure 2: Design of a formative assessment system.
By targeting a web platform, a medium ideally suited
for the development of interactive and visual tools,
we aim to enable learning experiences and questions
to be developed with relative ease and in a way that
remains coherent and integrated with the other for-
mative practices we hope to encourage. Novel inte-
ractive questions types are an area of research with
potentially rich rewards, as is applying what is known
currently about the computer-assisted identification of
misconceptions to new subject domains. It is our in-
tention that our system serve as a platform for multi-
ple researchers looking to explore the effectiveness of
richly immersive web-based learning tools.
One of the largest barriers to effective use of data
in an educational setting is the lack of statistical tools
which are easy to use for non-experts. Because our
system aims to target practices that take place over a
variety of timescales whilst collecting data in a con-
sistent format we believe it to be suited for the pro-
totyping and subsequent empirical testing of a wide
range of graphical statistical tools. Of particular note
for researchers is the problem of conveying nuan-
ced statistical ideas which affect validity of inferences
made to staff who have not been statistically trained,
especially doing so visually.
Appropriate treatment of issues of reliability and
validity have been identified as key deficiencies in
existing research ((Gikandi et al., 2011), (Bennett,
2011)). A potential deficiency with the system de-
sign presented above is the lack of resistance to que-
stions being incorrectly labeled with the wrong to-
pics. Despite years of research, it remains unclear
how components of feedback such as timing affect
its overall efficacy. It is our hope that a system such
as ours once developed, will permit long-term A/B
testing of variations to these components. Although
ethical and professional concerns related to delive-
ring a potentially sub-par educational experience to
a section of paying students will have to be addressed
in order to proceed.
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Building a Formative Assessment System That is Easy to Adopt Yet Supports Long-term Improvement: A Review of the Literature and
Design Recommendations