a Grounded Theory approach to construct a process
to manage the complexity of enterprise systems
integration. The process was constructed by analysing
the data collected from a large manufacturing
enterprise. The process links together the four aspects
(sub-processes) of integration. Dedicated actors need
to take responsibility of governance, realization and
housekeeping, while evaluation requires
collaboration between all the actors of each sub-
process. Integration Governance aims at maintaining
and updating the high-level strategy that exposes the
integration needs of the organization. Integration
Realization is a collaborative process, during which
the needs are realized to the landscape of information
systems as features. During Integration
Housekeeping, the ERP System Landscape is
standardized and maintained technically. In addition,
a detailed architectural description is formed to
facilitate the integration efforts. Integration
Evaluation needs inputs from both governance and
housekeeping processes to properly identify the
integration needs and requirements. The integration
process described in this paper can be used by
practitioners to align their operations and to avoid
pitfalls in enterprise systems integration.
This research is funded by Academy of Finland Grant
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