data encryption. Users with write permission can
retrieve the policy but they cannot learn the policy
We have presented a privacy-preserving access
control model in collaborative cloud data storage
systems. We introduce the policy hiding scheme as an
integrative solution for enhancing the capability of
our access control scheme C-CP-ARBE. The
proposed hash-based policy enforcement
compliments limitation of the traditional CP-ABE in
terms of policy privacy. Significantly, our scheme
does not require the process of de-anonymization of
policy and the encryption is done as the same as plain
policy encryption. Finally, we analyze the access
control features of related works and present the
comparative analysis of our method and two related
For future works, we will conduct a larger scale
of experiments and evaluate the performance of the
proposed system in the real cloud environment such
as CloudStack. We will also investigate the cloud
forensics and auditing techniques to guarantee the
accountability of user access and integrity of the data
and policy outsourced.
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