but not detected in the other Central Portugal
AQMA (Fundão). These episodes were also detected
in the MONITAR SENSE station located
approximately in the middle location between these
two stations. Information from MONITAR SENSE
station, even less accurate, can be very useful for
decision makers that after receiving alert can
confirm the values in the National Network and act
in real time.
Ubiquitous environmental monitoring starts being a
reality since the technology become available and
affordable. However, for some parameters like air
quality pollutants (O
, NO
, PM
and PM
) the
technology is not available in a ready-to-use way,
needing to be tested and calibrated before use.
Also, some steps need to be done before this
ubiquitous environmental monitoring starts being a
decision tool.
MONITAR SENSE is already a real
environmental tool although it needs some
The authors acknowledge the support from the
Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, namely the
CI&DETS – Center for Studies in Education,
Technologies and Health (Project I&D
Association for the Development of Industrial
Aerodynamics and from Monitar, LDA and
Associação de Munícipios da Cova da Beira.
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