Health Informatics for Paediatric Ophthalmology - Designing Useful, Usable Information Systems
Maria S. Cross, George W. Aylward, Jugnoo S. Rahi
Electronic medical records (EMRs) are at the core of a recent movement towards evidence-based healthcare in many countries. In the United Kingdom, there is a target to have a paperless National Health Service (NHS) by 2020. However, a failure to understand the unique care environments of clinical specialties and to appropriately customise EMR system design threatens the delivery of any benefits. Paediatric ophthalmology is a unique field facing particular challenges in EMR adoption and data application. The heavy use of imaging and diagrammatic documentation is difficult to replicate electronically, as is the flexibility required to meet the demands incurred by the varying ages, developmental stages, and visual needs of each patient. Consideration of such requirements is essential throughout the user-centred design of effective health information technology systems. However paucity in the evidence base surrounding EMR design methodologies, applications and evaluation within paediatric ophthalmology hinders technological development and application. Therefore, within this doctoral research, we apply and evaluate a user-centred approach to health information technology development within NHS paediatric ophthalmology.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
S. Cross M., W. Aylward G. and S. Rahi J. (2017). Health Informatics for Paediatric Ophthalmology - Designing Useful, Usable Information Systems . In Doctoral Consortium - DCBIOSTEC, (BIOSTEC 2017) ISBN , pages 11-15
in Bibtex Style
author={Maria S. Cross and George W. Aylward and Jugnoo S. Rahi},
title={Health Informatics for Paediatric Ophthalmology - Designing Useful, Usable Information Systems},
booktitle={Doctoral Consortium - DCBIOSTEC, (BIOSTEC 2017)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Doctoral Consortium - DCBIOSTEC, (BIOSTEC 2017)
TI - Health Informatics for Paediatric Ophthalmology - Designing Useful, Usable Information Systems
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AU - S. Rahi J.
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