Recognizing Buildings through Deep Learning: A Case Study on
Half-timbered Framed Buildings in Calw City
Konstantinos Makantasis
, Nikolaos Doulamis
and Athanasios Voulodimos
Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Deep Learning, Building Recognition, Urban Cultural Heritage.
Automatic detection and recognition of specific types of urban buildings is extremely important for a variety
of applications ranging from outdoor urban reconstruction to navigation. In this paper we propose a system for
the automatic detection and recognition of urban buildings. Most of the existing work relies on the exploitation
of handcrafted features for recognizing buildings. However, due to their complex structure it is rarely a priori
known which features are important for the recognition task. Our method overcomes this drawback by exploit-
ing a deep learning framework, based on convolutional neural networks, which automatically construct highly
descriptive features directly from raw data. We evaluate the performance of our method on the recognition of
half-timbered framed buildings in Calw city in Germany.
Urban buildings consist an integral part of cultural
heritage. They shape the sense of belonging some-
where, of social traditions, of cultural identity of a
history spanning centuries. Urban buildings are mate-
rial witnesses, which can be questioned and analyzed
over and over again. Therefore, automatic detection
and recognition of specific types of urban buildings
is extremely important for disseminating cultural her-
itage to general audience (Bres and Tellez, 2006; Olo-
jede and Suleman, 2015), for outdoor urban recon-
struction (Xiao et al., 2009; M
uller et al., 2007), nav-
igation (Schindler et al., 2008; Baatz et al., 2010) and
scene understanding (Singhal et al., 2003) applica-
Automatic detection and recognition of specific
urban building types can be seen as a classification
problem. The detection task requires the classifica-
tion of pixels into two different classes, i.e. class of
pixels that depict the object of interest and class of
pixels that depict something irrelevant.
Most of the existing works on automatic detection
and recognition of building types adopt the conven-
tional pattern recognition paradigm, which consists of
two separate steps; firstly, complex handcrafted fea-
tures need to be constructed, in order to accurately
describe the buildings, and, secondly, these features
are used to learn classifiers, which conduct the detec-
tion and/or recognition task.
The most common used features for describing
objects of interest, in our case buildings, rely on the
exploitation of local features, i.e. features that de-
scribe the local properties of objects of interest. Hav-
ing constructed local features that describe the objects
of interest, the detection and/or recognition of similar
objects in unseen images is conducted by detecting
similar features the same features in these images.
In the works of (Ali et al., 2007a; Ali et al., 2007b)
multi-scale Haar wavelet features are used to learn
a cascade classifier, based on AdaBoost method, for
automatically recognizing building windows. The
authors of (Shechtman and Irani, 2007) propose a
method that exploits the local self-similarities to
match complex visual data. In particular, their method
correlates a patch centered at the point of interest
with a larger surrounding region and use the maximal
correlation values within log-polar bins as descriptor,
emphasizing this way the local shape properties of ob-
jects of interest. In the works of (Tell and Carlsson,
2000; Tell and Carlsson, 2002) a pixel intensity based
descriptor is utilized to described the local properties
of objects of interest and then a voting scheme is ex-
ploited to match the descriptors between different im-
ages. The work of (Wendel et al., 2010) extends the
works of (Tell and Carlsson, 2000; Tell and Carlsson,
2002) by extracting color intensity profiles for points
of interest that are lying on straight lines. These pro-
Makantasis K., Doulamis N. and Voulodimos A.
Recognizing Buildings through Deep Learning: A Case Study on Half-timbered Framed Buildings in Calw City.
DOI: 10.5220/0006347204440450
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Half-timbered framed buildings in Calw.
files are used as descriptors that are being matched
using a kd-tree algorithm (Friedman et al., 1977).
Another common approach for describing the
local properties of objects of interest rely on the
exploitation of Scale Invariant Feature Transform
(SIFT) (Lowe, 2004). However, SIFT features and all
other methods that are based on the utilization of local
descriptors are problematic in urban scenes due to the
high degree of symmetry and repetition in these envi-
ronments. In particular, these factors impede finding
a geometrically consistent match between reference
and query images, which is crucial for the detection
and recognition of specific types of buildings. Fur-
thermore, due to the high diversity of visual content it
is rarely a priori known which features are important
for the building detection and/or recognition task.
In contrast to the aforementioned approaches,
which follow the conventional paradigm of pattern
recognition, we adopt a deep learning framework for
the recognition of specific types of buildings. Deep
learning models (Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006;
Hinton et al., 2006; Bengio et al., 2007) are a class of
learning machines that can learn a hierarchy of fea-
tures by building high-level features from low-level
ones, thereby automating the process of feature con-
struction for the problem at hand. Techniques based
on deep learning have already shown promising re-
sults both for the detection of particular objects, like
man-made ones (Mnih and Hinton, 2012; Makantasis
et al., 2015) or vehicles (Montavon et al., 2012).
In a similar way, we propose a deep learning
framework for the recognition of specific types of ur-
ban buildings. By following a deep learning approach
we are able to bypass the tedious, time consuming and
questionable task of constructing handcrafted features
for describing building characteristics.
In particular, we propose the exploitation of a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which con-
ducts the task of high-level features construction and
a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), which is responsi-
ble for the recognition task. Under such a formula-
tion, the developed system is able to automatically
construct high level features for describing the build-
ings, while at the same time achieves real-time pre-
dictions due to the feedforward nature of CNNs and
MLPs. The performance of the proposed approach
is demonstrated on the recognition of half-timbered
framed buildings in Calw city (see Fig. 1).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows; sec-
tion 2 presents the system requirements and section 3
presents the overview of the proposed system. Sec-
tion 4 describes the creation of the dataset for training
the proposed deep learning framework, whose archi-
tecture is presented in section 5. Section 6 presents
the experimental results regarding the performance of
the proposed system, while section 7 concludes this
Our goal is to develop a vision based system able to
recognize specific type of buildings. We demonstrate
the performance of the proposed system on the recog-
nition of half-timbered framed buildings in Calw city
(see Fig. 1).
Such a system must fulfill the following require-
ments; (i) it should be able to recognize buildings
based exclusively on visual cues. This implies that no
textual or GPS data should be employed during the
recognition task. (ii) The developed system should
be scale and perspective invariant, i.e. it should be
able to recognize the specific type of buildings irre-
spectively of the buildings area on image plane and
their angle of view. Finally, (iii) the building recog-
nition task should be successful even on images that
have been taken on the wild; i.e. images that are cap-
tured by pedestrians and/or tourists and images that
are available over web repositories, such as Flickr, Pi-
casa, etc.
In the following we present our approach
overview, having in mind the aforementioned system
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Original and (b) manually annotated image.
Having the aforementioned system requirements in
mind, we follow a learning based approach for
the recognition of half-timbered framed buildings in
Calw city. Every learning machine requires a labeled
dataset, whose samples should be described by high
discriminative features. This includes two different
things; firstly we have to obtain or create an image
dataset and secondly, we have to pre-process the im-
ages in order to construct features that accurately de-
scribe their visual content.
As mentioned before, we adopt a deep learn-
ing framework for the recognition of half-timbered
framed buildings. Due to the fact that deep learn-
ing models can automatically construct high level fea-
tures form low level ones, we are able to bypass the
data pre-processing task for constructing handcrafted
Specifically, we exploit Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN). CNNs consist a type of deep mod-
els, which apply trainable filters and pooling opera-
tions on the raw input, resulting in a hierarchy of in-
creasingly complex features. Although, it has been
shown that CNNs can achieve superior performance
on visual recognition tasks without relying on hand-
crafted features, due to their nature, they produce
global image features. This implies that CNNs can
respond whether or not a half-timbered frame build-
ing is present in a picture.
However, the recognition problem includes not
only the task for deciding if the objects of interest are
present in a scene but also their localization on image
plane. Due to this fact, instead of using the whole im-
age as input to the network, we feed the network with
image patches. This way, the CNN decides if an im-
age patch depicts the object of interest or some part
of it. We use this procedure along with sliding win-
dows to make a decision for every patch in the image.
Then, a voting mechanism based on patches classifi-
cation results is used to classify image pixels.
For recognizing objects of interest, in our case half-
timbered framed buildings, in an image, we classify
image patches. Successful classification of patches is
based on the successful training of the deep learning
architecture i.e. the successful training of the CNN
and MLP. This requires the creation of a dataset for
training, which includes patches that depict (positive
samples) and not depict (negative samples) the object
of interest or some part of it.
For creating the dataset we used one hundred im-
ages captured in Calw city. These images were man-
ually annotated i.e. for each image a mask around the
object of interest was created (see Fig. 2).
Using the annotated images we croped a prede-
fined number of square patches from each one of the
original images. These patches are labeled as posi-
tive if their centered pixel is located in the mask, i.e.
black pixel in annotated image, and the total num-
ber of masked pixels is larger than 66.6% of the total
number of pixels in the patch. Similarly, the patches
whose centered pixel is located outside of the mask
and the total number of unmasked pixels is larger than
66.6% of the total number of pixels in the patch are la-
beled as negative samples. Examples of positive and
negative samples are presented in Fig. 3.
As mentioned before, a predefined number of pos-
itive and negative samples (patches) were cropped
from each image. In order to made our system scale
invariant the size of the patches was randomly vary-
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) Negative and (b) positive samples.
ing between 256 ×256 and 512 × 512 pixels. Finally,
all cropped patches were resized to 32 × 32 pixels in
order to be fed as input to the CNN.
In this work the learning machine that is respon-
sible for constructing features in order to describe
patches is a CNN. CNNs consist a type of deep mod-
els, which apply trainable filters and pooling opera-
tions on the raw input, resulting in a hierarchy of in-
creasingly complex features. On top of the CNN a
fully-connected feed-forward neural network (MLP),
whose input corresponds to the high-level features
constructed by the CNN, was placed to conduct the
classification task.
The CNN consists of thee convolutional layers.
The first convolutional layer consists of 9 trainable
filters of size 7 × 7, the second consists of 12 train-
able filters of size 5 × 5 and the third consists of 15
trainable filters of size 3 × 3.
Each convolutional layer is followed by a max-
pooling operator of size 2×2. Max pooling is done by
applying a max filter to non-overlapping sub-regions
of the initial representation, i.e. extracts the maximum
element of non-overlapping sub-regions of size 2 × 2
of the image that resulted by the application of the
trainable filters.
Finally, the fully-connected feed-forward network
contains one hidden layer with 45 neurons. This ar-
chitecture results in a network with 6491 trainable pa-
rameters. The architecture of the proposed deep learn-
ing system is schematically represented in Fig. 4.
5.1 Architecture Training
During the training of the architecture, we want to se-
lect a function f :
{0, 1}, i.e. a function f
that maps each image patch x
to object of
interest and non object of interest classes. The form
of the function f is the one that corresponds to the
aforementioned architecture and it can be fully iden-
tified by the set, w of trainable parameters.
Estimating the optimal set w of architecture pa-
rameters involves minimizing a loss function. In the
case of binary classification, it is very common to use
the negative log-likelihood as the loss. This is equiva-
lent to maximizing the likelihood of the training data
set under the model parameterized by w.
The minimization task, and thus the parameter es-
timation, takes place by exploiting the back propaga-
tion algorithm and choosing the stochastic gradient
descent as the optimization method.
5.2 Early Stopping Criteria
The training phase is terminated either when a max-
imum number of training epochs is reached or when
early stopping criteria are met.
Early-stopping combats overfitting by monitoring
the model’s performance on a validation set. A vali-
C1:$ 9x26x26
S1:$9x13x13 C2:$ 12x9x9
C3:$ 15x2x2
45$hidd en$
Figure 4: Deep learning model architecture.
Figure 5: (left) Output of the classifier, (middle) thresholded output and (right) original image.
dation set is a set of examples that we never use for
stochastic gradient descent, but which is also not a
part of the test set. The validation examples are con-
sidered to be representative of future test examples.
We can use them during training because they are not
part of the test set. If the model’s performance ceases
to improve sufficiently on the validation set, or even
degrades with further optimization, then a decision
mechanism gives up on much further optimization.
Let us denote as l
the validation loss at the i
training epoch and as l
= min
( j)
the mini-
mum validation error till the i
training epoch. For
deciding when the optimization process must end we
compute the quantity p
for each training epoch i.
If after the i
training epoch l
< l
then p
, 2i}, otherwise p
= p
. The initial
value p
can be set to the number of training epochs
that we want the optimization algorithm to go through
regardless the evolution of the validation error. When
the quantity p
< i the decision mechanism termi-
nates the optimization process.
The quantity p can be seen as the ”patience” of
the decision mechanism before terminating the opti-
mization process. During the first training epochs the
mechanism has a small amount of ”patience”, since
the validation error is expected to be decreased fast
enough. On the contrary, during later iterations the
amount of ”patience” is getting larger, since the im-
provement of validation error is slower due to the con-
vergence properties of the optimization algorithm.
Figure 6: Classification accuracy versus the number of
training epochs.
5.3 Building Recognition
After the training of the network, the proposed system
is able to recognize half-timbered framed buildings
on newly captured images. A new image is fed as
input to our system. Initially, this image is being split
into overlapping patches of 32 × 32 size. Each one of
the patches is classified by the deep learning model as
depicting or not some part of the building of interest.
Then, the label of the patch is assigned to every pixel
that belongs to it.
Due to the fact that we use overlapping windows,
most of the image pixels belong to more than one
patches and thus multiple labels are being assigned to
them. For this reason, the final label of each pixel is
determined by utilizing a voting mechanism that uses
the average of the labels that have been assigned to a
specific pixel.
Experimental results were obtained by creating a
dataset that contains 3000 negative and 3000 posi-
tive samples. For training and evaluating the perfor-
mance of the proposed approach, we split the dataset
into train, test and validation sets, with splitting ratio
0.7 : 0.15 : 0.15. Finally, we set the maximum number
of training epochs to be equal to 400, while the initial
value for p was set equal to 50.
Fig. 6 presents the classification accuracy on test
set versus the number of training epochs. The train-
ing phase is terminated after 90 epochs due to the em-
ployment of early stopping criteria, which are used to
avoid overfitting. Furthermore, due to early stopping
the computational requirements of the training phase
are being reduced.
After the training phase our learning model is able
to achieve around 85% accuracy in terms of patch
classification on the testing set of patches. At this
point it has to be mentioned that, although the facades
of half-timbered framed buildings have the same kind
of patterns, their color and size may be different. The
ability of our proposed architecture to achieve around
85% classification accuracy on the test set, implies
that it can successfully generalize to unknown data.
Fig. 5 presents a visualization of the results regard-
ing the recognition of half-timbered framed buildings.
The color in the output of the classifier, Fig. 5(left),
corresponds to the probability a pixel to depict some
part of the object of interest. Blue color corresponds
to low probability, while red color corresponds to high
probability. The output of the classifier was thresh-
olded, Fig. 5(middle), in order to select the pixels that
depict some part of the object of interest with proba-
bility at least 95%. As it can be seen, the proposed
approach is able to discriminate half-timbered framed
buildings than other types of buildings.
In this paper we proposed a deep learning based
approach for recognizing half-timbered buildings in
Calw city. The proposed approach acts as a proof of
concept that deep learning based approaches can be
used for recognizing specific types of urban buildings
without relying on sophisticated construction of hand-
crafted features. Furthermore, although the training
phase can be computationally expensive, due to the
feed forward nature of CNNs and MLPs the proposed
system can detect and recognize building very effi-
ciently with low computational cost.
Finally, among the future perspectives is (i) the ex-
pansion of the developed framework for the detection
and recognition of multiple building types and (ii) a
thorough investigation on the effects of the network
parameters on the classification accuracy.
This work is supported by the H2020 project: Trans-
forming Intangible Folkloric Performing Arts into
Tangible Choreographic digital Objects (TERPSI-
CHORE) funded by European Union under the grant
agreement 691218.
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