Outlining a Process to Manage the Complexity of Enterprise
Systems Integration
Tommi Kähkönen
and Kari Smolander
Enevo Oy, Linnoitustie 6, 02600 Espoo, Finland
Aalto University, Department of Computer Science, P.O. Box 11000, 00076 Espoo, Finland
Keywords: Enterprise Systems, Integration, Governance, Process, Grounded Theory, Manufacturing Enterprise.
Abstract: New service combinations are constantly needed to be created from the array of information systems and
technologies, developed in different times for different purposes, crossing the organizational boundaries.
Integration is the key matter in organizations, yet it is also an ambiguous and often a misunderstood concept
in the field of information systems. In this paper, we construct an integration process from an inductive study
in a large manufacturing enterprise, by examining its long-term ERP development endeavour. The process
consists of four sub-processes with dedicated actors and activities. Integration Governance is needed to align
Integration Realization with the strategic goals of the organization. Integration Housekeeping is dedicated to
standardization activities and keeping the architectural description of the enterprise systems’ landscape
updated, and to aid Realization. By utilizing the assets produced by Governance and Housekeeping Integration
Evaluation is done to decide whether it is feasible to set up an integration project or abandon the initiative.
The process helps managers to manage the complexity of enterprise systems integration and avoid its pitfalls.
“From the IT perspective I state that integration work
is the most challenging and it has a great impact on
the functionality and quality of the systems.”
YCorp, Business-IT Negotiator
To better serve the business and customers,
information systems need to be integrated. Enterprise
systems integration has remained as a challenge since
the early days of business automation (Jacobs and
Weston 2007). The advances of integration
technologies enabled enterprises to shift from
mainframes to distributed systems automating more
complex business processes crossing the
organizational boundaries. (Alonso 2004). Currently,
the information systems landscape of a modern
enterprise consists of numerous different systems,
like ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRMs
(Customer Relationship Management), and the
integration of these systems is a necessity (Gericke et
al. 2010; Vathanophas 2007). However, as the
number of systems increases, managing the array of
integrated systems become troublesome (Henfridsson
and Bygstad 2013). Additionally, the changing
dynamics of business increases the need to integrate
information systems as the movement towards more
collaborative nature of business has taken place. For
instance, end users and customers desire to access the
enterprise systems with mobile devices (Lozano et al.
2014). This in turn creates a need to provide the
enterprise systems’ functionality from the back
offices to the field of business (Lam and
Shankararaman 2004). Firms’ interaction with
customers, suppliers and employees have changed
through mobile services and social networking
(Tilson et al. 2010). Integration is at the focal point
of this change and it calls for means to be
systematically managed.
Unfortunately, the term integration is generally a
misunderstood concept surrounded by a fair amount
of confusion (see e.g. (Chowanetz et al. 2012;
Gulledge 2006). Even in the field of information
systems, there are various understandings of this term
(Rodon 2006). In addition, instead of addressing only
the management of a single enterprise system,
managing the arrays of systems has only recently
been addressed by academics (Henfridsson and
Bygstad 2013; Tilson et al. 2010). In this study, we
aim to increase the understanding of integration and
its importance in a complex environment. We
examined integration in a large manufacturing
enterprise, which was building and renewing its ERP
Kähkönen, T. and Smolander, K.
Outlining a Process to Manage the Complexity of Enterprise Systems Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0006349703060315
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 306-315
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
system landscape (i.e. the key systems and integration
technologies for its business) while wrestling with
major organizational and business changes. The
integration process is inductively constructed with the
Grounded Theory methodology. The following
research question has been set: What constitutes the
process when attempting to manage the enterprise
systems integration?
In general, the concept of integration has been
identified as an ambiguous concept, prone to
misunderstandings due to its nature (Chowanetz et al.
2012; Rodon 2006). Integration has been studied
from different viewpoints, e.g. technological,
organizational and strategic perspectives. The
technological aspects of integration have been studied
widely, but in the context of ERP systems, the studies
focus mostly on a specific target system (Kähkönen
and Smolander 2013). The organizational perspective
has focused on organizational characteristics and
intra-organizational factors, such as top management
support and cultural fit (Chowanetz et al. 2012). From
the management viewpoint, the strategic perspective
of integration has mainly focused on the management
of integration in mergers and acquisitions (Alaranta
and Kautz 2012; Henningsson and Carlsson 2006;
Mehta and Hirschheim 2004; Wijnhoven et al. 2006).
It has been suggested that the broader context in
which integration takes place should be studied more
to understand how the arrays of enterprise
information systems can be managed (Lee and Myers
2004; Tilson et al. 2010).
There is a lack of processes or approaches that
capture the specific needs of integration (Wing Lam
and Shankararaman 2004). Our aim is to better
understand the process of integration when aiming to
manage the complex array of information systems. To
achieve this, we made an inquiry to practice and
examined the development of a key information
system of the company - a customized information
system for sales and logistics. At the time when the
interviews were made, this system reached the
retirement phase of its life cycle after 20 years of
intensive development. The rationale behind this
study is that when managers understand the
integration process better, they make better decisions
to control the arrays of information systems and avoid
their unmanaged evolution and undesired outcomes
(Ciborra 2001).
Since the mid-1990s, qualitative research methods
have resonated. They represent a shift away from
technological issues to managerial and organizational
matters in information systems development (Myers
1997; Myers and Avison 2002; Sarker et al. 2013).
Qualitative methods, such as Grounded Theory, have
been recognized useful when there is a goal of
understanding from the point of view of the
practitioners and when the rich social and institutional
context is important for understanding (Kaplan and
Maxwell 2005). In this paper, we use Grounded
Theory, originally developed by Glaser and Strauss in
1967 (Strauss and Corbin 2008), as the research
method to investigate integration process from the
organizational perspective.
Grounded Theory is especially suitable for
approaching complex organizational phenomenon
such as enterprise systems integration (Charmaz
2006). This suited to our research interest well,
because integration imposes social and organizational
issues besides the technical challenges (Welker et al.
2008). Our approach is interpretive, because we aim
at making sense of the full complexity of the
phenomenon in its social and organizational context
(Walsham 1993). Grounded Theory allows
developing theory iteratively based on systematically
collected and analysed data (Strauss and Corbin
2008). The data is usually collected by interviewing
or observing one or several cases, but other sources
of evidence, like written documentation or other
archive material can be used as well (Urquhart et al.
2010). Grounded Theory is useful for creating
context-based and process-oriented descriptions of
organizational phenomena. For example, the Corbin
and Strauss version of Grounded Theory provides
clear guidelines for data analysis (Corbin and Strauss
1990). The main benefit of Grounded Theory is that
it allows the researcher to trace back to the original
sources of data in order to observe how the theory has
been developed and how different instances of data
have emerged into concepts and relationships
between them (Strauss and Corbin 2008).
3.1 Data Collection
The dataset contained 21 transcribed theme-based
interviews addressing ERP development and
integration issues encountered in the organization.
The interviews, that were selected by snowball
sampling, included viewpoints from the organization
adopting the ERP system (from now on referred as
YCorp), the vendor implementing the system
Outlining a Process to Manage the Complexity of Enterprise Systems Integration
Table 1: The organizations and roles of the interviewees.
Representatives of YCorp Representatives of Vendor and Middleware
ID Role R1 R2 ID Role R1
YC1 Business-IT negotiator 62 100 V1 Software manager 48
YC2 IT manager of business
49 65 V2 Service owner 32
YC3 Program manager 32 - V3 Continuous service
YC4 Enterprise architect 38 - V4 Infrastructure manager 56
YC5 Service manager of sales 58 - V5 Project manager 29
YC 6 IT support manager 32 - V6 Lead software
YC 7 Representative of
31 - V7 Service manager 52
YC 8 Project manager 43 - MP1 Middleware manager 73
YC9 Manager of E-business
and integration
- 83 MP2 Technical consultant 73
YC10 Head of E-business and
- 60
YC11 Business support
manager of a business
- 83
YC 12 Director of business
process development
- 34
R1, R2 = duration of the first and second round interviews in minutes
(Vendor) as well as consulting company (Middleware
Provider), who all were involved in implementation
the key information system of YCorp’s infrastructure.
The interviews were made in two rounds: the first
round (14 interviews, conducted in spring 2013)
addressed the general ERP development issues while
the second round (6 interviews, conducted in summer
2014) focused more deeply on integration and
enterprise architecture issues. The questions were
open-ended, and more detailed questions were based
on the answers. The positions of interviewees ranged
from upper management to mid-level management
and developers. The duration of interviews ranged
from 29 to 100 minutes, the average being 53
minutes. A list of the interviewees’ organizations and
roles is presented in Table 1.
3.2 Context Description
YCorp is a large manufacturing enterprise with an
annual turnover about 10 billion euros. In the
remaining sections of this paper, we refer to the array
of information systems and integration technologies
described in this section by using a term ERP System
Landscape. Figure 1 describes the ERP System
Landscape of YCorp.
Figure 1: ERP System Landscape, i.e., the key information
systems and the related business processes of YCorp.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
As a core technology in their ERP System
Landscape, the company has a custom-build ERP
system (Custom ERP) with a lifespan of 20 years of
development and use passed. This system automates
the sales processes currently in three of the five
business units of the company. It also takes care of
the high-level production planning while the detailed
production planning is done in Manufacturing
Execution Systems (MES) in facilities. Previously
automated by the custom ERP, the logistics processes
have been automated by several different systems
created for this purpose. Custom ERP is used in most
of the facilities world-wide, and it is integrated with
MESs via a custom middleware. The system has been
constantly adjusted according to the drastically
changing business conditions. The global SAP ERP
is used company-wide to manage the administrative
processes in most of the facilities, but some sites have
their local configuration of this system. The main
instrument for external integration is a middleware
product which provides the messaging and allows
building of business process logic. This platform is
mainly used for external integration with customers’
ERP systems and external transportation providers’
and warehouse systems. Different interfaces for
business partners have been built. The customers and
converters whose services YCorp utilized in product
modification have their own portals, through which
they can access the relevant information in Custom
ERP. Customer apps are mobile applications for
business partners to access the custom ERP. They
have been considered, but not yet implemented due to
cost-cutting pressures. Recently, the company has
been forced to constantly cut the development costs
and make its operations more efficient.
3.3 Data Analysis
The data analysis in the GT consists of three coding
procedures: open, axial, and selective coding (Strauss
and Corbin 2008). In open coding, the transcribed
interview data is first labelled with codes that capture
the meaning of the current piece of data. The most
important procedure in open coding is constant
comparison between the pieces of data in order to find
similarities and differences. In axial coding,
connections between codes and categories are
formed. Basically, this is the interpretation of codes,
categories, and properties developed in open coding
with the goal of refining the constructs and making
them more abstract and theoretical (Urquhart et al.
2010). In selective coding, the goal is to choose a core
category, interpret its relationships with other
categories and explain it as a theory. When data is
collected and analysed iteratively, the main question
is when to stop the process. As a theory emerges,
more focus is needed on some aspects of it. At the
same time, the categories, dimensions, and properties
become more refined when more data is collected.
The situation when the researcher finds out that a new
set of data will not bring significant new codes,
categories and/or relationships is called theoretical
saturation (Strauss and Corbin 2008). 169 codes and
16 categories were created during open and axial
coding. For example, category Actors contained all
the different sub-organizations and groups, such as
consultants, competitors, and end users involved in
system development. In addition, a category was
created for some of the organizations, such as
adopting organization, vendor and middleware
provider. Other categories were Activities (for
example, maintenance, deploying the system and
business process improvement) performed by Actors
and Assets (such as, enterprise architecture, ERP
strategy and standards). Integration was considered
as its own category, including codes such as planning
and decision making, project characteristics, and
target. Challenge was a category that contained the
notions of encountered problems related to any of the
other codes.
As the coding progressed from open to axial
coding, we noted that integration process cannot be
easily described with a single category, but other
categories were tightly coupled with it. We identified
4 sub-processes from the data: Evaluation,
Realization, Housekeeping and Governance. Each
sub-process was then further examined by first
creating a code for it and identifying the codes and
categories that were related to the sub-processes. This
revealed, for example, some of the related actors,
activities and assets of each sub-process. Axial
coding produced also four network diagrams. The
creation of new codes was ended when there were
indications of theoretical saturation, i.e. it was noticed
that no new codes related to integration issues
emerged from the data, and already observed
phenomena and patterns were repeated. In selective
coding, instead of choosing a single core category, we
interpreted the relationships between the four
identified sub-processes and constructed the
integration process, presented at the end of the next
In the following we describe the four identified sub-
processes of integration (realization, housekeeping,
governance and evaluation) identified in the data
analysis. The integration process is presented in
Figure 2 and summarized at the end of this section.
Outlining a Process to Manage the Complexity of Enterprise Systems Integration
 Defining and adjusting
organi zati onal strategies for
 Perfo rmed by dedicated
 Standardizing ESL
 Upgradin g the technolo gy
base of ESL
 Maintaining the architectural
description of ESL
 Perfo rmed by dedicated
 Identification of
integration requirements
 Piloting the new
technologi es
 Carrying out the integration
projects to realize the
business needs
 Perfo rmed by dedicated
Figure 2: The integration process and its sub-processes.
4.1 Realization
“[The client organization’s] business units are
customers to their IT department. Our customer is
their IT organization. This is the old model that we're
stuck with. We would like to be more involved and
make better solutions”–Vendor, Service Owner
Realization is a sub-process of integration, during
which the development work required by integration
to satisfy the business need is carried out after a
project for integration initiative has been established.
In YCorp, integration had required a significant
amount of effort during the entire life cycle of Custom
ERP, since the initiation of the project in mid-1990s.
Both small and large-scale integration projects had
been taken place. An example of a rather small
integration effort was a sending of internal invoice
from one facility to another. In a large integration
project, the system was deployed to a facility and
integrated with the MES of the facility.
Vendor had a major role in integration realization,
especially when deploying the system to facilities and
integrating it with a MES. While the most intensive
roll-out phase had been completed during the time of
interviews, deployments were still ongoing in remote
locations as the business expanded to new areas. The
Vendor had provided some of the facility systems and
had the inside knowledge of them. Therefore, the
deployments were carried out in close cooperation
and systematic manner between YCorp and Vendor.
Supportive practices depending on the characteristics
of the facility system in question were used as assets
in integration. However, currently the vendor felt that
the current way of carrying out the development work
in integration was not optimal. The constant cost
saving pressures due to the drastic changes in
YCorp’s business performance had forced YCorp to
cut down the development costs. Because of this, the
development work was offshored to lower cost
countries by the vendor. This slowed down the
development process. The time that it took to realize
a new feature request as a feature to the ERP system
increased. This also prevented the rapid reaction to
integration needs. Additionally, the representative of
Vendor (V2) stated that the development process was
not fully utilizing the expertise of Vendor. Vendor
wanted to be more involved in the early phases of the
development and affect the development decision
making to utilize its domain knowledge accumulated
during the years of collaboration. To speed up the
development process, agile development approaches
that enable better cooperation between the client
organization and the vendor were suggested.
4.2 Housekeeping
“[It] is a separate messaging standard which has
been built for [our] industry. [Our company] is one
of the companies developing that. There are also all
our biggest competitors involved in that work.” –
YCorp, Manager of e-business and integration
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Standardization, making technology upgrades to
ERP System Landscape and maintaining its
architectural description were identified as activities
of the housekeeping process, because they facilitate
the integration realization but do not directly transfer
the business needs to the system features. The actors
performing this process can be different than those
who deal with realization. For example, YCorp and
Vendor both had dedicated teams responsible of
supportive activities ensuring the fluent operation of
the ERP System Landscape.
To facilitate message exchange with external
systems, YCorp participated activities with
standardization agencies and other companies,
including competitors in the same industry.
Standardization activities enabled the integration
with external systems, including raw material
suppliers’, transportation companies’ and warehouse
operators’ systems. Standards development had been
an ongoing activity since the early phases of the
Custom ERP. In addition, technical upgrades, such as
changing the database platform from one vendor to
another and upgrading the application servers had
been conducted. These were done due to performance
issues encountered as the scope of the Custom ERP
grew larger.
Previously automated by the Custom ERP, the
logistic processes were later automated by acquiring
numerous different systems for this purpose. This
created a need for managing the interfaces between
the systems and achieving transparency of the
business processes. YCorp faced a problem of not
being able to reliably trace the customer orders
because of the increased complexity of the ERP
System Landscape. To manage the complexity of the
ERP System Landscape, the role of architectural
descriptions in facilitating the identification of
integration requirements was discussed. While
having a small team responsible for dealing with
architectural issues, for example, ensuring that a new
technology fits well with the current technology
portfolio of the organization, it appeared that no
detailed description of the architecture of the ERP
System Landscape existed. It was also suggested that
by forming the architectural description of the ERP
System Landscape was considered difficult because
of its complexity and there cannot be a single person
to manage it. Instead, an interviewee (YCorp10)
suggested that a virtual enterprise architecture team
consisting on application experts should be formed.
Currently, architecting was not the responsibility of
application experts. The virtual enterprise
architecture team was predicted to better enable the
knowledge sharing between the organizational units
to tackle with complexity.
4.3 Governance
“But then the question is that who will pay what and
who can decide what? Can a single division decide
something which will have big effects on other
divisions, without asking for their acceptance? These
are questions which are not yet clear. –YCorp, IT
Manager of a business area
YCorp had a process to govern integration efforts.
The top management of YCorp had a major role in
governance. For example, ongoing integration
projects with biggest customers were terminated for
two years of time by a new CEO who joined the
organization, because the new CEO did not
emphasize e-business. The company aimed to align
its integration efforts with organizational strategies
and constantly considering the future state of its ERP
System Landscape. This was especially relevant due
to the drastic changes taking place in YCorp’s field of
business. For example, YCorp had established a
company-wide strategy for its ERP systems
utilization. When a new organization joined the
company, it was supposed to use a SAP template
defined for the organization. However, this did not
always happen. The new organizations continued
using their own configuration instead. This resulted
to additional, local SAP ERP configurations,
increasing the complexity of the ERP System
Landscape. Moreover, in the early phases of
development managers in facilities could impact on
the decisions about the business process coverage in
MES and the Custom ERP. Later, this caused data
quality issues when retrieving data from the MESs.
The company was also creating a roadmap for its ERP
systems by figuring out the future needs of these
systems. Establishing a unified strategy for the
system landscape turned out to be difficult due to the
different interest of business units using Custom ERP,
but having differing strategic interests. Eventually,
this led to a situation in which a single division
initiated a massive architectural reconstruction
process majorly affecting the future state of Custom
ERP without first getting acceptance from other
business units. In addition, a lack of integration
governance increased the complexity and caused
other issues, such as a need for renew the ERP System
Landscape. For example, YCorp was looking for an
option to fix the fragmentation and complexity caused
by multiple logistics systems by introducing yet
another system to integrate them.
4.4 Evaluation
“When investing tens of millions of euros [to the
system development] I think it is weird if there is no
funding for an extra validation round in the
Outlining a Process to Manage the Complexity of Enterprise Systems Integration
beginning. […] To implementing one part of the
system fast […] to ensure that, when talking about
new technologies, will they work at all? –Middleware
Provider, Manager
An evaluation process for investigating the
feasibility of integration initiatives was identified
from the data. The interviewee (Y4) stated that before
taking the business initiatives further, an architectural
evaluation is performed. However, this kind of
evaluation was not always performed. For example,
YCorp encountered difficulties due to insufficient
piloting and validation when choosing the integration
technologies to be used in Custom ERP. The non-
scalable architectural design led to a major
architectural redesign. According to the consultants,
the selected technologies were not analysed
comprehensively enough, and scalability issues were
‘outsourced’ to a technology provider. As further
stated by (E2), companies “should not believe the
sales speeches, but instead have sangfroid to test the
options”. Furthermore, YCorp faced difficulties in
identifying the integration needs and technical
requirements. It was pointed out by (Y1) that a critical
issue causing resourcing problems was to either
underestimating the integration needs or not to
establish a separate project for integration. Moreover,
some of the integration projects were ‘disguised’ as
other projects and carried out rapidly, until to a point
where it was realized that interconnections to other
systems were needed. Similarly, the need for testing
was often underestimated or sometimes even omitted.
This caused project management problems and
resourcing issues:
“The biggest challenge is to evaluate the size and
complexity of the project. I state that the
significance of integration is mainly
underestimated […] it is just stated that the
technology and tools are clear, this cannot be a
big issue. […] but then it is not noted that it
requires a lot of testing […] the resources that are
then used, they are not specifically allocated for
the project but are internal resources instead. But
then, what are their skills and motivation, and
how is it documented that something has been
tested?” –YCorp, Business-IT negotiator
The evaluation process had connections to
governance and housekeeping. On the one hand,
YCorp had a hard time defining an organizational
integration strategy. The custom ERP was used by
three differently operating business units, each of
which had their own development needs regarding
Custom ERP. Collaboration between the business
units, which would have been necessary for
determining the direction and the area of emphasis in
the development, was not sufficient. This led to
coordination issues, and eventually, wasted resources
due to duplicate development efforts. This way, the
benefits for the whole organizations were not always
emphasized in integration initiatives, but the benefits
of individual business units were preferred instead.
On the other hand, lack of detailed architectural
descriptions hindered and internal cooperation
hindered the identification of integration
requirements. The company had only a high-level
architectural description of systems and technologies
and a dedicated team responsible for maintaining this
description. This description was only used as
guidance to ensure that the technologies of the new
solutions should be compatible with the existing
technologies. There were no systematic means to
evaluate the integration needs in early phases of
development, leading to situations in which they were
discovered in later phases of development.
4.5 Summary of the Integration
Based on the data analysis, we could distinguish four
sub-processes of integration: Integration Evaluation
(IE), Integration Realization (IR), Integration
Governance (IG), and Integration Housekeeping
(IH). In addition, the relationships between these
processes were revealed. Dedicated actors need to
take responsibility of Integration Governance,
Integration Realization and Integration Housekeeping
while Integration Evaluation requires collaboration
between all the actors of every other sub-process.
Integration Realization is the process during
which the business requirements are transformed into
new capabilities and features in ERP System
Landscape, as a result of system development and
integration. The vendor had a key role in realization.
Initially, a close relationship between YCorp and
Vendor drifted apart, slowing down the cycle of
realization of new features. Integration Governance is
needed to align the integration efforts in the company
with organizational strategies. This process should
establish the high-level integration and
standardization needs of the organization. YCorp
attempted to govern its integration efforts by creating
ERP templates and roadmaps for the system, but
struggled in reaching a consensus on the scope and
the future direction of Custom ERP. By not following
the organizational strategies for integration, as for
example happened in the merger explained in Section
4.3, the complexity of ERP System Landscape
increased. Integration Governance is critical activity
to avoid the increased fragmentation and complexity
of the ERP System Landscape. The purpose of
Integration Housekeeping is to facilitate integration
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
efforts. This is can be done with assets such as
standards, technical upgrades and architectural
descriptions of ERP System Landscape. YCorp did
not have a detailed architectural description, which
led to duplicate development initiatives and
undiscovered integration requirements. Both
Integration Governance and Integration
Housekeeping processes are periodically needed to be
executed because, for example, strategic and
standardization needs must be constantly monitored
and adjusted with the organization.
Finally, we identified that Integration Evaluation
(IE) is a critical process to evaluate the needs to find
out whether an integration realization project should
be initiated. Before establishing either large or small
scale integration projects, an evaluation of feasibility
of the initiative should be conducted. This includes
finding out the business and technical requirements
for integration, the needed resources and constraints.
For instance, interconnections to other systems and
the needs for testing need to be clarified. Assets
created by Integration Housekeeping and Integration
Governance processes are needed in Integration
Evaluation. For example, unlike it was in YCorp,
organizational ERP strategy should be applied by the
possible new organizations joining the company. By
having an architectural description of ERP System
Landscape (an asset created during Integration
Housekeeping) would enable the better control of
integration efforts. Evaluation should include piloting
of new technologies that are needed. This was not
done in YCorp when choosing the base technologies
for the Custom ERP. Integration Evaluation is a
critical process to be executed to avoid the pitfalls of
integration. If the integration initiative seems to be
unfeasible, the initiative should be abandoned. This
means that the Integration Evaluation may also lead
to a disqualification of an integration initiative.
Already 15 years ago, it has been suggested that that
attempts to manage the arrays of enterprise
information systems or infrastructures is not often
successful because of constant surprises and side
effects that cause the infrastructure to drift (Ciborra
2001). We state that understanding better the
integration process can partly reduce the drift and
undesired side effects. The integration process
described in this paper complements the Enterprise
Integration Method (EIM) proposed by (Lam and
Shankararaman 2004). The EIM process starts from
the assumption that a business case has been already
accepted by the top management. We state that the
evaluation of feasibility of integration initiatives is
also a critical part in the process. Even when there is
a business justification for the project, the array of
systems can evolve in an undesired direction as it
happened in YCorp. The main difference between our
process and EIM is the separation of governance and
housekeeping processes from the integration
realization process. EIM mostly focuses on the latter,
describing in more detail how integration is carried
out on the technical level. Unlike EIM, our process
takes a long-term view on integration and emphasizes
the continuous management of the systems landscape.
Our study has its limitations. The current process
stays at a very high level without describing detailed
roles, activities involved or steps to carry out the sub-
processes. This will be our task in the future, as we
intent to refine the integration process in other
contexts. As integration is a collaborative effort
conducted with different organizations and multiple
actors, different roles need to be included when
refining the process. Our current dataset is limited in
this sense, focusing only on the client organization on
the second interview round when dealing with
integration and enterprise architecture issues. The
future research could also take an action design
research approach in which the process is refined with
cooperation with the companies
In the future, we will refine the process further.
The detailed identification of actors, activities and
assets of the processes by utilizing other case
networks of organizations is our intention. In
addition, it is interesting to see how the decisions to
establish projects are made – are they triggered by
strategic, business or technical needs. Similarly,
investigating how coordination of the sub-processes
(governance, realization and housekeeping) in the
evaluation phase is worth of more thorough research.
Furthermore, it is necessary to investigate, how
different processes are executed after the
requirements are derived and how the processes
interrelate during development. Our model is generic,
but helps practitioners when tackling with integration
issues in organizations, especially in complex
environments. The integration process described in
this paper will help managers to re-engineer their
current processes.
Integration is a crucial activity as the enterprise
systems built in different times for different purposes
are taken beyond their originally intended usage
scenarios. Additionally, new service innovations
need to be constantly created by integrating the
resources provided by the existing landscape of
information systems in the company. This study took
Outlining a Process to Manage the Complexity of Enterprise Systems Integration
a Grounded Theory approach to construct a process
to manage the complexity of enterprise systems
integration. The process was constructed by analysing
the data collected from a large manufacturing
enterprise. The process links together the four aspects
(sub-processes) of integration. Dedicated actors need
to take responsibility of governance, realization and
housekeeping, while evaluation requires
collaboration between all the actors of each sub-
process. Integration Governance aims at maintaining
and updating the high-level strategy that exposes the
integration needs of the organization. Integration
Realization is a collaborative process, during which
the needs are realized to the landscape of information
systems as features. During Integration
Housekeeping, the ERP System Landscape is
standardized and maintained technically. In addition,
a detailed architectural description is formed to
facilitate the integration efforts. Integration
Evaluation needs inputs from both governance and
housekeeping processes to properly identify the
integration needs and requirements. The integration
process described in this paper can be used by
practitioners to align their operations and to avoid
pitfalls in enterprise systems integration.
This research is funded by Academy of Finland Grant
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