Extracting Implicit Aspects based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Ekin Ekinci and Sevinç İlhan Omurca
Computer Engineering Department, Kocaeli University, İzmit, Kocaeli, Turkey
{ekin.ekinci, silhan}@kocaeli.edu.tr
“What others think?” is the central to almost all
human activities and is the key influencer of human
behaviors (Fersini et al, 2016). For this reason, when
people need to make a decision about which film is
good or companies need to evaluate their products
weakness, they take into consideration the opinions
of others.
With the rapid advances of the Internet, people
have dramatically changed their way to gather
others’ opinion through the online review websites.
These mediums have showed themselves as one of
most popular channels with millions of users who
share their opinions about they have purchased. Due
to increase in user generated content on online
review sites an important soure for data analysis can
be provided. According to a survey conducted about
50% of the young population have been affected by
these word of mouth data (Ha et al, 2015). So, for
people there is no need to ask someone else about
product they want to purchase and for companies
there is no need to conduct surveys for their brands
(Pawar et al, 2016). Beside all of them, for the same
product there are huge amount of reviews on
different web sites and to get the information they
are interested in is very difficult and time consuming
for average humans. Therefore, an automatic system
is needed.
Sentiment analysis, which has been studied on
since 1990’s and in recent years has increasingly
gained importance, is a study that analyses people’s
opinions and feelings toward products, companies,
services and so on (Türkmen, 2016; Liu, 2012).
Despite this short history, analyzing people's opinion
and sentiment has been attracted to researchers and
since then, many studies have been done. In these
studies, sentiment analysis is realized at one of the
three levels: document level, sentence level and
aspect level sentiment analysis (Vinodhini and
Chandrasekaran, 2012).
Document Level: Essentially, with this level
of analysis, the task of determining whether
the given review is positive or negative. For
instance given a restaurant review, the task is
to learn general sentiment (good or bad) about
this restaurant by using whole document.
Sentence Level: Sentences are just short
documents so there is in fact no key difference
between sentence level and document level
sentiment analysis. In this analysis the task is
to learn general sentiment from every sentence
Aspect Level: As mentioned above, document
and sentence level analysis give general
sentiments about a product. Along with it is
not correct to assume that if the result is
negative; all the product specifications are
weak. Accordingly it doesn't mean that all the
product specifications are fine if the result is
positive. So there is a need for finer-grained
analysis. Aspect, which expresses sentiment,
is anything that defines, completes a product;
sentiment is positive or negative feeling about
the aspect (Türkmen et al, 2016). In aspect
level sentiment analysis sentiments are given
separately for every aspect. For example given
a restaurant review, instead of learning general
sentiment for this restaurant, learning
sentiments for aspects such as service, meal,
etc. is proposed.
In sentiment analysis aspects are categorized as
two types: explicit aspects and implicit aspects. If an
aspect or its alternatives appears in a review this
aspect is called explicit aspect. Conversely, if an
aspect does not appear in the review but is implied
by a sentiment this aspect is implicit. In the example
below, the first sentence contains an explicit aspect
“tuna”. The second sentence the implicit aspect
“price” is implied by using “cheap”.
The tuna is also very fresh, not so chewy.
It's fairly cheap (for being so trendy).
For extracting explicit aspects there are four
main methods tried in the literature: frequent noun
and noun phrases based methods, rule based
methods, supervised learning and topic models. On
the other hand, implicit aspect extraction is tough
task and many studies in the literarure ignore this
phase. Regarding to aforementioned matters, we
Ekinci, E. and Omurca, S.
Extracting Implicit Aspects based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
In Doctoral Consortium (DCAART 2017), pages 17-23
propose a implicit aspect extraction framework by
using semantic similarity based topic model.
The aspect based sentiment analysis studies are
fundamentally focused on product aspects. Although
in previous studies explicit aspect extraction has
been studied intensely, on the contrary implicit
aspect extraction has been studied limitedly.
However implicit aspect extraction is the one of the
important phase of the sentiment analysis studies for
the following reasons. The sentence which only
contains sentiment and aspect is unknown is not
useful. More importantly, when the reviews are
examined it can be clearly seen that number of
implicit aspects in the sentences are enough to be
considered for better sentiment analysis (Xu et al,
Probabilistic topic models are based on the idea
that documents are mixtures of topics and a topic has
a probability distribution over words (Stevyers and
Griffiths, 2007). Actually, probabilistic topic model
methods are defined as a group of algorithms that
discover hidden thematic structure of document
collections by mapping them into low dimensional
space (Boyd-Graber and Blei, 2009). And a topic
can be defined as a collection of words that
frequently occur together and are related to the same
subject. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which is
one of the simplest topic model, is emerging field in
machine learning and text mining (Blei et al, 2004;
Mei et al, 2007). The intuition behind LDA is that
documents exhibit multiple topics. LDA, as a
completely unsupervised method, is based on bag-
of-words assumption. And the LDA model does not
consider the semantic structure of the documents.
This lack motivates our research.
The effectiveness and better generalization of the
proposed framework we propose an unsupervised
approach for implicit aspect extraction that is
focused on the use of semantic similarity of
documents for topic proportions and topic
assignment. Furthermore, to encourage this Babelfy
which carries out both multilingual word sense
disambiguation and entity linking is used (Moro et
al, 2014). Babelfy is based on the Babelnet, which is
a integration of Wikipedia and WordNet, a
multilingual semantic network (Navigli and
Ponzetto, 2012). Babelfy is preferred for the concept
extraction and by using these concepts semantic
similarity of documents are calculated. The proposed
framework will be tested on reviews of restaurants;
also Jo and Oh (2011) used these reviews in English
for ASUM.
It is planned to achieve the following objectives
with our framework enabling aspect based sentiment
analysis based on semantic similarity based topic
model for implicit aspect extraction:
Obtaining the reviews of restaurants and pre-
processing these reviews using Stanford
Natural Language Processing Tool,
Determining noun phrases for extracting
multi-word aspects from reviews by using
Deciding parameters of LDA, applying the
model to the reviews and extracting product
Evaluating generalization performance of the
model on the test data,
Extracting concepts by using Babelfy and
expanding reviews with these concepts,
Calculating semantic similarity of reviews and
using these obtained values for topic
proportions and topic assignment in LDA,
Evaluating generalization performance of the
new model on the test data and comparing
with LDA
Extracting aspect sentiment pairs from
Extracting implicit aspects by using aspect
sentiment pairs,
The efficiency of the proposed system will be
In recent years, aspect based sentiment analysis
studies have attracted more and more attention
because for the first time in human history, a huge
volume of opinionated data is obtained with new
resources that have millions of users such as
ecommerce and social media websites, blogs,
dictionaries, news portals (Liu, 2012).
When the literature is evaluated it is shown that
aspect extraction is one of the cornerstones of the
sentiment analysis studies. To design a powerful
sentiment analysis system, aspect extraction process
should be carried out successfully (Ekinci et al,
2016). The first studies about this topic were made
by Hu and Liu (2004). In their studies differences
between explicit and implicit aspects were explained
and only explicit aspect extraction was performed.
Explicit aspects which are noun or noun phrases
were extracted by using association rule mining.
Popescu and Etzioni (2005) developed OPINE an
DCAART 2017 - Doctoral Consortium on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
unsupervised information extraction system to
extract explicit aspects. They benefited from
Pointwise Mutual Information for pruning aspects.
Hu and Liu’s approach was further improved by Wei
et al (2010) incorporating Semantic Based
Refinement. The approach aims to use sentiments
for successfully extracting explicit aspects. They
used General Inquirer and Co-occurrence-based
pruning, Opinion-based infrequent feature
identification, Conjunction-based infrequent feature
identification rules for aspect extraction and pruning.
Brody and Elhadad (2010) devised an
unsupervised method, called Local LDA, for aspect
extraction. For each aspect representative words
were found by using Mutual Information. For
example representative words for “meal” are “menu,
fish, cuisine, and so on”. Conjunctions and negations
were preferred for adjective extraction and they
benefited from Conjunction Graph for determining
polarities of adjectives. Li et al (2010) proposed two
new methods, called Sentiment-LDA and
Dependency-Sentiment-LDA. Sentiment-LDA is
based on the idea that sentiments are related to topic.
In Dependency-Sentiment-LDA, they integrated
sentiment dependency to the topic model. Wang et al
(2010) developed semi-supervised topic model Co-
LDA. In Co-LDA, aspects and sentiments were
modeled simultaneously. For this purpose the model
is divided into two parts; sentiment LDA and topic
LDA. Jo and Oh (2011) assumed that words in the
same sentence are under the same topic with
Sentence LDA. They after developed an advanced
version of Sentence LDA, called Aspect and
Sentiment Unification Model (ASUM). With ASUM
aspects and sentiments were modeled together and
aspect sentiment pairs were obtained. Xianghua et al
(2013) utilized LDA to extract global topics for
reviews in Chinese. They also utilized sliding
window for local topics. For sentiment polarity they
used Hownet lexicon. Ding et al (2013) composed
Hierarchical Dirichlet Process-LDA (HDP-LDA).
HDP-LDA differed from the LDA by automatic
determination of topic counts. For determining
sentiments they utilized lexicon. Bagheri et al (2013)
devised Aspect Detection Model based LDA (ADM-
LDA) which ignored bag of words and was based on
Markov Chain. Wang et al (2014) proposed two new
semi-supervised methods, called Fine-grained Label
LDA (FL-LDA) and Unified Fine-grained Label
LDA (UFL-LDA). FL-LDA utilized seed lexicon for
aspects to extract aspects in the reviews. In UFL-
LDA unlabeled documents were considered for high
frequency aspects. Zheng et al (2014) devised
Appraisal Expression Patterns LDA (AEP-LDA) for
extracting product aspects from restaurant, hotel,
MP3 player and camera reviews. The basic idea
behind this model was that words in the same
sentence were under the same topic. Aspects and
sentiments were extracted simultaneously in this
model. Like Bagheri et al (2013), Yin et al (2014)
ignored bag of words in their LDA based approach,
called Dependency-Topic-Affects-Sentiment-LDA
(DTAS). Instead of bag of words they preferred
Markov Chain. They assumed that sentiments in a
sentence affected by sentence that contains sentence
and the previous sentence.
In our thesis, we aim to extract implicit aspects
so we also delve into literature in this subject area.
Su et al (2008) used Mutual Reinforcement to
expose hidden relation between aspect categories
and group of sentiments. The hidden relation was
presented by using bipartite graph. It was enough to
create a connection between aspect and sentiment to
be in the same sentence. The connection weight was
determined by the total number of co-occurrence of
them. Zhang et al (2012) preferred statistical
methods for implicit aspects. They used PMI and
frequency based collocation selection method for
this purpose. Wang et al (2013) benefited from
association rules for extraction of implicit aspects.
By using five different association rules for aspects
and sentiments new rules were extracted. From these
rules implicit aspects were extracted by using
frequency and PMI. Bagheri et al (2013) proposed
graph-based scoring for implicit aspects. Relation
between explicit aspects and sentiments was
demonstrated with this graph. Xueke (2013) devised
Joint Aspect/Sentiment Model (JAS) to remove
deficiencies of LDA. By using aspect based
sentiments were used for extraction of implicit
aspects. Lau et al (2014) proposed LDA based fuzzy
product ontologies for aspect based sentiment
analysis. Both taxonomic (memory is a hardware)
and non-taxonomic (bright flash) relations were
extracted with this method. For non-taxonomic
relations in sentences they benefited from Mutual
Information. Poria et al (2014) presented rule based
method for implicit aspects. They used explicit
aspects and implicit aspect clues (IACs) for
extraction of these aspects. IACs were adjectives
and mapped to associated aspects category. Xu et al
(2015) devised LDA based Explicit Topic Model,
which was semi-supervised, for implicit aspects. The
obtained results from this model was used in
Support Vector Machines to extract implicit aspects
from sentences.
Extracting Implicit Aspects based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation
The thesis consists of ten steps as mentioned in the
outline of the objectives section and is in the fourth
step right now. The steps are explained in detailed
and results are given for every steps below.
4.1 Dataset and Preprocessing
Reviews concerning 320 different restaurants from 4
different cities (Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles and
New York City) are obtained from a web site
. This
data set was used in Jo and Oh's (2011) study. The
whole dataset consists of 25459 reviews in English
but only 2647 reviews are used for this study. The
summary of dataset depicted in Table 1.
Table 1: The summary of dataset.
Domain Number of
word count
Restaurant 2647 12 187
After the dataset is obtained, for each of the word
spell correction is applied. Spell correction is an
important phase in sentiment analysis of word-of-
mouth data and then stop words are eliminated.
Stemming is also a crucial step. Stemming is used
for reduces the different form of word to a single
form. As the final phase of preprocessing, POS
tagging is performed to assign parts of speech to
token such as noun, adjective, verb, etc. For
preprocessing steps Stanford NLP tool is used.
There are 8603 different words in the reviews.
Figure 1 is a part of an actual review and Figure 2 is
the preprocessed version of this review.
Had brunch with the girls today and we ordered
the bottomless bubbly, mac and cheese, crab
cakes benedict, penne, grilled cheeseee with
tomato sauce and breakfast panini...
Figure 1: The actual review.
Figure 2: The preprocessed review.
4.2 Multi-word Aspects
In the reviews, some aspects have more than one
single word. Aspect extraction is very important
sentiment analysis, therefore, for an overall
sentiment analysis of the reviews, multi-word
aspects of the products must be detected. For this
purpose, Babelfy, which is unified graph for word
sense disambiguation and entity linking, is used
(Moro et al, 2014). From reviews 2640 different
multiword aspects are obtained such as, chicken
salad, burgundy wine, flat iron steak and so on.
4.3 Latent Dirichlet Allocation
LDA is described as generative probabilistic model
for collections of discrete data such as text corpora
by Blei et al (2004). In LDA, generative model,
which is a simple probabilistic procedure, specifies
document creation by using latent variables
(Stevyers and Griffiths, 2007; Jadhav 2014). With
latent, it is desired to mean learning the meaning of
the document by discovering latent topics (Mei et al,
2007). The basic intuition behind LDA is that
documents exhibit multiple topics and topic has a
probability distribution over words. LDA is
completely unsupervised and is based on bag-of-
words assumption. The generative model and
posterior distribution of LDA is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Generative model for LDA.
Each documents are mixtures of topics and words in
these documents are chosen one of these topics. And
each topic has a distribution over words from a fixed
vocabulary. Distribution over words and topic
proportions are obtained with Dirichlet distribution.
Dirichlet distribution is a the conjugate prior for the
parameters of the multinomial distribution (Bishop,
The graphical model for LDA is given by using
plate notation and is represented in Figure 4.
brunch girl today order bottomless bubbly
mac cheese crab cake benedict penne
grilled cheese tomato sauce breakfast
DCAART 2017 - Doctoral Consortium on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: Graphical model for LDA.
In Figure 4 each nodes are random variables and
directed edges are used to explain how these random
variables are generated along with these edges. The
observed node is shaded (words in the document)
and hidden nodes are unshaded. In this model
the total number of documents,
is the total
number of topics. Number of words in document
is represented with
N .
are Dirichlet
is topic proportion in the documents
is distribution over words. According to
graphical model the joint probability of observed
and hidden random variables is given with Equation
() ()
()( )
The main purpose of GDA is to obtain model
parameters and for model parameters posterior
distribution in Equation 2 is used.
Collapsed Gibbs Sampling algorithm is preferred
for this posterior distribution.
4.4 Experimental Results
To apply LDA to reviews of restaurants firstly
model parameters have to be specified. For
, which are recommended
by Stevyers and Griffiths (2007), values are usually
used. The number of topics is determined
100=K and 1000 iteration of the Collapsed
Gibbs sampling algorithm have been performed. The
extracted product aspects are given in Table 2.
Table 2: The extracted product aspects.
Breakfast Dessert Drink Salad
toast dessert drink salad
breakfast chocolate bar goat cheese
egg cream cocktail vinaigrette
banana cookie bartender chicken
coffee ice cream martini chicken salad
pancake vanilla round protein
berry rice alcohol chipotle
brioche peanut specialty cucumber
fruit mousse tab side
syrup cod vodka lettuce
In Table 2 there are product aspects which are
extracted from restaurant reviews. The extracted
product features are examined for the validity of the
proposed method. Three criteria are considered in
the evaluation of these aspects: i) The aspects under
the same topic should be compatible with each other,
ii) aspects can be capture details in the reviews and
iii) the most frequently discussed aspects in
comments can be captured (Jo and Oh, 2011).
In order to measure the generalization
performance of the model a measure of perplexity
which is given in Equation 3. Perplexity is
calculated over test data so 10% of reviews (260
reviews) are used as test data. The perplexity, used
by convention in language modeling, is
monotonically decreasing in the likelihood of the
test data, and is algebraicly equivalent to the inverse
of the geometric mean per-word likelihood (Blei et
al 2004).
The obtained results are given in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Perplexity results for reviews of restaurants.
Extracting Implicit Aspects based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation
As the obtained result is evaluated it can be clearly
seen that the model has a good generalization
The outcomes of this study present implicit aspect
extraction from reviews of restaurants in English.
For this purpose a novel framework will be designed
for implicit aspect extraction by using semantic
similarity based LDA. For semantic similarity of
reviews concepts, which are obtained by using
Babelfy, will be extracted and these concepts will be
represented in high dimensional space. The
generalization performance of the proposed model
will be compared with LDA.
This paper provides with the background of the
research that implicit aspect extraction from reviews
in English. In this paper motivation and objectives of
the research, literature review is given. The current
stage of the research is focusing initially on the first
forth stages.
The next stage we will plan to extract concepts
by using Babelfy. These concepts will be used for
semantic similarity of reviews. As a result, the goal
of this stage is to organize topic proportions based
on these similarity results. In this way, we aim to
improve generalization performance of the LDA.
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Extracting Implicit Aspects based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation